The unexplainable investigation - Part 1
It didn't take long to drive over to the apartment building. It was a four story brick building. Looks like it had been built in the forties. Nice and clean but old. We were inside and at the door in a few minutes. The apartment was on the third floor, rear. Each floor had four apartments with the stairwell in the front, center. And an elevator in the back, center. Elevators are nice, when they work and this one looks as if it hasn't worked in years so the suspect had to use the open stairwell. Maybe someone had seen him? Worth checking before we leave I thought. "This is the place" Linda offered. She knocked before I said anything.
A woman's voice came from behind the door "Who is it" she asked. "Detectives Parrish and Boggs" Linda offered. We then heard all the locks on the door being undone. The door openned a little "let me see your badges" the voice asked. I handed her my badge case with my badge and ID card in it. "Always ask for their badge and ID ma'am" I said "Anybody can get a badge now days." The voice said "yes sir" as the door's night chain was undone and the door opened. There stood a young woman in her early twenties with real short blond hair, blue eyes, big damn tits in a tight tee shirt and blue jeans. She was about 5'-2" tall and maybe she weighted 110 pounds. Her eyes were red from crying and her hands shook. "Come in" she offered.
The entry was just a long hall leading to the livingroom in the back of the apartment. The kitchen was off the livingroom and the one bedroom and bathroom were off the hall I observed as we walked down the hall. Real simple and neat. Furniture was old and mismatched. But it smelled clean and looked neat. She was just getting started in life and the furniture was probably stuff that was given to her by family and frieds. "Please sit down" she offered. We did and as we did I cleared my throat. "We want to talk to you about the assault. I read the responding officers report and I just had some questions that I need to clear up" I stated calmly. "Okay, I will try" she offered. "Now you are Terry Welsh, the victim" I asked. She just nodded her head yes. "Now I want you to take your time but I need you to tell me what happened" I asked.
"Okay, I will try" she offered "I had just gotten home from work. I came in like always and I turned on my stereo. I had locked the door like always and I went into my bedroom to change clothes. My cellphone was broken and I didn't know that my daddy was in the hospital. I had just changed and I was in the kitchen when I heard a noise so I came into the livingroom and my daddy was standing in the hall. I was surprised because I thought I had locked all the locks on the door so he could not have gotten in. Anyway, I said hi and I went over an hugged him like always. He did not say anything he just hugged me back and smiled. Then he took my hand, by my wrist, and lead me over to the couch." She started to cry again.
I handed her the box of tissue sitting on the coffee table. She took one and continued "He pushed me down on the couch. I knew something was just not right because daddy never pushed me around before. I asked him what was wrong and he said nothing, he just smiled at me. Then he grabbed my by my hair" she exclaimed as I looked at her short hair. Before I could say anything she added "I cut it all off this morning!" She then continued "He held my head by my hair. He then undid his pants and pulled out his penis. I have never seen my daddy's penis before and I yelled at him. He then just pulled my head toward his penis as he shoved his penis toward my head. I was yelling at him but he just shoved his thing in my mouth! It became so long and hard and he shoved it back into my throat until I gagged! I was crying now and just kept doing it! I finally threw up on him! And he pulled back! Now I could see that it was at least a foot long and big around. He had my hair so tight that I could not get up or get away, I tried! Really" she said as she started to sob more.
We waited for her to continue. I did not want her to feel pressured by us so I said nothing. Then she composed herself again and continued. "He then pulled me up off the couch by my hair. I swear I did not know he was so strong, my feet did not touch the floor. He threw me against the couch and knocked the breath out of me. He then ripped all my clothes off me like they were nothing. Then he pushed me over the back of the couch. My head was on the seat and my legs were over the back with my feet towards the floor. He then got behind me and I could feel his penis being shoved in my vagina. It was so big and it hurt so bad but no matter what I said or did he would not stop! He just kept going and going then he suddenly took it out and he came around the front and grabbed my head and shoved it back into my mouth. He was holding my head up as he fucked my face and he was shoving it all the way down my throat. I could not breath and I could not throw up. It was like he was down my throat! Then I felt him cumming in my throat! It was so horrible! Then he stopped again and pulled it out. I puked on the floor! I lost sight of where he was when I was getting sick. Then I realized that he was behind me again and he was shoving it in my rectum!" Now she was crying uncontrollably so I left the room for a few minutes. Linda stayed with her to comfort her.
I walked down the hall and I observed that she had four deadbolt locks on the door and two night chains as well as a regular door lock. So two of the deadbolts were not key activated. If the door was locked, like she said, then a key would not give anyone access. I then noticed that the bedroom was down the hall just past the bedroom. The suspect did not try to take her there he took her where he found her, why? Finally, I heard Linda call me so I went back into the livingroom. Terry looked at me and said "I am sorry, I never cry and now I am acting like a big baby." I shook my head no and said "You are not a big baby ma'am you went through a horrible thing. We completely understand, really" I offered. "If you think you can go on we will if not, its okay" I said. "No, I want you to catch this creep" she said "Like I said he was behind me again had he had shoved it into my rectum. He then grabbed my hips and he was just fucking me like I was some kind of rag doll. He was pounding against me and it was as far inside me as it could go. I just kept crying! Finally I felt something in my stomach, he was cumming again inside me! He then pulled it out and he threw me down onto the couch. He then pulled up his clothes and he walked out."
"Did he unlock the door" I asked. "Did he unlock..." she hesitated. "You know what, I did not think of that! I unlocked the door when I ran out to get help. I had to go downstairs to the first floor before I found anyone home. But I did have to unlock the door" she said in disbelief. "But how could he" she started to say when I interrupted her "He had another way in. I just have not figured it out yet" I said. I then wrapped up the interview asking about how her dad was and if she was okay enough for us to leave. She said he was doing better but she had not told him about the attack. She was fine really and her sister was coming into town to stay with her for awhile.
Linda and I got back to the car without talking. Then she looked at me and said
"this is nuts Duke! Door is locked from the inside, man looks like her dad and
does all that too her?" I nodded and said "It does not make sense because we do
not see all the parts yet. But I am seeing a pattern beginning to develop." We
rode back to the Bureau making small talk. Then I said "look if something
happens and we get seperated or if I appear somewhere you ask me what my
nickname is." "Do what" she asked in disbelief. "You ask me what my nickname is
and if I do not say 'StrongBear' you get the hell out of there or you shoot me,
understand" I said "and that is an order." She looked at me then just said
"Okay, your the boss!"
Back at the Bureau I read over my notes and the files from the first case and my case. Comparing notes and trying to clear out some of the questions. While I was deep in thought Linda threw a paperclip at me. "Hey, you are so deep in thought you can't hear! Front desk is sending up an EMT named Rich Walters and his girlfriend Maryann Dodson" she said. The third victim and her boyfriend. In a few minutes I saw them coming around the stairs. He was around twenty-eight, good shape, tall, around 6'-2 or so. He was light tanned and his brownish blond hair was neatly cut. He was wearing his uniform and it was tailored to him. The woman with him was about his same age. She was slightly over weight and had long brown hair. She was around 5'-6" or so. Nice face and sparkling brown eyes. I stood up to speak when Linda blurted out "Hi I am Detective Boggs and this is Detective Parrish." We shook hands with them both then I looked at Linda and said "Could I handle this one or do you want too ma'am." Linda looked down and said "Excuse me, please go ahead."
I took them into the suspect interview room. It was stark and bare with just a gray metail table and four gray metal chairs. I turned on the hidden camera I think more out of habit than anything else. I had them sit down across for me and Linda. "Look I know this is difficult and details help but I want to spare you if I can so I will ask you specific questions if you don't mind" I said. Maryann just nodded her head yes. "Where were you when the attacked occurred" I asked. "I was in the kitchen of our house" she said. "Were the doors locked" I asked. "I am not sure really, I don't know" she responded. "When did you realize that he was not really your boyfriend" I asked. Her face darkened and she began to cry "When he became rough, right from the beginning" she said. "He didn't really speak he just grabbed me from behind and tore off my clothes" she said between sobs. "He was so strong and he had his hand over my mouth so I could not yell" she said "then he slammed me down onto the island and he just went after me like I was nothing."
Again I let the victim set the pace of the conversation. Then Rich spoke, "I never get physical with Maryann, you know I never hurt her like that, never." I nodded and looked at Maryann. "Did he do things that Rich never does with you" I asked. She stopped and thought and then said "No, we do all that stuff anyway, we have a great sex life. It is just that this guy had a bigger, you know, than any man I have ever seen, it has huge! And he seemed to be stronger than he looked. He also kept going and going like he could not get enough of whatever he was doing." Then I looked at her and said "Now I want you to think carefully before you answer. Did he say anything or do anything that stands out in your mind now?" She thought for a moment and said "You know he did. He did not speak he only made grunting sounds mainly and maybe basic words, you know, don't yell, stop, stuff like that. He also kept an erection for a long, long time. Even after he climaxed his dick stayed hard and he climaxed several times in a row too."
"One last question and then you can both go" I said "what were you doing before the attack occurred?" She looked at me and said "I was going to cook my dinner but I was just thinking about Rich and how much I missed him when he was away." I thanked them for coming down and they left. Linda then looked at me and said "You are forming a theory about this case and these rapes." I nodded no and then I looked at her and said "The pieces do not fit yet but I am starting to see a pattern." I need to talk to the third victim now.
I let Linda drive over while I read the report. Then I reckonzied the address, it was a convent. The third victim was a num! The Sisters of Mercy have a convent on Madison near DePaul Hospital, where they all serve. Again, it was only a few minutes and we were there. The convent was a more modern building that looked like a dorm more than a convent. We rang the bell and waited until an elderly woman came to the door. We introduced ourselves and she said that she was Sister Clare and that she would take us to Mother Superior. We followed down a long plain hallway with highly polished floors to the first door on the left. It was a nice office and behind the big cherry desk sat a sweet looking grandmother type. "Hello, I am Mother Superior and you must be Detective Parrish and this lovely lady must be Detective Boggs" she offered.
"Yes ma'am" I said "And sadly I am here to investigate the assault that happened to one or your sisters." "Yes, we have been expecting someone to come. Sister Catherine is in her cell" she offered. The Linda said "Cell, what she doing in a cell?" I then laughed and said "in some orders they call their rooms cells. They are not the kind of cells that you and I are use too." Mother Superior then laughed too! "Heavens no, they are just want we call our bedrooms" she explained. "Mother Superior I did not realize it was a num who had been assaulted" I said. "The report said she had been assaulted at the homeless shelter so I just thought it was a volunteer or something" I continued. Then I heard footsteps approaching and I got ready to stand up as another woman entered the office.
Mother Superior then said "We work at the hospital mainly but several of the sisters work at the homeless shelter as well. We serve where ever we may be needed." Then a woman walked into the room and I stood. Mother Superior spoke "This is Sister Catherine. Sister this man is Detective Parrish and this is Detective Boggs. They want to ask you some questions, but first I must advise you detectives that you cannot speak with her without another num being present." "Yes ma'am, no problem I offered. I then turned to Sister Catherine. She was a Hispanic woman in her late thirties. She was not very tall but she was slim. I was surprised to see that she was wearing a habit. "I read the report and the officer did give me good details so I just have a few questions" I said. Sister Catherine nodded okay. "The report stays that you thought it was the director, why" I asked. "He looked like Mr. Blake at first" she said "then when he grabbed me and threw me onto the alter I knew that it was not. Mr. Blake has an old injury and he cannot lift anything past his mid chest. This man lifted me almost above his head." "Were you wearing your habit then too" I asked. Mother Superior spoke then "No, we do not wear our habit normally. Sister is wearing hers now while she is in reflection." "Reflection" I asked. "Yes, I am reflecting on the incident and trying to work though my anger and pain" Sister Catherine offered.
"Sister, I know this may be difficult but I need to know was there anything that stood out in your mind about this man, anything at all" I asked. "Yes, he was very strong and he seemed very excited. He knew what he wanted to do to me and he was not going to stop until he was finished" she said "He could have ripped my clothes off but he didn't. He seemed to want to undress me, like he wanted to slowly see what I looked like. He then touched me like a child would touch something new. He probed me and he licked me like he was tasting me. Very strange acting." "Anything else you remember, sister" I asked. She looked at me and said "I have three brothers and I have worked in a hospital for years as a nurse, I know what men look like. This man had an enormus penis! It was over twelve inches long" she looked down. "He could not get satisfied, he did everything he wanted to me and he could not get satisfied. It was not sex he was after, it was lust."
Mother Superior then spoke "We were told that the doors to the chapel were all locked from the inside. It was not any of the men in the shelter either. I think it was evil in the flesh!" I saw no purpose to continue the questioning so I ended the meeting and Linda and I headed back to the Bureau.
Our ladies find themselves getting further in trouble... |
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