The Sperm Donor 2 :The Discovery
She could not believe what she had done it again. Why did she try to talk to him in his bedroom?
God! Her body still ached. It has never been like that with Donald or with anyone for that matter.
Try as she might, she could not help but start to think of what had just happened. The feeling of her son’s young virile body on top of hers. His mouth kissing hers. The feel of him inside her.
It had felt so good.
But it was so wrong.
But despite the guilt, Helen found that she had never felt so satisfied.
Yes, it was wrong what she had done. What they had done. And although she did still love her husband, she realised now that she loved her son more. Much more.
And if he wanted her again, she was not sure if she could stop him.
With that thought in mind, Helen slowly fell asleep.
The next morning, Helen and Gabe waved goodbye at the front door as they watched her husband and his father drive off to work for the day.
They waited until the car had disappeared up the road before the front door was closed.
“Right, young man. Time I took you took you to school.”
But one look at Gabe and Helen knew that it was not going to happen.
Instead, the boy launched himself at his mother.
“Now, Gabe. You need to go mmmmphhh!” Helen tried to say before Gabe sealed her mouth with his. His hands moving over body as they zeroed on her bum and boobs.
Oh God!
She could not resist. Her mouth opening, Helen accepted her son’s eager tongue even as she clutched him to her. Their groins rubbing together. Already she could feel that he was bone hard.
After long minutes of kissing, Helen pushed them apart.
“U-upstairs! Now!” She ordered.
Gabe eagerly obeyed. Leaving her to phone both work and school, again, before she lost all control.
Unlike yesterday, they spent a lot more in bed this time. Practically all day. She found him in her bedroom, already naked and waiting. His large cock slicing the air in salute. As soon as she had stripped he was on her again. Forcing her onto the bed and mounting her and without any foreplay, he was quickly fully entrenched inside her. Fucking away heartedly.
He was full of energy and hungry. Not that she wasn’t. She fucked him back just as eagerly. Tenderness and love would come later.
After Gabe had come the first time, she then showed him what it was like to have a blowjob. Of course, it didn’t take long for the lad to become aroused and want to have sex again. This time he fucked her from behind.
Jesus! She had never been fucked so hard! Or so deep!
After his second climax, the boy started to calm down. Allowing her to instruct him on how to please her orally giving Helen her first orgasm of the day. Of course, once he became too aroused, he took her again.
After that, they had a nap but the boy was soon awake and wanting more.
And so it went on and slowly Helen introduced her son not only to sex and how to fuck, but also how to make love.
Helen had lost track on how many times they joined as she slowly rode his thick hard erection. She marvelled how he could get so stone hard so often. Even in her youth, none of the boys had been like that. The mother relished how he felt inside her. How he filled out her tender pussy so much. His mouth sucking greedily on her big breast as she held him to her.
“Oh darling.” She whimpered.
The boy’s response was muffled, his mouth fully immersed in fat meaty breast.
She glanced at the clock.
4:35PM! Oh no!
“Gabe darling.” She gasped, still riding the lad. “We need to finish. Your father will be home soon.”
“Just a little more, Mum.” Gasped Gabe once he had freed his mouth.
‘Just a little more’ proved to be half an hour as the pair stepped up a couple of gears, fucking each other hard right up to the finish, the two of them coming together.
“Oh God!” Helen panted as she pulled herself off Gabe’s still swollen erection. “G-go and get showered and dressed. I got to change the bed.”
Gabe jumped off the bed and quickly ran to the family bathroom.
Helen winced as she climbed off the bed. Her body aching after all the sex and she could feel his cum running like rivers down her legs, not to mention how much of their juices were on the bed.
As quickly as she could, Helen changed the sheets and put the dirty one in the washing basket. She also remembered to spray the room and open the windows. It stunk of sex.
Then after a quick shower and getting dressed, Helen went downstairs and found Gabe in the kitchen eating some cereal. She just had enough time to do a quick tidy up before Donald came through the front door.
“Hi, guys! Had a tiring day at the office today.” Donald announced. He did not see his wife and son exchange looks.
And so it went on. That night, Helen found herself helping her son with his ‘homework’. This time, making sure that she didn’t have to change her nightdress before she returned to bed.
The next morning, Gabe was too impatient to even wait for his father to get into his car before he slammed shut the front door.
“Gabe..?” Helen found herself being pushed against the wall as he hungrily kissed her. His hands finding and squeezing her boobs.
“Jesus, honey. D-don’t be so rough.” Helen complained as she broke the kiss.
But Gabe instead nuzzled into her neck while rubbing his bulging pants against her groin.
Oh God!
Helen couldn’t help but think that if her husband had been like this with her, she would have kicked him in the goolies and told him to calm down.
But the fact it was her own son who was so in need of her just made her own arousal rise. With surprising strength, she dragged Gabe’s face from her neck and greedily attached her mouth to his.
Donald had only just joined the High Street and mother & son were already in the main bedroom, hurriedly stripping each other.
By the time Donald had finished his 15-minute drive to his office, Helen was naked on her bed with Gabe deeply inserted behind as he pile-drove into her. Both grunting at each of his thrusts.
The boy obviously had fresh energy and he eagerly shoved himself into his mother time and time again.
Helen herself held onto the quilt cover as she pushed her plump arse back against the rampant thrusting. No longer did she want Gabe to not to be so rough, she just wanted more.
But the boy was also eager to come, as soon he was holding himself deeply inside her as he shot wave after wave of heavy thick semen into her heated depths.
“Ohhhh!” She groaned.
Feeling her son shooting off inside her was enough for the middle-aged mother. Bowing her head down, Helen gripped the covers even harder, her cunt collapsing around the boy’s stalk as her own orgasm ripped through her.
Finally, exhausted, Helen slumped onto the bed with Gabe falling beside her.
It didn’t take long before there was movement and Helen found herself being rolled onto her back. Looming over her was Gabe with a fresh erection.
The boy nodded as he came down and nuzzled into her neck.
“O-oh darling, you are going to wear me out.” Helen complained, still trying to get her breath back.
Gabe muttered something which sounded like a ‘yes’.
The boy moved between her legs. Helen sighed.
“P-please be gentle this time. I’m a little tender down there.”
The boy grunted as he pushed his hand between their bodies, trying to help him steer himself in.
Soon realising that he was having difficulties, Helen’s hand moved down to help.
“Slowly.” She whispered and she moaned as once again, her small cunt had to expand to take the boy’s swollen arousal.
And so again they stayed home, mainly in bed. This time Helen spending more time showing her son how to please her once his lust had been satisfied (albeit not for long).
By the end of the day, Helen was actually pleased that they had to stop. Never had she has so much sex. Not during her youth or her honeymoon.
However, that didn’t stop her from visiting her son again that night.
Saturday proved to be a problem since Donald was home. Gabe hardly left her side and every time they were alone meant a kissing and fondling session. Finally Helen had enough and finding an excuse to go out, drove Gabe to a seclude spot where they could satisfy both their lusts in the back of the car.
They did the same thing on Sunday – twice.
On Monday, they did go to work and school. But not before Gabe had given her a fast and heated fuck in the kitchen. That first time, they were fully clothed but Helen found it was better to do it before they got showered and dressed. This they managed on Tuesday but it meant a mad rush to school and work.
So the pattern continued, every morning before school/work and then last thing at night before going to bed. Of course, Gabe wanted to do it after school too but Helen did not want to take the risk though they came close a few times as they made out on the settee. However, they did go out for a “drive” a couple of times.
Christ! The boy was wearing her out.
As time went on and her belly grew, Gabe became more considerate. Making love more than just rampantly fucking. Unfortunately as their love grew, her love for her husband withered and died. At times she felt sad about it but had long realised that they never had what she shared with son.
But Helen was still fond of Donald and he was the father of Gabe and so she continued to play the role of the wife which centred on keeping house and cooking the family meals. But nothing more happened in the bedroom and, because of the pregnancy, Donald never tried to.
One thing both Helen and Gabe regretted was the way she had been made pregnant. Both wishing that they could have done it the ‘old fashioned way’.
Well they got their way in the end. A few months after the birth of baby Jenny, Helen found herself pregnant again. This time was by the ‘old fashioned way’
Helen wasn’t surprised. The amount of sex that the two of them had. Especially after Gabe had to wait after she had Jenny. Unfortunately, Donald was also interested again though Gabe was not happy about it. But it was only once a month on a Sunday morning and it did give her the perfect reason for why she had become pregnant again. There was never a doubt on who the father was.
In that time, Gabe was maturing. Not just physically but emotionally too. He still had his terrific sex drive, but he was now the best friend and lover that Helen always wanted as well as being completely doted on his daughter/baby sister.
Even her husband noticed and sometimes remarked how close her and Gabe had gotten which he was pleased about. Of course, that sometimes made Helen feel guilty. But he never suspected what was happening under his own roof. Although happy about the new impending arrival, Donald was also worried about Helen’s health.
Though wanting nothing more than have more children with Gabe, Helen had to, grudgingly, agree. She was getting older with her 47th birthday was just around the corner. After talking with her son, it was agreed that there would be no more with Helen going onto the Pill until the menopause.
One other problem they had to deal with was her husband. Gabe was increasingly getting frustrated living under the same roof as his father and having to keep their relationship secret. He also resented the fact that she slept in his father’s bed.
So, despite Helen’s objections, instead of going to college, Gabe went and found himself a job. Thanks to one of his friend’s parents, it was one with British Rail and although it was not high paying at first, with the help of benefits, it was enough to live on. It also had the attraction of having long term prospects which would eventually give him a very decent salary. It also provided the main reason to move as it was in Inverness, Scotland.
Of course, Gabe wanted Helen and Jenny to go with him so that they could live as man and wife.
Helen found this to be the most hardest decision of all. Not because she loved Donald and wanted to stay with her husband. Without doubt, she loved and was in love with her son.
But Gabe was not even yet 20.
Would he regret giving up his life, his youth to live with his own mother, a woman almost 28 years older than him? And how would he deal with the fact that more than likely, before he was sixty, she would be dead? There was also the fact that they were in different parts of their lives where she would age quicker than him. That although their age difference did not matter now, how would he feel when at forty, he would be sleeping with a woman almost seventy?
Then there was the question of the rest of the family. How could they live together as a couple without them knowing?
Helen felt that it was impossible and it broke her heart.
But Gabe, her beloved man, was adamant that it would work. Again and again, he would tell how much he loved her. How much he loved the children she had given him and that he was the happiest man alive. Yes, she would most likely die years before him but that could happen to someone is own age. That he himself could be run over by a car or die of an illness. There were no certainties in life.
All he knew that he loved her and wanted to be with her always and they would figure out the problems on the way.
Helen never loved him more than on that day and so the decision was made.
Donald did not really object. He had known that their marriage was dying and although he questioned Helen’s decision of moving up to Scotland with Gabe, he insisted that he helped financially. After they moved out, they never saw him again.
It was her sister, Cathy’s reaction that surprised Helen the most. The two women had always been in each other’s lives but recently, they had started to drift apart. At the time, Helen had blamed it on her relationship with her son which had remained a secret. But even so, she was shocked on how calmly Cathy took the news.
It was only afterwards that she found out why. Her sister and her soon to be ex-husband were having an affair and that Helen’s move played right into their hands.
Initially, Helen had felt betrayed when she first found out and it took Gabe’s logical reasoning to make her realise that she had done no better. However, although she understood, she felt that she could never trust her sister again. Certainly, she would never be able to tell her about her and Gabe. Instead their relationship sadly died and the two of them only saw Cathy once more, at Donald’s funeral.
Helen and Gabe sat on their favourite seat overlooking the sea. The last 40 years had been good for them both. They had settled in well in Inverness where Helen gave birth to their second baby girl, Danni. In the beginning, there were a few raised eyebrows concerning a 47-year old woman living with a 20-year old man. However, no-one ever suspected that they were mother and son.
When the girls reached the right age, they decided to tell them the truth about their relationship. Although Jenny had a little difficulty dealing with it, they both accepted it in the end with the understanding that it had to remain a secret.
“It’s getting late.” She told him. “We need to get you home.”
Up on the road above them, Jenny and her husband sat in the car in the car park a few yards away. Waiting to give them a lift home.
“Just a little bit more.” Gabe replied.
He sounded so tired, thought Helen. For the last few months, her son had slowly been losing his battle with cancer – especially in the last week. Helen had wanted to stay at home but Gabe had insisted on their weekly visit to the beach.
“You never did answer my question.” She finally said.
“What question?”
Helen smiled. “Your story of making me pregnant. Why did you write it?”
Helen watched Gabe as he mulled over the question.
Finally he said: “You know, Mum (he always called her ‘Mum’ in private). I haven’t a clue. But I am glad that I did.”
“I’m glad too.” Helen said, lovingly squeezing his hand.
She returned her attention back to the sea.
“It’s going to be a nice sunset.” She said after a long pause.
There was no reply.
She held her breath.
Again, there was no reply.
Helen looked back and saw that Gabe had his eyes closed. But as she got up to check, Helen already knew he was not asleep.
“Sleep my baby.” Helen whispered, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
And then she cried.
If every mom have got a chance to teach sex to their children all of they have do the same... |
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