The Possible Breeding
I sang the last two lines with more energy than I really could sustain just then.
I decided to snuggle down right there. It was a lovely place, although Tracy's
mound was a little hard under the side of my jaw, and her abdomen wasn't as
soft and steady as I was entitled to expect. Indeed, it was bouncing up and
down as if she were laughing or something.
"Don?" She wanted something.
"Comfy." And I wasn't about to get it for her.
"Come up here." I would in just a...
"Minute," I said.
"Come up here, and I'll tell you why I want to have your baby." Well, I had
On the other hand, everybody told you to stop and smell the flowers. Well,
this was a delightful spot, and I could smell her flower from here -- essence
of Tracy. But I knew this was a losing argument; she didn't like any mention
of her aroma.
I climbed off the end of the bed and removed the sheet from beneath her feet.
When I'd flipped it over her, I joined her.
"That's better," she said.
I hugged her as closely as her position lying on her back allowed. Usually,
We would be in a spoon by now, but this was probably best for tonight.
"You are handsome, and you are sooo clean," she advised. I want my baby to
have your looks and your mannerism.
She snuggled against him in a way that was clearly her last move before sleep.
Sometime during the night I awoke and she had coaxed my cock to stiffness
once more and I felt her hot fluids coating my dick as she stuffed in into her
once more, riding me bareback as she would a horse.
"Oh, Oh, Oh," she cried, "fuck me, fuck me, fuck, fuuuuuccccckkkkk!!"
I could hardly contain myself as she suctioned my hardness into her heated
depths. Her pussy began farting and then I felt her release her hot witness to
bathe my barebacked cock, our pre-cum fluids mixing to bathe my nutsack. I
reached beneath her bare ass and in probing her nether hole felt those same
juices now running across her rosebud.
And then I felt it... my balls were giving up the fight as my hot maleness
surged through my dick to burn its helmet now prodding her uterus, as her
excitement swelled and we were then cuming together. It seemed like my
whole innards were turning inside out, pumping gallons of my baby juice
deep into her womb, although it probably was just a tablespoon of the stuff.
She would not let me slip from her heated wetness as I rolled over to lay on
top of her. We kissed and fondled each other, trying to rekindle our lust, but
she had completely drained my balls. I turned back over onto my back, and
She arranged herself so that she made me her mattress as she drifted off to
sleep, my cock still in her hot fluid cave.
We barely made it to work the next morning. We awoke again at 0600 hours
to fuck once more, she was not on birth control and continued to tell me
about how she was going to make me a daddy wanting so badly to get pregnant
by me. This caused me to get even more excited. I gave her another load of
my pearly juice in appreciation.
I could not believe it... this young foxy WAF had only known me for less than
24 hours and already I had pumped 3 loads of what she thought was my
baby-making cum into her belly, and she was wanting to make me a daddy.
Chapter Three
We would continue to fuck. She explained that her husband and her had been trying to start a family and after many trips to the doctor he was discovered to be the same as me, with a low sperm count. Of course I did not tell her that I also had a low sperm count, just so I could continue fucking her with her thinking that I was going to give her my baby. Oftentimes she would get livid with lust as we lay together naked, fantasizing with all sorts of comments of how she wanted to have at least 10 babies by me.
As we returned to work that second day, it was hard to keep my hands off her. It seemed like everytime I turned around her ass was there for me to fondle through her WAF uniform. Her titties were small, in their virgin condition, having never experienced holding her sweet milk. They were perfect "cones" with here nipples in a constant state of arousal when she was with me. Air Force regulations being what they were, there was certain limitations on how she was allowed to dress, but on the occasions that it was not so obvious, I'm sure the panties were left at home, as was the brasseires. Her pantyhose often were clear see-through, and without the normal pussyhair to show through, one would not recognize that she was not wearing underwear. But I could tell and I often saw wet pantyhose if I was sitting across from her.
We had 5 other people assigned to our section. They were flying officers who had duties to take the assigned pilots and navigators out for checkrides. Most of the time they were doing just that, so Tracy and I were often left in the office alone. Our main Operations section was in Headquarters, about 2 miles away, with our office being next to the Base Operations terminal and the airplanes. Our building was shared by the Wing Parachute shop, which was a different entity altogether. As was the case in most Air Force facilities, paperwork personnel and maintenance personnel had little to do with each other, and in our case this was no exception. As a result, we were often free to fuck and suck all we wanted to, even on duty. We would go to work in the morning and get our workload to type, or file, and then the flying people would leave, to take people out on checkrides and by 0900 hours my hard cock would be slipping and sliding in Tracy's hot wetness. By the time Lunch time rolled around my spendings were seeping down her inner thighs inside the legs of her pantyhose, with her thinking that those little swimmers were having a field day in her womb, attacking her eggs. Of course this was not true, because my cum did not have those little swimmers.
In the afternoons our work would take place, if there was any work to be done. Having been checked out in the flying portion, the pilots and navigators would bring their checklists in to present to us so we could type the Form 8 that was then certified by our boss, and filed into the guy's flying records so he could fly and keep his flying proficiency pay for another 6 months. In between times of this administrative work being done, oftentimes our flying personnel would take the rest of the day off, so once again Tracy and I were left to our own devices, but with one difference......the flying personnel scheduled for checkrides on the next day had to complete a written examination satisfactorily in order to qualify for their checkride the following day. With the Wing having only about 200 flying personnel, these afternoon examinees averaged out to about 3-4 personnel taking their written examinations per day. On some days there would be no one, and on others there might be as many as 10. Contrary to the beliefs of taxpayers that supported this scenario, the flying personnel of the Air Force are a lazy bunch of playboys. They have little to do once proficient in their assigned aircraft, except to remain proficient, attend some trumped up meeting in the Officer's Club Stag Bar, or go home and fuck their wife and knock her up, so the Base Medics can keep records on her pregnancy and their childrens' healthcare. This may sound a little "gross" but that is what it boils down to.
So in addition to our morning fucking and sucking, many times Tracy and I would fuck all morning in the office, go to Lunch, and then return to the office to fuck even more in the afternoon. She took to wearing diapers because my cum seemed to continuously be seeping from her hot wet cavern. We bought and installed a small beer cooler, which we kept refilled each day before we quit for the day to return home. When Tracy began wearing diapers, it was often more convenient for her to simply pee in her pants rather than try to make her drunken way to the Women's toilet, so I got to get alot of experience in diaper changing and drying off that sweet yellow piss from her honey pot.
Hot yellow piss cuts through the oilyness of cum and pussy juice. We learned to overcome this by using Vaseline and baby oil. Johnson and Johnson, I'm sure, did not mean for their baby oil to be used for anything but smoothing baby skin in diaper changing to stop rashes. But used thoroughly, it makes a very good lubricant for all sorts of nude massaging. We got quite efficient at bathing each other in baby oil baths. We could get naked in that office after locking the door so no one could get in while we were nude and trying to make her pregnant, bathe each other thoroughly to the point that baby oil would practically be dripping off our erotic skin, and then wrestle each other on the tiled floor of that office, as our tongues wrestled with each other as we kissed, or we suckled hickeys on each other. Sometimes Tracy's naked back looked like she had the chicken pox from my hickeys. It was a good thing that she had "cut off" her husband's amorous attempts in favor of having me exclusively to ensure that she had my baby (in her own mind), because if he ever found out all the hickeys she was "sporting" given by me, he would have definitely divorced her, if not shot her, and come running for me. But due to their different working schedules, he was rarely at home when she was, and vice versa. If he was on Swing shift, she would get off work and she and I would go eat Dinner together, and find a rendevous spot afterwards to just lay on a blanket and doze together in each other's arms. He would be sleeping when she finally got home, after she had slept in my arms on some blanket in some park. And when he awoke the next morning she would have already gone to work, and was probably being "bred" in our office. She always had the weekends off work, but by the very nature of his Security Police work, his weekends were always filled with duty schedules to keep law and order on the base. Security Police are a partying lot...when they worked regular days, their nights were spent boozing, so he was never home at night until late on those days, and when he did make it home he was so drunk that he could barely see to get in the door and pass out on the bed and begin snoring. And when he worked Graveyard shift.
This is chapter 2 of my Gangbang with 12 Fire fighters. This time they have something planned for me that blew my mind... |
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- success
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- fuck
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- facesitting