The Vermont Boarding School : Part 4
The Vermont Boarding School: Part 4
Recapping Part 1, “The Vermont Boarding School: Part 1, The first two nights,” Noah is sent to a boarding school where freshman and sophomores are assigned mentors who are juniors or seniors. Noah and his roommate, Sean, are assigned to Sanford and Reese. In addition to cleaning their room and other menial work, Sean and Noah provide “special treatment” for their mentors which means they have to suck their mentors’ dicks each night after they get tutored. Noah is new to this, but Sean helps him practice each night just before bedtime. Noah enjoys it and adapts well to his new surroundings.
In part 2, “The Vermont Boarding School: Part 2 – Pump and swallow,” a couple of weeks later, while Sean is sucking Sanford’s dick just before he cums, Reese holds Sean’s head and forces him to stay on Sanford’s dick while Sanford cums in Sean’s mouth. He forces him to keep pumping Sanford’s dick and swallow at the same time. Then Sanford made sure that Noah did the same for Reese. So in addition to sucking their mentors’ dicks, they were now expected to pump and swallow at the end. To reward them, Reese and Sanford didn’t require Sean and Noah to clean their rooms anymore.
In part 3, Noah and Sean are caught in the shower by two juniors who use a lubricant to force them to achieve their first anal sex. It was harsh, after Sean and Noah returned to their dorm room, the juniors came back and sucked their dicks to apologize for the rough treatment. They became friends and Noah and Sean let them fuck them on Sunday nights for the rest of the year with their mentors’, Sanford and Reese, permission.
Now Part 4.
On the first night of their fucking initiation and then being sucked by Jonathon and Deavon afterward, Sean and Noah agreed to meet them on Sunday nights if it was OK with their mentors, Reese and Sanford.
Sean said, “You better talk with our mentors before we do much more. Even if we suck them before you come over, they may use it as an excuse to punish us for not asking their permission.”
Jonathon said to Deavon, “OK. I think I have an idea that will satisfy them. We’ll go to Reese and Sanford’s room now.”
Jonathon and Deavon left Sean and Noah and went to Reese’s and Sanford’s dorm room in the next building. Jonathon knocked on the door.
Reese opened it, “Hey guys. What’s up?”
“I’m Jonathon and this is Deavon. Can we talk with you guys?”
“Sure. Come in.”
“We were wondering if we could swap out on Sunday nights with your guys.”
Sanford laughed, “You mean you want to suck our dicks?” They all laughed.
Deavon explained, “We are juniors and just fucked Sean and Noah in the shower according to the rules. We like them and don’t want to be bullies. We would like to send you our guys, Terry and Brad, on the weekends if we can have Sean and Noah on Sundays.”
Reese said, “So you will give us Terry and Brad for two nights if you can have Noah and Sean on just one night?”
Noah and Sean’s qualities make it worthwhile to Deavon and Jonathon to give up an extra night with Terry and Brad.
“It’s Ok with me if it’s OK with Sanford.”
“Sounds good to me,” said Sanford. “We really like Noah and Sean. If it’s what they want, it’s fine with us.”
“Ok. Thanks,” Deavon and Jonathon went back to their rooms without talking to Sean and Noah again that night.
The next night Sean and Noah went to their mentors room they assumed it was all settled, and it was. Reese and Sanford, however, planned to play a trick on them after the visit from Jonathon and Deavon and their subsequent agreement.
Noah knocked on the door and waited.
“Come in guys,” yelled Reese through the door.
“We have a math test tomorrow and need some help,” explained Sean.
Reese said in a loud voice, “Whoa, whoa. Don’t you guys have something else to tell us?”
“What do you mean?” asked Sean in a puzzled tone.
“We got a visit from Jonathon and Deavon. I think we need an explanation,” goaded Sanford with his arms folded.
“Didn’t Jonathon and Deavon explain what they wanted?” asked Noah who was a little alarmed at Reese’s tone.
Reese pressed, “Explain what? Explain what you guys want, is what you mean.”
“Explain that we would be with them on Sunday night?”
Reese drilled his point, “That’s what they offered, but I was surprised that you have been letting them fuck you all this time.”
Sean interrupted, “They fucked us in the shower once. Only once. They are juniors, and we had no choice since that is the rules. I don’t think we could have stopped them anyway.”
“Jonathon said you guys have been letting them fuck you every night since the first week. Now they want you to be with them permanently,” said Reese in a very disgusting tone.
“What?” said Noah in an excited voice.
“Shut up!” said Reese. “Drop your pants. Now! Both of you.”
Noah was almost in tears, and Sean was completely aghast as they pulled their pants and shorts to their ankles.
Sanford took two belts and gave one to Reese. Reese slapped Noah’s ass hard and made him cringe. Sanford did the same to Sean.
“You guys want more?” asked Reese.
“If it pleases you,” offered Sean tearfully.
“And you, Noah. Do you want more?” asked Sanford with his hand up in the air ready to strap him as soon as he responded.
“Yes. Please,” he said as tears rolled down his cheeks.
“Well, you won’t get your wishes,” laughed Reese.
Sanford couldn’t hold back either, and started laughing also. Sean and Noah looked bewildered with their pants still at their ankles and their dicks starting to rise.
“Relax guys. We’re just having some fun with you,” explained Sanford.
Reese continued, “Don’t worry. It’s OK. We agreed to the arrangement. You guys are special to us. We like you, but you guys need a little excitement now and then.”
“Wow. You really have me scared,” said Noah.
Being funny Sean said, “You guys didn’t fool me.”
Reese laughed, “Yeah right. I saw those tears.” They all laughed.
Sean pulled his pants up.
“Oh dang, Sean. You weren’t given permission,” said Noah as he bent over to be punished for Sean’s error.
“That’s OK. We won’t be so hard. Let me rephrase. We intend to be hard at least between the legs, but we won’t be harsh,” said Reese and he tapped Noah’s butt lightly with the belt.” They all laughed.
“OK, I will say it. I was scared,” admitted Sean.
“Well, how did you guys like being fucked?” asked Reese.
“It hurt. I really didn’t know that could be done. I tried to scream, but Jonathon held my mouth.”
“Tried to scream? He was screaming so loud that it sounded like a fire alarm. Jonathon had to cover his mouth. If he hadn’t, I would have offered,” Sean laughed.
“And how about you?” asked Noah. “Tell ‘em how you reacted,” Noah laughed.
“Nothing to it,” Sean said in a humorous tone.
Noah described the scene, “Deavon made Sean put his head on a towel on the floor and stick his ass up in the air. Sean was bent in half and grunting and groaning.”
“Yeah, and all the while you were squirming on the floor, You looked like you were trying to swim without water with your arms flopping and knees bending and kicking.”
They all started laughing uncontrollably.
“Sounds like our first experiences which was also our last,” said Sanford.
“Don’t even talk about it,” warned Reese smiling.
“I think we should hear about it,” demanded Sean laughing.
“No sense rehashing it. It doesn’t feel good the first time is all I’m gonna say,” said Reese trying to direct the conversation away from an obvious vulnerability.
Sanford smiled and goaded him, “Go on. Tell them.”
Reese was reluctant but finally obliged, “Well the two juniors that took us had a different plan. They both fucked Sanford the first time, and they made me watch. Sanford started on all fours, but soon collapsed flat on the shower floor grasping at the tiles but there was nothing to hold on to.” They laughed.
Sean teased, “So he looked like a fish out of water trying to swim in a dry creek?”
“Yeah,” laughed Reese. “That describes him perfectly.” They all laugh.
Sanford continued the story, “Reese was no help.” He snickered, “He couldn’t
help because there was no way to overpower the guy holding him with his dick
touching his ass. One movement and he would be fucked too. When the first one
finished, I thought Reese was next, but that guy got up and held Reese while the
other guy jumped on top of me. So I got fucked twice that night.
Reese said, “He made Sanford get up on all fours to fuck doggy style, but he went down on his stomach again as soon as the dick was thrust into him.”
Sanford offered, “All the lubricant in the world doesn’t help the first time.”
Noah said, “I know that.” They laughed.
Reese continued to recall, “He didn’t like that Sanford was flat on the floor, so he took his forearm under his throat and made him get back up on all fours. He ended up supporting himself with his head on the floor while he was on all fours getting fucked. The first guy was through in a few minutes, but the second guy kept fucking and fucking, in and out. He did long stokes, short strokes. He jammed all the way in, then he pulled all the way out only to thrust his dick all the way in.
Sanford interrupted, “Yeah, I thought I was going to die. He wouldn’t stop. I thought he would never cum.”
“Yeah. I was getting a little concerned. It must have been at least 15 minutes after the first guy was through,” offered Reese in a consoling tone.
Noah asked Reese, “Why didn’t they fuck you?”
Sanford laughed, “He was wearing a tampon.” They all laughed.
Reese said, “They said they would come after me soon and that I better not run.”
Sean said, “I heard that warning too.”
Noah was getting hard while hearing the visualizations. He was unexpectedly curious as he asked, “So when did they finish?”
Reese laughed, “Oh. You like fuck stories, huh? You wanna know how I got fucked, do you? You little sucker.”
Reese ran over to Noah and started tickling him and giving him a titty twister. Noah folded over trying to cover his nipples. The guys were hysterical.
Reese continued, “We expected them to catch us in the shower again, so we went in at odd hours hoping to avoid them.”
Sean said to Sanford, “Well since they weren’t coming for you, you should have just yelled for them to get Reese, so you could go back to showering at a regular time.”
They all laughed.
“I didn’t think of that!” laughed Sanford. “A couple of days later we had a dreadful knock on our door.”
Reese said, “Yeah. I knew what was coming, but I had to open it anyway. We expected only two guys. Four showed up. One of the guys acted furious and said we were trying to avoid them, which we were. Of course, we denied it.” They all laughed.
Sanford said, “I should have given Reese up.” He laughed.
Reese continued story, “Yeah. It was kind of bad. For avoiding us, they wanted revenge. They didn’t take us to the shower. They made us strip in the room and belted us pretty hard. Then they got naked. Two guys started fucking Sanford back and forth. The other two fucked me. It was just like before. The first one didn’t take as much time as the second one. He took so long. I think he was purposely holding off cumming. The pressure was so intense that I thought I couldn’t hold myself long enough to make it to the toilet afterward. But I did.”
“I wanted to run to the toilet every time they swapped out, but they just kept fucking us,” recalled Reese.
Sanford said, “Yeah. And even after they finished, they wouldn’t let us run to the bathroom. They made us watch the clock for 15 minutes. It was pure agony.”
“That what happened to us too, but we didn’t have far to run after they let us up,” said Sean.
“That is part of the tradition, to make you wait so you get tortured by the enema affect,” said Sanford.
Sean laughed, “Yeah. Even after we cleaned up and got back to the room, Noah ran back again. He was gone like 30 minutes or so.”
Noah laughed, “Yeah, every time I thought I was cleaned out, I still had to return. I thought I had taken a laxative. All night I felt like I needed to run to the toilet. I was glad when I finally went to sleep.”
“Are you guys sore today?” asked Reese.
“I’m not.”
“Me neither,” said Noah.
“Hah. Then you guys didn’t really get your asses ripped that hard. You just thought you did since it was the first time.”
“I guess you’re right. Jonathon’s dick really isn’t that big,” Noah laughed.
“Don’t let him hear that,” laughed Reese.
“Yeah Noah, tell us about big dicks when you have that pencil for a hard on,” Sanford laughed.
“Well our asses were sore for a week after we got fucked. And I was still sore from the first time when the four of them came to our room. I was really hurting,” Sanford said.
“We don’t fuck you because it takes so much time to clean up afterwards and besides we prefer being sucked,” explained Reese.
“I’m with you, Reese,” said Noah. “I like being sucked too.”
“Oh you do. Do You? You little peep squeak.” Reese started for Noah’s titties again. “Sucking you would be like putting a thermometer in my mouth.”
Sanford said in a faked smug tone, “Well you guys have to keep sucking yourselves because as seniors, we don’t do the sucking.”
“Unless we are not around,” laughed Sean.
“Just you never mind what we do when you are not around. Let’s get to that math,” demanded Reese.
“Are you sure you don’t want something else first?” Sean teased while holding his crotch.
“Work first. Then play,” Reese went over and flipped Sean’s nuts. Sean bent cringed and laughed.
After an hour of study, Reese unzipped his pants, “OK guys. Time to pay for our help. Tonight I want Sean.” Sean went to Reese’s bed and pulled Reese’s pants and underwear to the floor.
Sanford said to Noah, “What are you watching? Get over here.” Noah went to Sanford’s bed and pulled Sanford’s pants and shorts to the floor. Sanford stepped out of them, and Noah got on his knees between Sanford’s legs. Sanford laid back on the bed, and Noah didn’t hesitate to lick Sanford’s dick.
“Whoa. Not so fast. Time to learn something new. Play with it gently first,” instructed Sanford.
Sean got the idea, “I know. Do what Sanford says,” he said as he got on his knees between Reese’s legs.
Sean and Noah caressed Reese’s and Sanford dicks up and down by lightly touching their shafts with the tips of their fingers. Noah then licked Sanford’s balls and moved down his right thigh and back up again. At the same time, Sean moved up to Reese’s nipples and licked them by swirling his tongue round and round each one. Both spent some time teasing their mentors as they watched their dicks throb and drip precum.
“Don’t let any drops hit my belly,” Reese warned.
“We won’t stop ‘til we have every drop,” said Noah.
“Real clown poet aren’t we tonight?’ laughed Reese.
After several more minutes where Noah and Sean continued giving their best touches and licks, Reese sat up and said to Sean, “So you like being fucked by Jonathon and Deavon? Pull down your pants.”
Sean didn’t know what to say, but did as Reese asked. Noah continued licking and playing with Sanford’s balls all the way up to his nipples. Reese opened a drawer and took out some lubricant and put it on his index finger.
He said to Sean, “Bend over.” Sean bent over and Reese sent his index finger up Sean’s hole. He didn’t go in and out, but rather, he hooked his finger and went round and round. Sean got a hard on. Reese reached around and continued moving his finger in Sean’s ass as he went down and sucked Sean’s dick for a minute.
Reese said, “OK. Just to give you guys an idea what you can do for yourselves
Pull up your pants and get back to work.”
Noah was watching but hadn’t stopped playing with Sanford. He took the cue and put his lips and tongue around Sanford’s dick and went down and up and down. Sean did the same to Reese. Sean made a vow not to get tired this time and continued up and down. If he did get tired, he just slowed his pace. Reese laid his head back on the bed. Soon Reese felt the numbing exhilaration that filled his body with extreme ecstasy, and Sean felt hot cum pulsing in his mouth. He started pumping Reese’s dick up and down as he swallowed every drop.
Noah continued up and down on Sanford. Unlike Sean, he had to stop and lick Sanford’s balls to rest his jaws, and then continued up and down while gently pumping his mentor’s dick. Noah was good by now at moving his tongue as rapidly as he could while moving up and down Sanford’s long shaft. The Sanford put his hands on the top of Noah’s head and then in a few moments pulsed warm squirts of cum in Noah’s mouth. Noah started swallowing immediately because Sanford tended to have loads of cum. Noah pumped and swallowed as Sanford felt the bliss of cumming from his feet all the way through his thighs up to the very top of his head.
Sean had gone to the sink to rinse his mouth as Noah was pumping the last of Sanford’s cum into this mouth. When the last drop was out, Noah laid down beside of Sanford. Sanford didn’t protest. Noah never rinses his mouth even after the first time that he was forced to swallow. He was the newest at this, and he wanted to show that he could take anything.
Noah and Sean got wash cloths and ran warm water over them. There wasn’t any cum to clean up, but Reese and Sanford liked the relaxed feeling of being pampered after having orgasm. Sean and Noah took the warm wash cloths and wrapped them around their mentors’ dicks and ran to get another set to do it again before the first ones got cold. They did this back and forth for several times until Reese and Sanford gave them permission to stop.
After they finished, Noah and Sean said goodnight and went to their rooms to work on themselves.
Noah couldn’t wait to get started and was undressed about 10 seconds before Sean. Sean took out lubricant.
“Where did you get that?” asked Noah.
“Reese gave it to me when you weren’t looking. He said to surprise you with it.”
“What do you want to do?” asked Noah.
“Well let’s start off as usual, then we will try the new method.”
“Sound great. Who’s first.” They got into bed and did sixty-nine to warm themselves up which really wasn’t needed because they were hot. After several minutes, Sean reached for the lubricant and smeared it on his hole. Noah knew he would be first. Noah put some lubricant on his dick and turned Sean over. He inserted his dick.
After the large dicks of the juniors, it wasn’t unpleasant at all for Sean.
“You can do it as long as you like, then I will do you,” said Sean.
Noah got Sean up on all fours and inserted his dick. It was grand. After several minutes, Noah got that familiar feeling and got chills all over as he came. After a few minutes to cool down, he got on all fours. Sean put lubricant on the target area and some on his dick and fucked for his first time too.
It was the first time each of them had done this, and Sean was overly excited with the new method. He wondered why he hadn’t tried it on his old neighborhood friends, but they just didn’t know about it. Soon he shivered and felt his whole body feel the sensation made him feel like he was floating as his dick tingled. The feeling moved up and down his spine from his head to his thighs. He continued until he came down off of that extreme exhilaration.
“Let’s get cleaned up.” Sean and Noah went to the shower to wash off the lubricant and get ready for bed. Please read “The Vermont Board School: Part 5” to continue the story. If you like the story, please leave feedback. Enjoy.
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