The Priest Teaches His Flock-Ch 11 The Retreat
Charlotte was impressed, the Bishop was praying for her soul. Sally more worried, knowing that they were up to something and she would soon find out what it was, sure that it would not be pleasant. Sally heard a strange rustling, Father John praying again, the sound of them moving, but she kept her eyes shut tightly, afraid of opening them.
“Amen,” Father John said.
“Amen,” Bishop Samuel concurring. “The Lord has spoken to us. He has told us how he wants Charlotte to serve the Lord. He wants her to become a nun. It is a hard journey to become a nun, a rigorous regiment to be followed as a novice first. The Lord will test her in many ways; test her devotion to God and to the priests that serve Him. He will place many obstacles in her path, obstacles that we will be able to help her with. Her sister will have to help her, show her the ways that she has been taught to serve the vessels of the Lord, the priests who serve the Lord. There will be times that are trying, times when the Lord will have to punish her in order to make her worthy of His love. Are you willing to commit to the service of the Lord, Charlotte, giving your body and soul to the service of the Lord?”
Charlotte opened her eyes, smiling happily. “Yes Bishop! I will do whatever is asked of me for the Lord. I will suffer whatever pain is necessary, as did Jesus did to save our soul.” This was what she had dreamt of, serving the Bishop.
“And you, Sally. Will you assist your sister in achieving her goals, teaching her as others taught you? Showing her how her body and soul can be used for the Lord and His vessels without regard to her personal interests.” Father John looked at her, a stern warning against any disobedience.
If that is what Charlotte wanted—and her mother was sure to be so proud of her—why should I stand in her way? She hated to think of the things she would have to do, the things that she would have to teach her sister, knowing that her sister would have to serve Father John and Bishop Samuel, service their lust. But, it was Charlotte’s decision; maybe at least they would leave her alone. “Yes, Father John, I will teach her.”
“I think we should celebrate Charlotte’s decision, first; Sally’s cooperation will decide on how severe her punishment will be.” The Bishop moved his hand down to Charlotte, his fingers lifting her chin up as she continued kneeling at his feet. “Sally is going to teach you how to take communion from the Sword of God,” his cock jerking in lust. He saw her innocent eyes looking up at him, the smile of obedience on her face. Yes, he was going to enjoy this. He moved his hands to the front of his robe, sliding the zipper, starting at the top, seeing Charlotte’s eyes follow his hand as it went past his waist, his naked chest now revealed. He waited for a second, letting it register in her brain before continuing, the zipper sliding down, his cock jerking free, no longer constrained by the harsh fabric of the robe.
Charlotte couldn’t believe it, never having seen a penis but once before and then only the flaccid one of a small boy. It was nothing like this and this from a servant of God! It was big, bigger than she had ever imagined; huge when he rubbed it up against her cheek. It stood out over eight inches, bobbing up and down. At the end was a giant head, a dark angry red, the rim around it an even darker red, it was almost like a helmet. In the center was an eye, an eye that would shoot out his seed. The shaft had veins running up the side, she could almost see the blood pounding through them, the blood that was making it so hard. She could see his balls hanging down below, heavy and swollen. She would hardly be able to get her hands around them. And, she wanted to do that badly, do whatever the Bishop required of her, unconsciously understanding that this is what he would ask of her.
“You are a very beautiful girl, Charlotte, you have tempted the Bishop with your body, just as your sister has with me,” Father John spoke, moving closer. “You are going to have to drive the demon seed from his body, the seed that you planted in his loins. And, you will be required to use your mouth to do it. You will swallow his seed, an act of contrition for your scandalous body and the things you do to us.”
Her hands reached out and lightly touched the Bishop’s cock, her fingers jerking back when she felt how hot it was. “I will do what is required of me, Father John,” too engrossed with touching the hard cock in front of her to really pay much attention to the priest. She reached again, this time her hand wrapping around it, gripping it tighter now when she felt it jerk.
Sally moved closer to her, “rub it up and down;” at least she wouldn’t have to do it. Charlotte seemed to be in awe of the Bishop’s cock, her eyes glued to it while her hand slid up and down the shaft. “Tighten your fingers when you move over the head,” she guided her little sister. She watched Charlotte do it, Bishop Samuel’s cock jerking again when her hand rubbed the ridge around the head. “Cup his balls with your other hand.”
Charlotte was mesmerized by the hard, hot cock in her hands, not able to take her eyes off of it as she listened to what Sally told her to do, duplicating her instructions. Squeezing his balls caused a moan come from his lips, “Did I squeeze too hard, Bishop Samuel?”
“Oh no, Charlotte. You are doing a wonderful job. Continue,” his breathing ragged as he watched her manipulate his cock nearly as expertly as a whore would do. Father John had told him how Sally had a natural knack; maybe it was hereditary, her mother Mary having had a similar trait.
Charlotte squeezed his balls again, this time harder, feeling the two heavy balls inside, the heat from his body. Her hand took full strokes, up and down the shaft, rewarding her by jerking each time her hand passed over it, her fingers gripping tighter, hoping to please him.
“Tell her what to do next, Sally,” Bishop Samuel ordered He wanted to feel her hot mouth wrapped around his cock, afraid he might cum before she could use her tongue, her small hands doing such wonderful things to his cock.
“Move closer to his cock and blow on it, hold it tight, your breath will make it jerk even more.” Sally remembered too vividly the times she had to take Father John’s cock deep in her mouth.
It was only inches from Charlotte’s face, the hot, throbbing cock of the Bishop, her hand holding it tightly. She blew on it, blew on the head. She squeezed his balls, her hand barely able to contain the cock as it jumped in the sheer ecstasy of her hot breath. She tightened her fingers just below the crown, squeezing the rigid flesh, her hands compressing his balls again, this time harder, blowing longer this time over the trapped head. She was rewarded with a deep moan from the Bishop.
“Open your mouth real wide, Charlotte. His cock is big and he wants it inside your mouth. Are you ready to do this?” Charlotte could only nod to Father John, her eyes staring straight ahead to the cock that throbbed in her hands. Sally knew what it felt like the first time, the unmistakable feel of throbbing flesh jerking in your mouth, hands on your head holding you tightly, forcing your mouth on the hot flesh.
Bishop Samuel waited, seeing her mouth form into a big “O,” her eyes wide open, big blue innocent eyes, staring at his cock. He could wait no longer, pushing his hips forward, impaling her mouth with his cock. He shoved harder than he expected to, his cockhead hitting the back, a loud gag coming from deep in her throat, her mouth closing over his shaft, her soft, wet lips almost making him cum. “Thank you, Lord,” was the only thing he could say when he felt her tongue running over the head of his cock, feeling his semen leak out, struggling to keep from cumming. He pulled his cock out until only the head was trapped inside, her tongue bathing it with her hot saliva as Charlotte lapped at it hungrily.
Charlotte ran her tongue over the rubbery flesh pulsating in her mouth, her lips wrapping tightly around it. It was big, her lips stretching wide to allow the thick member inside her mouth. She felt it jerk when her tongue touched the tip, an unmistakable salty flavor invading her mouth. She ran her tongue over the tip again, another jerk and the taste permeating her mouth. So that is what it tastes like. The thick, salty fluid she dragged out of his cock not all that unpleasant. The taste now filling her mouth as the thick fluid mixed with her saliva. It felt so good having it in her mouth; the Bishop’s organ, alive and pulsating, her tongue and lips making it jerk and jump inside. She felt so proud of herself as she pleased the Bishop.
Charlotte was embarrassing Sally, acting like a whore. It didn’t make a difference that he was a Bishop, he was still taking advantage of them, but Charlotte was accepting it so willingly. Well, if she was going to act like a whore, then Sally would treat her like one. She put her hands on the back of Charlotte’s head. “You’re going to have to take more than that, Charlotte. Bishop Samuel wants it deep in your mouth.” She pushed, feeling Charlotte resisting as the thick shaft slowly pushed deeper into her mouth. Maybe you wouldn’t be so willing if it is shoved down your throat.
Why was Sally doing this? She was frightened, as the hard cock pushing out her cheeks, pulling back out, then thrusting back in, further this time, moving to the back of her mouth. It was big, too big to fit in her tiny mouth. She tried raising her hands up to stop them, the sudden panic of having the large thick cock shoved down her throat, choking her to death.
“Put your hands down, Charlotte! How dare you defy the Lord? You’ll take it all the way into your mouth and down your throat like a good girl. How do you expect to become a good nun if you don’t even know how to please a Bishop? Continue, Sally, show her how much you learned. Father John tells me you have a unique talent with your mouth.”
“Sally is exceptional,” Father John chimed in. “She has such a talent in draining the demon seed from my body with her mouth. Many times she has sucked and swallowed the demon seed from my loins.”
Sally pushed on Charlotte’s head, this time harder, watching the Bishop’s cock slowly slipping through her tight lips, noticing a glint of panic in her sister’s eyes as she obeyed the Bishop, her fists clenching tightly at her side, unable or unwilling to stop them from using her mouth. Charlotte gagged her throat spasming as over half of Bishop Samuel’s large cock was burying itself in her mouth. “Keep your tongue moving on it, Charlotte, run it up and down the side. Lap at the head, taste his cum in your mouth. If you breathe through your nose it will be easier. They like to make you choke and gag on their cock, it brings them great pleasure.”
Charlotte could not believe how long it was, the thick shaft seeming to go on forever, pushing up against the back of her mouth, bending slightly and trying to enter her throat. It felt like a giant plunger trying to squeeze into her tiny throat, the contractions rippling up and down the shaft as she breathed heavily, sucking in as much air as she could through her nose. Sally held her head tightly, preventing her from backing off the cock. The only thing she could do was clench her fists and swirl her tongue around the shaft, hoping to drain the demon seed from him quickly. His hips shot forward, another inch of cock forced into her throat as her throat gurgled and gagged.
Father John was right, Charlotte did seem to have a natural ability to suck cock, seeing the Bishop’s thick cock bury itself in her tiny throat, a family trait that her mother also had. He could see her throat pulsating, his thick cock burying inside, her eyes already tearing up, staring at him, her innocent lips wrapping so tightly around his cock. “You do such a good job serving the Lord, Charlotte,” Bishop Samuel was not sure he could go much longer without cumming. He began pushing his hips in and out more quickly; she was taking over half of it now, gagging as it hit the back of her throat, but her throat was opening up to take it all inside, her eyes wide, a look of amazement that she was taking it so deep. He lifted her chin up higher so she was staring into his eyes, “there is more, Charlotte, I’m going to bury it all in your throat,” squeezing her head, Sally keeping her from moving away.
She gagged and choked, the Bishop pumping his hips back and forth, the hard cock pushing painfully down her throat. She could feel it jerking in the hot confines of her throat, his stomach smashing against her lips. It did feel like a giant sword in her mouth and throat. She couldn’t move her tongue now, his shaft pressing it to the bottom of her mouth, his cock no longer needing the stimulation, the spasming of her throat doing a much better job. She was breathing heavily—barely able to suck in enough air through her nose—hoping that he would pull the huge cock from her throat soon.
Bishop Samuel finally pulled his cock from her throat, slowly dragging it back out, feeling her throat muscles clinging to it as the head popped out of her throat. Her tongue moving back to bathe the head of his cock as she sucked it, creating a delicious vacuum that threatened to make him cum in her hot mouth.
Sally caught the sight of Father John’s cock jutting out the front of his robe, fearing that he would make her take it in her mouth again, licking her lips, getting them wet for him, wanting to get it over quickly.
“Take my cock and feed it into your sister’s mouth, Sally. Let Charlotte see if she can take two cocks in her mouth at the same time.” He felt Sally’s familiar soft hand grabbing his cock, gripping it tightly. She would have to take it in her mouth if Charlotte was unable to, and he wasn’t sure if Charlotte’s small mouth would be able to stretch wide enough to take both of their cocks, but Charlotte was the one that was asking for this, let her suffer her own fate.
Sally was shocked by the order, it was bad enough with one cock in your mouth, how would her sister be able to take two? She hesitated, then, knowing that she would be punished if she didn’t obey, gripping his cock, moving closer to Charlotte, seeing the fear in her eyes. Rubbing Father John’s cock along the side of her sister’s face, she found herself intentionally leaving a trail of shiny cum on the bulging cheek. Bishop Samuel let his cock slide out until only the head sat on Charlotte’s lips, her tongue running over the tip, the cock jerking in lust. Sally moved Father John’s cock over, two massive organs each seeking to enter the hot confines of the tiny oral cavity.
My friend betrayed me but I thanked her... |
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