Loved. the story line. Is there more? Can't wait to read it if there is
Posted by Maggie
it was really good!!!! u should definately follow this part up with a part 2 or something....
It sounds like both were fooling around, so why is the husband made to look bad? Once again, we see a double standard!
The plot was confusing and hypocritical- the husband deserves pussy as much as the wife deserves cock. I don't know what was done to Bill, but it doesn't sound fair to him.
If she was dominant, then she was already getting more respect than she deserved, anyway. Why didn't the deal require her to tell him, too! This was just wrong!
They both cheated, hello?
How is his infidelity worse than hers? Sounds like a double standard to me!
Posted by Pure
Oh god Joseph.. this story is amazing. I'm so jealous of Val. Please PLEASE continue with this.. I'll keep checking back, don't make me wait too long! PLEASE!
Posted by SEVERUSMAX & Amasterneeded
After re-reading this story in full, with Amasterneeded, who lives with me as my Love Slave now as a result of our disagreement on THIS story, she and I have come to more of an agreement that, while she could have told him more, and the penalty with his dick may have been too severe, BILL was the person in the wrong, and deserving of some drastic punishment! After all, Val found him in the motel with the other girl BEFORE she yielded to blackmail by Lewis. And Ron waited until he found out about Bill's violation of the arrangement. In short, Bill was due some comeuppance!
Posted by SEVERUSMAX & Amasterneeded
And by all means, DO continue writing this series! Please! It was hotter the 2nd time around.
Posted by Mark
If I was Bill, first of all, I never would have cheated. Second of all, if my woman had done that, it would be as simple as "I'll have my lawyers call your lawyers."
Posted by Caitrionagh
there are some very sick people around who do really love breaking other couples marriages, Bill should walk away head held high and divorce her.
Posted by Athena
Val is just has guilty as Bill. infact I think Val is the worse out of the two of then. The storey is far too long.
A school boy is kindnapped. It all takes a different turn when they find something in his backpack...