The Student Part 1
It was a warm humid day in late September when I was doing something as
mundane as mowing the lawn when it happened.
I became aware of someone on the drive way as I was finishing off the
last few bits. At first my only reaction was 'Let's get this over
first'. I had to turn a few times with the machine and I tried to
acknowledge his presence but he seemed to be attending to something on
his bicycle. I can't say I really noticed all that much more then and
if he had just gone away I probably would never have remembered about
it for more than five minutes. How different it was!
"Hi that's a good job done then!" He was well spoken and quite
extraordinarily handsome. It's hard to remember what it was then but he
had a sort of poise about him which gave him an almost aristocratic
"Oh well, thanks! Compliments are always gratefully received!" As I said
this I had in mind partly that he seemed to be admiring me. I should
say that I had taken my shirt off partly to keep cool and also to catch
some of the last of the summer sun.
"I'm sorry to bother actually but ?"
"Don't worry it's a most welcome interruption!" I said smiling. "How can
I help you?".
"I'm a first year student at the university and I'm trying to find
accommodation. Do you know of anyone around here who might have a room
to spare?"
"Yea I was reading about this in the local paper, apparently students
are sleeping in corridors and lecture theatres. Let me think now .."
"No please don't worry it's just that I thought you might know of
"Sorry what was your name, mine's Carl by the way?"
"Oh I'm Rickie, well short for Richard I suppose but that's what my
friends call me."
I was on the verge of offering him a room in my house right then and I
was wondering if there was any reason why I shouldn't. I had this
feeling that I just could not send this nice young guy away without
helping him.
"Rickie there's really got to be something seriously wrong with the
system when a guy like you can't find a room!" I couldn't help looking
into his big blue eyes. He had short fair hair which just covered his
ears and his smooth well filled cheeks were so suggestive of something
they just made me quite excited.
"Oh I'd better get on and see what I can find" he said firmly and, with
a resignation of purpose, turned to bid me goodbye.
"Hang on a minute! Would you consider taking a room in my house? There
is a spare room. Would you be allowed to do that or is there some
approval system?"
"To hell with any approval system; if they won't help me why should I
care? No of course I'd consider taking it but are you sure you really
want to take me?"
"Why shouldn't I? I don't think there's anything wrong with you Rickie
is there? It certainly doesn't look like it! I was more concerned that
you might not want to commit yourself so quickly perhaps you'd prefer
to look around."
"I just can't believe it! This is better than anything I could have
"Hang on! you haven't seen the room yet. Hey I'd better fetch my shirt
and look a bit more respectable for the occasion" I said jokingly.
"No don't do that for me you look terr.. I mean you're fine!" He flushed red at
his mistake and I grabbed my shirt but simply put it down on a
chair inside. There was just a hint of conspiracy about the smile he
gave me. I showed him his room but he only looked around very briefly.
"Are you really sure you mean this?" he repeated.
I had never before seen such a fabulously attractive guy; in fact I
didn't really consider myself gay and here was this complete stranger
who was blowing me over with his most infectious smile!
"I have never been so sure of anything in my life!" I said and briefly
without thinking I found myself hugging him. "Now let's get down to
practicalities. Let's have a mug of something together coffee, tea,
what would you like?" I went on unperturbed as he seemed to be
steadying himself. We went outside again to put his bike in the garage
and he removed a small shoulder bag he had strapped to the rear.
"Is that all you've got?"
"Yea well another student, who's got a hostel room, let me sleep on the
floor but it's not really allowed and I could have got him in trouble.
All my other stuff is at my parent's place. It's not a lot!" he added
"I don't mind , in fact perhaps I can drive you over and help you ferry
"Oh no!" he replied very quickly. "I mean sorry! Thanks! but it's not
much really I can just put it in a bag and take it on the train. I've
got a student card you see" he added as if to give further credence but
I had guessed he thought my appearance would cause him some
"That's OK Rickie, look um ? what are you studying at Uni. then?" I
could see he felt a bit uneasy about refusing my offer.
"I'm doing catering and hotel management." then after a pause, "Don't
say it I know what you're thinking 'You can do the cooking' well yes I
certainly would like to help out if you like. I love cooking you see"
"It just keeps getting better!" I replied. "So back to practical
matters; I think a trip to the supermarket is required and with such a
qualification I'm going have to ask you to accompany me!"
"Steady on I haven't started the course yet!"
"You don't need to, to know more about cooking than I do! Since Suzie
left I've had to make do and oh! by the way, I should have explained. I
had a female partner called Suzie who left me a couple of months ago.
We weren't married and there weren't any kids thankfully"
"I'm really sorry to hear that!" Rickie interrupted "Why on earth would
a girl leave you!? No sorry; I don't know what I'm talking about!"
"No it's alright; it's me really; I'm just no good with girls I'm afraid
and that's it. I'm always saying the wrong thing or not saying the
right thing or not doing the right??. Oh I don't know. The trouble is
I've had a couple of women sort of throw themselves at me then it
doesn't work and it's always my fault!? Come on we'll take the car"
Rickie was full of ideas in the supermarket and I had to restrain him
from loading all sorts of exotic things into the trolley. Then we
suddenly realised we hadn't discussed what he would pay for lodgings.
In was so unbusinesslike that in most cases any one would have thought
we were heading for disaster!
"Come on fajitas are a must! It's Mexican, have you never had them?"
"Yes of course I have and I have actually helped make them!" There was
something about our banter which may have predicted the way our
relationship was going because, when as went to pay, the girl on the
checkout said something like; "Nice you've got a new partner"
"What did she say?" insisted Rickie squeezing my arm till it hurt.
"Oh she's a hell of a gossip. Suzie always went to her till and would
take ages gassing and holding up all the other customers."
"You haven't answered my question! Come on!! How the hell can she ? well
? think that?" Rickie was struggling for words now.
"So what did you think she was thinking?? I think you heard perfectly
well Rickie!"
"We are going to dish up fajitas right?" Rickie had found an apron,
rolled up his sleeves and looked very professional. He caught me
admiring his newly exposed arms. I just couldn't help it! Once again I
was almost mesmerised by him. He started preparing the meat, vegetables
and spices while I did the easy bit with the tortillas.
"How's that?" I said proudly having wrapped the first fajita. "Looks
good doesn't it?"
"Oh well yes" Rickie said. We both looked and for some reason burst out
laughing together. "Actually um, I think it's a bit small!"
"Small? Small for what? Oh too small for you, you mean; well you're only
going to put it in you're mouth!" I didn't really mean it to turn out
like that but we both fell about laughing.
"I want a full explanation about this joke immediately Mr Chef here,
otherwise you fail your exams!!" I said wagging my finger at him.
"What sort of examination had you in mind then?!" said Rickie with a
mischievous smile.
"Rickie I never knew you had such a one track mind on such a simple
thing as a rather small fajita? Now lets see!" I said picking one up.
"Are you not satisfied with that?" Rickie was laughing so much now that
he had to grip my arm to steady himself
"Don't you think it's time we pulled ourselves together and got on with
it." But it was no good, neither of could say anything that didn't make
it even worse!
After the meal I suggested to Rickie that he might want to retire to his
room. It created a slighted awkward moment between us because he
thought I was trying to get rid of him and I had to explain to him that
I just didn't want him to feel obliged to be with me all the time if he
wanted time to himself.
"Anyway I' going to watch that series on TV 'Mon Ami', it's the next
episode tonight."
"Oh I love that! Can we watch it together?"
"Yes Rickie of course I would love that. I was going to have a quick
shower first because it starts in ten minutes."
"Yea I'll do the same straight after you if that's OK"
So it was. I had gone straight into the living room after my shower with
just in a towel around me as usual. I shouted to Rickie that the shower
room was free and turned on the TV. Rickie took a little longer and the
program was about to start when he came out so I called to him to come
straight over.
"I'm only in my towel!" he protested putting his head around the door.
"Just come on in or you'll miss the start"
"But they're still on the adverts! Shouldn't I go and put something on?"
"If you really want to but I have to say you look pretty good as you
are!" He did too and fact I had never seen anyone look so utterly sexy
as Rickie did, bare from the waste up. He was so fabulously fit and
perfectly built with beautifully rounded smooth muscles but without
being effeminate in any way. The sight of him like this was giving me a
hell of a hard-on and it was hard not to show it with just a towel
round me.
Rickie had not responded to my suggestion and but instead returned a
compliment to me. I was getting more excited.
"I think I'd better draw the main curtains, we don't want gossips
peering through the netting do we?"
"Perhaps the girl from the supermarket would like to? Should we ring
her!?" suggested Rickie.
I got up to draw the curtain and as I was doing so it got stuck on the
runners so I had to stretch up and free it with both hands. At this
point I felt the loose knot in the towel around my waste unravel and in
a fraction of a second I was standing there completely in the nude with
Rickie shamelessly looking on and laughing.
"Sorry!" I said hurriedly pulling the towel back around me but I
detected that Rickie was getting very aroused himself. I walked slowly
over towards him.
"You really must never apologise for yourself Carl." He said rather
unsteadily and gazing straight up at me. I was standing right in front
of him now and he was staring straight at the bulge in my towel. "I
think you're concealing one of our fajitas down there!" Then as I very
slowly and deliberately undid the knot. "Wow you're huge man!" but then
he tried to recompose himself. "This is what I meant by a decent size!"
but then he gripped my cock in his hand and started gently squeezing
me. I was so hard and having Rickie doing this was sending thrills
right through me. I let go of everything and putting my hand gently
behind his head I drew him towards me. Rickie didn't need me to tell
him what to do! With my hand in his beautiful soft hairs I felt his
lips closing around my knob. It was beyond description! I was going out
of my mind! To see this beautiful boy taking me was one thing but to
feel his warm mouth and tongue exploring my raging prick! How could I
keep any control of myself? I knew I would blow prematurely if I didn't
take a lead quickly.
Rickie sensed I wanted to lie with him on the sofa. We quickly got into
a sixty nines position and I wasted no time getting at the parts of him
I most wanted. He let me pull his towel apart. I found it even harder
to control myself as I started to expose his beautiful smooth white
skin around his genitals. Rickie's dick was long and rather slim but so
beautifully full and rounded like everything else in his body. It was
all so pink and smooth but I could see little blood vessels just under
his tight skin and around his lovely big balls. As I went to lick him
he firmed right up and it suddenly got so rigid I realised what an
incredible virile young man he was.
Finally blowing my neighbor... |
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