The Vermont Boarding School: Part 5 A Kiss
The Vermont Boarding School: Part 5 A Kiss
Please read the chapters leading up to this point in the story about two roommates, Sean and Noah, who are assigned mentors at their boarding school. After being tutored by their mentors each night, Sean and Noah provide a service which is sucking their mentors’ dicks. This was new to Noah, but Sean had plenty of experience that he shared with his new roommate.
The Vermont Boarding School Part 1 the first two nights rev
The Vermont Boarding School Part 2 pump and swallow
The Vermont Boarding School Part 3 bottoms up rev
The Vermont Boarding School Part 4
Now part 5. The school year progressed and Sean and Noah enjoyed their relationship with each other. After sucking their mentors most weeknights after being tutored, they would take a shower and spend time with each other. Most of the time they sucked each other, but they learned to fuck each other too. They went to Jonathon and Deavon’s room on Sunday nights, and that arrangement gave them an exciting variety. It was a closed group. No one else was invited. Jonathon’s and Deavon’s guys, Todd and Martin, continued to meet with Reese and Sanford on both Saturday and Sunday nights in exchange for Sean and Noah on Sunday nights.
On a Friday night in the fall, Sean and Noah are in Reese and Sanford’s room performing their special duty. While Sanford is holding the back of Noah’s head as he is shooting one load after another into his mouth, Sean had already finished swallowing Reese’s cum and is wrapping a warm wash cloth around Reese’s dick. Reese is lying on his bed enjoying the feeling and getting mellow. As usual, Noah makes a point not to run to wash his mouth out. He still wants to convey a sense that he is not squeamish about cum in his mouth. He lies next to Sanford for a minute before going to the sink to get a warm wash cloth to pamper Sanford’s dick.
Lying on his back as Sean wraps the warm cloth on his dick Reese says, “Sanford and I want you guys to come over tomorrow night.”
“Aren’t Todd and Martin coming over?” asked Sean.
“Yes, they are, but Sanford and I want to try something different,” said Reese.
Noah was curious, but deferred to Sean to ask the obvious.
Sean asked, “What do you need with us?”
A million things went through Noah’s thoughts, but before he fantasized through only a few possibilities, Sanford laid out their plan.
“We want to watch you guys fuck each other while Todd and Martin suck us,” said Sanford.
Noah looked at Sean. They had never had full sex with Reese and Sanford or had sex in front of them, so this request was puzzling.
“It’s OK with me if it’s OK with Sean,” said Noah.
“What do you mean it’s OK with you? It isn’t an option. It’s an order,” Reese laughed as he ran over to pinch Noah’s nipple and grab him between the legs.
Noah crouched down laughing as Sanford joined in to tease him.
“Ok. OK. We’ll come,” said Noah.
Sean said, “You bet we’ll cum.” They all laughed.
Sean and Noah spent Saturday playing volleyball in the morning and swimming after lunch. Seniors took a trip to the mall, so they didn’t see Reese and Sanford until evening. After dinner, Sean and Noah went to Reese and Sanford’s room. Todd and Martin were already there.
“Hey guys,” said Reese as he opened the door.
“Hey everyone,” said Sean.
Everyone else said a cordial hello. Noah felt a bit awkward now. He was wondering how everyone would start. There were six people, and with no previous experience with this type of exhibition he felt funny.
Sean’s natural aggression allowed him to lead the way, “I guess you guys are glad to rest your butts on the weekend, huh?”
Well, that broke the ice, and everyone laughed.
Todd said, “Well it is a bit of a relief. I’d hate to have Reese’s dick up my ass.” Everyone laughs because Reese’s dick is the largest by far at the moment.
“At least you are Jonathon’s favorite, and his dick is small,” said Martin.
They all laughed, and Reese said, “I’m cautioning you guys to not mention that in front of Jonathon and Deavon. That may be a sore point.”
“We know. We know,” laughed Todd.
“Yeah,” added Martin.
“Speaking a little dicks, you guys know what we want,” Sanford said to Sean and Noah.
“Okay. This is not our usual, but we will do it for you,” said Sean.
Sean whispered to Noah, “Let’s undress each other slowly.”
Noah nodded.
Reese, Sanford, Todd, and Martin sat on the edge of Reese’s bed and watched Sean unbuckled Noah’s belt and pull it out through the loops. Sean unzipped Noah’s pants and pulled his dick out. He bent down and slowly put his lips on Noah’s hard dick and put it in his mouth for a couple of strokes while Noah had his hands on the back of Sean’s head.
Sean pulled Noah’s pants to the floor, and Noah stepped out of them.
Reese said to Todd and Martin, “You guys unzip us.” Todd unzipped Reese. Todd pulled Reese’s dick out and sucked it for a second until Reese lifted his head up off his dick. Martin reached under Sanford’s pants and felt his bulging dick. With his other hand, he unzipped Reese’s pants and pulled them to his ankles. Soon Reese and Sanford were sitting naked on their bed from the waist down.
Sean had on a type of banded waist trousers that slipped off easily, and Noah pulled Sean’s pants to the floor with one swift stroke. Reese and Sanford watched as Todd played with Reese’s erect dick and Martin licked the precum dripping out of Sanford’s dick. Sean pulled Noah’s T-shirt over his head and threw it on the floor, and then took his own shirt off. Then spontaneously, Noah kissed Sean while each held the other’s bottom with the palms of their hands. Their dicks were pressed on each other.
If Sanford wasn’t stunned, Reese was more than stunned seeing their underlings kiss each other. All they wanted was sex and didn’t engage in more obvious, overt love making such as kissing. Todd and Martin removed Reese and Sanford’s shirts and got on their knees between their legs. Reese moved back and put a pillow against the wall and sat up so he could watch Sean and Noah. Sanford did the same. Martin and Todd laid on their stomachs between the legs of Reese and Sanford and started sucking them.
“Easy. You guys will do this very, very slowly tonight,” Reese instructed. Todd and Martin went up and down very slowly as instructed.
Sanford told Sean and Noah, “Come over here.” Sean and Noah went to Sanford. Sanford motioned for them to turn around. He took a tube of lubricant and squeezed in each of their asses.
“Bend over.” Then took his finger and shoved some up each hole. “OK. Now you’re ready.”
Sean took Noah to Reese’s bed.
“Put a towel down,” said Reese. Noah put a towel on the bed and laid down face first. He turned his head sideways to watch Todd and Martin suck Reese and Sanford. As Noah spread his legs and got up on his elbows and knees, Sean got behind him and put his dick in his tight little hole.
Todd lifted up and tried to turn around to see, “Don’t look,” commanded Reese.
“You either,” Sanford said to Martin. “This show is for us.”
Sean held each side of Noah’s pelvis with his hands and pulled him back and forth and he pushed his dick in and out.
“Slow down, Sean,” Reese commanded as Sean’s bare skin slapped Noah’s cheeks. Reese slowed to a creeping halt. He exchanged places with Noah. Sean laid his head on the pillow sideways and watched Reese and Sanford being sucked as Noah pushed his dick into Sean. Noah’s dick was getting bigger since the start of the year, and he was sprouting a some hair. Sean could feel the hair tickle him with every thrust that Noah made.
Sanford pulled Martin’s head off his dick. “Drop you pants. You too Todd.”
Sanford and Reese scooted back to the edge of the bed, and Martin and Todd were on their knees with their pants down to their ankles.
Reese said to Sean and Noah, “You guys stop now. Sean, you fuck Todd, and Noah, you fuck Martin.”
Well, that was a surprise. Todd continued sucking up and down on Reese, and Martin continued up and down on Sanford as the guys got into position. Sean stuck his dick into Todd, and Noah stuck his dick into Martin as Reese and Sanford were getting sucked slowly.
“You guys better not let us come before Sean and Noah,” warned Reese. Todd and Martin kept their strokes slow and didn’t move their tongues around Reese and Sanford’s dicks.
“And you guys better finish first,” said Sanford to Sean and Noah.
Sean and Noah picked up their pace. Their thighs and pelvises were slapping Todd and Martin’s ass cheeks until Sean peaked. His familiar tingling that produced that floating numb feeling the crept from his temples to his dick and then on to his legs brought him to a plane of ecstasy as he plunged his dick into Todd. Noah didn’t take too many moments after Sean to feel the same. Noah says he feels like floating in a pool with tingling starting from deep within his dick and it follows upward and downward at the same time. Both had exotic orgasms that halted their sense of time for at least half of a minute.
As Sean pulled out of Todd, Reese shot cum into Todd’s mouth. Todd pumped hard and stayed on Reese to suck every drop as he gently slowed his pace to zero, but Reese wouldn’t let him pull his head off his dick. Reese held his held down until Sanford shot his hot cum into Martin’s mouth. Martin swallowed while swirling his tongue round and round Sanford’s throbbing shaft.
“You guys turn over and lie back on the bed.” Martin and Todd usually ran to the sink to wash their mouths out after swallowing the cum. Martin licked his lips to make sure nothing was on them.
“Can I rinse out first?” asked Todd.
“No,” commanded Reese.
They didn’t ask again.
“Sean. You suck Todd. Noah, suck Martin.”
Sean and Noah didn’t expect that but didn’t hesitate to do as they were instructed. Todd and Martin laid back and enjoyed the unexpected pleasure.
“Todd, I’m dripping,” said Reese and put his dick on Todd’s lips. Todd licked and sucked the dripping cum.
“Martin, you know what to do,” said Sanford as he straddled Martin’s chest and held his dick down so Martin could suck it. Reese and Sanford got off the bed and let Todd and Martin enjoy being sucked off. Sean stopped and licked Todd’s balls. Noah took one of Martin’s ball in his mouth until Martin took his hands and lifted him up. Noah continued going up and down Martin’s shaft.
Reese moved over to Todd as Sean sucked him. He took his hand and pumped his dick as Sean sucked. Sanford took the cue and did the same. Then Reese felt the cum spurting from Todd’s dick and into Sean’s mouth. He removed his hand so Sean could go all the way to the bottom of Todd’s shaft. Sean swallowed every drop. As he lifted up, Reese returned his hand to Todd’s dick pumped the last drop into Sean’s mouth.
Sanford continued pumping Martin’s dick as Noah sucked. He never removed his hand and pumped while Martin shot cum into Noah’s mouth. He put his other hand on the top of Noah’s head as Noah engulfed Martin’s dick swallowing heated gobs of cum. When Reese sensed that Todd and Martin had enough, he told Sean and Noah to lift off.
“Noah and Sean. Treat our guests to a warm washcloth.” Noah and Sean cleaned Martin and Todd’s greased asses. There was enough lubricant on Noah’s and Sean’s dicks so that no more was applied when they fucked them. Also, Noah and Sean’s dicks weren’t that big, so not a lot was needed.
After they got cleaned up, Todd and Martin started cleaning Sean and Noah.
“You guys better hit the shower. You have too much on your asses to clean off,” laughed Sanford. “You can clean up in our shower. We’ll go with you since it’s in the senior dorm.”
As Todd and Martin pulled up their pants, Sean, Noah, Reese, and Sanford held a towel around themselves and went down the hall to shower together. It was late on Saturday night and a lot of guys were in and out of their rooms in the senior dorm. Sean and Noah felt a bit self-conscious about traipsing down the hall for a shower at this time of night.
The Wexmans gave each other lustful glances, and then after finishing off her drink, Ellyn Wexman went over to their visitor and kissed her gently on the mouth while letting her hands roam all over Kira's pregnant belly!!!... |
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