The Sisterhood
Chapter V (Martha)
So, ladies, what are we going to do about it? There are four of us, we could go to the police, have him arrested. I think that’s what we need to do.
Edna, the oldest and longest suffering of the women asked, “What do you propose to accuse Lawrence of, what’s his crime?”
I did have to think about that for a moment or two, “Coercion at the very least.”
Martha, Thursday was the first time for you so you probably didn’t pay close attention, think, everything you did, everything you’ll accuse him of forcing you to do. Didn’t he preface each and every one with something along the lines of Martha, you don’t have to or, Martha, if you don’t want to or Martha, I’m not going to force you to, didn’t he say those things each time.
I could only say, “Yes, I guess he did.”
Martha, he used Vaseline with you, didn’t he?”
“Yes,” I hissed.
“Did you get it and bring it to him? Did you appear to willingly lie across his desk, in fact, didn’t you lift your own dress inviting him to partake of your special treasures, didn’t you do all of those things?”
“I suppose it could look like that,” I said.
“Not suppose, Martha, it does look like that, his office is wired for video and sound, it’s all recorded, think how it would look.”
“So what are we going to do, he’s a viscous sexual predator, he preys on older women, on us.”
“Martha, was that question rhetorical or do you really want an answer?” Edna asked.
“I want an answer,” I said.
“Edna, please let me, she’s not ready for what I know you or Edith would say. Things are still fresher with me, I still remember that he can be a monster, so let me, please,” said Magda.
“Your answer, well, if he hurts you, tears you, call one of us. You can either come to us if you’re able or one of us will come to you; we’ll tend to your wounds. Do not under any circumstances call the police, come to one of us.”
“Why handle things that way?”
“Martha, please think, you’ve only been on the job for three months and he’s only taken you once. Edna has three years with Lawrence but thirty previous with John and Roger. Edith the same, three with Lawrence the rest with forbearers, the same with me, three with Lawrence the rest with Roger; what I guess I’m trying to say is we’ve paid the piper, now we’re reaping the fruits. (And please excuse my mixed metaphor)
“Magda, what are you saying, what are you implying, we just let him get away with it?”
“Edna, I guess you’re gonna have to explain how you feel.”
“Martha, I know how you feel, remember, I was there, too. I’m Monday if you recall; Lawrence is at my door every Monday promptly at six. Martha, I’m seventy-eight, I have no gentlemen friends and really very few women that I’m close to except Edith and Magda and what do we share? We share Lawrence. So, all week nobody knocks on my door and my phone doesn’t ring, no one pays any attention to me until six o’clock on Monday evening, promptly at six. I open the door to a handsome young man who is bringing me candies or fruit and always wine. We share the bottle of wine, and yes, we finish it, we talk about anything and everything then we retire to my bedroom. There we have sex, the way he wants sex from me, just like you he takes my bottom and just like you he makes me offer it to him. Unlike you I do it willingly, no, that’s understating it. His visits are the high point of my week, he’s even gotten so that he’ll put a hand under me and let me ride his fingers, I can get an orgasm, Martha, I hadn’t had one in twenty years before Lawrence. So you’ll understand how I feel, I’m seventy-eight, I’ve outlived most of my contemporaries, and if they are still alive, sex is nothing but a distant memory but that’s not the case with me. I have a handsome twenty-nine year man that visits me once a week, he cares about me, in his own way he cares about me, he’s seen that I’m comfortable financially, he brings me little gifts, he does things that make me feel like a woman who’s desired by a handsome young man. I feel that way because it’s true, Lawrence wants me, seventy-eight year old Edna and he wants me. Martha, don’t do anything to hurt Lawrence, he’s my lover and I’ll protect him like a she-wolf.”
I was dazed, I never in a million years expected Edna’s response. I asked Edith how she felt.
“Martha, I really can’t add much to what Edna’s said except to say that I’m a little younger and, not to offend anyone, I’m in better shape. I got a little fat for him but, I think you can see I’ve shed some those pounds, not all of course, he likes plump, so we bounce around the bed, sometimes we hoot and holler like teenagers, God he can make me blow my cookies all over both of us just with those two fingers he lets me ride. I used to want him in my pussy but I got his philosophy, he said bottoms are fun, pussies are for making babies, I know he has sex, vaginal sex with that beautiful wife of his every two or three months but he’s on my old bottom every Wednesday night, I’ve begged him for one more nights but he won’t do it, the prick says that variety is the spice of life. I tried saying all assholes are the same; all he said was au contraire. If Edith’s a she-wolf, she’s got a Grizzly sow as her partner, stay away from Lawrence.
The last thing, the very last thing I expected from these women was support for that fucking pervert, I looked to Magda.
“Yeah, Martha, I hate to say it but I’m with them. They both love him; I knew that before I invited you here. I’m still at the, I endure stage, but I’m coming around, he is so sweet, you know he’s taking me to London and Paris, I thought it was so he’d have my bottom available; Tuesday he gave me tickets to several expensive attractions and told me to have a good time, he’d call me and maybe we could have lunch in Paris but that I shouldn’t expect to hear from him other that that. He’s just giving me that vacation, he’s already made me financially secure and for that he demands one hour a week, what he requires of that hour was demeaning at first but, Martha, I’ve gotten over it, think what our lives would be without Lawrence, are we paying to high a price? I don’t think so. I won’t attack you like Edna and Edith might if you try to take Lawrence down but I certainly won’t help you either.
I was utterly amazed, I’d come to Magda’s expecting to find warriors in the fight to drag Lawrence Greenwood before the bar of justice what I’d instead found were three elderly ladies who’d really like to sit at a bar with him, have a drink then have him take his pleasure with them sprawled across a mattress.
I began to wonder, should I rethink my aggressiveness, these three women had endured far more than I, I’d had one experience and they’d made it pretty clear, if I acted unilaterally they’d torpedo me.
My mind was wandering, it was Monday and I was at my desk, I felt hands on my shoulders, gently massaging my shoulders, it was Mr. Greenwood.
“Martha, I’m told you’ve enlisted in the Sisterhood.”
I was shocked that he knew about that, I didn’t reply.
“Martha, the Sisterhood isn’t secret but it is exclusive, I’m so happy that you’re an initiate, one day when we have some time I’d like to discuss my philosophy. In fact do you have lunch plans for today, if you have time I can get away for an hour around one?”
Lunch with the boss is really not optional, you make time. At exactly one I walked into Mr. Greenwood’s office.”
He got up and took my arm saying, “Why don’t we go this way.”
I thought we were going to walk into a wall but he clicked a small device he held and a panel opened, there was a hidden door. He ushered me in and followed, we were in a foyer. He said, this way, we walked through to a dining room where he seated me.
He took a chair then said, we’re in a private apartment, I don’t often use it but I thought it might be nice to have lunch here today. It will be about thirty minutes before we’re served, may I offer you a drink while we wait.
I didn’t really want to be here and I rarely drank but, what the heck, I said, “Yes Mr. Greenwood, I’d like a Cosmopolitan if I may.”
Another gentleman appeared, Mr. Greenwood asked for my Cosmo and a Martini for himself.
As we sipped our cocktails Mr. Greenwood came directly to his point.
“I suppose what I want to talk to you about are my sexual peccadilloes. I’m told
you think I’m an ogre and perhaps I am. It’s true, I have coerced each of you
ladies, you, Edna, Edith and Magda into having what I’m sure you feel, are
unnatural sexual relations with me. Martha, I’m not so hypocritical as to deny I
take great pleasure in those relations but it’s also true that each of you have
bestowed your gift to me willingly, none of you were forced, each of you, for
your own reasons have elected to be my partner. I appreciate the kindness each
of you has granted me and I try to show my appreciation.
Each of the other Ladies of the Sisterhood is financially independent, as you will be in a short time. Each of the other ladies could simply refuse me; I really don’t have much leverage. Of course they receive their pensions but once they start I have no control over whether or not they continue, besides, they don’t even need them. As I said, each of them is affluent. Yet they continue to see me each week.
I believe the ladies told you but, if so, I’ll repeat it. My sex education started when I was sixteen, at my Mother’s hand or, more accurately, at her bottom. She taught me well Martha; she is enraptured by being sodomized. From her I developed the philosophy, or more likely I adopted hers, that anal sex is fun sex, vaginal is only for procreation. Whatever the case, that’s how I am; Mother is an older woman, I love my Mother, I relish our intimacies, ergo, sexual pleasure for me is anal sex with an older woman. Mother and I still indulge, in fact, she’s Saturday.
It’s true, I know that sometimes I inflict some pain and I won’t deny that I enjoy it. I did love listening to you scream, first time ladies, virgins if you will, just as you were last Thursday are my greatest delight. I hope you’ll scream for me again, there is going to be an again isn’t there Martha?”
I just sat there, baffled, where was this going?
I’d hoped his question was rhetorical, that he didn’t expect an answer but it was obvious that he was waiting.
What he was saying, the course of his conversation was unsettling to me, my tummy was turning flip flops, I couldn’t reply, I turned away.
My hand was on the table top, he took it and squeezed.
When I looked back at him he repeated, “Isn’t there Martha.”
I cut my eyes away from his gaze, it was mesmerizing, I wanted to run, but instead I whispered, “Yes Mr. Greenwood.”
Saying only, “Lunch can wait,” he rose from his chair; he still held my hand, I stood and like a lamb to slaughter he led me to an adjacent room.
It was a bedroom. He closed the door and turned me so that I was facing him.
“Martha,” he breathed and he kissed me, just a small kiss as he began to unbutton my dress.
“But it’s Monday, Edna…”
“Oh, there’ll be plenty for Edna and she needent know.”
He took my dress from my shoulders and folded across the arm of a chair, a large overstuffed chair. Then he unfastened my brassiere. My unfettered breasts hung nearly to my waist, large and sagging. He kissed each of them.
Slowly he lowered my slip dropping it to the floor, “Step out please,” he said.
I complied, now attired in only my panties I stood under his scrutiny. A strange thought passed through my mind, yes, Lawrence, they’re an old lady’s panties but they’re clean and they’re silk and I thought and yes, you’re the reason I can afford to wear silk panties.
He knelt before me and slowly lowered my panties, over my hips, down my legs to my feet, I stepped free of them.
Still on his knees he encircled my hips and pulled me to his face, buried in my wild gray bush he inhaled me then giving me a little kiss down there he stood.
We were face to face, he put one arm around my shoulders, with his other hand he cupped my sex, “Martha, would you like me to do for you what I do for the other ladies,” he quietly asked.
He was still touching me, holding me, I knew what he meant, Edna, Edith and Magda had told me. I hadn’t had an orgasm in over nine years, and I got squishy, wetting his hand at the thought. I nodded yes.
At the side of the bed there was a kneeler, heavily padded for comfort, he led me to it and with soft pressure on my shoulder, he directed me down.
I lay on the bed, bent at the waist, knees on the padded bench while my torso lay across the bedspread. He pulled one of the pillows over and laid my head on it.
Then he caressed my body, the sides of my breasts, my back, along my sides and down to my bottom, I could hear his breathing getting raspy, his arousal climbing and then he said, “Martha, you’re beautiful, so desirable, so alluring.”
He was massaging my cheeks as he spoke and just for a moment I did feel young and beautiful. I believed he loved me in his way, as he loved the other Ladies of the Sisterhood.
He took his hands from me and I heard the snap of his glove, then he rubbed me and opened my fanny. He lubricated me, circling my rosebud then dipped a finger into me then I heard the glove come off. From the side of my eye, I saw him grease just the tip of a finger in the lube. He pressed into me and I screamed,
“Nooo Lawrence, please nooo,” I wailed.
Not from the pain, although there was some, but for him.
“Thank you Martha, thank you.”
He lifted my hips slightly so that he could get his hand under me, he parted my vaginal lips then lowered me, his fingers rested on my clitoris, he began to slowly stroke into me, he was taking his pleasure in my bottom but I was getting mine from his fingers.
He mounted me, some of his weight resting on me and increased his speed and I rode his hand in rhythm to his thrusts.
My arousal washed over me, I ground into his fingers and pled, “Please Lawrence a little faster, please.”
Faster and harder he pounded against me, I could feel him deep in my bowels, plumbing the very depths of me.
I began to tremble, sensations that I hadn’t experienced, enjoyed in nine years overtook me, and the contractions started, my uterus clenched, my vagina and anus clutched, I had Lawrence gripped by my sphincter when he exploded, spewing into me, roaring as he came and I released, nine years of pent up sexual frustration poured from me, each contraction forcing fluids from me, as he slowed then stopped pumping he softened and withdrew from me. I continued to lay sprawled across the mattress; he sat beside me, cooing sweet nothings to me and stroking my flesh.
I surrendered, I was his woman, his Thursday.
He asked me if I wanted to clean up, I didn’t I wanted to keep him in me.
We dressed, had lunch and reentered the office. He gave me a task to perform and I returned to my desk.
A little later I gave Magda a call, we chatted and I told her of the assignment Mr. Greenwood had given me.
“Magda, I’m to assist in the recruitment of another older lady, he’s looking for Friday.”
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