The Project
“About tonight,” Darrel said, “I know this wasn’t something you were crazy about doing but I want to thank you for going with me. I’ve never been to one of these parties either so I can’t tell you very much about what goes on.”
“Brad told me that your friend, I think he said his name was William, said everybody has dinner and then after dinner the women have to wear lingerie or something.”
“Yeah, that’s what he told me. Are you okay with that?”
“I’m not sure. I guess we could leave after dinner if we’re uncomfortable.”
“Sure we can do that,” he said as he glanced at her bare thighs.
Carol could actually feel his gaze. For years she realized that she knew when men were looking at her. Well, not exactly just looking, she thought, more like leering at her. If she walked up a flight of stairs and a man was behind her she could almost feel where his eyes were looking and most of the time it wasn’t at her shoulders or her feet but at her ass. Now Darrel tried his best not to be obvious but even though she was looking straight ahead she could feel his gaze on her thighs and then up to the juncture that was nearly revealed to him. Pulling at her hem wouldn’t accomplish much, she knew, and wouldn’t help for hardly anytime at all anyway so she did nothing. Her hands were in her lap but that wasn’t quite right either because there isn’t any such thing, really her hands were resting on her pussy. If they were not there, the skirt of her black cocktail dress would ride higher and higher until the cloth of her black teddy came into to Darrel’s view.
“If we stay after dinner, I’m told it can get pretty rough.”
That caught Carol’s attention. “What do you mean by rough?”
“Oh, sorry. That probably wasn’t the best choice of words. I didn’t mean violent or anything like that. It’s not an S&M club. I just meant that there will be lots of action. You know . . . I mean sexual activity.”
“Yeah, I know that. Brad told me.” She was quiet for a moment. Because the radio wasn’t on the only sounds that could be heard were the droning of the engine and their own breathing. “Brad tells me everything and I guess he also tells you everything.”
“We’re pretty tight. I don’t keep secrets from him and I don’t think he keeps secrets from me either. Does that bother you?” he asked.
“It embarrasses me. I know that you know that we’ve watched the video with the pretty woman and all of those men. I think it must be German. I know that you know that he wants me to do things like she does that I can’t imagine myself doing. And, we’re in a car that minute by minute is taking us closer to a wild party that he wants me to attend with you.”
“Carol, I sure don’t want you to be uncomfortable or embarrassed. I want you to be excited.”
“Well, guess what, I’m uncomfortable, embarrassed a little frightened but also very excited.”
Chapter 6
Brad tried as best he could to relax. Yet he found the time just inching by. It seemed like it had been hours since he saw the red Corvette back out of his drive but he saw that it had been less than one hour. This is going to be a very, very long night he thought. He wished Don was home so they could do something together, but he hardly ever was anymore. If it wasn’t a game, it was a party at someone’s house or a date. Usually when he came home his parents were fast asleep. Tonight would be no different. Well, maybe it would be a little different because when he did come home, his father certainly wouldn’t be fast asleep because he was too nervous and excited, nor would his mother be fast asleep because she wouldn’t be home, she would be at a party a hundred miles away near the university that Don hoped to attend on a football scholarship.
Because Darrel had driven much faster than the speed limit, they were approaching the outskirts of Columbus much more quickly than for any of Carol’s previous trips. “Hey honey,” Darrel said with a familiarity that was unsettling to her, “reach in the glove box and hand me the slip of paper on top. It has the directions to the party. I think we’re about fifteen minutes away which should be perfect. If we’re there by eight fifteen we won’t be the first or the last to arrive.”
Carol had relaxed somewhat during the past half hour. Her folded hands had left her lap. Her right hand was behind her head and her left hand was resting on her warm thigh. Sure enough, the hem of the dress had ridden further up until the juncture of her slightly parted thighs, barely covered by the flimsy garment, was revealed to the eyes of a man, other than her husband’s eyes, for the first time. Darrel thought it was the most beautiful thing, next to her perfect face, that he had ever seen in his life and that included what he had seen in videos.
As the red sports car got closer to its destination, its occupants became more nervous and excited. A hundred miles to the southwest, Carol’s husband also grew more restless. He knew that soon, his beautiful wife would be in a strange apartment surrounded by strangers. This wouldn’t be the first time for her to be in a strange apartment, surrounded by strangers, but it would be the first time that the people there were getting together for the sole purpose of having sex with someone other than their date or spouse. This was something that Brad had thought about for several years and had been discussing with Carol, without any success until recently, for two years. In his fantasy, he was always there. It was always his hand intertwined with hers. He was the one who would kiss her and make her hot. It was his hot breath in her ear and his soft voice urging her to do something that was against her upbringing. His finger would caress her swollen breasts and gently touch her legs and the spot between them that always got wet in anticipation of his entry. It was always him who helped her take off her clothes and urged her to let herself go and have fun. But tonight he wasn’t there with her. Reality seemed to be different for him than what he had dreamed.
Darrel followed the detailed directions and parked the car in the designated area. “Ready?” he asked.
“No. Honestly, I don’t know if I ever will be,” she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt, turned around, leaned over the seat to retrieve her coat and at the same time his.
The interior light was on in the car and Darrel had a view of the most perfect ass he had ever seen. Both cheeks were completely bare and at the top a black, gauzy-like piece of cloth plunged between them. As she turned around and handed him his coat he said, “thanks. Thanks for the coat and even more thanks for the fantastic view.”
“Oh you,” she said while blushing. She did, however, appreciate his compliment. She knew he would look and she had a pretty good idea of what he would see so why, why did she do it? It was so unlike her and yet everything she had been doing for the past few months was so unlike the old Carol Taylor and it worried her.
In no time they were back inside the warmth of a building and lightly knocking on what Darrel hoped was the right door. It was opened by a very pretty black woman who identified herself as Alisha. She wore a colorful long gown with slits up both sides. She took their coats, quickly returned and asked them to join her in a small room off the entry. “Sit down, sit down, make yourselves comfortable. I want you to feel at home here. Now, because I know everyone who is here,” she paused and laughed at her own remark, “you have to be William’s friends Carol and Darrel, right?”
“Right,” Darrel replied.
“I think you know there is a donation expected for the evening,” she said addressing Darrel. “Also, this is a members only very private party so I’d like you to read this and sign at the bottom,” their friendly hostess said as she handed a clipboard and a pen to Carol.
Carol didn’t really read what she was supposed to, she just signed next to an X and handed the pen and clipboard to Darrel. She noticed that her hands were shaking and realized it was becoming harder for her to breath. Darrel did the same thing unless he was the world’s fastest reader.
“Good, now that’s out of the way let me tell you about tonight. Girl,” she said as she turned toward Carol and gave her a smile that could light up a room, “I can guess that you must be jumpin out of your skin. I know I sure was at my first party.”
“You’re not wrong about that,” Carol said returning Alisha’s smile.
A white man walked in carrying a flute of champagne in each hand and offered them to Carol and Darrel. “I’m Stan,” he said, “welcome. Hope you have a great time tonight.” Then he turned and left them.
“Okay, so tonight the next couple of hours will be like every party you’ve ever attended. Well, maybe a little better than the other parties you have attended. We’re real careful about who gets in here. There’s not a dud in the house if you know what I mean. Everyone’s as cool as cool can be and very interesting. Not everyone’s arrived yet but within half an hour we’ll have more than twenty couples here. The bar’s open so I suggest you mingle like you would at any cocktail party. Then, we’ll have dinner. The tables are all set with up to eight people at a table. I’ve already arranged the seating so just look for your names. Any questions so far?”
Both Darrel and Carol nodded their heads no and each took another sip of the cool, delicious golden bubbly liquid.
“After dinner the women go into one bedroom and get down to undies, a towel or nothing, that’s up to them. Same for the guys in another room. You okay with that?” She asked looking only at Carol.
Carol remembered that she had thought about leaving after dinner and told both Darrel and her husband what she had been thinking. Now, though, didn’t seem to be time to say anything about leaving after dinner so she just said, “I understand.”
“Good, that’s good. Okay, you’ll find this place is much bigger than you would think. Somehow people pair up. There’s a small dance floor but frankly, here there’s not much vertical dancing,” she said laughing at her own wit. “The dinner tables in the main room disappear quickly and quietly and are replaced with mattresses and pillows. Also, there are three bedrooms for those who want a little privacy and nooks and crannies all over the place. The party ends when it ends. Sometimes that’s four in the morning and sometimes its well into the next day.”
Again, Alisha turned to Carol and said, “tonight is our regular party for interracial couples only.”
“Darrel and my husband, Brad, explained that.”
“I’m glad they did. Also, on other nights we sometimes host special, very special parties so if you’re interested in that just let me know. We can arrange anything. And I do mean anything.”
Carol was at a complete loss. She didn’t have any idea what Alisha was talking about. Shit, thought Darrel, this chick is going to blow everything. He knew she was talking about what he, William and Brad had been working on, the thirty hung, black man gangbang for Carol, the project.
“Let’s go into the other room and meet some of the people,” said Alisha as she stood up and led them into a room that was much larger than one would expect in an apartment in Columbus, Ohio. There were comfortable seats against the wall and in the middle of the room three round tables for eight. They would soon learn that there were two more tables in an adjacent room. In one corner of the room was a fully stocked bar with a small crowd of people two deep in front of it. Even though Alisha had warned them that not everyone had arrived, the room seemed very crowded.
When they walked in, a large black man with a bald head saw them and made a bee line straight for them. “Darrel, my man, welcome.” Then he turned to Carol, put a hand on each of her bare shoulders, looked down at her and said, “you’ve gotta be sweet Carol.” Then, he planted a big wet kiss on her lips. When he broke the kiss he said, “I’m William.”
“Hi William, nice to meet you. I’ve got to catch my breath, Thanks for making all of the arrangements for us,” she said being what she thought was appropriately polite.
“No problem beautiful, no problem at all. Guys, I gotta get back to my chick but I’ll meet up with you at dinner. We’re seated next to each other at that table there,” he said pointing to the nearest table.
For the next hour they mingled and met most everyone and the few who arrived after they did. Alisha was right. There was a great variety. People from every walk of life. Professionals and those who worked with their hands for a living all equal at the party. Carol thought that there were more black women with white men than white women with black men which, for some reason, surprised her. Suddenly, it was time to eat. William sat on her right and Darrel on her left.
The food was great. Carol thought that the dinner must have been catered. Midway during the dinner William leaned towards her and said, “so Carol, tell me what you think of this?”
“Everyone’s been nice. The food is great. So far it’s been fine.”
“The best part is yet to come, trust me.”
“That’s what I’m told.”
“Are you going to let me fuck you?”
“I beg your pardon,” said the surprised housewife.
“You heard me, are you going to fuck me?”
“William, I know what kind of a party this is but I’ve never been asked that question before in my life. Well, maybe my husband has asked it. You took me by surprise. I haven’t been thinking of that.”
“Well let me tell you,” he whispered, “there isn’t anything in the world that I would rather do right now than fuck you,” he said as he pressed the side of his leg against hers and placed his big left hand on her bare thigh.
“Slow down, slow down, okay? Let’s just finish our dinner and see what happens.”
Carol thought it was almost like fending off a drunk at one of her husband’s
Christmas parties. She knew, however, that William wasn’t drunk and she also
knew that she wasn’t at a Christmas party of a Fortune 100 corporation so his
question wasn’t really inappropriate. Furthermore, she didn’t know how to answer
because she honestly didn’t know what to say. Before the night was over would
she fuck William or Darrel or both men or other men who had let her know that
they sure wanted to spend time with her after dinner?
While William was hitting on her, Alisha, who was seated on Darrel’s left was quietly talking with him. “Look Darrel, if this is what you and her husband want, then we can make it happen. I need to be sure that it is also what she wants. I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman. Before she leaves, I hope not until the end of the party, she has to tell me to make the arrangements. Looks like William is working on her. Does she even know about your project?”
“She sure knows that her husband wants her to fuck other guys. She also knows that he imagines that this hot chick in a fuck film, pulling a train of nearly thirty guys, is her. She doesn’t know that we have been working on a plan, including tonight, to loosen her up.”
“Okay, I’ll talk with her later.”
Carol knew exactly what was expected after dinner. A part of her wanted to flee, to tell Darrel to drive the red sports car home as fast as possible. Another part of her thought that so far this party hadn’t been much different than every other party she had attended. Oh, the thing with William was different, but, it wasn’t any big deal. Now it was time to go with the other women into a room and leave her dress or walk out the door and head south. She loved watching the video and wanted to see what it would be like to watch real people in her presence making love. That part of her won out. She was very nervous as she joined several women and walked down a hall. They were giggling and the air was charged with nervous excitement. Her fingers trembled as she reached behind and unzipped the black dress which she carefully hung on a hanger and placed in the closet where all the other dresses, skirts and blouses would be stored for the next few hours.
Darrel was happily surprised that Carol hadn’t said another word about leaving after dinner. He was wearing just his boxer shorts and self conscious about the extra twenty-five pounds he was carrying around his middle. Most of the women had returned to the big room. Like Alisha had promised, all of the tables had been carted away and replaced by three king size mattresses. Dozens of pillows had been placed on the floor around the room. The lights had been dimmed and romantic mood music that wasn’t overpowering could be heard in the background. Finally, he saw her. She couldn’t have been lovelier. Even in the dim light she might as well have been nude. No, he realized that she was even sexier than if she were nude. The nearly transparent teddy provided a contrast to her glowing flesh which it barely covered in her most intimate places. Her breast were swollen but her eraser size nipples, though not large, seemed to be as stiff as spikes. He had wondered is she would be completely shaven down there and now he knew she wasn’t. Her high heels made her long legs look even longer if that was possible.
He walked over to her and asked, “are you okay?”
“No I’m not okay, but I’m here.”
He handed her a drink that he had been holding for her. “Let’s find a seat and see what happens.”
He took her hand and led her to a love seat in the corner that had a view of all three mattresses. Just in the last few minutes they saw that several couples had paired up and none with the person they came with or who was seated by them at dinner. In no time, or so it seemed, the lingerie was off and the kissing and fondling began. Within minutes women were going down on their partners, that seemed to be the order of the day, get them hard quick.
Carol thought this was the hottest thing she had ever seen. It was hotter than their video even though no one was fucking yet. There was so much going on. Darrel put his arm over her shoulders and instinctively she leaned into him as she would if he had been Brad. He rubbed her hair and kissed her forehead. He looked down at her and she looked up at him and then they moved their heads slowly, painfully slowly together until their lips touched. Darrel couldn’t believe it, he was kissing Carol, the most perfect woman in the world, a woman he had lusted after since the day they first met seven years ago at the company picnic. It was Carol who parted her lips and touched his big, thick lips with the tip of her tongue. It was Carol’s tongue that first explored ever part of her companion’s mouth. She swabbed his teeth, under his tongue, on top of his tongue, his inner cheeks. She felt his hand on her breast and was not surprised. However, she was surprised when she felt a hand on her thigh and knew that it couldn’t be one of Darrel’s. She wanted to see who else was touching her but she didn’t, she kept kissing Darrel.
She couldn’t have been more surprised when she had to stop kissing and start breathing more fully again to discover that the hand belonged to Alisha who was nude and sitting next to her with a big smile on her face. “Having fun, honey?”
“You could say that,” Carol replied.
“Good that makes me happy.”
By then the fucking had started. It seemed to Carol that all around them white women and black women were being fucked by white men and black men. The women were moaning and begging, some of the men were grunting as they pistoned into their partners.
“Want to see something special?” Alisha asked. She didn’t even wait for an answer but stood up held out both of her hands and took one of Darrel’s and one of Carol’s hands into hers. “Come with me,” she said excitedly.
She led them down the hall to a bedroom with the door open. It was crowded inside but when the people saw that it was her and the newcomers they made way and let her lead them next to a king size bed. The room was dark and it was hard to see but finally, Carol saw a black woman on her back on the bed with three or four guys working on her. One was in her mouth, another her pussy and the third in her tight ass. It looked as if she was stroking the cock of another man who stood near her head. She was exactly like the woman in the video, cumming constantly, non-stop climaxes. Carol envied her and then thought she must be crazy. What am I even doing here she asked herself. This is wrong. No matter how one might try to defend it, it’s just wrong. But she just stood there. Darrel stood behind her with his strong arms wrapped around her waist. One arm climbed up to her breast and played with it. The other reached down and to the center of her being. The fingers on that hand were driving her crazy. Her pussy was separated from his digits only by the nothing of material. He placed his lips at her ear and whispered, “unsnap it for me baby.”
At first she didn’t think she understood him correctly, then she knew exactly what he wanted. He didn’t want even the flimsy material between them. He pressed against her back and she could feel the bulge that was trying to wedge itself between the cheeks of her ass. Although she told herself she shouldn’t, she found herself pressing back against him. With her left hand she reached between her legs, found the edge of the material and pulled up releasing the three snaps that kept the pieces of the teddy’s gusset between her legs together. Because they were pulled so tightly when they snapped together, when they were released both the front and rear pieces snapped up to her waist leaving her pussy and ass naked. Almost immediately the long black forefinger was touching the little patch of pubic hair and then it went down and cleaved the slit at the top of her pussy. He felt that she was very wet and it excited him to think that perhaps he had made her hot. When his finger came in contact with the tiny nubbin that was nestled there and that had long ago left its hood, Carol couldn’t help it, she came. She placed the back of her hand over her mouth to stiffle a scream but she still let out an ohhh, ohhh mmmmm, ahhhhhh ohhh. If they hadn’t before, the attention of nearly everyone in the room was now focused on the newcomer even more than the action on the bed. Darrel had dropped his drawers and now nothing was between the gorgeous orbs and the black skin of his cock that had a slick sheen on it.
Carol was as hot or hotter than she had ever been and desperately wanted to get fucked and she would have if Alisha hadn’t interrupted by asking, “So what do you think about Brandy with the guys?”
Carol was shaken from her feelings and realized that her hostess was asking about the women on the bed who put the video gal to shame and was with only three or four guys.
“Looks like . . . looks like, she’s having fun,” said Carol trying to catch her breath and talk at the same time.
“Oh you can count on that, she loves it. Is that something you would like to do?”
For some reason Carol wasn’t surprised by the question. She pushed back against Darrel’s raging hard on to let him know that she hadn’t forgotten him and said, “I don’t know. I’ve only been with my husband.
“Well what do you think about what Darrel, your husband and William are planning for you?”
Darrel couldn’t believe his own ears. Had this cunt actually said what he thought she had said? There goes three months of hard work down the drain he thought. Then as Carol clenched the cheeks of her ass as she tensed he was certain that it was all over and that he would have a very chilly ride home no matter how hot the air inside the car.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she answered with an edge to her voice.
“Oh, sorry. Maybe I’m spoiling a big surprise. Me and my big mouth.”
Darrel felt Carol relax a bit. He thought just maybe Alisha had said the right thing.
Carol knew that Darrel and Brad had been talking about her at work, especially since they saw their video for the first time. “Sorry, too, Alisha but I’m not aware of any plans for me other than to come here tonight. If you know something I don’t know I’d like you to tell me about it,” she said quietly so as not to disturb what was happening in the middle of the bed.
“Come with me,” Alisha said.
Darrel bent over, pulled up his boxers and had a hard time stuffing his shrinking cock back inside them. Then he followed the naked Alisha and the near naked Carol down the hall to the room they had first entered when they arrived. He knew that he couldn’t leave them alone. If damage control was needed he wanted to be there. He was sure that when Brad learned of this he would hit the ceiling.
“Honey,” said Alisha, “I had been told that you had a favorite video that you watched all the time. In the video this pretty white gal gets stuffed over and over with cock.”
“That’s true but I’m surprised you know all that.”
“Doesn’t matter but William told me about it. I guess Darrel told him.”
“Yeah, I did Carol,” he admittedly sheepishly.
“Anyway, I heard that the guys wanted to watch you do what the gal in the video did and what Brandy’s doing on a smaller scale just down the hall. You’re so beautiful and sexy I can understand why they would want to see that.”
Carol knew that was what Brad wanted and she knew that there weren’t any secrets between Brad and Darrel, but still, she was surprised that they had talked about it with William and he in turn with Alisha. She realized that this was something Brad wanted more than she ever thought. Was that something she wanted also? “So tell me Alisha, exactly what is it that they want?”
Darrel was so glad that she hadn’t put him on the spot.
Alisha didn’t hesitate for a second. “Remember honey when I told you that we have other parties here that are special and never on the night of the interracial couples only party?”
“I remember, I didn’t have a clue what you meant then but now I think I may be getting the idea.”
“Anyway, we could have a party right here just for you. I know your husband believes it would be really hot if we arranged for lots of hung black guys just for you.”
“How many is a lot?” she wondered.
She turned to Darrel and asked, “is this true Darrel? Have you and Brad and now your pal William been working on this?”
Darrel cleared his throat and said, “we’ve been talking about it, I guess to be honest I would have to saying dreaming about it and wishing for it. It’s obviously complicated but Alisha can make something like that happen. What do you think, Carol?”
There it was the sixty four dollar question. She had to admit that she loved the video and she had loved the party so far. She knew that she had been very close to letting Darrel put his black cock inside her. After Darrel had finished with her, who knew what next? Would she have been filled with regrets, sobbed and asked to have been rushed home? Would others have taken his place? She couldn’t honestly say, because she just didn’t know. And now this revelation. It made what happened in the bedroom down the hall pale by comparison. It even trumped what she had seen in her favorite video. But this wasn’t about a woman in a distant land who seemed to love sex and more sex, it was about her.
“I can’t say right now. Right now I think I need another drink and then walk around and see what else is happening.” She turned to Alisha and said, “you are right and my husband and Darrel are right, I do like to watch.”
“We all do baby,” said Alisha. “At least all healthy women like to watch just as much as the men. Don’t believe all the bullshit that they, whoever they are, feed you.”
Back in the big room it was break time. People were holding, hugging and rubbing but none were fucking. Darrel and Carol headed for the bar and got another drink. Darrel made sure that his didn’t have alcohol because of the drive before them. Carol felt that for the first time she wanted to be drunk.
They found an unoccupied place to sit and were silent. When Darrel’s arm went around her neck he thought she might stiffen but she didn’t, she placed her head on his shoulder. Her entire bottom was still bare because she hadn’t re-snapped the teddy. It was Carol who initiated this kiss that now was somewhat familiar. She felt someone sit beside and thought that it might be Alisha again but when she broke the kiss and glanced over, she saw that it was a smiling William. She went back to kissing Darrel but wasn’t at all surprised when she felt a hand on her thigh. Because she didn’t resist, William assumed that he had a license to do more and so he did. His fingers did what Darrel’s had done in the bedroom earlier. They played with the tendrils above her snatch. They touched her clit and then ever so skillfully, between thumb and forefinger they massaged it. That took Carol over the top as she announced to everyone in the room, “Ohhhh, ooooohhhhh, I’m . . . I’m cumming.”
William moved quickly. He spread her legs a little and wormed his middle finger inside her. She thought that his fingers must be as long as Brad’s cock because they seemed to go just as deep. Finally, three of them were inside her thrusting and she was doing exactly what the woman in the video and Brandy in the bedroom had been doing, she was cumming constantly.
In the big old house on Trammel Lane, Brad had been surfing the television like a mad man. Nothing seemed to interest him. He tried reading a trashy paper back novel that he had stalled out on about half way through, but just couldn’t get back into it. He tried telephoning his son and daughter away at colleges but without success. After all, he reasoned it was a Friday night and if they had answered their cell phones when they saw that it was dad calling, they might have problems. The only thing he could think about was his gorgeous wife and how he longed to see her, to touch her, to smell her and taste her. He couldn’t wait until she was home but it was only midnight and he knew that he would have to wait awhile unless she hadn’t stayed after dinner.
Back in the apartment Carol’s head was spinning. Two black men were working on her and making her feel like a million bucks. She knew that both wanted to fuck her. She was rubbing and pumping their huge cocks wrapped in her small hands. Did she want to fuck them? The honest answer was, yes she did, but not tonight she reasoned. In her own mind she had just given in to Alisha’s request and Brad and Darrel’s favorite dream.
Sometime after that, she didn’t know when it was but, she felt tugging on the black, teddy that was wrapped tightly around her waist and lifted her ass to assist in its removal. With the cloth gone and her shoes on the floor, she was just as naked as the gal in their video during its second half. She never saw the teddy again. She didn’t know it at the time, and she wouldn’t have cared if she had known, that women’s lingerie at the interracial couples only parties were like trophies. By the end of the night the bras, panties, peignoirs and teddies would disappear from their owners, never to be seen by them again.
It was always at this point that Carl would reach under himself and begin jerking his tiny cock, because once Laura had dropped her seed, she would have no use for him until she was in the mood!!!... |
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