The Pussy Pump
I was so glad my boss was paying for this seminar for establishing self esteem as I was a system child and grew up without benefit of parents or anybody that really cared about me. It left me with a very low self esteem and my boss, a woman, said I had a lot of potential but needed to come out of my shell, so here I was for an eight day seminar that hopefully would help me deal with my image problem. I guess the biggest thing I have going is I am told I am a very hot chick, although it's hard for me to believe it and I'm pretty damn smart. It was being held in a hotel and we were assigned two to a room and as luck would have it, my roommate was checking in at the same time.
I am five foot five, natural blond, weigh one twenty two and was blessed with thirty four D tits, although I usually wore clothes that hid the size of my tits. My roommate was about two inches shorter then me, had raven hair and a large chest, accented by the pink sweater she had on. We introduced ourselves, her name was Elaine and I told her my name was Jean. We got a bellboy and followed him up to our room, he put our suitcases on the racks, I tipped him and we proceeded to unpack. A couple of times while unpacking, I noticed Elaine rubbed up against me, even though there seemed to be adequate room for her to get by me. I will say it felt kind of nice to have another human being touch me, as it was hard for me to get up the nerve to even date, let alone touch somebody else.
Elaine finished before me and as I was bent over putting stuff in a drawer, she came up behind me and put her hands on my waist and rubbed her crotch against my ass. There was no mistaking that this wasn't an accident and I asked her what the hell did she think she was doing. She never moved or took her hands off me but asked if I liked what she was doing and before I could answer, said to me I was so fucking hot, she just couldn't resist. Then she said we should get the suspense over with and that I should take my clothes off for her now. I stood up straight but before I could turn to look at her, she encircled my waist with one hand and grabbed my tit with the other. I was in a kind of shock and couldn't believe what I was hearing when she said she was going to fuck my brains out for the next eight days and she would show me what it's like to fucked by a real woman.
I just stood there trying to digest what she said when I realized she now had my skirt up around my waist and her hand was inside my thong, on my pussy while she was unbuttoning my blouse with the other hand. I have to say, her hand on my pussy felt so good, but then reason raised it's head and I tried to pull her hand out of my thong. That's when I found out how strong this little person was, she had her hand clamped on my pussy and I couldn't budge it, no matter how hard I pulled. She then said real low, I told you to get undressed you little fucking cunt and from now on cunt, you do what the fuck I tell you to, when I tell you, now get the fuck out of your clothes.
I got up my nerve, told her to get her hands off me or else and the next thing I knew I was in the air and then Elaine sat on the bed, putting me across her knees. Before I could even react, she had pulled my skirt down and ripped my thong right off me, leaving me laying across her lap bare assed. I was hollering like all hell when I felt the first smack. My brain was in total shock, I couldn't believe she was going to spank me like I was a little kid. But spank me she did, she was raining hand smacks to my poor ass and they hurt like hell. I started crying, pleading with her to stop in between sobs but she turned my ass fire engine red before she stopped.
I was laying across her lap, crying like hell still as I don't deal with pain very well and she very quietly asked if there was any doubt about who I belonged to now. Very stupidly I answered that you can't own somebody in this country and she bestowed a few more hard ass slaps on my beleaguered ass, making me scream that I belonged to her, that she owned me. She kissed my ass very gently, rubbed it very softly and said that now we understand each other, for me to get undressed so she can see what she owns. My ass was so sore from the spanking I didn't think I would be able to sit for a week, but I sure didn't want more, so I got up and began taking off what I still had on.
I was standing there unbuttoning my blouse, naked from the waist down and Elaine was telling me what great legs I had, what a killer ass I had but most of all, I had the most beautiful pussy she ever saw. She made me spread my legs while I took my blouse and bra off and when my bra came off, she whistled like a man, making my pussy wet strangely enough.
She was still sitting on the bed, ogling my body, making lewd remarks about my pussy and tits when she told me to come to her with my legs spread wide for her. I was still a little rebellious and more then pissed she was doing this to me, so I just stood there glaring at her, which was a huge mistake. She jumped up, grabbed my arm , pulled me to the bed, forced me to lay on her knees and proceeded to beat the hell out of my ass, making me cry like a baby again. She spanked me for what seemed like hours, I was crying, sobbing and begging her to stop, that I would be good for her.
Finally she stopped spanking me, told me to spread my legs as wide as I could and I didn't hesitate a second to spread them. She grabbed my pussy and in a rather nasty voice said, “Listen you little fucking cunt, this fucking cunt belongs to me now, you got that you little fucking whore, it's my pussy to suck, fuck or sell if I want to. You understand that you little cunt lapping fucking whore, you are nothing but my pussy to used as I see fit” and she twisted my cunt lips to emphasize her point. I screamed, she slapped my ass telling me to shut the fuck up and told me if I didn't want her to do it again, get on my knees between her legs. I didn't even stop to think about what I was doing, I just got on my knees as fast as I could and she pushed my face into her pussy, telling me to eat her fucking cunt real good.
As my lips came in contact with her pussy, I got to taste my first pussy and I was so happy inside that it tasted a whole hellva better then I thought it would. I discovered that I actually liked the taste of her pussy, but it was the thought of what she was making me do, kept me mad, but my ass was so sore, there was no way I wasn't going to do what she said. She told me exactly what she wanted me to do and I licked and sucked her cunt for all I was worth, making her moan like a porn star. It didn't take a whole lot of cunt lapping before she was moaning she was going to cum and if I let one drop of her cum escape my mouth, she would beat my ass so that I wouldn't be able to sit for a week.
She filled my mouth with her hot cum and despite what I was feeling towards her, I loved the taste of a hot sweet pussy and I got all excited, making me grab my own pussy and stroke it. Elaine had grabbed a handful of my hair, pulled it a little and said, “ Keep eating my pussy you little fucking cunt lapper, I'll fucking tell you when to get off my cunt, now show me how much you love my pussy and make me cum in your cunt lapping mouth again”. I went right back to eating her out, playing with my own pussy while I was eating her this time and when she screamed she was cumming again, I came when she filled my mouth again with cunt cum.
Now I didn't know what the fuck I was feeling about this situation I was in, much to my chagrin, I had really liked the taste of her cunt, especially when she came in my mouth, but I was still pissed she was using me like I was her property.
I didn't have to think about it for long, she told me get on the bed and when I didn't move fast enough to suit her, she threw me on the bed, bit my tit, leaving a bite mark and while I was screaming and crying, turned me over and spanked my poor beleaguered ass again. I was laying there sobbing from the pain and she told me to turn over quick before she circumsized my pussy, like they do in Africa. I was on my back in a flash, with my legs spread, just in case and the rotten little cunt had her suitcase out, taking lengths of rope out of it.
I saw the rope and panicked thinking, “Oh my God, what is she going to do to me now” and damned if she didn't start tyeing me up. At least the rope was soft, like silk and she tied my arms back over my head to the headboard, pulled my legs back and apart so I was spread wide open and tied them to the headboard. I was laying there spread eagled, totally defenseless and I just wanted to die at that point, from embarrassment, fear and the humiliation of it all. She got between my legs, stroked my pussy very lightly, while telling me how pretty my pussy was and how much prettier she was going to make it.
That was like she drove a stake into my heart as now I was so fucking scared about what she was going to do to me. I couldn't see what she was doing but I felt something being put over my pussy and I started crying like a baby while the no good bitch was telling me not to cry, I was going to enjoy this
I felt something sucking at my cunt, not painful, just sucking at it and it was not unpleasant at all. I was a little less worried when Elaine told me it was a pussy pump and felt a whole lot better when she said for me to tell her if it got to uncomfortable. I relaxed a little and I realized something was happening to my pussy but I really couldn't tell what as the feeling was making me a little hot. Elaine was now playing with my tits, sucking on one and playing with the nipple on the other one and in spite of myself, I was getting fucking hot from the pussy and tit manipulation. I was now panting like a little fucking whore, Elaine put her face next to mine and she kissed me very passionately making me respond in kind. When we finished the kiss, she smiled at me and told me what a good girl I was being and she was going to make my pussy very happy. By now I had the feeling that the pussy pump was going to suck my cunt right off my body and Elaine took it off, saying how beautiful my pussy was now. She ran her finger over my pussy, I almost jumped out of my skin it was so sensitive and when she grabbed my pussy with both hands, I knew the pussy pump had made my cunt swell up, I just wasn't prepared for how much it had swollen up.
She kind of kneaded it with both hands and when she stroked my clit, I came like a broken water main, making Elaine happy as hell. She produced a mirror so that I could see her handiwork and I almost fainted when I saw my pussy, it was at least four or five times bigger then normal and now my clit was totally exposed, looking like a miniature cock poking out of my cunt lips. She very lightly ran her fingers over my engorged pussy and it was so sensitive, I came again, but when she touched my clit, I screamed from the extreme pleasure, shooting out cum like a hose. She got between my legs, kissing and licking my super sensitive pussy, making me beg for more like a little whore and when she took my clit in her mouth, they had to hear me scream out in the street. I never had a sensation even close to the one I had when she sucked on my clit, in my entire life, my mind and body where both on fire and I didn't want Elaine to ever take her mouth off my cunt. My body and mind were so overcome with passion, putting me in a new state of mind, one where I would do anything Elaine wanted, just to have her make me feel this way. She made me cum so many times it totally exhausted me and I went into a kind of catatonic state for a bit, reveling in the way I was feeling now. After a while, I realized Elaine was talking to me about what she did to me, how many times I came, that it was going to get even better as we made my pussy flower with the pussy pump. She said it was time to put the pump back on and I was so worn out that I went to sleep feeling my pussy being sucked on again.
I slept for quite a while with the pump working my cunt and when I woke up, my pussy was feeling different then it ever had before, I knew it was really swollen now and when Elaine showed me it, I gasped as it was even swollen up bigger then before. The first time she pumped my pussy up it was a real bright pink, this time it was almost blood red. Elaine told me that we had such a good cunt sucking session, that this time when the swelling goes down, my pussy will stay at least twice the size it was before. She was working my pussy with her hand while she was telling me this and it felt so fucking good, I asked one question, will it always be this sensitive and when she said it would be pretty close, I smiled and begged her to make me cum again. I can't wear any kind of underwear now or tight pants because the sensation on my clit makes a huge wet spot on what I am wearing and when my boss asked why I didn't attend any of the seminar, I showed her my new pussy. I had no clue my boss was such an accomplished cunt lapper and we live together now and I couldn't be a happier little pussy.
After returning home from a six week long trip, things were fun. The things turned interesting...then hideous... |
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