Home : Group Sex Stories : total 10 reviews.

Tom & Leah and Clarence & Octavia Part 3 reviews

Posted by Monkey
Glad I've finally found soemthing I agree with!
Posted by Digger
I'm quite pleased with the ifonrmation in this one. TY!
Posted by Algha
What is the best/most helpful prenagncy book you've read?Just want to be more informed on the subject, and want something that isn't so much like a textbook.I just bought Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy on eBay heard that was really funny. I've picked up a copy of What to Expect When Expecting, but it seems rather textbook-like is it still helpful and a good read?What other books would you suggest?
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In our previous story we met Michelle and her school friends during a sex filled Biology Class. We also heard how she had sex with her teachers and masturbated with her best friend. In this story we join Michelle on the last school day of the week...