The Village of Agony and Ecstasy
Chapter One-The Capture
Bella curled in a fetal position to stay warm in the bolted cell. The nights were horrendous to say the least. Since she had been brought here only a year ago, she had witnessed many things. Staying cold at night was one of them. She lay on the thin thatched mat doing her best to concentrate on staying warm. The thin coverlet was just too tattered to do much good, yet she curled it around her shoulders in an effort to have it warm her. The sounds of the night here were unsettling. She heard slaves moaning close by in the other cells, men and women. She heard begging and whining in the distance, echoing through the courtyard as the slaves were punished and displayed. If she had not learned anything in her year here, she had learned that to be defiant or uncooperative would get you punished. Slaves were not allowed to complain or to voice any opinion about what they were ordered to do. They were strictly for the village inhabitants, the free souls who worked and lived here. Punishments could span the spectrum, from horrible to humiliating.
Bella knew all too well how obstinate she had been when she was first brought to this place, captured by a warrior on horseback as she went about her daily chores in her own village. She was in the field gathering the year's crop, as she heard shouts and horses stampeding across the fields. Most of the crop tenders ran in all different directions to avoid the warriors, but she was overtaken by surprise. Strong arms grabbed her around her waist and lifted her onto a stallion. She had screamed and kicked and fought only to be over-powered by the man who had a grip on her. He had laughed and called her a "wench, a feisty one”.
She was carried off into the forest, never to return to her village that she loved so. Bella had heard of these kidnappings but had never witnessed them until it happened to her. No one in her village ever knew what happened to the ones who were carried away. They were never seen again to tell of their plight. She had a dreaded feeling that her life was going to change immensely. She could not break free of this man's grip on her. He was massive in size, tanned, chiseled muscles and virile, long, jet-black hair tied back off his shoulders, and the most sinister green eyes. He was young, like her, and appeared to be some kind of warrior.
When they had stopped to let the steed’s rest, she had noticed this immediately. His eyes! They devoured her every time he looked at her. She wanted to curl up and hide. She could not read into them what his thoughts were but she knew she wanted no part of them whatever they were. She had fought the entire day. She pinched, kicked, spit, hit, never giving her captor a moment of peace. She was not going to give up so easily.
Disgusted, he had taken her away from the other captives and warriors to a shaded spot where trees had fallen, creating a small cove out of view of the others. He chucked her on the ground. "Now, little tiger," he snarled "when are you going to give in and quit fighting? Am I to assume that you are going to do this the entire time?"
Bella hissed back at him, "Yes, I can guarantee it. I will not go peacefully." Bella realized she had been riding all day and her short burlap dress was ripped, her sandals lost and her body sore. The ache she felt in her buttocks stung her with pain. She reached to rub her bottom as she groaned.
"MMMMMmmm sore eh?" The green eyes grinned as they lustily took in her movements.
"Yes," Bella spat as she jerked her hand back from her bottom. She would not allow him to enjoy what she was doing for a moment. She was not his plaything. He did not own her. She had planned to marry some day and be a good wife, giving birth to children and fulfilling her role as a woman. In her village, men respected women. They had a special place beside their mate. She would have been cherished and cared for. For some reason, this man did not appear to be that kind of man. As she spat at him, she saw fire in those emerald eyes of his.
He dismounted and strode over to where he had thrown her on the ground. He reached for her arm, jerked her to her feet and said, "WEEEEEEEEEEElllll maybe you need to be taught a lesson right here and now. You must accept your fate, my little tiger, and you must do it now." He pulled her over to the over-turned tree lying on the ground.
"No, stop it," she cried spitting and kicking but being pulled along nevertheless. She was no match for the muscles that expanded in his upper arms or torso. He manipulated her like a puppet.
He let go of her arm, still standing too close to her and said, "undress."
"WHATTTTTTTTTTT?" Bella squealed. "You are crazy if you think I will undress in front of the likes of you." She turned to run, felt herself being jerked back around and the loudest riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip as her dress was torn from her body. With one tug he had it off of her. She stared in disbelief at this devil of a man. He was smiling, eyeing her body up and down. She used her hands to try to cover herself but to her dismay could only cover her breasts or her sex, one or the other. She reached to cover her sex. Her breasts jutted
straight out, the tips strutted by the chilled air. Bella knew her young supple body well. She knew that she was a real woman. She had been told that she was beautiful. Her skin was creamy and tan, firm and taunt. She was going to be a catch for some male. Even though she was visually stunning, it was what she knew in her head that made her irresistible. The heat that ignited her. The lust as she had grown into womanhood. She was still a virgin. She had planned to remain so until she was married. It was the custom in her village. Her white blonde hair, her crystal blue eyes, her lush full crimson lips were tantalizing to all in her village. She was luscious to look at, she knew she had something special but was taught to be humble about it.
What she had never understood was the craving she had from deep within her groin. It consumed her. At the age of twelve, she had felt stirrings within her body that she had not understood but they made her feel very sensuous and erotic. She loved the way they felt and the way her body responded when she felt that way. Her first orgasm was with her own fingers teasing her sex and it was delicious. She would never forget the first examination she gave herself as she placed the hand mirror in front of her genitals, leaned it back against the chair and freed her hands to gently peel back the thin pouty lips. Pink, wet flesh was revealed, almost crimson, gentle folds of skin like petals of a flower opening to receive nourishment. She had spread herself open until she could see all inside, the tiny little pursing, gaping hole, and the tiny button distending over it, peeking out from underneath a coverlet of skin. She had been awestruck. The little knob-shaped distension tingled as the air hit it. She had gasped. She extended a finger to touch it very lightly. She gasped again as her finger made contact with it and it moved. It had flexed as if it were pulsating. Time and time again she touched it, just to watch it move and feel it tingle. She even noticed the moisture seeping from the little gaping hole. The little appendage mesmerized her. She thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen when it stood, distended and pulsed. And when she finally touched it enough to have an orgasm, she had collapsed into a whimpering heap of convulsions as she felt the muscles of her sex spasm. It was an absolutely marvelous experience for her. She had later learned that the other girls her age in the village had had similar experiences and that is was normal. She was relieved then. She had touched herself many times since then to cause the same reaction in her body and could never imagine a man doing that to her. She would be so ashamed to spread herself as lewdly as she did for herself, for any man.
reality brought her back from her thoughts. Why was she thinking about that, she wondered? It had no place here. She had an eerie feeling about this man
"Did you hear me?" Her captor asked. "Turn around, do it now." He snarled as he eyed her nakedness.
She was so embarrassed. She felt herself turning, she did not know why she obeyed him.
"Now, bend over, do it. You are going to receive a nice flogging for your defiance. I am tired of it. You will do as I say do from now on. Do you understand?"
Bella froze. She would not move.
We've all been there...a crossroad...a journey to self discovery... |
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