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Tom & Leah and Clarence & Octavia Part 5 reviews

Posted by Avhijane
with her mouth she would never take him back, the only reason they are not thoetger is because he didn't marry her. I would love it if Mike drops Rachel off and doubles back to wait for Leah to leave so that he could talk to Eva. As far as Leah, I do believe she self-sabotaged her life. There are times when we make decisions that work for us in that moment not considering the effects that it has on our life down the road. Some times those decisions cause us to self-sabotage our life. Self-sabotage happens to the best of us. However, if there is a trend of self-sabotage, then there may be a deeper issue that needs to be addressed. My question is this an isolated incident or does Leah have a deeper issue that is causing her to self-sabotage that she needs to address?
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