The nights 2
Note : This story is completely fictional!
The nights second part but the third night of the mother and son read the odd classic write to me.
Next morning, it was Sunday and Mothers' Day. Kevin had arranged to have a huge bouquet of flowers delivered quite early, as a special surprise. When they arrived, he collected them at the door, took them through to the lounge and presented them, as he told her, "For the Best Mum in the World!"
"Oh Kevin!" she exclaimed. "They're gorgeous! Thank you so much!" She hurried to the kitchen for a vase of water and brought them back to sit on a table in the lounge. She gave him a big hug and a kiss, both of which lasted longer than would be expected for a mother and son, but their relationship was already changing and neither of them saw any wrong in it. "What a wonderful son you are," she told him, proudly.
"Only the best for my Mum," he replied, his eyes shining with his love for her. "Now, I'm going for a shower and a shave. Come up in a while and we'll see what we can do about that hair around you special place." Without waiting for any argument, he was gone.
He was shaving when he heard her knock on the door. "All right if I come in for a shower?" she asked.
"Of course," he called back, "you don't need to ask."
She walked in to find him at the washbasin, razor in hand, naked. "Oh!" she gasped at the unexpected sight. "You're in the nude!" mmmi am m! it!!.
Glancing round, he said, "Well? This is the bathroom – and we were both in the nude in bed last night. So what's the problem mom?"
"Well, none I suppose," she answered, slowly, "it just took me by surprise. Um, I..I ..need to have a pee – do you mind?"
"Of course not, we all do it."
She was learning that nothing seemed to faze her son, though she was still a little embarrassed. However, her need overcame that and she did what she had to; then she got into the shower, slipped on a shower-cap and had a good wash. When she had finished and pulled the curtain back, she was again surprised – Kevin was sitting on the edge of the bath, still unashamedly naked. "Why are you still in here?" she asked. I said we'd do something about that hair, didn't I?" he asked, point at her pussy. "Well, now is the perfect time, while it's still soft after your shower. Dry yourself and we'll attend to it." His tone was one of authority and she didn't even think to argue. He smiled as he watched her drying thoroughly. She may not have been beautiful in the world's estimation, but he was rapidly coming to truly appreciate the body of the lovely woman who was naked in front of him - his own dear mother!!.
Once she was dry, he said, "I figure it will be best if you sit just here on the bath, where I've warmed it up for you! Then let me do the necessary."
She did as he said, and watched in puzzled wonder as he removed her hair. First, he used his small, battery-powered hair clippers to trim it down to mere stubble. Then, with her own lady-razor, plenty of soapy water and lots of TLC he shaved off every remaining vestige of hair. She was left with her pussy bare for the first time since she entered puberty. Finally, he washed her with warm, clean water and gently toweled her dry.
"Let's sort a couple of names out, while we're here," he said. "What you have between your legs is actually fairly complex, but we'll simply call the part we're interested in your pussy - because it likes to be stroked! We hardly need mention your pee-hole or your anus, much less touch them. As for me," he added, taking his semi-stiff member in his hand, "I have only one thing to concern us. And my 'thing' as you called it is my penis, but I think we should use the most popular name for it, which is cock. OK?"
"Anything you say dear," she replied, "you seem to be the expert."
"So, then," he said, "why don't you give your pussy a stroke? I think you'll
like the feel of it now, Mum. It's nice and smooth, almost like a baby's
Tentatively, she did so, putting her right hand over it and touching it,
gingerly. "Ooo yes," she said, "you're right, it feels good; so very smooth,"
she said softly. She began to rub her fingers across her soft skin, delighting
at the new sensation. "You've done an excellent job here Kevin," she told him.
"And do you want to stroke it, too?"
"Oh yes, mother," he said, "I sure do!" He knelt before her and began to run his
hand gently over her newly shaved pussy. "Yes, indeed," he agreed, "so lovely -
soft and smooth" He let his fingers curl a little and slowly begin to explore
between her lips. She gave a gasp and almost protested, but held it back,
deciding to trust him until she knew what he was up to, this time.
Her outer lips were already virtually open to him, so he eased his middle finger through her inner lips to her warm vagina it is very wet with her love juices. As he began to move his finger around, stroking and exploring, she let out a low moan of contentment. No one had ever done this to her and, although she was still unsure about the rightness of what she was allowing her ver own son to do, it felt too good to complain or argue.
He put his thumb gently on her clit and, very slowly to rub it. She felt waves of inexplicable pleasure flow through her body. "Oh, Kevin!" she cried, softly, "what are you doing? Ooooooohhhhhh! MmmmmmiI cannnnnnnnntttttt’mmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!"
"This is called your clitoris, mother," he told her, "or clit for short. Some call it your love-button – and I think you can see why, can't you? Just touching it or rubbing it helps to get your body more ready for loving. Does it feel good?"
"Ooo," she moaned, "I've never known anything like it in my life! It's so, so very good."
As he continued to caress, her soft moans told him that she was enjoying his attention, so he knelt between her legs and kissed her already engorged lips. It felt so good that she relaxed and allowed her legs to get even wider apart for her own son. His hands slid down and caressed her inner thighs. At the same time, he went on kissing around her pussy lips. Then, he pushed his tongue very gently between them, getting just a hint of her inner warmth and wetness and sweet smell of his own mother’s forbidden place.
"Oh Kevin!" she exclaimed. "Should you be licking in there?"
"Absolutely!" he replied. "We've only just cleaned you, all round here – and it is so beautiful. You'd have a job to stop me from enjoying you like this and every way I can!"
"And – well – " she said, hesitantly, "do you mean that's - enjoyable?"
"I most certainly do!" he assured her. "You really are most lovely to look at, especially here, now that you're so clean and smooth. And I've only had a little taste, so far, but most ladies taste really wonderful when their pussies get wet."
"Are you sure?" she asked. "It seems so strange...."
"Trust me," he answered, and kissed her again, more firmly this time. He could sense her loosening up, so he pushed the tip of his tongue between her pussy lips. She tensed for a moment, then forced her body to relax, again. He licked all around her sweet love hole before sinking further inside her. He put his nose on her clit, rubbing it as his thumb had done.
She felt the beginnings of that strange warmth, again and this time she welcomed it, wanting more. The heat of her arousal seemed to be spreading through her body and she found herself with her hands on her breasts, rubbing her nipples, as the feeling seemed to overwhelm her. Then, it appeared to concentrate in the one area and she cried out, "Oh, I think I'm going to pee! I'm sorry, Kevin, but I can't hold it!"
He paused long enough to tell her, "It's all right, Mum – it isn't what you think. It's so close that it may feel like that, but actually, it's happening in here," he said, touching her pussy. "I'll explain it in a few minutes. Just let it happen – it's good and natural."
She really had no choice as her body was almost beyond her control. And, a few moments later, she let it flow. Kevin had his tongue back in place in time to catch the first of her pussy-juice the honey from a real lady it is her first time in her life never and ever she had this beautiful orgasm. He licked and sucked her nectar eagerly; intent on letting none of it escapes him! She looked at him but and could hardy believe what she was seeing, but her breathing was too labored for her to say anything for several moments.
"Whatever were you doing?" she demanded, at last.
He sat back on his heels and explained. "What you just did, mother dear, was to release a liquid intended to lubricate your pussy so that the man's cock can slide in easily. The slang term is 'cumming.' The point is, your 'cum' tastes so wonderful that any man who knows about it just loves to lick it up. And the expression for that whole thing – feeling you and licking you and getting you excited like that, and then drinking your cum – is cunnilingus. Most folk call it 'eating your pussy.' I'm sure it seems strange, but I think you enjoyed it, didn't you?"
She stopped and looked at him. His obvious sincerity stilled her concerns and she had to admit, "Well, yes it was rather good. No - it was very good! And yes, I did enjoy it!"
"This is when," he told her, "as a man with a woman, I would slide my cock into your pussy."
"And are you going to do that, now?" she asked, innocently.
"Not at the moment, we need to talk about it, first. Maybe tonight?"
"Oh, OK," she replied, "I'd better go and get us something to eat, then."
Over breakfast, they talked about the implications of their actions. All they
had done that far would have them thought of as perverse, at least. If they went
all the way, it would be incest and everyone – law, church, society – regarded
that as wicked, he told her If they do it never come back to their usual life
like a mother and son so they want to think and take a decision.
"And why is incest so bad?" she wanted to know before they begin the new relation.
"Well, as I understand it," he said, "people with close to the same blood-line may produce defective or deformed children. I've heard that pooh-poohed, recently, so I can't say for sure – but that's what most everyone believes. Naturally, it's a taboo subject because everyone thinks it's so wrong I think the science think only the deformed child’s birth bann." But I know it is not wrong because the bible said the truth The first parents of our Adam and Eve they had only two male children but the family wided in this world till in this time how? There is only one lady no one other than the Eve then only possibility the father and son use the same pussy for generate the whole world. Is it correct mom!? What I told is right it knows every one they gladly agree the forbidden thing.( if you think it is wrong it is forbidden)
"But I'm 52!" she exclaimed. "So there's no chance of me having any more babies, anyway. So, if we actually – you know – did it, it couldn't be that bad, could it?"
"It would be as good as we made it and as long as no-one found out, no harm would be done," he replied. "Does that mean you are ready for it? For sexual intercourse, the joining of a man and woman in an act of mutual love?" he asked.
"I'm sure that a couple of days ago, I'd had said you were mad to even suggest it," she answered, slowly. "But so much has happened in that short time that I'm surprising myself when I admit that yes, I'm ready to let you be my man – in every way."
He kissed her, a long, soft kiss then said, simply, "I love you mom."
That night the very special night, they decided to go to bed a little early as they had an adventure to embark upon. Kevin was excited at the prospect of bringing his mother into a full appreciation of physical love, while Janet felt almost like a young girl, again. It wasn't her first date, but it promised to be better than any 'date' she had ever been on.
He climbed the stairs ahead of her and at the top, waited for his mother. He took her hand and led her into their bedroom. Without a word, they undressed each other, carefully folding their clothes onto the nearby chairs. They looked at each other's bodies, unashamedly naked like two same aged couples. She reached out a hand and brushed it across his hairy chest. "My son you my loving son!," she said, proudly, "my handsome son."
With his cock rising in its own salute, he responded, "My Mum, the most beautiful mother in the whole world – bar none!"
They came together and kissed. It was a simple kiss, as they hugged tightly – a kiss that spoke more loudly and even more eloquently than mere words of their love.
They climbed into bed and he threw the quilt off the edge, ready to be picked up later, when it was needed. He pulled her close and they kissed again, and this time it was full of passion. She had a good idea where he intended to take her – and she was more than happy to follow his lead.
As they kissed, they ran their hands over as much of the other's body as they could reach. Then he lay her gently onto the bed and began to work his way down her body, caressing and kissing as he went. He thrilled at the softness of her neck and she moaned at the pleasure she was receiving. Down her chest to her full breasts, which she was beginning to believe might not be so ugly, after all. Kissing, squeezing, stroking – how he enjoyed her soft flesh. And those nipples, hardening as he sucked them into the perfect pinnacles to her hills of delight.
"You are absolutely gorgeous, my dear, dear mother," he told her, gazing up into her brown eyes.
As tears of joy formed there, she replied, "Thank you so much, my dear son. And thank you for making me feel so good. It's as if my body is truly alive for the first time in longer than I can remember. I do love you, Kevin."
He had to drag his eyes away from hers as he kissed across her belly, dipping his tongue into her navel. She giggled like a young girl. "Ooo, that tickles!"
He moved on, stroking and kissing her mons. He stroked her pussy, and then on down to caress the insides of her thighs as his tongue found its way in through her pussy lips to taste the wetness that was building there. His cock was so stiff, it was starting to ache almost unbearably, but there was no way, on such a momentous night that he was going to rush anything.
Janet felt that almost-familiar warmth building in her belly as he stroked up the outside of her thighs and let his right hand slide across to find her clit. It was already peeking out from its protective hood so he took it and rolled it, slowly, between his thumb and finger. Pushed further than anything she had known, she cried out, suddenly afraid of the new, unknown intensity of feeling, "Oh Kevin! I think I'm going to burst! Help me, please!"
He realised that his mother was even more aroused than he had thought. He made his way back up her body, making soothing shushing sounds and saying, "It's all right, Mum. I'm coming to you, now." He drew level with her and kissed her, gently. "It really will be all right, Mum. It's like when you thought you were going to pee, and I said you were 'cumming.' I guess this time it was even stronger, but it's all quite natural – it's just that it's all pretty new to you."
"Oh, OK," she said, feeling a little foolish at her own ignorance, "I was frightened because I didn't know what was happening. I think I'm all right, now."
"No problem," he said, with a smile, "I'll carry on, then." He positioned himself between her spread legs and, taking his weight on his elbows, slipped the head of his cock gently into her wet and waiting pussy the forbidden palace and the everlasting feels paradise. "This is it, Mum - all right if I come right in, now?"
The intensity of arousal that had caused her fear had subsided, so she said, hesitantly, "Well, yes, provided you don't hurt me."
"Of course not," he assured her and eased another couple of inches of his stiff manhood into his own mom’s pussy. He smiled to himself as he thought how easily a small part of him had slid in where, 28 years before all of him had forced itself into the world. That had been a painful experience for his mother; he intended this one to be totally enjoyable.
A few more small, easy thrusts and he was buried to the hilt inside her. To Kevin, it felt like his cock was encased and held in the proverbial velvet glove as he asked, "How does that feel, Mum?"
"Oh, this is so much better than anything your Dad ever did. He always pushed himself in so roughly that I was thinking, 'Oh no, not again!' This feels as if you've filled me with your – what was it, cock? - and I like it, I like it a lot."
"Now this is what I like to call massaging," he said, as he pulled out about half of his length and pushed it slowly but firmly back in. "My cock massages the inside of your pussy – and gets massaged at the same time. Ooo, you feel so, so good, Mum."
He got into a slow rhythm of pulling out and pushing right back in. And he added a little sideways movement, so that he was rubbing her pussy all round. "How's this, Mum?" he asked. He wanted her to receive maximum pleasure, now that they had united their bodies in taboo but wonderful love.
"Aaaarrrr," she moaned. "This is better than anything that ever happened to me, as far as I can remember," she told him. "Oh, do keep on, it's just so good."
He maintained his movements for several minutes, pausing occasionally to kiss his happy mother and to tell her how lovely she was and how much he loved her. His chest was at just the right height to be rubbing her breasts and her nipples were in a constant state of excitement. They were hard little nubs as he kept brushing over them.
Slowly, he picked up the speed of his thrusting. And the faster he got, the faster became their breathing as the passion built up inside them. Janet felt the warmth returning – and increasing, but she told herself there was no need to be afraid, her son wouldn't do anything to hurt her! It reached a point, though, where she had to say, "Kevin, I'm - getting - real hot - down there - again....."
He was almost gasping for breath by then, but he managed to tell her, "It'll be good, Mum - - it's called - - an orgasm - - you can say - - 'I'm cumming' - - just let it - - happen and - - enjoy it."
By then, he was ramming into her with vigour, making the bed shake. And, much to her delight, she was welcoming every solid thrust of his cock. Her first-ever-real orgasm had been a while building, but its arrival was dramatic. She was overcome by its power and could only cry out, "Aaaaaaaaggghhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhh! YYYYYEEEEESSSSSS!" as it figuratively ripped through her body.
Her back arched and she was vaguely aware that her son was having some kind of minor convulsion within her. Of course, Kevin had reached his own climax and was, with accompanying grunts, thrusting as deep as possible inside his mother, his love. His cock swelled and jerked as he delivered his load of seed into her. A few, last, slowing thrusts and all movement stopped.
He lay, still supported on his elbows as both of them fought for breath. As they recovered, his cock relaxed and shrank enough to slide out of her dripping wet pussy and he rolled off to lie beside her. He took her hand and looked into her eyes. He saw only contentment there and gave a little smile, saying, "Mother, my dear, lovely mother, you are the most wonderful woman – no, lady! – in the world. That was so, so very good. Thank you for letting me inside you like that."
"Oh Kevin, my beautiful son," she whispered, "you've just taken me to places I never knew existed. That was quite incredible, it really was!" She paused for a moment, simply looking at the handsome young man holding her hand. "Of course, this changes everything," she continued. She noted the puzzled look on his face and gave a little grin. "You can't just be my son, my little boy any more," she went on. "Now, you are my man – in every way!"
He reached over and gave her a deep loving kiss. "I can't tell you how much I love you, my mother, my woman, my love. But I have to say that no one else would be happy about what we've done," he said. "No - everyone would think we're totally wicked. So, it must be our secret, only between us forever."
"Yes, I realise that," she agreed. They lay quietly for a time, then she sighed, blissfully, "And all this happened on Mother's Day. It must be the best present you've ever given me! So, can we be wicked on other days?" she asked.
"From now on," he told her, "any day can be Mother's Day – or Wicked Day!"
I beat my wife's friend and she apologized him in bed... |
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