The Pleasure of Giving
Such a simple and well known phrase. But how can anyone derive pleasure by giving something? - it defies all logic. The excitement of receiving something new, indulging in the joy of a gift, a compliment or whatever it may be that has been received. That's surely got to be where the real pleasure lies. Not by sitting back and watching someone else enjoy that experience, thinking all the while that it's really you that wanted to receive something. It just makes no sense.
Sure it's a nice feeling to see someone enjoying such a moment, but honestly, deep down you're not pleased for yourself. You're jealous. Hidden only by a mask of false excitement. It's definitely not a pleasure.
But what really is pleasure, does anyone really know what pleasure is. Many dictionaries describe pleasure as, gratification, delight, satisfaction, or even agreeable sensations. Pleasure is something that cannot be measured, cannot be captured. It could almost be described as a state of mind, an emotional brick in the wall of happiness. How do we know this? We know that happiness is a frail state of mind made up of many small, but possibly more significant pieces. Pleasure is but one of those. One of the most powerful of all when it is tapped into in its raw state. Nothing can beat the feeling of pure pleasure - that I dare you to argue.
So how can giving something to someone provide this intense feeling, this raw emotion? Think about it for a minute, what could you possibly give to someone that could create pleasure for someone, expose them to this small, powerful little emotion so that it returns to you?
This is my story on how I once managed to achieve this unlikely feat...
"What's on the box tonight?" Jacqui yelled from the kitchen as she was finally dishing up their dinner.
"Dunno, I'll have a look in a sec" Steve yelled back having just sat down on the couch exhausted after what had seemed a long day.
It was around 8.15pm, unusually late to be sitting down for the evening to have dinner, but sometimes that's just how it panned out when they were both working parents. Afternoons blurred into evenings, evenings blurred into nights, and before you knew it, it was time to put the cat out again.
As Jacqui sat down handing Steve his dinner they both scanned the on screen guide to see that nothing greatly excited either of them, but they settled on yet another reality program. The kind that you can watch for 5 minutes and know exactly what was happening, had happened and was going to happen.
Sitting silently both staring into the screen, not talking nor really watching what was unfolding in front of them, they both aimlessly ate their dinner - a 15 minute Thai chicken fettuccine that Jacqui had become a master at. A seemingly routine occurrence on a seemingly routine night. But tonight was going to be anything but routine.
"Pass your plate" Steve said as he rose from his seat on his way to the kitchen. They had recently moved into a new property and this one didn't have a dishwasher - the modern day maid as Steve called it. Knowing that Jacqui had cooked, Steve knew he had to clean. Not a favourite job, but nevertheless one that had to be done.
As he took Jacqui's plate he accidentally brushed her fingers on the underside of the plate, not expecting this it gave him a small but exciting twitch, which led to a cheeky little smirk.
"What was that look for?" Jacqui teased, "you looking for trouble aye?"
"No reason, and depends on what you call trouble!" he responded still smiling within himself as he headed to the kitchen to start the clean up.
Soon after the sink was full of bubbles, Steve's sleeves rolled up and the dishes underway. It's the kind of thing that once he had started it was fine but him getting started was usually the problem! But not tonight, for some strange reason it just felt right for him and within minutes he was in his own little world up to his forearms in dishes and water.
Absentmindedly washing the day away with the dishes Steve didn't realise that Jacqui had walked in behind him.
"Trouble is what you want it to be!" Jacqui started to say but only managing to give Steve a huge fright causing him to drop a plate back into the sink, splashing water and bubbles over the two of them!
"Then trouble is what you'll get sneaking up on people like that!" he replied as he swung around and started chasing her back into the lounge where he caught her on the couch and started to tickle her all over, with diminishing resistance. Having felt satisfied that he had successfully extracted his revenge, Steve started to rise to return to the kitchen to finish the dishes.
"Where to you think you are going?" Jacqui pouted, grabbing him and pulling him back down on top of her.
"I have dishes to attend to he replied"
"Forget those, how 'bout you attend to me first?" she said grabbing his hand and placing it on her breast and holding it there, while she pulled him in closer and gently but quickly nipped his ear lobe with her teeth.
Pulling back slightly and looking into her eyes, he saw that spark that had been missing for a while, that spark that makes him forget everything else in this world exists except the strength that exists between them. The spark that meant that nothing else matters. The spark that meant forget the dishes!
"And just how do you propose that I attend to you?" he asked in a leading way. Without answering she turned her hips and flipped them both on to the floor, Steve on his back and Jacqui straddled across his chest, arms pinned underneath him.
"Well first you could tease me a little, then you could touch me a little, and then tease me a little more, then you could touch me again, and again, and to make it even more exciting you then take me. How does that sound for starters?"
"Sounds great, in fact better than great. But there's only one small problem, and that's that I am pinned to the ground, which is making it very hard for me to do any of that! So I guess you are going to have to get off, that's if you want to?"
"Oh I'll get off alright, when I'm good and ready" Jacqui replied as she started to pull her top over her head, exposing one of her old and almost completely worn out bra's and the soft, delicate and somewhat enticing flesh it contained.
"Isn't it time you got rid of that thing?" Steve said
"Ohh you little devil" Jacqui replied, knowing full well that he meant gone not just off. But to play along she reached around behind her back and unclasped the tiring garment, and seductively slid it forward with her arms, being sure to keep herself covered. As she finally sprang free from the restraints of modern conformist clothing she flicked it off and over Steve's face leaving him more or less blindfolded to his bare-chested beauty. "Is that better?" she asked slyly.
"Yes" Steve replied, "but I thought I was the one that was going to do all the teasing, not you?" he added flicking his head to the side and freeing his view of what was now begging for his touch
"Well isn't it more fun when we both can play though?" Jacqui teased as she slowly moved a finger from her navel up between her breasts and back down again as if wiping away a gentle splash of water.
Sick of being pinned, and starting to feel his arms and hands go numb, Steve mustered up some strength and lifted her enough so that he could free himself, knocking Jacqui over so that they were lying half on top of each other. Gently he leaned into her to kiss her and instead softly bit her top lip. This caught Jacqui by surprise but secretly she knew it was his way of telling her that he was ready to play the game too.
"How bout we take this to the bedroom and see where it leads?" Jacqui asked as she started to rise to her feet in expectation that he would just follow.
"What's wrong with here? The kids are in bed, and I don't think the cats will mind do you"
"Nothing wrong with here at all, except I think you'll appreciate the comfort of the bed if you want me to do what I have in mind to do. So come-come it'll be worthwhile" and she walked away flicking the lights off on her way out.
Within minutes Steve had followed her into the bedroom, leaving the dishes as they were. Jacqui had lit a solitary candle and opened a window to help the light dance around the room a little. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and signalled for him to move in front of her, which he did without hesitation.
"Are you ready for one of the best experiences of your life?" She asked in a husky but naughty voice.
"A little scared but yes"
"Excellent, then from now on you do as I say and I'll make sure that this is a night you'll never forget. Now firstly you'll need to remove your shirt and trousers and hop into bed"
Although a little unsure of what was to lie ahead of him, Steve was also very intrigued. But at no time did he doubt that this was going to be interesting. He had complete trust in Jacqui and knew that she would operate within their comfort levels without pushing the boundaries that they had subconsciously set. So without hesitation he eased out of his clothes as instructed, leaving his boxers on slipped into his side of the bed. Steve to did the same, slipping out of her remaining clothes and into bed. The only difference she was totally naked.
The cool sheets and the combination of unknowing excitement had given Steve a strange sensation as he eased into bed, and it wasn't long before the sexual excitement building in all the right places.
Jacqui by this stage was exuding total confidence but inside was trembling as she put her plan into action. She had been thinking of this for months and tonight she finally felt ready to explore her inner self in a way she would never imagined had she not had the confidence in Steve.
"I want you to stroke my body from top to bottom, but you are not to touch my nipples, nor my vagina. Try not break eye contact with me and do not stop to linger anywhere with your fingers"
Slowly Steve eased himself up and started to pull the covers back so he could expose her flesh and not have to wrestle with blankets getting in the way.
"STOP" Jacqui instructed, "The blankets stay on, this is about touch and touch only"
Steve lowered himself back down onto the bed and decided that he'd take a measured approach, working his way from the top of Jacqui's head down as far as he could reach. So he gently stroked her hair, stopping to twirl her hair just behind her ear. He felt her stretch her neck up ever so slightly and he took this as his cue to drag his fingers down behind her ear and down her neck.
He could see in her eyes that this was an area that she was very protective of, but she held his gaze for a split second before closing her eyes to concentrate on his touch.
Jacqui's neck was one of the most sensitive parts of her body, she often flinched and pulled away whenever she was touched there, but not this time, this time she managed to control her urge to pull away and let Steve ease his hand around the base of he neck, through to the nape. He could feel her slightly tense up as he did this, but knew that this was something that she was prepared for. Moving from her neck across to her shoulders and upper arms he started to feel and electricity through his hands in the way Jacqui was responding. With easy careful and deliberate movements her body seemed to lift to his touch. Like a magnet pulling a pin across a page.
By now he could feel that Jacqui was getting highly stimulated by his touch. Slowly he moved across her soft breast and started moving towards the nipple before a gentle 'uh-ah' seemed to come from nowhere. Realising the this was a no go zone Steve stopped just at the touch of the aureole, which was raised and inviting, and without brushing the nipple managed to complete a full slow circle around the aureole which caused Jacqui to arch up wanting for more.
Moving slowly down past the ribcage and across her navel Jacqui's breathing starting to get deeper and heavier. He knew that she was completely switched on to his touch. Slowly he swirled his finger around her belly button, flicking the hanging jewels from her piercing several times and with each Jacqui twitched as if it hurt, but he could see that it didn't by the expression on her face.
Carefully he moved past her tummy button and started down towards her pubic mound, but there was something different tonight - it was totally smooth. Normally it was well groomed leaving just enough hair for him to tease and tickle, but now it was gone. All that was left was silky smooth skin that he kneaded with his fingers. All of a sudden a desire burned across his mind; 'how far has she gone, it is completely shaven, how can I find out?' So defying his instructions he moved his fingers deeper down to feel the smooth and hot sensations that he was longing to touch, but was met with a sharp slap across the back of his hand.
"I said no touching, down there. There'll be time for that soon enough, be patient"
So here she was lying completely naked beneath his touch, nipples erect and longing to be touched and teased - but he wasn't allowed. Her pussy completely shaven, something he had never expected but wanted so much to feel - but he wasn't allowed. He knew she wanted him to, and he certainly wanted too - but her rules wouldn't allow it.
This was exciting him also and the bulge that was straining his boxers was desperate to break free. As he reached down to adjust himself to a more comfortable position, Jacqui suddenly grabbed his hand to stop him. But instead of stopping him, she guided him to do it - letting him know that she was in control of what happened not him.
Within seconds she had pulled him free from his constraining boxers and started to repay the compliment of his touch. Soon they were both on their sides staring into each other's eyes and stroking each other all over like teenagers. The only difference is that neither of them could touch each other intimately, which just added to the intense feeling that was building within both of them.
She would tickle his navel and play with the hair that grew from his pubic area to his tummy button, and he would be stroking and scratching her back, both of them writhing under each other's touch.
An exciting story of 2 lovers... |
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