I‘m a nineteen year old red headed female with a problem that developed when I got my first period, I started getting very horny three days before my period and the older I got, the more hornier I was getting. I managed to make it through high school without anyone finding out, but like I said, it got progressively harder to keep it under control and now at nineteen, a touch on my arm will set my pussy off. I started using a banana and cucumber on my pussy since I was about fourteen and now have a few dildos I use regularly that time of month and now it doesn’t matter who touched me, man or women, my pussy bursts into flames and I find a bathroom or secluded place and finger fuck myself until I have a few orgasms to relieve the pressure. What I have learned is to mostly avoid human contact during that time, especially now as I have noticed the advance notice I get that my period is coming is getting shorter between the time I get the notice until I’m so horny, I would fuck anything that moved just about. When it first started, I was getting an ache in my pussy about a day and a half before I got horny, but lately it is now down to around two or three hours notice before my body goes nuts. Just so you know, I start out with a bit of an ache in my pussy and it works up to where all I need is the touch of a human to set my pussy off and get my cunt soaking wet and at that point I would fuck anyone to make my pussy happy.
Our next door neighbor moved in about a year or so ago and we have gotten very friendly, even though she is a married, very sexy twenty four year old, and is very touchy feely, which I don’t mind at all, but I just make sure during my time, I stay away from her. She does some rather bizarre things I guess you could say, for a married woman, she grabs my ass very now and then with both hands and squeezes it while telling me she bets I have a very kissable ass, then laughs. She also feels me up once in a while, rubs my belly and once gave me a hickey on my belly but always laughing while she does these things to me and I know that if I got near her while I am in heat, I would try and rape her or something when she touched me. Well it is almost time for my visitor and I haven’t felt anything in my pussy yet so when Toni called me to come over and help her with a project she was doing, I figured I was okay for at least a few more hours and went over to her house. Now I never wear a bra or panties when I go to Toni’s because I never know when she will feel me up and I really like when she does it, especially when she puts her hands under my top and holds my tits, but I always act embarrassed as I don’t want her to think I am gay or a pervert. So I changed to a cut off top and took my panties off because I always think that she is going to touch my pussy and today might be the day, put my shorts back on and flew over there.
Toni was hanging new drapes and needed my help, so she put me to work as soon as I walked in and we were on the last drape when that feeling hit my pussy and I was standing, holding the drape in the air with my arms outstretched over my head and Toni said, “Oh look hon, I can see the bottom of your tits” and came over to me from behind and slid her hands up my belly to my tits. My cunt almost exploded at her touch, my nipples got hard as two little rocks, I think I moaned as Toni took hold of my nipples and rolled them around between her fingers, at the same time kissing my neck and my knees buckled a bit. Toni said in a horse whisper, “Oh, so you like this my little cunt, I was giving up hope for you, but now your tits tell me you want more” and took one hand and grabbed my pussy. I was frozen and all I could do was say, “Oh god, oh god” as her hand was stoking the fire in my pussy. She then put her tongue in my ear, bit my ear lobe and said, “You want me to fuck you don’t you my sweet little cunt, it’s about time you gave me your sweet cunt bitch, I’ve been waiting over a year to fuck you my sweet, now take your shorts off.” I was totally hers now; my pussy needed relief so fucking bad, I would do anything to get that relief, so I undid my shorts and pushed them down to my ankles, praying Toni was going to continue playing with my pussy and after she made me step out of my shorts she didn’t disappoint me, she put her hand between my legs and pushed her finger into the inferno that was my pussy.
I laid my head back on her shoulder as she finger fucked my very needy cunt and
she kissed me, sending an electric charge through my body and making me moan
loud enough to be heard outside and I was so fucking hot I thought I was going
to catch on fire. Toni took her tongue out of my mouth and told me to take my
top off as she wanted her hot little cunt to be naked for her, so I took my top
off and my cunt exploded when Toni told me how beautiful me and my tits are. I
came like a fire hydrant being turned on, my cum was pouring out of my pussy,
running down my legs and making a puddle on the rug as I was holding onto Toni
to keep from collapsing onto the floor. She kissed me again, I moaned and she
told me that she was taking me to her bed so she could fuck me until I couldn’t
walk, but first I had to pose for her and she put me in all these poses, showing
off my cunt , ass and tits, driving me insane with lust. Finally she saw enough
of me and led me upstairs to her bed, touching my tits and pussy the whole time
and stopping once for her to suck on my tit. By the time we got to the bed, I
was begging her to fuck me anywhere, on the floor, the steps; it just didn’t
matter as long as she fucked me. She laid me on the bed, got a strap-on out of a
drawer, got between my legs, put a finger in my cunt and held the strap-on to my
face and asked if I wanted her to fuck me with it. Of course all this made me
insane with desire and I was now begging her to fuck me with her cock.
She asked what I would do for her to get her to fuck me with the strap-on and I told her I would do anything she wanted, she told me I had to eat her pussy and without even thinking about it, I begged her to let me eat her cunt. She got on top so she was facing my pussy, bent over, put her hand on my cunt and told me to make her cum, so I grabbed her hot ass and started licking, sucking and tongue fucking her hot cunt like a crazy woman, wanting her to cum so she would fuck me. After a few minutes she was moaning, “Oh baby you going to make me cum baby” then she said, “I’m cumming baby, I’m fucking cumming” and I knew what she wanted so I fastened my mouth to her sweet cunt and let her fill my mouth with her hot, tasty nectar and swallowed every drop of her cunt juice. She now had my head clamped between her legs and was hollering, “More bitch, make me cum some more” and I was enjoying making her cum, so I went back to eating her hot cunt with a vengeance and made her cum for me twice more. I was lying there waiting for her to recover going crazy, my pussy was so fucking hot I thought I was going to explode and then after a few minutes, she got off me and asked me if I was ready to get the fucking of my life. I spread my legs as wide as I could and said, “Oh yes Toni, fuck me Toni, please fuck me Toni, fuck me and I’ll always be your bitch, please fuck me” and Toni now was wearing the strap-on, got between my legs and in one motion, drove her cock home.
I screamed it was so fucking good in my pussy, her cock totally filled my cunt and I was screaming, “Oh god, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me” and Toni asked me whose whore I was now and I told her I was her whore now, which prompted her to tell me to say I was her cunt lapping fucking whore now. As I was saying what Toni wanted to hear, I came again, so hard I was speechless for a minute and Toni just kept pounding my pussy so good I was almost delirious, while she was making me tell her that I was her whore and would eat her pussy whenever she wanted me to. After I came a few times, Toni made me suck her cock clean, then told me to show her how submissive a cunt I am by getting on my hands and knees at the edge of the bed and beg her to fuck my pussy. I did as she said, begging and meaning it, she was now standing on the floor, slipped her cock into my pussy and told me to fuck her cock, so I began rocking back and forth, fucking her cock, while she told me what a little whore I am, that I was born to be her fucking cunt lapping bitch and telling me what a hot piece of ass I am, all of which just made the cum keep pouring out of me. The she made me stay still so she could pound my ass and she pounded my ass while slapping it and when she finished using my pussy, my ass was a bright red with marks on it from the strap on belt, but it was the happiest ass in the world. I have no idea how many times Toni made me cum, but I do know there wasn’t a drop of cum left in my pussy when she was finished with it.
She pushed me onto my back then, laid between my legs on top of me and kissed me while she made me tell her about my little problem and when she told me that she was going to take care of my problem from now on, I wrapped my legs around her and kissed her with all the passion I could muster. I told her that I didn’t realize she was trying to seduce me all this time and I just thought she was a touchy-feely person, but that I did like when she fondled my tits and ass but I didn’t want her to think I was gay or something. She told me she never thought I was gay or something but that she did think I was one hot little cunt and was most likely Bi like her and she was right as I really did like eating her pussy and making her cum in my mouth. We still had to finish hanging the last drape, so we went back downstairs, only naked this time, which I found erotic as all hell and looking at Toni moving around naked, my pussy went back to flood stage. We finished hanging the drape and I put my arms around Toni and kissed her first this time, pressing my hot cunt into her leg, then I kissed my way down to her tits, took a nipple in my mouth and found out I loved sucking her tits. I then worked my way down to her hot cunt, was on my knees to her sweet pussy, took hold of her hot ass and buried my face in her hot, wet pussy, eating her cunt on instinct as I tried to give her the best cunt lapping she ever had. She was moaning and mumbling what a hot little cunt I am, music to my ears and then she kind of stiffened up, saying, “Oh you little fucking whore, you’re going to make me cum bitch, oh yes, eat me you fucking cunt lapper, fucking eat me” and she filled my waiting mouth with her hot cunt juice and I wanted more.
I was on fire for her cum, it was like a drug for me in the state I was in and when Toni collapsed onto the floor, my mouth never left her pussy as I made her cum so many times, I drained her sweet cunt dry. When she finally grabbed my head with both hands and said, “No more baby, no more, you’re going to kill me with that mouth, my cunt can’t take anymore,” I stopped and this time I got on top of her and asked her if she really liked what I did to her sweet pussy. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, squeezing me so it felt so good and told me that I was the best cunt lapper she ever had eat her pussy and that no one had ever done it like that before and maybe she should get a divorce and marry me. I was of course elated that Toni thought I was the best cunt lapper ever and I knew I was going to be spending a considerable amount of time between her beautiful legs.
A description of my sensations while I perform oral sex on my lover... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting