The Vicar's Wife (Part One)
Once again, I didn’t actually answer, but as I dropped my knickers to the floor, I walk to where Ian was sat, and slid onto his knee. As I lay back into his arms, and our lips met, his hand began to fondle my breast, but it was other men, I don’t know which ones, that lifted my ankles apart, and one of them brought his face up in between my legs. If I had been nervous five minutes ago, my bodily reactions now didn’t show any signs of it.
My tongue was in and out of his mouth as was his with mine. My nipples were tingling, and that meant standing hard and proud. But the instant the man’s tongue had made contact with my pussy, I’d given him a pelvic thrust, and I felt my hole pound as it pushed itself almost inside out, inviting the tongue to taste inside. It wasn’t a conscious decision to let myself go and just get this over with, it was as if these men had wired me up to a battery, and now they’d just flicked the switch.
What took place for the next two hours is mainly a blur, I know they took me to heaven, and whilst there we must have gone on every ride and amusement that god had to offer. I can't even tell you how many times I cum, but it was more than four. It was all videoed, and some days later, I did watch a little of the footage, but to be honest, every time I see myself being fucked on video, it just gets me wet again.
Well enough to say, I was well and truly fucked by all in all holes, and every imaginable position. And two hours later, I’d come back downstairs after having a shower, and we all sat around having a Chinese take-away. I ate like I’d not been fed for weeks, and I was even drinking the wine they’d poured out for me.
We all chatted, and most of the conversation was about the sexual event that had
just taken place, and how good they thought I’d been. In fact all I got were
compliments, about my body, performance, and my now relaxed attitude. I began to
clear all the plates away, and Ian asked.
“Hey Shirley. What are you doing?”
“I’m just clearing up, and then when I've washed this lot, we can set off to get
your Land Rover.”
“Don’t be silly, leave that lot until the morning; we’ll do them for you."
"What do you mean?"
"Well you didn’t think we were gonna go out this time of night, Come-on lets all
get up to bed. I hope you’ve got a king-size.”
“Please no. If you want to have me again, that’s ok, but do it down here, not in
Michael's bed.”
With that his arm went around my shoulder, and as he walked me out of the room
and towards the stairs, he said.
“Come-on girl, Michael’s bed, or up against the wall in a car park. Being
fucked, is ‘being fucked’. And in my book; the more comfortable the location,
the more enjoyable it is.”
Then as we were now climbing the stairs, his fingers found their way into the
gusset of the new knickers I’d just put on, and he said.
“This little cunt of yours won't even give a seconds thought to where it is; not
once we start licking it.”
And although I hated the words spoke; once again, it was obvious he was right.
And as every other time before, once they got me stripped, and their hands began to roam my body, I just turned into a back street whore. Their fingers probed every orifice of my body, and tongues licked me from head to toe, whilst I sucked their cocks and swallowed every drop of cum they shot into my mouth. The pleasure was on a level that until this morning, my body never knew existed, let alone had ever experienced.
I can't tell you in detail who did what or when, by this time it really didn’t matter to me anyway. I know they eventually turned off the lights, and I eventually got some sleep. Whilst sleeping my dreams were mostly about weird distortions of the previous days events, moving from one sexual encounter to another. How many of these were fuelled by actual activity whilst I slept, I have no idea. But I know, that when I awoke in the morning, it was in the middle of a dream of a sexual encounter, that as I awoke was actually happening to me.
By the morning, they were less active, and I was having individual sex with them. These morning sessions were very different, more loving, kissing and almost romantic. That is not to say that these sessions were all carried out in the missionary position, on the contrary, I was fucked in every conceivable contortion they could get my body into. I eventually realised two of the men had left my bed, and I now only had two men left.
These two carried on singly for some time, and eventually finished their mornings activities by giving me a very long double fucking, ending with all three of us cuming in unison. We lay in each others arms for a good fifteen minutes, and when I realised they were about sated, I said.
“I guess it’s about time we got up; we’ve still got to get back up to the moors
to get your Land Rover back.”
“No need to worry about that, Jamie and Terry drew the short straws. They set
off a couple of hours ago, it’s my guess they’ll be back before long. But it
would be a good idea if you got up and started to rustle-up a nice breakfast for
us. By the time you get it cooked, I’ll bet they’ll be back.”
So like the dutiful slave, up I got, had my shower, and then went downstairs. First job was to clean-up the mess from last night. So much for their ‘Don’t be silly, leave that lot until the morning; we’ll do them for you’. Then once that lot was sorted; it was a case of seeing what I could find in the cupboards, to feed four hungry men. Or to be honest; four hungry men, and one, ravenously hungry woman. Sex certainly gave me an appetite, but I’m ashamed to say, not just for food! My head was full of wondering, ideas like, 'when Jamie and Terry get back, will they think they’ve missed out on their fair share of sex with me'. Or indeed, once all of them have been fed, will they want one-for-the-road, so to speak.
But these thoughts were not thoughts that frightened me, or thought to fill me with trepidation; these thoughts were stirring my dirtiest and most immoral cravings. I couldn’t understand what had taken place, I just felt like I had to get as much of this debauchery as I could in the time I had left before my husband returned home.
Ian had been right again, I just about had the breakfast prepared, when I heard the vehicles pulling into our drive. I untied my piny (pinafore), and pulled the string over my head, then dashed to the front door. Why I was so excited to see these two men return, I have no idea, but I stood in the open front doorway, to welcome them in.
“Come-on in, breakfast is almost ready.”
Then came the words my pussy wanted to hear.
“What? No time for a quick fuck first?”
My inner self might have been longing for those words, or at least the sentiment
they carried. But hearing Jamie saying them out aloud on a bright Sunday
morning, whilst only halfway along my front garden path, gave me a very sharp
reality check. God! If any of my neighbours were in their gardens, what would
they think!
My face turned bright red, and I backed rapidly into my hallway. Then as Jamie
came into the house.
“Keep your voice down. What if any of my neighbours hear you?”
“Keep your knickers on Shirl; the old girl next door was too busy weeding her
borders to listen to what I was saying.”
“Oh my god! She wasn’t out there when you said that was she?”
“I’ll tell you the answer to that; if you answer the question I asked when we
walked down the path?”
“You're a cheeky devil. But anyway, the answer is no. If I don’t get it
dished-up now, it’ll all be burnt. So you’ll have to keep that thing of yours
under control in your trousers until breakfast is over.”
We were in the kitchen by now, and I was busy trying to get the food from the
frying pans onto the plates, but Jamie was making this difficult, by standing
close up behind me, and letting his hands stroke all over my body. Admittedly on
the outside of my clothes, but he had my whole body on fire. If it hadn’t been
for Ian butting in and saying to Jamie,
“Hey Jamie! Cool it until we’ve been fed. Once we’ve eaten, they’ll be time to
give her one last seeing to before we go,”
I was almost ready to just sling all the food I’d cooked across the kitchen, and
let them all have me on the kitchen table.
The scene from ‘The Postman Always Rings Twice’ was going through my head at the time, and I was ready to take them all.
But as I say, seconds before I turned into an animal, Ian spoke, Jamie just went and took his place at the table, and I continued to dish out the food. The breakfast was non-eventful, but I noticed Jamie didn’t take long to clear his plate, and he then hovered behind me waiting for me to finish mine.
No sooner had I finished, before I was back on the floor of my living-room, naked, with all four men once again encouraging me to engage in the most licentious behaviour. But the most worrying part of the whole event was that I took little or no encouraging, and I know if they hadn’t wanted this last session with me, I’d have been so disappointed!
Well I wasn’t disappointed, because this last session, gave me three more orgasms, and my appetite for their spunk was not affected by the hearty breakfast I’d just consumed. And far from my pussy running out of cum with all this excessive use, it seemed that it was producing more cum now than it ever did before. They must have been contented, and I was left to finish my third orgasm writhing around on the floor by myself, whilst they got re-dressed.
As I came to my senses, Ian was calling to me, “It’s the phone, it might be
Still naked, with a pool of sticky cum on the carpet in between my legs, I sat
there and took hold of the phone receiver.
“Err. Hello.”
“Yes it’s me.”
“No nothing, just dashing around trying to get the place cleaned up.”
“Well if you want to. But there’s really no need, I’ll manage by myself.”
“Yes of course.”
“Ok then, I’ll see you in Half-an-hour.”
Then as I put the receiver back, “Shit! You lot had better get out of here. That
was my mom and dad. They’re coming to give me a lift to the hospital to pick-up
Michael, and I’ve got to get this place sorted before they see any evidence of
you lot being here.”
“Well I guess we all knew it had to come to an end sooner or later. But I can
tell you now; you fuck better than anyone we’ve ever had before. You are
definitely, gonna take some beating. What say you lads?”
There was a general chorus of approval, and many individual endorsements of my sexual performance. Which stupidly as it sounds; in my own little way, I felt proud of. But I didn’t, of course, admit this to them.
They said their goodbyes, and left, whilst I ran around like a whirling dervish, trying to remove all evidence of their visit. I’d left the bedroom until last, knowing if I ran out of time, my parents would not see inside there. This was good thinking on my part, because I’d just finished downstairs when I heard their car pulling onto our gravel drive.
I opened the front door, and called down the path to mom who’d just got out of
the car.
“Doors open. I’m just going up to get changed, be down in a minute.”
Then I dashed upstairs, and got changed. When I arrived downstairs, dad was
impatient to get going, saying, "the car parking will all be gone if we arrive
too late."
So we were soon on our way, and after an hour-and-a-half of waiting for Michael
to be discharged, we were back in dad's car on our way back home with Michael.
During the afternoon and early evening Michael’s parents and the vicar all dropped in for a visit, so it wasn’t until eight in the evening when the last visitor left, that Michael and I were alone to talk in private.
As I walked back into the lounge where Michael was seated on the sofa, his first
words were.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes dear, course I am. It’s you who has been hurt.”
“Never mind that! You know what I’m talking about. Those unspeakable animals.
Did they keep to their word?”
Here come my lies again.
“Yes dear, they left me as soon as you’d gone into hospital.”
“But I thought you had to go with that news-paper reporter?”
“Yes, we did, but I mean as soon as she’d got her story.”
“Well how did they get their vehicle back?”
Shit! I’m getting myself even deeper. And I’m even starting to think with foul
language, something I’ve never done in my life.
“Well I let them drop me off here, and then let them borrow our camper, to go
and get their own vehicle.”
“And they didn’t touch you again?”
“No dear.”
“What about when they returned later to bring the camper back?”
“No darling, they just gave me the keys and left.”
“And the video, did you see them destroy it?”
Destroy it! I’d forgotten all about it! But what was the best thing to tell
“They showed me a video tape, and one of them stood on it, and crushed it into
small pieces of plastic, and I put it in the waste bin.”
“We’d better get it out, and burn it. I don’t want any clever-dick to find it,
and somehow play back the contents. Have you put anything else in the bin
“It wasn’t our bin, we did it in the hospital car park yesterday, it’ll have
been emptied by now.”
“Oh well, we’ll just have to hope it’s all over. Come here, let me have a
He had his cuddle, something he’d only rarely done before, and then he acted
distinctly out of character. He lay me back into the sofa, and his kissing went
from my lips, into my blouse, that he’d just ripped one of the button-holes on,
with his impatience to get it open. He now had me laid back, and whilst he
kissed and bit on my nipples, his hand was up under my skirt, and his fingers
probing for my hole.
He’d never in all our time together, had his hand up my skirt, and as for groping in my knickers, this was unbelievable. For my part, I let him have access, opening my legs whenever I felt it was necessary. Before long, he had me laid full length along the sofa, one leg up over the sofa back, the other spread down onto the floor. He rolled himself clumsily in between my legs, his plaster coated ankle limiting his agility. But limiting him or not, it wasn’t going to stop him getting his now full erect dick up the side of the gusset of my knickers, and up my pussy.
It was now getting on for eight hours since my last fucking, and the second he’d started mauling my tits, my pussy had began to pulse, opening and closing rhythmically, to invite all cumers. He thrust towards me, and my pussy (I promise it wasn’t working under my instructions), thrust back against him. I was so wet with enthusiasm, that he rammed up to full depth in one thrust, without the slightest sign of resistance.
He continued with a frenzied humping, lasting maybe two or three minutes, before jerking his cum deep into my pussy. He lay there, obviously fully sated. But all he’d done for me was to wet my appetite. I lay still for a few seconds, and then began to ease myself from under him. As I did so, he just lay where I’d been, on his back, along the sofa.
I turned around, I was on my knees on the floor, and I began to lick his wet
“What? What are you? Shirley please! Have you lost all sense of decency?”
As his hands came my way to try to push my head away, I intercepted them with
mine. And although he might not have wanted this, his cock sure liked the idea.
It was stiffening almost instantly, and his hands didn’t really have the
determination his voice had shown. In reality, he could have overpowered me
easily, but he didn’t. I soon had his cock back to a magnificent rock hard
throbbing weapon. Maybe it wasn’t as big as any of my four ‘rescuers’, but it
was here and they weren’t.
I climbed astride his hips, and lowered myself down onto him, this was good, now I’d got control of the pace, and being as he’d just shot one load of spunk, I knew this next fuck could last a lot longer. I lifted slow and long to get the full length of his member, ramming myself hard down onto him to get every inch up my pussy.
He had forgotten all about his protesting, and now just lay there taking his fucking like a man. Whereas, I began to ram myself harder and faster, showing him all the pleasures an obedient whore can bring to her master. This was my first simultaneous orgasm with my husband, and as he started cuming, my pussy began to clamp and then squirt in alternation. I was now on cloud nine, and I guess he’d gone soft and dropped out a while ago, but this didn’t stop me from writhing about.
But I guess what I’d thought was aimless spasms, were actually being controlled from somewhere deep in my sub-conscious. Because I’d somehow worked myself up and along his body, and spent the last few minutes writhing my dripping pussy all around his face. And when I came to my senses, I was squatted with my pussy hard over his nose and mouth, and I was almost stopping him breathing.
“What on earth! Shirley!”
“Oh god! Michael, I’m sorry. I never meant... oh please let me...”
I busily used my skirt to wipe down his face.
“I’m sorry Michael. Please. I don’t know what came over me.”
“I hope this isn’t going to be the way you’re going to start behaving from now
“I’m sorry. I promise it won't happen again. I really am sorry.”
“Oh stop fussing. Get off me. I’ll get myself up and try to take a bath.”
“Let me help you.”
“I think you’ve done enough for one day. I’ll manage by myself.”
“But your ankle, you can't get it wet.”
“I’ll hang it over the edge of the bath.”
“Please let me help you.”
“I think the best thing you can do is take a cold shower before you join me in
God! I had really screwed-up big time. I know he enjoyed the fucking I’d just given him, and god it was the best he’d ever given me. But I guess he knew, that whole fuck was a direct result of the lessons I’d been taught by them men, and his pride couldn’t handle it.
So he had his bath, and made his own way to bed. I took a shower; not as he’d instructed, ‘a cold shower’. But I’m sure even a cold shower wouldn’t have done anything to ease the throbbing in my pussy. This wasn’t a throbbing pain due to falling onto that gate. Or even a throbbing ache or soreness due to being fucked too many times. This was a want, a longing, no a need. I lay alongside him, motionless. Well almost, I dare not put my fingers where they wanted to go, or any other implement. But I knew by the feeling, that if the video camera had been getting a close-up of my pussy right now, it would see it bulging in and out, the hole opening and closing.
I had dreams of being fucked, but I’m sure that was all they were, just dreams.
I awoke to the alarm clock, and got out of bed. Michael looked across the bed
towards me, but didn’t speak.
“I’m sorry about last night.”
“Don’t you ever mention that again. I’ll forget it just this once, and put it
down to the trauma you’ve undergone this weekend. But I never want to see you
behave like that again. And I never want to hear you ever speak about what you
did. Is that clear?”
“Yes Michael. I’m sorry Michael. I promise...”
He stopped me mid sentence.
“Enough. You’ll be late for work. The vicar will be calling for me around nine,
and I’ll be out until about four, so I’ll see you when you get home.”
I showered, then dressed, and for the first time, I wore jeans to go to work, mainly to avoid anyone seeing the marks on my inner leg. But I think maybe that is enough for now, my story does continue, and that bloody video still haunts my life, but I’ll tell you more in the next part of my story. That is, of course, providing anyone is interested?
After a night at the bar my 48 year old aunt gets frisky on the car ride home... |
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