The private Tutor

(Part 2 from 3)

I did not admit to her that it was the best the I had slept as well for some time. I let my arms fall to my side, releasing her from my embrace. “I wouldn't want the girls to see us like this." I mumbled.

“Why not? "Tony?" she said, her face suddenly looking troubled.

"Are you okay? You're not... mad at me, are you?"

"No," I told her, shaking my head. "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself for apparently seducing you."

"You don't have to be upset," she told me. "What we did was quite natural between two consenting adults, and I did get you a little tipsy first to make you relax, because you seem so down, and then somehow one thing led to another, and anyway I am not complaining. Do you remember that ride home in the car, I was not asleep all the time. I was hoping that given the opportunity you would make a move on me, but you didn’t, and so I decided that it was up to me to take the initiative. You are the first man that I have slept with for three years since the death of my husband. I am sorry, but I suddenly felt myself attracted to you, and I decided I wanted you. So I admit that I am guilty of deliberately seducing you.”

I groaned as my memory came flooding back, and little snippets of memory started to make themselves known, the fact that I had drunk much more than I was used to had obviously had an effect.. I was not normally a heavy drinker, but I concluded that the events of the previous weeks, and the delight in getting a job had made me relax.. With my returning memory came the inevitable hangover.

Just then two semi naked blonde bundles of female energy still dressed in their nightdresses bounced into the bedroom and climbed on top of us. The girls were a pair of the cutest, hottest little blondes I had ever seen. Lady Amersham introduced me to the girls. For me it was a strange introduction, with me lying in bed naked with their older sister..

My eyes moved from one to the other, they were almost identical blondes, petite, but with ripe, round boobs pushing out the fronts of their night dresses Their faces were so alike I couldn't decide which was the cuter.

If these were the girls I had been engaged to teach, then I knew I was in for a packet of trouble unless I kept on top line. I had not met the girls the night before as they had allegedly been in bed when we had arrived, but I recollected that I had seen photographs of them. I looked at Lady Anne, just wondering what her reaction would be.

Lady Anne was looking at me, her face full of curiosity as she watched my reaction to the girls.
“Yes Tony what I forgot to tell you and I suppose I have shown you, is that I can be as big a slut, as the girls pretend to be. Do you think that you can cope with all three of us” As she spoke her hand was beginning to tell me that she was feeling amorous again.

Then lady Anne said “Back to bed girls you will meet Tony later.” To my surprise the girls did as Anne told them, without demur, and disappeared, presumably back to their own beds. Blowing me a kiss as they departed.

I was not a fool I had enough sense to realise that she was the boss and as lady Anne’s hand was wreaking havoc with my self control once again, so I turned and took her in my arms. I looked down at lady Anne, her eyes had a determined look in them as she gazed up at me in their passion. She was pinching and squeezing her swollen nipples. Her tongue licked her lips and I guessed that she was nearing the point where I must satisfy her or face the consequences. The look of unbridled lust in her eyes, was almost frightening in its intensity. “Tony dear you should be looking after my nipples, not leaving them to me.“

After what seemed like a long moment of silence broken only by the sounds of heavy breathing, Lady Anne looked down at me. She smiled and leaned forward and kissed me passionately on the lips. I concentrated on making love to this lovely woman.

It was about two hours later that we surfaced and Anne sat up in bed and looked down at me with a wry sort of smile on her face. Tony I have not been strictly honest with you. “I told you that my girls were a bit of a handful, but darling so am I, given half a chance.”

Chapter 2 Next

Chapter 2
Back in Harness

I was rather confused as I dressed and went downstairs for breakfast that morning. Fortunately the rain had cleared, and the wind had dropped and the sun was making a watery appearance through a few wispy clouds. There was a sort of atmosphere of excitement at the breakfast table and I felt that was the cause of it. The girls wanted to get at me, and Anne I guessed, was not entirely sure of my reactions after her clever seduction of the night before.

Eventually Lady Anne said . “How do you want to play things this morning Tony?”

I said. “I really need to spend some time with the girls as I need to know how far they have progressed educationally, and I need to get to know them personally before we start work properly.”

Anne said “I know why don’t you girls take Tony for a tour of the estate buildings and you can get to know each other, and talk about your schoolwork as you walk around.”
After breakfast the girls and I set off round the estate buildings. They were perfectly well behaved in every way, and we chatted quite harmlessly, eventually we got to the stables. The girls were very surprised that I could not ride a horse. I told them my only experience on a horse was on my rocking horse as a child, not surprisingly they collapsed with mirth. Having got them in a good mood, I collapsed on a pile of hay and said. “Right girls give me the story, I can tell you are not the wretched creatures that your sister implies that you are - so what gives?”

There was a sudden silence then Sue the eldest spoke first. “I know this is your first day here but Lady Anne is, as you have been told she is our older sister. She married our stepfather, who was twenty years older than she was, after we were orphaned. He was a nice man, and they both looked after us, and we had a very happy family. Then he fell off his horse at the local hunt and died. He left Anne with a title and the estate and of course us. When we were away at school we knew she was lonely, because Anne is the type of woman who desperately needs to have a man in her life. She wouldn’t let us leave school and come home and go to a local school here so we could be with her and help her, so the only thing we could do was to get ourselves expelled. It wasn’t easy but we managed it.”

“What is this about your seducing one of the teachers? “ I asked.

“Sue carried on “No we didn’t seduce him, but there was a girl there who was a bit of a snitch, so we let her overhear us making an alleged plot where we were going to get the games master drunk, and then seduce him. The silly headmistress was fed up with our pranks and was glad to be rid of us by then, so that was the excuse she used. She never actually accused us of anything, but she claimed that we were a disruptive influence, and she told us that we had been overheard making the plot.”

“Well then how about these two women tutors your sister got for you?” I asked.

“Oh they were just plain bloody awful, and that was not such a hard job getting rid of either of them. They were like a pair of frightened rabbits. We pretended we were lesbians and were going to get them involved in our orgies of sex. They could not get away fast enough.”

“Well then the third and final question. How are you going to get rid of me?” I asked.

Tracy spoke and said.” That is up to you , but at the minute we have every reason to make you stay. You obviously hit it off with Anne last night, and she looked happier this morning than I have ever seen her for a long time.”

Sue said. “Do you think we ought to warn him about Lady Rose?”

“Who is lady Rose? I asked.

“Well she is Anne’s Mother- in -law. The mother of our late step father, or perhaps she is our step grandmother would be a more accurate description.. She is a real snob and a stickler for doing things properly and she can be a real pain in the ass. You will have to watch her.”

Eventually we got round to discussing the girls education, and I was quite pleasantly surprised. They seemed to have a very good grounding in most subjects, and I began to see that these two young girls were quite intelligent, and despite all their antics at boarding school, they had not neglected their studies.

We were back at the house for lunch, and as we sat down Lady Anne tried to introduce me to the older lady that had just entered . She was quite tall and quite good looking for someone I assumed was in their mid-fifties. The introduction was interrupted by the lady looking at me, when I went to shake hands, she totally ignored me and said quite abruptly to Lady Anne.

“You must be crazy introducing a rapist to teach the girls. If you really must employ that creature. Let him eat with the house staff ”
I could not let that pass and I stood up and spoke to lady Rose.
“ I suggest that you are very very careful about what you say. I have been cleared of any wrong doing by the police, and a statement to that effect has been published in the newspaper. The fact that the school made a ’cock up” of the suspension, and the Headmaster is now awaiting his fate is not my fault.”
She just looked at me made a sort of snorting noise as Lady Anne now white with rage looked at me and said quite distinctly.

“I must apologise for my mother in law she seems to have lost all sense of good manners.”

Then Sue spoke up ”If Tony has to eat with the hired help, then so will we, unless of course you wish to eat their yourself instead Lady Rose..”

Reluctantly the irate Lady Rose sat down and ate in silence, while the general discussion went on around her. Before the dessert course she stood up and asked to be excused, but Anne was not in any mood to let the matter drop. She stood up and looking Lady Rose in the eye she said.
“Mr. Tony Nash is here to act as tutor to the girls, he is also my guest. He has been cleared of the inane charge that was made against him. His only problem now is the way in which the whole affair has been so badly handled by his Headmaster. On the other hand, you are here on sufferance. You constantly interfere with the catering, and the housekeeping, in every possible way. I think it is about time we discussed whether you should be living under this roof or moving out to your own accommodation in the near future. As far as I am concerned after your behaviour today the sooner you move the better.“

Lady Rose was livid with rage, and standing up she swept from the room. I noticed that the elderly maid who had been serving lunch had heard everything, and I did not doubt that the story would be all round the house before long.

I asked the girls to go to the schoolroom after lunch while I spoke to Lady Anne. I was obviously a little embarrassed at the lunch time scene and I asked Anne.
“Would you like me to leave I don’t want to be the cause of a family rift?”
I asked. Anne looked at me and said.
“I will personally kill you myself if you even consider such a thing. This has been coming to a head for some time, and it is about time that I took control of the situation.”

I had a lovely en suite room allocated to me close to both Lady Anne and the girls. The first evening after my arrival I was busy preparing my lessons for the girls when the girls drifted in, closely followed by Lady Anne. They sat down and the maid brought in four glasses, and two bottles of white wine and Lady Anne grinned when she noticed my look of anxiety.

I had no qualms at sleeping with Lady Anne, but this time I wanted to be stone cold sober . I knew that I did not have to be drunk to make love to this lovely lady. But Lady Anne just grinned and said quietly “Evenings are the time to relax Tony”

At about 8.00 pm the girls were sent off to their own room, they kissed lady Anne and gave me a broad grin as they retired.

Anne looked at me shyly and she said quietly “Tony I know my behaviour may seem absolutely sluttish to you, but up until last night I had not slept with another man since my husband died three years ago and that was a promise I made to his mother Lady Rose. Having your arm around me in the car last night, brought all my latent sexual needs to the fore. I really enjoyed last night, and I admit I want you again. I told you I am a slut at heart, but I am not wanting to force you into anything against your will.”

“You are no slut Anne - I have spoken to your sisters and I think that the promise that Lady Rose made you make was cruel. In a way I suppose it was understandable on her part and caused by her grief, but nevertheless it was still cruel.”

Lady Anne stood up and said “Thank you Tony and held out her hand as she led me to her bedroom.
I moved and sat alongside her and I told her. “ I know we are still almost strangers, but I enjoyed last night as well - what I remember of it anyway, but at the minute I am a poor unemployable teacher, and I do not want to create problems for either of us. I think that you are very loveable and I have come to enjoy everything about you in the short time I have been here. The girls have also been talking to me about their adorable older sister as well, and they are concerned about your happiness. They really love their big sister and worry about her.”

Lady Anne told me “Put your arm round me Tony please.” After we had settled she said. It not only sex
that I miss, but I miss having someone to escort me to outside events, to dances, or even to church on a Sunday - do you know what I mean?”

I looked down at her “I would love to be your escort if you will have me.”

She kissed me, but we agreed that this was not to become a habit and in the near future we should only make love occasionally until we were absolutely sure where our relationship was leading us.

Teaching the girls was fun and I enjoyed every minutes of my time that I was employed with them, and
I gradually got to know the staff at the house, and I saw very little of lady Rose as she was very much determined to impose her wishes on the house, she was determined to have her meals served in her rooms. Their was a Dower House on the estate which Lady Anne was having redecorated and made livable in again. However, when it was finished Lady Rose refused to move, Anne discussed it with me, and she gave lady Rose two weeks to move out, and then she told the staff that they were not to serve or provide any service whatsoever to Lady Roses existing quarters. Some of the staff sided with the old lady and disobeyed Lady Anne’s orders.

The stalemate lasted for a couple of weeks, and although Anne threatened the staff twice with dismissal if they did not obey her instructions. The stalemate continued. However, quite unwittingly I was instrumental in breaking the stalemate. A couple of weeks after I had arrived at Endelshome Park
I had struck up a friendship with Betty one of the maids. She normally made up my bed and room each morning and looked after my laundry.

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