The Undress Rehearsal Part 2
Derek had to go and get things ready in the bar so he had got respectable looking and insisted on cooking me a really good meal that evening. "After that performance you deserve better than sandwiches!" he had said. Indeed it was something of a treat complete
with wine and candles. The regulars did look at me a little askance seeing me dining romantically all on my own. Once again I wondered whether they had not already drawn their own conclusions. It was about eight o'clock when I finished the meal
and went back to the bar for a couple of pints and some small talk with Derek and the locals.
I don't remember when it was but sometime later Derek quietly excused me from staying up any longer if I was tired. So it was that I went upstairs, on my own
this time, to await Derek once he had managed to bid the regulars goodnight.
Nearly an hour went by and Derek still did not appear so I went back down to the bar to see what was going on. There were four guys sitting at the bar counter and Derek behind the bar. I went and sat down on a stool just apart from this group of guys. No one was saying anything and there was a distinct atmosphere. They looked at me with some interest. I saw they were all wearing similar tee shirts with some sort of badge
on the front. Derek gave me a glass of what he knew to be my favourite malt whisky without me even asking.
"Look just forget it, it's no! and that's it!" said Derek to them all of a sudden gesticulating wildly to emphasise the point.
"Oh come on Derek be a sport it's just for the club. For Pete's sake it's no big deal!" said a burley guy called Colin.
"Is this a friend of yours?" he continued while half looking at me.
"Er no he's just a guest, he has one of the um .. other rooms" said Derek in a fluster.
"Now that's an interesting concept isn't it...., 'other room'......? Hmm!, as opposed to.....?" mused Tony, a dark haired guy with a somewhat Hispanic complexion. The tension relaxed as there was laughter all round. "Don't worry Derek, we understand, so why not come over and give us a show next week?" "Yea go on!!" the others all called together.
I must have had difficulty concealing my inquisitiveness and I was aware that all these guys were eyeing me up quite a lot. "Aren't you going to introduce your guest Derek!" said a very handsome blond guy called Hendrik. Derek was silent and clearly
very embarrassed.
"No honestly!" I said "I really don't want to intrude. This is obviously a private conversation".
"Er what's that about privates?" piped up a big guy called Hank at the other end of the bar.
"One track mind Hank! Private conversation man! Sorry to disappoint but if you haven't been paying attention but we don't seem to be getting very far with Derek
here." Explained Colin pedantically.
"So what about the other guy?" says Hank looking at me.
"Hang on man! He doesn't even know what this is all about"
Colin came over to me putting his hand on my shoulder said: "Its quite simple really; as you probably realise we all know Derek pretty well; for one thing he occasionally plays for the club. Anyway what it's all about you see is this. Every year we have this sort of stag night do at the Rugby Club. You know one of those evenings when we let the wives and girl friends go off and cluck or whatever they do at hen parties."
"Get to the point! We want a stripper!" says Hank.
"Colin's the captain; let him finish" said Tony.
"So usually we get one of the girls to put on a show, Tracey and Sheila to be precise. They are, shall we say, regular visitors. But this time there was a sort of consensus that maybe we should go for something a bit different. In fact it was Tracey who suggested it. 'Why not get a male stripper for a change' she said. Well, she wasn't going to suggest female opposition!"
"So you came to ask Derek to do the honours" I interrupted with a smile which seemed to engage everyone's attention rather more than I had expected. Derek's face was very flushed. I felt sorry for him but it was hard not to go along with the drift.
"We thought, being that Derek loves talking about his fitness, not to mention showing off his body to all and sundry, amongst other things [there was a roar of laughter at that point], he would be just our man".
"I don't really have much experience of this sort of thing." I said slowly and thoughtfully.
"And....??" enquired Hank as he came over to me riveting my attention with an expectation written all over his face. I felt mesmerised by his commanding manner. I was so taken by his powerful personality, not to mention his big physical presence, that what I said next was without thinking.
"Well, if it would be of any help, I mean you know I gather it is a bit short notice and well Derek here doesn't seem too keen ..." I began.
"We want you to strip for us!" said Hank bluntly.
"But you don't know me! What I mean is, well....., why do you think I'd be any good at it?" It was a feigned protest on my part. I was getting excited at the idea of stripping in front of these four big muscular guys.
"Is this an offer?" Colin asked with a look of forced seriousness on his face.
"Look I was just wondering if it would help matters if I stood in for Derek but I'm sure you guys have someone else in mind anyway."
"You are fucking perfect. Right?!" Hank put his big hand up the back of my shirt and around my bare chest.
"Hey steady on Hank, that's enough of that!" Hank released me reluctantly and at length Colin continued:
"Personally there's something here I don't quite understand." He said, looking me up and down and then looking at Derek. I was intrigued by this; obviously they knew more about Colin's sexual preferences than I had appreciated.
"I hope you don't mind me asking but how old are you?"
"Mid twenties, 23 to be exact. Oh and by the way my name is Carl!" I replied
"You're kidding! Twenty three??! Wow! you look more like fifteen! Sorry I don't mean to insult you in any way Carl, it's just that you look so.."
"Smooth and sexy?" suggested Hank.
This made me flush a lot and my face went red. "It's just me!" I said "I can't help the way I am. Look I have my own car, I've recently finished in college and right now I'm going round doing surveys."
"Hey don't get this wrong, You don't have to apologise for anything, we like you just the way you are, if that isn't too much of an understatement! And believe me you don't have to think it would be second choice in any way" Colin hesitated for a moment without anyone interrupting him then went on; "OK ...... Hank's had a
few to drink but .... well .... Surely you must realise there is something really fucking sexy about you Carl!!" Colin said with some passion in his voice.
"Hear! Hear!" they all shouted. The bulges in the fronts of their jeans was confirmation of what he was saying, especially Hank, he was a big guy anyway. It
seemed he had balls not just in the metaphorical sense!
"Come on get your kit off then Carl! I want to get to see that nice big bare bum of yours!" Hank was standing in front of me in a challenging way, his brown hairy arms folded on his broad chest.
"OK I'll go upstairs, put on something more appropriate and er give you a sort of preview. I'm no great dancer but I'll have a go" There were cheers all round, even Derek looked happier.
"Shall we call it an Undress Rehearsal?" suggested Tony amid some laughter
"Don't forget to go to the 'other room!'" shouted Hank, amid even greater mirth.
Part 3 to follow. Love to hear from any readers!
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