The Twins
Leanne was resolute with her wish to be married the week after graduation. Karen wanted to keep to the schedule as well, because her mother had finely agreed to give the bride away. Karen’s Dad was going to be gone for two maybe three weeks so it found it easy for to sneak out, and be gone for a week. There was some tension with her mother when she told her that she wanted to be wed to another woman. Karen was in tears for a while; I told her that if nothing else worked my mother was willing to give her away. That eased her sadness some but the relief on Karen’s face when her mother relented was unmistakable.
Both girls wanted to be dressed, as brides and they wanted their mothers to give them away, because as Karen put it ‘Two women are being married for their first time.’ It was at this breakfast that I asked them to tell me about the proposal. Leanne just started to sob a little and as her eyes dried slowly recounted the event as Karen sat by.
“The evening before Karen came into the kitchen and hinted at how much she liked picnics. I told her it was far too cold for one. I remember being really sad while I listened to her tell me what she wanted to eat; the fruits, raw veggies, breads and wine, because I thought for sure that this was a ruse so she could tell me that she wanted to break up with me. She was quiet all week and vague when she did speak, very hard to reach so I left her to herself.”
“I remember almost crying as I put the picnic together, and on the drive to the waters’ edge I kept thinking why the elaborate set up for a break up. I don’t know what else I was suppose to think we were so silent during the drive, but I do remember Karen never really looked angry just distant or distracted.”
“When we got to the beach it was deserted and no wonder it was freezing, and I was glad the wind wasn’t blowing. We through two tarps down and put our blankets on top, it took some time, but the cold of the ground still found its way through.”
“When we were finely set up and Karen offered me a slice of apple I sensed that the bomb was about to drop. As I let her put it into my mouth she asked me to be her wife. I heard the words but still I heard ‘it’s time to split…’ I just started sobbing wildly.”
Karen interjected, “I almost started crying because I thought I heard her say no. I was still being confused by my upbringing. I knew I wanted to spend my life with Leanne as my wife.”
“It was like I had been drugged I was so dizzy.” Leanne continued, “It took a few seconds for the words to sink in, and when they did I really started crying. I remember wrapping my arms around her and squeezing her so hard and gasping ‘Yes…!’ ‘Yes…!’ repeatedly. When I gained some of my senses, I said that I ‘want!’ to marry you. The bite of the cold was softened for a while, so we quietly lay together wrapped in a blanket. We were unable to finish the food we brought because of the cold but for a few minutes it was a warm sunny day. You should have heard her when she talked to her Mom. It sounded like some one did drop a bomb.”
“Yea my Mom was ‘pisssed…!’ and shocked, I still hear her shouting ‘How…! Am I going to tell Dad!”? Karen chimed in, “It took some talking but she agreed to letting it be ‘our’ secrete, and even more talking to get her to agree to give me away at the wedding. That conversation ended on a sour note as you both know, but she did finely cave in and called us last week. It was funny I was there listening for a while at first and Leanne was talking to my Mom like they were having a good talk.”
“We were having a good conversation!” Leanne interrupted, “We were exchanging pleasantries for the first time as ‘the betrothed.’”
As graduation neared it became clear that the wedding was going to be much more than a quiet little ceremony, even though the immediate family remained uninformed, it was still going to be an event. All twelve of the girls in the discussion group had R.S.V.P.ed to be there as flower girls, Leanne’s Journalism teacher sent a letter saying that she couldn’t make it because of family trouble but pledged the flowers, saying there are two brides so there should be twice as many flowers.
All three of our e-mails were being flooded with requests to be present at the ceremony and reception after the announcement made the school paper. The girls told me to e-mail invitations to everyone that contacted me, they would handle the others. Both of their mothers agreed to pay for and handle the wedding and catering arrangements. The beach where Karen proposed was selected as the first choice, but a church hall was reserved in case of rain.
My stomach was full of butterflies like I was the one getting married, not the photographer. I had trouble concentrating on the graduation shoot. After the party I noticed the girls were really going at it, both of their faces were glaring red. I walked over to see if I might be able to settle the dispute. It was good they were far enough in the background that no one noticed them huff at each other and stomp out in different directions, so I hid close by their car.
Sure enough my patience was rewarded they both arrived at the car at the same time, and when Karen said ‘I don’t want to fight about this,’ I snapped the pictures. There was enough ambient light I didn’t need a flash, but my noise interrupted their talk. I asked, “What was the trouble?”
“It’s funny that you should be here,” Leanne started, “We are arguing about you. Karen wants to document our wedding night, and I say we reenacted the proposal we can reenact the wedding night!”
“Karen. Leanne is right!” I interrupted, “I think the two of you should have a private night to consummate your vows. I think the three of us are having the flutters, and I’m not even getting married.”
“So you ‘will…!’ be there the next night?” Karen asked almost ordering me.
“I wouldn’t miss it!” I said lending a little levity.
“We want to start our honeymoon after the reenactment.” Leanne explained.
“We’ll be graduated and we want to take six months maybe more and go on a nice long honeymoon.” Karen chipped in.
Two days before the wedding their mothers showed up and we all had dinner at ‘The Boot.’ We got there around six and it was well after eleven before the party broke up, Karen went with her Mom and Leanne with hers’. I think we went through six bottles of wine and a bottle of port. I took close to a hundred pictures that night. Twenty of them found their way to the web site, but all of them are in their photo albums.
I remember waking up the morning of the ceremony and having a good cry, and wondered how the girls were doing this was their first separation since they became friends and lovers. I drove pass the beach cause the sun was out, and the park area was already set up, so I stopped for some before pictures. I remember some drama about the permit and not having enough notice, but with a little talking, we got that cleared up.
I grabbed some breakfast and started to set up my cameras, link them to two decks. I hired Jerry from my media class to run the remotes, and scan every one there, getting close-ups of them all at least twice. I was so anxious to see their glowing faces, their gowns, and hear the crowd when the brides arrive while I was mingling taking stills.
The three piece band a Flute, piano, a real piano, and guitar were playing the caterers were setting up for the reception, food, drink, the places to serve it and the tables to eat and drink on. The crowd was noisy because there were thirty-seven people not counting the staff. I was snapping this picture of a girl from campus her eyes were moist, when a hush went across the grounds. The band started to play the traditional ‘Here Comes the Bride’ and I saw the limos coming in from two different directions and park face to face.
It was straight out of the fairy tale books. They both had full length white gowns on with trailing veils. They each had six girls two carrying the veil, two carrying the dress bottom, and two girls throwing flowers. As mushy as this sounds the sun was pale to their glow. I called Jerry to make sure he had the cameras trained, while I climbed on a table to catch a clear shot of the bridal procession.
The ceremony itself was simple the vows were simple both of their mothers were crying as were a few people in the audience, and everyone there was solemn. We formed a line to the reception everyone kissing the brides and wishing the best of everything. The crowd was a happy crowd it thinned some after the ceremony, but there were still a lot of people present eating and drinking. There wasn’t any alcohol because it was I public beach, and we had a rule that no cigarettes were to be smoked; you had to cross the street to smoke.
Yes, somewhere the two girls, I guess now we can call them women, slipped away in one of the limos. They even escaped my notice, but no worries I knew where they went because; I was to show up at noon sharp. I arrived at the inn where we had breakfast once, and found a late brunch in progress.
I started snacking and snapping right off. My two women still had their wedding day glow on and they had put their gowns back on. Their mothers joined us soon after and we all talked and laughed. They had to leave early because they shared the same flight. The two new mothers in law were taking a short vacation to get to know each other. So we said our good-bys the girls and their mothers were all crying they even got my eyes wet, and then they were gone.
We sat at the table silently, sipping our orange juice and champagne. Leanne broke the silence, “Well Karen are you ready?”
“Yes I am. And you Kyle?” Karen asked as she smiled.
“I have my video cameras outside.” I assured.
“We think stills will be enough.” Leanne warmly said.
We went up to the room and they put their headdresses and veils back on, and I started taking pictures as they took turns removing their clothes, and with their veils in hand they turned to me and said goodnight and walked into the bedroom. I finely got the picture I wanted the one picture I wanted. It was funny to watch them walking away, their wonderful bottoms swaying and the hickys on Karen’s thighs through the door and closing it.
I was about to go when Leanne came out and whispered in my ear, “It is Karen’s turn.” I will spare you the details, the three of use made love into the evening. Both girls pleasured me orally, and each manipulated my penis to orgasm inside the other. I am not sure when I succumbed to exhaustion, but I awoke to an empty room, just the maid knocking at the door to see if we wanted the room freshened up. I said, “no,” as I looked around and I saw a happy face clown on the table by the window, it had two envelopes in its hand.
The first one read; we are off. We will e-mail pictures as we take them. Thank you very much love and kisses and signed Karen and Leanne. To my surprise the second one was a notarized letter from their lawyer declaring Leanne’s cabin and title belonged to me I just had to pick it up. And Oh a PS, If this is not acceptable or not enough payment for you’re work just have the bill for the balance ready and our attorney will settle with you no questions asked.
I felt alone, and in a sense, satisfaction in helping them achieve some personal goal. I knew and their mothers knew that they were really happy. I guess that a sense of emptiness comes, with most accomplishments. I guess I always knew that there was and is something special about those two. On the wall next to the anonymous couple, I put the picture of Karen hugging Leanne from behind in their kitchen, her eyes closed and she was breathing in the scent of her hair. The light was perfect and just enough of the sun was in the room to tint the room with a rosy glow, and still be darkly. I did steal that picture they didn’t know until I told them, and asked if I could keep it from posting it. They said be sure to send our moms a copy and one to us.
Like they promised the pictures started to come in, and like I promised each week I updated the web site. ‘’ and forwarded the positive e-mails. I remember looking at their faces so much color, their vacation honeymoon was agreeing with them. Each week there were two sets of pictures a ‘G’ set and an ‘R.’ I thought as I looked at the third weeks pictures they were getting better at taking pictures of the human body, their nudes were starting to come out titillating. I thought I might suggest that they start back going to the gym but no they are on vacation I said. Still Karen had obviously put a little more weight on than Leanne good food and good times will do that to a person male or female.
I received a actual letter from Leanne; there was four pictures actual pictures in it two sets of nudes a front both sides and of course a rear they knew that was my pet pose, so they both turned towards them selves, smiling at me. It wasn’t until I read the letter that the font pose them pushing their bellies out so made sense, it read. “Well the honeymoon is going very well, we’ve visited several parks, and have had some very special meals. We like what you’ve done to the site so keep up the good work. We are assuming that the house was sufficient for payment, but keep score and when a payment is due or needed do not hesitate to send a bill. Signed Leanne and Karen. The postscript read and oh yes the pregnancies are going just fine. PPS Karen said to say ‘hi Super Sperm’, and told me to tell you that she is carrying twins.”
I sat at the table stunned I am not sure how long. I looked at the first pictures again and a side profile, and there it was plane as day if you will, Karen was showing already. They both looked pregnant in the face, so I scanned back to the second week and yes, there they were. I spent so much time looking at their pictures that I could see it right off, now that I knew. Their faces had already gotten a little puffy and their lips had filled out by the second week. I thought it was just the fun and food.
I started a right profile of the girls; I mean that affectionately, from the wedding night on and updated it each week readying them for posting. I e-mailed them about the announcement and they wanted to wait until month seven or eight. By the sixth week, their bottoms filled out, and the eighth week they both were showing, of course Karen was a bit bigger. I was getting e-mail jpgs and you know the eight pictures on film, my private pets. It was in that mailing that Leanne had enclosed a short note, ‘Karen’s gift has grown,’ that was all it said, I knew what she was saying even if none of the pictures would show a hint I knew.
Their faces were now quite plump and amazingly arousing. They were not flabby at all they were still pert firm, their breasts filled out and yes they sagged a little. Their nipples grew, they both had big nipples to start with and now just to look at them in pictures is arousing.
The shock came in the sixth month letter and e-mails along with the pictures were the obituary of Karen’s Dad, ‘passed away suddenly’ it read. I guess that is one way of winning or getting the last word. I was glad to here that her father at least softened his stand and accepted his daughter’s wife, and then he was gone.
Leanne and Karen both wrote asking me to come out for a little visit and think about shooting their birthing. I remember how they looked in those pictures; their faces were so full and full of color, their bellies had gotten so big, and their bottoms still the wide smilers, but bigger. Their doctor said it would be fine because it was going to be an at home birth with the EMS. Crews standing by incase.
Their honeymoon was over and they were home with Karen’s mother. Leanne said her mom was there too because she had just been divorced and wanted to help. I flew out the next day and found a limo waiting at the airport. It was a long drive and we stopped for dinner, and the driver handled the dinner and tip.
I was met at the door by Karen, I was so surprised in just a little while she had gotten bigger I stuttered just a little when I asked, “How are you doing?”
“I’m big I feel big and the only time I feel comfortable is when I am walking around or laying on my side with a pillow between my legs.” She sounded tired of being pregnant, “How are you doing?”
“I’m fine. I have sold a lot of pictures, and I have gotten a lot of requests for doing portraits.” I said cheerfully and asked, “Where is Leanne, and how is she doing?”
“She is really fine, she isn’t as pregnant as I am.” She said quietly smiling adding sarcastically, “As you well know Mr. Super Sperm. And Leanne… is, well… I sort of sicced her on my mom.”
“What!”? I nearly dropped to the floor with surprise.
“Yea. I swear that woman can seduce a dead man and make him cum. I doubt my dad ever really did mom any favors that way so I set Leanne on her. I’ve been listening for the last two hours and they are quiet now. And you? Do you need a lot of coitus?”
“No I am aroused already, I was as soon as we saw the house. And you sure it is alright?” I whispered as I stepped closer.
“The doctor says it is safe still, I just don’t want to lay down and I’ve been ready since the limo called. How is right here?”
Karen murmured as she stepped to the couch back and leaned on it for support and put her foot on the armrest.
I felt warmth in her voice and watched her as she lifted her dress, her movements were smooth and unrushed so seductive and the way she held her self so open, I found her compelling. I moved in and reached around to fondle her as I entered, so wet was she I slipped right in. I was so astonished as I wrapped my fingers around her clitoris at how much it had grown, and remembered Leanne’s letter, ‘Karen’s gift has grown.’ We stood there for the better part of an hour.
I stayed there for the weekend we went out for all the meals, the five of us talked for hours on end over wine or drinks laughing. The girls drank tea of course and ate several times a day. Neither of the girls made love with me again and I was fine with that. I think hearing her mother moaning and knowing what Leanne can do made her hot, I had very little to do with that first night.
I returned, as luck would have it, the day before the birthing. I brought all my cameras and set up two rooms for shooting video and still. It was amazing they went into labor only a few hours apart, Leanne first then Karen. Karen was the first to deliver, both twins came out with only a half hour between them, one boy and one girl, an hour later Leanne’s baby girl. Karen’s boy was seven pounds seven ounces, the girl was six pounds nine ounces, and Leanne’s girl was seven pounds even. Their names are Karen’s boy is named Kyle her baby girl is named Shari, and Leanne’s girl is called Sharon.
I hear from them every month in e-mails and jpgs for the site and me. The girls have started to look really good again and the family is doing quite well. Me? I’m okay I never really wanted a family and still don’t though I can visit any time. The three of us agreed I guess I felt ripped off but only for a second or two. I am a successful photojournalist that is monitoring a web site .
I watched this story straight from the beginning before they even knew me. It was in part my decision not to acknowledge their beauty nor look at them that endeared me to them both. I guess you could say I was border lining on being rude. I didn’t get the door for them or let them go first or offer to carry anything for them, and I didn’t try to engage them in idle conversation. You could say I ignored them, or treated them like regular people.
Anyway we know who we are, what we want, and where we are going. They know that they can come and visit me any time; and I know that I can run into them any time I want to. Grand mothers well they love watching their new grandchildren, and don’t mind their daughters gallivanting around the country as they put it. Don’t worry they know that they are mothers too and they do spend a lot of time with their children. And me; the whole world is my playground now. I really like stealing pictures of people being people.
The start well you know...
Jeff, an average guy, gets hired to entertain at an all girl's party and gets... a little more than he bargained for. |
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