wow what can i say i am a big fan of u work and this story by far is the best thing i have ever read cant think of any thing i would rather read more. you should definatly write a novel. if only i could meet you i think it would be soo awsome to talk please dont stop writing PLEEEEAAAASSSEEE lol well yeah i really hope you read this and i cant think of anything more i want to say but that i am by far your bigger fan ps moe is not my real name its just what i get called by my friends its short for flameing homo
Posted by erin
another great read. it took me a long time though. when i started it, i was getting ready to leave for my vacation and my girlfriend was waiting for me to get to her house, so i only read half. but now, a week later, i finally finished it. good job once again.
Posted by StArBuRsT
tHis IS some tite shiz, U do sOME gOod woRk, aND coNtiNue wRItINg, CUz I cAN'T liVE wiThouT gOod sTories, :-D
Posted by sum1
suup new riter..yea..i'd agree wif de rest of em review'z aye..truly awsome story...even tho it took a while...hope u hav a gud breather...coz i guess every1'z lookin 4ward 2 de nxt 1...neway'z..l8rz
Posted by Alt+1
do u really need to mix sex and socialogy?? may be some ppl like it. I am sure u can write a nice story as it is.
Posted by Bob
Posted by cha cha cha
i got some good laughs out of this story and the time taken to read it was well worth it, your story was overall a really fantastic story and i actually read it twice. love your stories, i'd love to read more, keep up the good work.
Posted by Anjas
satyanmee kavita bagiandi varma gaaru.mukhyamgaa sheershika gaali. aa tarvaata marao vaakyam-saayudhunni chaestaondi-. ikapaotae ee kavitalao naaku nachchina padaalu chalaanae vunnai. for exampleummaneeru,padmavyooham,chirunavvu, mrutyu ghantikalu,vudyullata, kadanaotsaham . ilaa ilaa ee ilalao.
Posted by Nuro
You definitely need to cnrofnot your husband about his cheating. Don't wait any longer or it will just lead to more resentment and hostility. When cnrofnoting him I would have a list of questions ready so that you can get to the bottom of this and leave behind no lingering doubts so you can figure out what YOU want to do.This is what you need to find out from him. 1. Is he cheating? 2. How does he feel about the other woman? 3. How long has this affair been going on? 4. What does he plan to do? 5. Has there been other women? 6. Does he want to remain married? 7. Will he go to counseling? It's important that you have collected as much evidence as possible before you cnrofnot him. But, don't let this process take too long because you can't let him continue cheating on you.Then you need to go someplace public that will ensure your safety with him. Confront him with your allegations of infidelity and make sure you get answers. If he tries to deny things start dropping proof of his cheating until you get answers.Make sure you try to remain calm and direct during this cnrofnotation. Don't let him try to con his way out. This is your time to learn the facts and if he can't respect you enough to tell you the truth you need to make plans to leave him.Finally, depending on what you find out and whether you decide to stay with him you will need a marriage counselor. Couple's therapy can really help the two of you work on your problems and try to rekindle your love. If you do decide to break up and get a divorce you need to consult with an attorney in your area to find out your legal rights in your area. You will also want to confide in a close friend or family member for support. This is a very difficult time and you shouldn't try to do it alone.I wish you the best!
Posted by Zhanna
That's not just the best anwesr. It's the bestest answer!
My friends sister shows me just how amazing lesbian sex can be...