The Outsider and the Rebellous Gir.
By now I was terrified. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. I pulled up my skirt and slipped off my panties. ‘ Now you’re being a good girl,’ he said. His hand was still tight around the back of my neck.
’Let’s see your tits . Take off your shirt. ‘He took his hand off my neck as I lifted my T shirt and slipped it over my head. He squeezed first one tit and then the other with his free hand. ‘Not too much there,’ he said “but enough. I like them.’. He bent over and put the left one in his mouth, circling the nipple with his tongue. We’re having fun, aren’t we?’ I didn’t answer .’Aren’t we,?’ he shouted and he squeezed my tit ‘til it hurt ‘Yes,’ I said.’Fun’
‘ Time to have more fun, ‘ he said. “He put my hand on the bulge in his pants “Take it out.”
I had no choice. He was drunk and I didn’t know how violent he might become. I did as he said. “Now we’re going to get out and lie on the ground so I can shove this into your little pussy in comfort’
‘ I’m a virgin, I said. I don’t want to do this.”
You’re a virgin?’ he asked. “You must be the last one in Ralston.”
‘Yes,’ I answered ‘ I’m a virgin and I want to stay that way. ’.
‘Well this is your lucky day. It’s cherry busting time and for the rest of your life you can be proud George W. Taylor was your very first. Baby, you’re going to remember me to the day you die. The guy who first opened you up. What do you say to that?’
‘You forgot the third’
‘What? What does that mean?
‘ The third. You know, George W. Taylor the Third. You forgot it.’
Oh, ‘ he said with a chuckle. ‘That’s cute. I like a girl with a sense of humor.’
He opened his door and got out. ‘Now you slide over and get out this side. He took hold of my arm and pulled me. We stood next to the car, his dick sticking straight “Now take off your skirt,’ he ordered.
‘Is this the way you get all your girls, by raping them?’
His face turned scarlet and I was afraid he was going to punch me’ Don’t sass me, you little bitch. Get your skirt off and lay down right here.’ I unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the ground.. I was standing there totally naked. He reached in the car and took out a pint bottle of Jack Daniels. He took several swallows from the bottle and offered me the bottle. I didn’t take it. Then he undid the belt to his pants. ‘Lie down, baby. Let’s get comfortable. I want to get a good look at your virgin cunt.’
He undid the top button of his pants and they fell down around his ankles. That was my chance I started running. He tried to follow me but the pants around his ankles tripped him up and he fell down. He tried to pull them up and run but he fell down again. He shouted for me to stop but I just kept running. When he realized he couldn’t catch up with me he went back to the car hoping he could catch . me. I had a pretty good head start and when I saw the lights of his car coming toward me I ducked behind some bushes and waited for him to pass. I knew he’d be waiting at my street for me so I decided to cut through neighbors back yards and go in the house the back way. I was stark naked but thankful I was still wearing my shoes. The neighbors all had motion lights in the back that went on whenever man or animal passed through. I wasn’t sure how far I would get before someone spotted me with those lights flashing on but looking out a window they probably wouldn’t recognize me. – just some naked crazy woman running around the neighborhood. I finally got home.’
“Wow! You’ve had some wild experiences. “ Then he blushed and asked softly,” Are you really a virgin?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“Me too. You’re not a lesbian, are you?”
“Of course not. I get aroused by males just like any straight woman. I’ve even gotten aroused around you but that’s another story. Are you gay?”
“How can you ask that. You know what happened to me when we were in your bathroom.”
“I sure do. I think about it a lot and it really gets me hot. But I think we better change the topic.
What do you do with your self evenings?”
“I shoot baskets if no one is around and I visit the library three or four times a week.”
“You have no friends, nobody to hangout with?”
“You must be kidding. In this town? Even if I go in a store to buy something the clerks try to ignore me. And forget about eating in a restaurant. You’re the only person I ever talk to except the librarian sometimes. She’s very kind and is interested in what I’m reading.”
“What did your parents think about your new clothes?
“They weren’t too happy. They thought I stole them. When I insisted that I hadn’t they became furious. “We don’t accept charity,” they said. “Take them back where you got them. When I refused they beat me. “
I took his hand, brought it to my lips and kissed it. “Oh, Cliff. I’m so sorry. It was my fault. I made you take them . If I had only known…”
“Forget it Kathy. Being kind, thoughtful is never wrong. You’re still my guardian angel”
“And you’re still my slave, so kiss me. “ He took my head in his hands ands kissed me on the lips. Blood rushed through my body and I felt like I would burst.
After the kiss, we sat for a moment looking into each other’s eyes. I felt shakey but I struggled to my feet.
“Good bye, Cliff.” I bent down, kissed him on the cheek and walked away.
Every day, for the next week or two, when I went for a swim I checked out the tree Cliff always sat under as he read. But he was never there. One hot and humid morning , a heavy misty fog hung over the lake. In the early morning that was not unusual.I stripped as usual and walked into the water up to my knees, splashing the cool water on my upper body. Suddenly I heard a splash and realized someone else was in the water. I strained to see through the mist and recognized Cliff. “Cliff,” I said. “What are you doing here?”
He peered through the fog. “Kathy? Is that you?”
We were both standing in the water up to our knees. In my shock at seeing Cliff standing there, I forgot I was naked. I walked closer to him until we could see each other clearly. I stood there looking at him and he at me and I saw his penis spurting, growing longer and longer. “I come here a lot – to swim, you know.”
“Me, too.” He was holding a bar of soap in his hand. His penis was now sticking straight out. “Wow, “I said, “you’re really well endowed,’
“I’m sorry,” he said.”You know I can’t control it.
“Don’t be sorry. What the big girls tell me is the bigger the better.”
He was starring at my breasts. “ You’re pretty well endowed yourself.”
“Hardly,” I responded. “ More like fried eggs.”
I walked toward him until I stood in front of him. His hard erect penis pushed into my abdomen and slid up toward my belly bottom. He reached out his hand as if to touch my tit. Then he drew it back I smiled “Don’t be shy, I said.” It won’t hurt you.” I took his hand and placed in on a tit. He was breathing hard, his bare chest rising and falling with each rapid breath
He squeezed and traced a finger around my nipple.” I never did this before, “ he said. “It’s…it’s so nice ands soft.”
I smiled reached down and wrapped my hand around his thick penis. “ I never did this before” I said. It’s …it’s so nice and hard.”
We stood there in the mist, smelling the freshness of the day, feeling the coolness of the water lapping against our legs. We looked into each other’s eyes and there I saw the same longing, the same fiery desire that was churning in my body. We stood feasting on each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity. but was probably half a minute at the most. . “ I want you so much,” I finally said. I pushed into his naked body, looked up and kissed him on the cheek. Then I turned and ran through the bushes, grabbed my clothes and continued running to my bike. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. Then I dressed, sat down on a rock and sobbed
It was a long time before I saw Cliff again. I thought maybe he had moved away or something had happened to him. Then one warm summer evening in August I rode my bike to the park with three of my friends. The park has a summer basketball program for high school aged boys. They form a league with seven boys on each team. The have six teams in the league so that each team can play a game every evening. This year they had only enough boys who signed up for five teams so they invited a team from Doggville to enter a team in the league.
We went to the refreshment stand and bought ice cream cones. Then we sat on a bench to watch the game. We weren’t paying much attention , just talking girl talk, what boys are hot, which ones aren’t when Molly said,” Look. There’s a white guy playing with all the blacks.”
“ That looks like … what’s his name … Cliff. Excepting that guy has shorter hair than Cliff had. ‘
My palms got sweaty. I starred at the players. “Is that him Kathy? You ought to know. He’s your knight in white armor, “Molly said sarcastically “ Going to his rescue again if he gets hurt?”
“Yeah, it’s him alright, “said Sally “ Wow, he really looks hot without all the hair. Real cute. And what a body!”
Cliff’s play was dazzling. Each time he drove to the basket one of the Ralston players hacked him or bumped him , but most of the time Cliff feinted, dodged and threw in baskets from all over the court. The four black guys and Chris swamped the team from Ralston. When the game ended, instead of the two teams shaking hands and embracing as is the custom, the Ralston players turned and walked away, showing their disdain for the blacks and for Chris.
As the Doggville team drifted off toward a car in the parking lot, I went over and tapped Cliff on the shoulder .”Hey, stranger. Where you been hiding?”
He stopped, shocked to see me. “Kathy! What are you doing here?”
“Looking for a pick-up game,” I answered. “Want to play?
He laughed, wrapped his arm around me. Love to but I have to go jump in the lake. I’m all sweaty.
“Mind if I come along?”
“Of course not, but I don’t have a bathing suit”
“Me neither but we kinda already know what each other looks like nude”
Cliff smiled. Then he went over to say good bye to his basketball friends and we walked hand in hand to my spot---our spot at the lake. My girl friends watched – shocked.
It was dusk, getting dark. We stood on the beach facing each other, just stood looking into each other’s eyes. Then he reached out and slowly unbuttoned my shirt. I let it fall to the ground. He undid my bra, took it off and placed a breast in each hand as we continued gazing into each other ‘s eyes. Then he took my head in his hands and kissed me long and hard, his tongue brushing my lips, exploring my mouth.. He kissed his way down my neck to my breasts and his lips embraced first one nipple and then the other. ”You taste so good,’ he said.
I gasped for breath, tilted back my head and closed my eyes as his fingers found the zipper to my shorts. They fell to my feet and his hand slipped under my panties and caressed my mound, my vagina. “Oh God, Chris, that feels so good.” I put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him over and over. “Keep rubbing me there Cliff. Keep rubbing and never never stop. Finally he wrapped his arms around me, drew me near and kissed me as though he was sucking the air out of me.” Oh,Cliff, “I sighed you are one great lover.
“Time to see what you’ve got down here,” I said and pulled down his shorts. He was wearing a jock strap ”This keep your balls in place?”
“I don’t have balls. I’ve got nuts.” He embraced me. “And when I have you, I’ve got three nuts.” I laughed and gave his bare bottom a slap ”Wise ass,” I said. Then I slipped off his jock strap I gazed at his rock hard cock for a second and then encircled it with both hands and rolled it between my palms. “I love your big banana,”I said and bent down and kissed the tip. You don’t have any prepuce, “I said examining it. Are you Jewish?
“ No, “he said. What’s prepuce? Some kind of disease?
I laughed. “No it’s foreskin Covers the tip of your coc…your penis if it isn’t cut off.”
“Wow, you seem to know a lot about the male coc…penis. Did you make a study of it?”
“Sure I did. What could be more interesting to a girl than a man’s , ok I’ll say it…cock.”
We began kissing again, groping, caressing each other. I was gasping for breath. I was losing control of myself.I could stand it no longer.I turned and dashed into the water. He ran in after me. He grabbed me from behind and put a hand on each tit. I could feel his big cock pushing into my backside, riding up and down my crack .I turned and faced him. “I had to get in the water, “ I said “Away from you. I was too hot, too excited. I.. I don’t want to make a baby, at least not now.”
He embraced me, kissed my gently. “ Next time ‘I’ll bring a condom, “he whispered. “And couldn’t we make a great baby together?”.
We walked back to the beach. Then I took his rock hard cock in my hand and started jerking it back and forth. He bent down and kissed me on the lips ” I don’t want you going home completely unfulfilled,” I said. I stood holding it, massaging it, pulling the skin back and forth, faster and faster. Then I watched it spurt. We left his seed on the sandy beach, never to germinate.
Each morning after that I would go to my place, now our place, on the hidden beach. But he was never there. After a swim I would lie naked on the sand reviewing our last time together, imaging his hands on my tits, his fingers between my legs what his cock would feel like inside me. I squirmed and grew wet hoping he would show up. But he didn’t – never did and now these images in my head were keeping me from sleeping at night. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get him out of my head. I walked around all day long in kind of a fog.
One day my friend Erin called and said, “I hear your friend Tarzan has been arrested.”
“What,” I asked. “You mean Cliff?”
“Yeah, John Keats’ buddy. The police are holding him on suspicion of murder”
“You’re kidding, right? No way would he ever kill someone.”
“Don’t you read the papers? He is accused of raping and killing a black girl over in Doggerville. The paper says they have a lot of evidence against him. It says he went to an all black party with his basketball friends . There was a lot of drinking. Someone, Cliff, the paper says, took a girl into a bedroom, raped her and then, they assume, choked her when she said she would tell on him.”
When the others at the party found the dead girl they ganged up and beat the shit out of him.
“They’re wrong. Where is he”
“ The paper said he is in the Doggerville jail, waiting to be transferred to the county prison.”
I hung up and raced downstairs. I grabbed a set of car keys from the hook in the garage and jumped into the BMW. I raced to the Doggerville jail . Inside I told the policeman at the desk that I wanted to see Cliff… Cliff. I couldn’t remember his last name.
“You a member of the family”
“No, No but I’m a good friend.
“Sorry. Only family is allowed.
Look Charlie McCay is my uncle.
The attorney general ?
Yeah. You want me to call him?
Don’t bother. I’ll let you in. But only for fifteen minutes.
He called to another cop standing nearby. “Frisk this girl. Then take her down to that kid’s cell.”
The cop looked like a teenager. “ Right this way,” he said. Gotta make sure you’re not taking something into the prisoner. We walked down a hall. Gimme your purse. He opened it and examined the contents. Get up against the wall there. Now lift you’re arms up – straight up. He felt under my arm pits ran his hands down my sides and brought them back up to my breast. He pushed them, squeezed them, jiggled them. “ I was incensed. “Get a good feel?” I asked.
“You got the wrong idea. We gotta be careful. Some women tape drugs or razor blades under those jugs and sneak them in that way. Guess your tits aren’t big enough to do that though. Now lift up your skirt.”
“Look I’m not trying to sneak anything in. Just let me alone and take me to the cell.”
“Can’t take a chance. I could get in big trouble if you sneaked something in. Now pull up your skirt.
I was angry but I was desperate to see Cliff. “Ok. “I said , but hurry up”.
“Don’t get your self in a tizzy. This is just routine. We can’t take any chances.”
He had me turn around and checked my crack with his fingers. Then he turned me around again and reached under my panties. “There’s nothing up there,” I said. “Get your sleezy paws off me.”
“Not something I want to do. Just something I have to do. Sorry if you don’t like it.”
I sneered at him. ”You must love your job. Now you can go in the back room and jack off.’
“Oh, that’s not nice. Come on.” We walked down the hall and stopped in front of a cell. I looked in. Cliff was sitting on a bunk bed, his head in his hands. He heard the Click of the lock being opened and looked up. “Oh, Cliff. Oh, Cliff. What have they done to you?” His face was black and blue, his eyes almost swollen shut. Tears filled my eyes. I rushed into the cell and threw my arms around him “Oh Cliff, my love. My darling.” I kissed his face. He stared at me as if he had never seen me before. He had a far off distant look in his eyes. I began to sob. Oh, my love, my love. Come back to me. Don’t you know me? Your love, Kathy?
‘Kathy?’ he said straining to remember. “Do I know you, Kathy? Kathy. Kathy. I never knew a Kathy.”
I went to the cell door. “Guard. Guard. I want this inmate taken to the hospital right now. Get your ass moving and get an ambulance right away. “
‘We can’t do that ma’am . we need authorization . “
“ Get the fuck out of my way, “ I marched down the hall and grabbed the phone on the cop’s desk.
“Hey, you can’t do that , “He rose to his feet.
Back off or I’l l smash that fucking nose right off your face. My eyes were blazing “I held up the phone ready to swing it. Then I called 911. An ambulance arrived within five minutes. “ Take that man in the cell down there to the hospital right away. I’ll meet you there.”
In the emergency room a doctor examined Cliff. I stood nearby, watching. When anyone tried to tell me to get out I answered “I’m his wife and I have a right to be here. “
Finally the doctor finished his exam and came over to me. “He’s had a serious concussion. He’ll have to be here for at least a week. We will do all we can for him.”
An agnozing week . I visited the hospital every day. In the meantime I called my uncle and told him I needed a good lawyer.
After the fourth day Cliff’s head began to clear up. We laughed and joked and reminisced. The day before he was to be released, I visited him again with great news. Someone had come forward and confessed to the girl’s murder. Cliff was off the hook. I told him the news and we rejoiced together.
Just before I was to leave for the day I said,” I have a special present for you..actually for both of us.
I held out my hand. “Guess what I have.”
“Let’s see. It fits in your hand so it must be really small.”
“Well, yes. It’s kinda of small. But it rapidly grows when it’s put in the right place.”
“It’s a seed. Some kind of seed.”
“Well, you’re close. It does have something to do with seeds. But not the kind you’re thinking of”
“I give up. What is it?.”
I opened my hand and the object rested on my palm. Cliff stared at it, not sure what to say.
“It’s a condom, Cliff. A euphemism for, and I lowered my voice to a whisper, a euphemism for- let’s fuck.”
Wife takes black for first time... |
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