The Private confessions of a Taxi Driver
Gosh the two of them have it, and in a split second I wished the two weeks would not end. Gosh yes! Ooh! Fuck yes! That's nice as we both came instantaneously. Gosh now I'm fucked, they stood up and dragged me to the bathroom to go and have a shower with them, the tiredness took over in the shower, and I did not have any strength to dry myself off, but with the two well equipped women I had with me I was dry in a jiffy. I fell asleep between them on the bed and it was almost 14h00 that day when I woke up and found them still on the bed with me. My cock as hard as a rhino's horn fuck I have to do something about it, as I turned around to Sylvia, Denise reached out and grabbed my cock now twitching like mad, I felt her eager pussy and it's as wet as double virgin oil on a good salad, food was also on my mind and I had to do one thing at a time, fuck my cock slid in like a Hang glider in the early morning breeze over a lake on a lost island.
Ooh it's as good as a drink for a hobo! I heard her talking to Sylvia and she is
now coming my way and started to lick my balls again, Denise grabbed my one
finger and licked it wet and told me to inserted it into her ass, it slipped in
like a knife in butter and I started to wiggle it up and down, she asked for one
more finger and I did it with the greatest pleasure and let my dick slip out her
pussy all wet and slippery, it went in like a dream in that tight ass and the
feeling was great. Ooh! Fuck its great, yes ooh! Yes! Sylvia pulled me off
Denise and held her ass up high, I let her have it right in the middle miss's
Venter that ass stretches and my dick slid in, and at that point Denise is now
kissing me and having a ball on Sylvia's face, with her snatch all wet and
ready. Come to me baby come to me, I want to go and have a meal before I go to
work Yes! Ooh! Fuck yes we all fell down as we came; we lay there for a minute
or two! Fuck girls you are great, you should remember this? If you want to come
for a holiday my flat is free for all as long as the screwing is as free as my
flat. Fuck you are good. They're just huffing and puffing but soon we stood up
and had a shower for the third time that day.
We put some cool clothes on and went to the one rand restaurant around the corner to have a meal for the day, fuck a person must feed his body not only his mind. I went to work almost as tired as I went home that night, but as long as it has to do with sex my body can take it. Bully sat again at the desk and told me he is going back to Australia for three months and I have to do all his personals for that period of time. Fuck that's Ok! With me Bully! How many girls have you got and did you do your home work on them, fuck I have a couple of my own and my balls are dry so please speak up man? Willy that Willy of yours has to work overtime? As from tonight! What are you telling me? Yes! My man you heard me right! And I have another thing to talk to you about, but not here? Fuck what's wrong with you, why in the toilet Willy? Last night you drop me on a fare from the airport you know, fuck what is wrong with you man, the man just wand’s to suck your cock and he would give you forty bucks man, are you mad to say no to him? Take down those pants of yours? Hi! What now? Man just takes it down! I took my pants off and he went on his knees in front of me and took my dick in his mouth, fuck it did not feel too bad but what's your point? Well did it feel any different from a woman? No! Now don't say no to the gay men. Fuck man there is some money in it for you, and these business men are loaded. When I got into my taxi I almost wished he kept on with it because my dick just wanted more. Four!
Four forty four come in proceed to Berea Heights! Bully shouted over the radio! As I came around the corner in Smith Street the same man from the previous night stood there and flagged me down, we are not supposed to pick them up when we have a job, but I stopped anyway. He leaned in at the window and asked me if I thought about his request? Yes I said! Now what is it then? Well call me tonight and we can have a go at it? Good for you and he threw a twenty rand note through the window. Shit what have I done now I thought as I preceded towards Berea, below the flats a lady stood and asked me if I am the taxi for Berea Heights? Yep! Lady get in, where can I take you? Now what's wrong didn't Bully tell you? No what? Well he said you will come and fuck the woman! That is what's wrong? Shit my dick made a twitch in my pants and I told her to just wait I have to park the Taxi. Gosh what is Bully's case, fuck I'm not a dam whore? But puss is puss a man must eat, so fuck if there is money lets jump for it. When we went up in the lift she could not hold her hands off my dick, gosh what is wrong with this woman doesn’t she have a husband at home?
As we entered the flat there was someone sitting on the couch and I immediately recognised him as a fare from a couple of weeks ago an old drunk and he looked sloshed as he was? Hey! You he said go fuck my wife otherwise I will not get a bottle tonight, gosh how can people be like this I thought to myself and just as we entered the room I wanted to pull out, but saw a younger woman sitting on the bed, I looked up and asked the lady now what is going on here? No my man, this is my neighbours wife and she wants to sit in and watch while you fuck me? Oops! Gosh these people are full of surprises. Dam what have I let myself in for. She introduced herself As Margaret and her friend as Liz she must be well over forty two and her friend was twenty five And randy as hell, because just as I took my clothes off she was naked to and on the bed.
Fuck what is your story I thought, you're just going to look? No Willy! Who can look if a man has a dick like yours? Fuck Margaret just feel the size gosh her hands could not stay away. Margaret pulled me on top of her and before I knew she had my dick in her mouth and in front of me is a pussy so wet you can sell it to a stamp collector. As I looked up Liz was standing on her knees in front of me and said fuck Rodney if he wants to stay drunk and fuck prostitutes at the night-club I think I will make you my personal to. Just as I wanted to go down she pushed her one tit into my face and asked me if I will suck her clit if she spread her legs. I just nodded my head and she went on her back lying with her pussy pointing my way now I got two pussy's in front of me and it smelted almost like a bakery just more saltier than a bakery. Gosh if Margaret keeps sucking that way I'm going to come before I have time to fuck any one of them.
So I took the advantage of pulling my dick out of her mouth and turned around and started to fuck her on a gallop, shit for her age she has a nice pussy and before I knew what had struck me My balls started to rumble in my bag almost like someone throwing dice and my climax is around the corner, Liz took the advantage of pushing her middle finger right up my ass just as I came and that was something to write home about fuck Ooh! Gosh why did you take it out I said when she pulled me off from Margaret and started to suck my dick? They did not had any respect for a man's family jewels because she sucked so hard on my dick she almost swallowed it, but I saw what she tried to do because my dick started to twitch and before I knew it, it was as hard as a rock again. She did not waste time, went on her fours and asked me to fuck her in the ass, Gosh they don't want too much. Fuck I came for one and got two now I must just fuck? I was glad when the session was finished and hopes they don't call me very soon again. As we walked to the door they both stuck a twenty in my hand and I was free to go. Only when I got in the Taxi it struck me when I started the car! Fuck them I will not come to them again because they really treated me like a whore, that's not what I'm going to be. I will fuck who I want to fuck and not for money. Gosh I was almost over a red robot as Bully called me Four! Four! Forty four come in, you can go to the Malibu and wait in the taxi, your fare will come down to you? I did not really want to go to this fare, because I did not know what it is. But anyway let's get the real experience and see how it goes. As I stopped at the Parking the man came walking towards me.
Would you like a drink? As long as it's not something that will top me over,
because I had still a whole night to go! Don't Worry I will look after you.
Come? As we walked into the private residents lounge we walked past a couple of
other gents and went and sat at a very cosy table, quiet and out of site. Well
what will it be, nice Rum for you and I will have a Whisky! Gosh I said I don't
want something too strong? Don't worry I will pay the fare for the next three
hours and then we can have a good talk! Well what is there to talk about?
Doesn’t worry all leave the talking to me and soon we will know where we stand,
well first I'm Ronny or Ronald for my more acquainted friends. But don't let
that put you off lets stick with Ronny? Willy do you have a lot of sex, I mean
straight sex now? Well almost every day and sex is a natural thing to me, and I
will not go and look for sex out of the ordinary if you know what I mean? No I'm
not with you now?
What I mean before tonight I never had sex other than straight sex and I never had Bi-sex at any time before. Oh! I see what you mean? But don't you mind then Willy? Well! No! As Bully said today it feels exactly the same, just its two men? That is right Willy and I don't want to scare you at all? Well it will take a lot to scare me, because I'm a very broad minded guy and to tell you the truth, when Bully took my dick into his mouth today I was scared out of my mind, but as I walked away after he told me what it's all about I thought to myself to hell with it As long as I can make a couple of extra bucks. Now Willy I promise I will not hurt you or do something if you do not want me to? I see your Rum is finished should I order you another or will we order in the room? I took a couple of seconds, took a big breath and said?
Well let's go and get it over with. We took the lift and as the lift started he pushed his hand against my dick and started to rub the back of his hand against my dick slowly. In fact it felt kind if funny but the thrill was there I never shook so much in my life, when we reached the top and walk into the passage to his room. Well Willy as we stopped in front of his room here we are and if you want to go do it now because in there I just want to have some fun and No, No! No’s! I took another breath and opened the door for him and let him walk in first and closed the door again behind me. This time he reached out and took my Willy right though my pants and pulled me to the small coach standing in front of a small Private bar. How about you taking your clothes off he said? He started taking his off before I could reach for my belt!
Don't be so shy let me help you, he took my hand and placed it on his dick and started to take my shirt off. His dick felt just like mine, but just a little smaller and when my clothes dropped on the floor we went and sat on the coach. Now was it so hard he said as he started to stroke my dick between his hands, gosh what a cock you have? Do you mind if I just tasted it? Now go ahead knock yourself out? He put my dick into his mouth and for the first time I really felt the difference, because he did not just start sucking on it like some woman do, no he rolled my dick from side to side in his mouth and to say the least I enjoyed it quite a bit.
He looked up and asked me if I didn't want to try it on him. Ok! I went down, looked at his dick and first took a deep breath and pulled his foreskin back and just closed my mouth around his dick. In my mind it did not feel that bad because I always wondered how it will feel if I could suck my own dick. I lifted my head and said well it's not that bad. He smiled and then licked his lips and went down on me now the pre-cum was streaming out of my cock and he liked it very much, because all I heard was Mmm! Ooh yes and he started to fuck my cock with his mouth. Gosh I'm going to come but he just went on sucking my load straight down his gullet and he was one hell of a happy man when he looked up at me. Oops! No kissing I said and he just smiled from ear to ear.
Make me come with your hand he said and instead I went down on him and gave him a blow job I tried to mimic him with the role and before I could get it right he came in my mouth, but as fast as he squirted it, it just went down, and did not taste bad at all, slightly salty. In addition, I tasted that a lot of times when I muff dived my girls, so it’s not as bad as I thought it was. As I looked up he was now very happy I did not reject him and ordered us a bottle of wine. Well Willy I'm impressed with you, fuck you just took it like a pro. There is always a first time so what's next I said. Not so fast? The door bell rang and he took an apron and threw it over him and came back with the wine. Will you pour us a drink please, I just want to go and get something he said. He left and came back with a small bag and a tube of gel and asked me if I would mind if he had some anal sex with me? Well so far so good, let's take the package. Shit you have nerve he said and drank a long drink of wine and started to play with my dick again.
When we finished the drink he said, if I don't mind he is going to put a condom on because he doesn't want his wife to pickup some germs or so. He then pushed me down onto the bench and smeared gel in my ass, then played with a small dildo in and out my hole, a little later I felt him putting his dick slowly in but very carefully, as the head slid in he asked if I have any uncomfortable feeling? No I said and now I could feel him easing the rest of his dick to his balls and back again. Mmm! That's not bad I said, and he reached around for my cock. Yes that's nice you're still stiff, that means you're not too uncomfortable. I actually started to enjoy the feeling as he now went from slow to much faster, in and out my butt hole every time he reached the limit I felt something tingling inside, I presumed that it was my prostate gland and just as I felt him come that hot feeling inside the tingling feeling came to a point where I messed his whole hand full of cum. We sat down and he just shook his head and said Fuck you are a jewel man, even better than Bully. Gosh that was good I did not want to express myself too much. But this was my first time and I really enjoyed it. That was something different and I will never tell a gay man to fuck off again shit that's to fucking harsh.
Well Willy you know two hours has gone and I am really pleased with you? Thank you! Now I am going to give you some money, but please don't take it for what we did just now. I will buy you clothes anything but never think you are just a whore, you are just a friend and I respect you for it. I'm leaving in the morning and will be back. But from today you will have a lot of personal fares from me. You can go now here is one hundred rand, go and buy yourself some nice clothes. He walked me to the lift and tapped me on the shoulder. In the lift I just started to laugh but not out loud, when I walked out of the hotel I felt as if I had done something bad, but I just shook my head and started the Taxi. I called the control room?
Bully I will be off the air for the rest of the night? Ok! Willy its very quite tonight but I will come right. As I parked the Taxi outside my place Sylvia and Denise just came from across the street. Hi! Said Sylvia you are early? Yep! Just a bit tired I think you two must come and massage me a bit? That's cool we are finished for the night and we are also on our way to bed now. This is only the beginning of a long three year taxi experience more to follow!
Mom and dad went out and big sis, younger bro, and youngest sis gets things goin... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting