The Wild, Wild West Ch. 3
I smiled and reached up and put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down to my mouth. I didn’t care that there was ten men or a hundred men standing watching. I just knew I had this big urge to kiss him. Our lips touched and we kissed. Our tongues massaged against each other. Our lips pressed tightly and hungrily to each other. I felt the inside of my stomach start to flip. ‘God Bless Texas, and God Blessed this man’.
The other ranch hand stood there with their eyes fixed on us, and their mouth’s fell opened. John was the first one to speak. “Lordy how mercy boy, I think y’all should get a room or something. This is a family rated ranch, and you guys playing tonsil hockey like that is going to make my workers have to go home to get some of their own country lovin’s.”
Everyone started laughing. Wade and me about swallowed each other tongues as what he said finally dawned on us. Wade pulled away laughing and turned to look at his uncle. “Well then, who said you had to stand there and watch.” He looked over at the ranch hands and gave them a false stern look, “What are y’all standing around for, get yer asses back to work.”
They all scattered like rats and went in different directions out of the stable. All except his Uncle John, he just stood there watching everything with interest. “Well, that took care of that. Good job Raven. We’ll make a rancher out of you yet. That’s one fine colt that you have there. He’ll make you proud.” He continued to get busy taking care of the momma. Wade lifted the colt and placed him next to his mother. After he placed the colt on the hay, he guided me to walk in front of him and we walked out of the stall. Wade turned and closed the stall door and latched it.
My head was still reeling from all of the excitement. He turned to me and put his hands around my waist and pulled me close to him. He bent down and took my bottom lip into his. I stretched up and stood on my tiptoes, as I started to suck on the tip of his tongue. His hand slowly slid down and over my firm ass and pressed it against him. A soft moan escaped my lips.
“Uuhh ummm.” John cleared his throat.
I jumped back a little startled. I forgot that John was still here. Oh, well I really need to go take a shower now. As I turned towards the stable door. “I will catch to you in a little bit,” I said smilingly to Wade.
He winked at me and swatted my behind. I squealed in delight at his touch, and ran out of the doorway.
“Boy, I hope you know what you are doin. I know she is a sweet looking filly and all, I just hope you’re not in this just for what she has under them little shorts”, John said eyeing Wade with worry in his heart.
“I am a big boy Uncle John, I can make my own decisions.” Wade look down at his shoes for a moment, pondering on his thoughts. “Actually Uncle John, I am not quite sure what it is yet. All I knew was that I just had to have her. I know she is very young and probably very naïve, but there is something about her that drives me totally insane. Today was wonderful and I didn’t want it to ever stop. ------Dammit Uncle John, I’ve never felt like this about any other girl, ever. From the moment she stepped out of the truck, I started aching and hurting all over just at the sight of her. I can’t sleep, without dreaming of her, I can’t eat without thinking of her, and it is sure damn hard trying to work without her jumping into my head like a little vixen banshee. Honestly, -----I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, or what is goin to happen between us. I just know I had to have her and even though I had her, now it’s like I can’t get enough of her. She is in my blood and I don’t think there is any antidote to get her out,” Wade admitted in defense.
“Well I can tell you what it sounds like to me, but I don’t know if you are ready to hear it right now. All I can say is that you better not hurt that little girl because she is hung up on you and bad. She wanted to come out here and experience something new, ---- have an adventure. She didn’t come out here to get her heart broke. You better figure out what you are doin before it gets too much further. Do you hear me, boy? I ain’t your farther, but I sure can still tan your damn hide and knock some sense into ya. I wouldn’t want anyone doing that to my daughter, and I sure ain’t goin to stand around and watch you do that to that sweet little girl who doesn’t have her daddy her to protect her. So that means that it’s my job and responsibility to make sure her interests are put before anything tuck into a pair of tight jeans,” his uncle stated as a matter of fact.
John turned to walk out the stable door. Then Wade stopped him. “Uncle John,” Wade said then paused as his uncle turned around and looked at him. “What does it sound like to you?” he asked, even though he already knew what he was going to say.
His uncle looked at him with a knowing smile. He knew that Wade already knew the answer to his own question. He also knew Wade needed to hear it so he could make sure that is what he felt. “Boy, why else would you give her a colt that will be worth thousands of dollars? Why give her something that she can’t load on a plane and take with her? Something that you yourself have work so hard for. You gave her something that she may have to stay around for or at least come back for. Man, you have fallen in love with that little vixen banshee of yours! I know you know it, cause your daddy and momma didn’t raise a fool, well not in you any ways. Now your brothers on the other hand may be a different story. Naw, you’re a smart man, and deep down you know. You just needed some reassurance that the feeling may be mutual and protect your own heart. I’m tellin ya man, I see it in her eyes when she looks at ya, the feeling is mutual.” John turned again and started to walk out the door, as he rounded the corner he added, “Now don’t fuck it up, the rest is up to you to figure out. I can’t do all of it for ya.”
I ran through the door. What a miraculous day! I have only been here for 2 days and in those days, she has already experience more then she has in her whole entire life.
She bounded up the stairs and as she turned the corner of the banister, she almost ran smack into Nancy. “Whoa there Raven, slow down a little,” Nancy laughed.
“Oh, sorry Nancy”, I replied, with a big bright smile on my face.
“So honey, how was your tour. Did you see the beautiful waterfall springs?” Nancy asked brightly.
With an evil grin I simply answered, “Yes, and it was most lovely”.
“Aah yes it is. That is one my favorite places. I don’t get to go out there like I use to. But I still remember it and the feel of the cool water”, Nancy said as she stared off into her memories.
“Nancy, where is Kimmie? I didn’t see her when I came in. Is she in her room or out by the pool?” I asked.
“No dear, she went into town with Dalton a couple of hours ago. She had to pick up some things from the grocery, while Dalton ran some errands for her father. Oh, that reminds me. Did you and Wade get back in time to help the mare, and try to save both the momma and her colt? That was something very important to Wade. I do hope he made it in time and everything is fine”, she said worriedly.
“Oh yes, momma and her baby are doing fine. I had to help the colt get turned around. I did it Nancy, isn’t that great! I had to stick my hands in ----well---- you know where. I helped birth my first colt today”, I said excitedly.
Nancy’s eyes grew wide as I told her all about it. “That is why I must get in the shower now. I said I didn’t mind getting my feet dirty and more then just my feet got dirty today”, I laughed.
“OK dear, I’ll let you be on your way then”, she said as she stepped aside to let me pass.
“Nancy”, I said, as I thought about something she had said.
“What dear”, she replied as she turned back towards me.
“You said that the colt was something very important to Wade, right. Why was or rather is the colt so important to him? He has hundreds of horses that have had babies. So why is this particular one so important to him?” I asked.
“Oh honey, the momma and the daddy of that colt was a pair of his daddy’s prized horses. His dad work very hard to breed his horses looking for just the perfect ones. That stallion and mare was two of his best breeds and Wade’s daddy wanted too breed them together and make the most perfect horse, well at least in Wade’s father’s eyes. Those horses and this ranch is all he really has left to remind him of his father’s hard work. A successful first birth means that any additional births would have better odds. So if this wasn’t a success then the chances of breeding the two together again and having a successful one would be nearly impossible”, she said to me.
Then she turned and walked down the stairs.
I went to my room and gather my clothes so I could take a bath. Why did Wade just give me one of the most important things in his life? I know I helped save their lives, but he could have given me any other horse, and I would still have been happy. Even though this colt is very special to me. This colt was apart of his father’s longest and dearest dreams. I just don’t understand.
I thought about it through out my shower. I kept trying to think of his reasons behind it all. I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I finished my shower and then got out. I dried my body off and began to dress. I noticed the small bite mark on my neck, as I started to dry it with my towel. Then I remembered how I got that loving bite mark. Then memories flooded back to me. I felt my pussy start to get wet. Then I wondered if Wade was at his house now. I looked out the bathroom window, across the field. I saw that Wade’s truck was sitting in front of his house. Oh yes, Wade was home. I think I will go pay him a visit.
I walked onto the porch and I saw the front door opened and knocked on the screen door. No one answered. I slowly opened the screen door and stuck my head in as I called out, “Wade-----are you home?” Still no one answered back. I stepped in and let the screen door close gently behind me. As I walked in I looked around the living room. It was very neat and it had an inviting appeal to it. You can tell that Wade was single, but still it was warm and homey. It probably could use a woman’s touch, but still very nice.
I heard the shower running upstairs. I smiled wickedly as I began to climb the stairs. I wasn’t sure where the bathroom was, but I followed the sound of the water and found myself walking into a bedroom.
I looked around and realized that this was Wades’ room. The bed was large and unmade. Typical man I thought to myself. I saw a picture on his nightstand with Wade standing next to an older gentleman. I figured it was his dad. Wade resembled the older man a lot. They had the same eyes, and a lot of the same facial features. Wade stood a couple inches taller then the older man.
I heard Wade begin to whistle as he continued his shower. It made me smile and get all tingly as I thought what he looked like, naked and all soapy. I walked to the bathroom door and put my ear to it. I stood up and started taking off my clothes. Then I quietly opened the door and stepped in. It was very steamy in there and I had too let my eyes adjust so that I could see.
I saw Wades’ silhouette behind the glass shower door. My pussy twitched and the juices started flowing. Oh lord, will I ever get enough of him. I knew the answer to my own question before I ever finished asking it. No, I could never get enough of this strong, beautiful man. I know I was suppose to go home after the summer was over. But I quickly pushed that out of my mind. I will deal with that when the time comes. Right now, I am going to get in the shower with Wade and help him wash all of his one thousand body parts.
I realize that he didn’t have the door closed all the way to the shower. I gently slid it open just enough for me to slide my body through it. He had his back to me with his head under the water, so I was able to enter unnoticed.
I took the bar of soap and lathered a rag that was hanging in the shower. I slowly reached up and placed it on his back. He jumped a little at my unexpected touch, but he never turned around. He let me rub the rag against his back.
“Well, I guess you didn’t get yourself clean enough during your shower, huh”, he said teasingly, as I went lower on his back to his sexy tight ass.
“No, I had some spots I hoped you would help me with”, I said as a smile broke onto my lips.
He turned and looked deep into my soul. I felt his eyes burn into the center of my being. He took the soap from my hand as he said, “I would love to help my little vixen, just show me where you need me to wash”, he answered hungrily.
I put my left foot on the side of the tub and spread my leg to the side so he could have easy access. He looked down, and devoured my pussy with his loving eyes. “Yeah, I see why you need my help with that spot. You have to do this one with an extra soft touch”, he said as he reached his hand down between my quivering legs.
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