The Newest Cheerleader
Chapter 5
"Well, how much did you get?" Chris whispered as the girls rode
home in the cab.
"I haven't even counted it, but it's way over a thousand dollars.
Can you believe it?" Nancy answered.
"Yeah, you aren't kiddin'. He gave me a hundred dollars."
"You aren't gonna tell anyone about this are you, Chris?"
"No, no way." Chris smiled.
Nancy got out at her house, a small stucco duplex six blocks from
the high school. She went in.
Nancy's mother was home from her waitress job. She lay on the
couch in an old robe, asleep, an empty gin bottle on the floor. The TV
set was on. Nancy turned it off and went to her room.
Nancy counted her money. She was elated. To get so much money for
having so much fun was exciting. She smiled to herself, undressed, took
a warm bath, then went to bed.
All night she dreamed about squirting cocks ... Big juicy pricks
spurting plush plops, gloppy blobs of cum. Huge pricks shooting streams
of thick cream ... hot hard-ons throbbing, bulging, the cockheads big as
polished apples.
The next morning she awakened hot and creamy. Her hand slid
between her legs, and she fucked herself with her finger, making herself
She took another bath and dressed in tight, faded blue-jeans that
clung to her fine body like cellophane. She slipped on a pretty pink
sweater, tied her hair in a long ponytail with a pink ribbon. Her hair
was parted in the middle and banged out across her forehead. She
blushed her cheeks, then added a thick swash of pink lipgloss.
Under her attire, she wore pink panties and bra. She added a pair
of pink tennies with white laces. The darling schoolgirl looked
stunning, adorable ... good enough to eat, and she knew it.
At school, Nancy found Chris who also had on a light-blue pair of
jeans ... And if Nancy thought her jeans were tight, Christine's were
so snug it looked like she might have been sucked into them, and the
faded denim curved and clung to the precious curves of her juicy ass.
Her tight, light-blue sweater pulled in on her titties.
Chris with the perfecto ass, and Nancy with the big titties, walked
down the hall at Valley High.
"Jeez, is that guy gonna see you again?" Chris asked.
"Yeah, he said he'd call me."
"He must be real rich."
"He says he is."
"He must be," Chris said, "to part with all that money."
"I know."
"Doesn't it excite you ... I mean that he'd pay us to play?"
"Yeah, exciting!"
They passed Mr. Towson, the English teacher, a tall handsome man
who had sandy hair, glasses, a very masculine face and body.
"You know about him?" Chris whispered, pointing.
"I heard he's got a cock big as a fence post."
"Oh, come on!"
"Well, not that big, but I hear he's really hung."
"Let's tease him," Chris said, "Turn him on, huh?"
Mr. Towson was just a few steps past them.
Chris bent over the water fountain, turned on a pissing spray of
water, then looked over her shoulder. "Hi, Mr. Towson!"
He stopped, turned and eyed her ass, the pudgy, puffed-up asscheeks
gloved salaciously by her tight jeans.
"Oh, hello, ladies."
Chris arched out her ass, then bent over and took a drink. She
turned back around.
"We were wonderin' what we're gonna talk about in Lit class today."
"The Elizabethan period," Mr. Towson replied.
"Mmmm." Chris smiled. "Can you give us some notes before class,
"Uh, yes, of course. Come to my office."
Chris smiled as she tugged at Nancy's arm. The gorgeous girls
followed the handsome English teacher to his office. They went in. The
walls of his office were stuffed with books. His desk was piled with
papers, lecture notes, books with dog-eared pages.
"Oh my, it's a little messy in here," he apologized.
"We don't care," Chris said. "Right, Nancy?"
"Naw, we don't care, sir."
"Well, let me see now," Mr. Towson said, sweeping his arm across
his desk, sending the messy papers and books tumbling to the floor.
"Sit down, girls, sit down."
There were no chairs in the cluttered office.
Nancy laughed. "Uh, we'll just stand here by the desk, you sit in
your chair."
"Yes, yes, ah, lemme see, oh yes ... the Elizabethan period, the
reign of Queen Elizabeth. The poetry of the period is what we will be
concerned with. The poetry of Donne, John Donne, the themes, the fact
that during this period the people believed that each time they had sex,
reached a sexual climax, they lost a day of their life, that sex burned
up their life ... so consequently much of Donne's poetry deals with
this, in his early writings. Much of the poetry was divided between
should we have sex and should we not have sex."
Chrissie moved closer to him. He was paging through a fat book of
English poetry. Her shoulder touched his. Her sweet perfume wafted
over him.
Nancy moved in on the other side and got close, letting the point
of one of her big tits punch into his bicep.
"Ah, ammmm, yes. Well, an interesting period in English literature
indeed ... Andrew Marvell's poem about his lady's girdle is most
unusual, how he wished he could enfold his sweetheart as tightly as her
ribbonish decoration."
"Gee," Chris whispered.
"Wrote about her girdle, huh?" Nancy said.
Mr. Towson wiggled in his chair.
Nancy looked at his crotch. So did Chris. They saw there the
lifting of an incredible erection. How could the poor man help but get
hot? Trying to do his job, educate the youth of America, school them in
the liberal arts, and to have two darling girls, beautiful students,
pressing into him like bookends, sent a shiver of thrilling excitement
through him.
"Ah, yes, to her girdle. Well, it's a beautiful poem."
"We'll be sure to read it," Chris said.
"Yes, I shall lecture about Marvell at length."
Nancy looked up at Chris. Chris looked down at Mr. Towson's
erection, now ballooning up as a bulging curl against the crotch of his
gray slacks. His prick was so hard, so big, that there could be no way
anyone could not focus on the throbbing lift.
Nancy saw Chris push closer, rub her fluffy tits against his arm.
Nancy did the same with her huge tits. They both watched as his cock
thumped in delighted response.
"Ah, yes, will that be all, ladies?"
"What's that in your pants, sir?" Chris cooed.
"Ah, well! My, my!" he said, looking down. "Uh, ahem, a most
embarrassing occurrence."
"Yeah, what's that?" Nancy asked.
"You're all hot and stiff, Mr. Towson!" Chris exclaimed.
"He really is!" Nancy chirped.
"Ah ... well ..."
"You got a hard-on, sir?" Chris asked sexily.
"I apologize, girls. A most distressing circumstance ... I --"
"Why don't you show it to us?" Chris said.
"Yeah, we'd like to see it, Mr. Towson. Your boner there."
"Now, now, a little decorum here, girls."
"Let us see it?"
"That would be impossible, out of line."
"Why?" Chris asked, her hand going to his thigh, her fingers
playing there.
"Well, ah ... you are students. You're too young for --"
Chris smiled. "I'm eighteen, so I'm old enough for anything."
"Still, I ..."
Chrissie's hand went to his crotch. She rubbed her palm along the
curling stalk of his immense erection.
"Whew!" she whispered, then found his fly and struggled with the
"Now, please, young lady ..."
But Chris had his zipper down, unbuckled his belt, opened the
slacks, but when she reached in to get his cock, she couldn't get it
out. It was too big!
"Holy shit!" she whispered hotly. "I can't pull it out!"
"If you insist, I'll have to take my pants down," Mr. Towson said.
He lifted up, and Chris pulled his slacks down. He wore no shorts.
"Oh, shit!" Chris barked.
"My gawwwwwd!" Nancy screamed.
Mr. Towson's enormous prick flopped out, wobbled like a fat hose.
His balls hung from the edge of the chair like two hard baseballs. His
prick was thick, like a wrist, very long. The cockhead looked like a
spit-shined apple. The stalk shimmered like polished marble.
"Sir! That's ... that's ..." Nancy muttered.
"Huge!" Chris interjected.
Chrissie shivered a hand up and down his bristling prickstalk.
"How big is it?" she asked.
"I dunno," Mr. Towson said, but of course he did.
Nancy grabbed his cock. Her red fingernails curled around the fat
stalk. "Shit! It's really hard!"
Chris saw a ruler on the desk. She lifted it and placed it along
Mr. Towson's prick. the big cock towered past the end of the ruler.
"Oh, shit!" Chrissie gasped. "It's bigger'n the damn ruler ... it's
over twelve inches!"
"Way over!" Nancy muttered, shuddering with excitement.
"Here, I'll flip the ruler up again ... see, it's like fourteen
fuckin' inches!" Chris gasped.
The huge, fat prick spewed out a gob of cum. A hot shot of bubbly
cream spit high into the air between the two lovely schoolgirls.
"Wow, shit!" Chris purred.
The hunk of cum caught the edge of the desk and dripped in a long
slick string to the floor.
Chris tossed the ruler on the desk and clutched Mr. Towson's prick
with both hands. Nancy got both her hands on it too.
"Jeez, we got a real handful," Chris said.
"Now, girls," Mr. Towson warned. "This is very irrational
Chris leaned over and planted a juicy kiss on the tip of his
kissable cock.
"Oh, oh! Oh ... now! Now!" he moaned.
Chrissie's tongue licked over his big cockhead, mixing her saliva
with his simmering cum.
"Shit!" Nancy said, watching, feeling gooshy and hot.
Mr. Towson trembled.
Nancy leaned over and kissed him, gave him a sweet kiss on his
lips, her hand cupping his chin. His tongue slicked into her mouth.
She sucked on it.
Chris sucked the top of his prick.
Nancy broke the kiss, then leaned over and watched Chris.
Chris pumped with a two-handed grip, jerking the huge prickstalk.
Chris pulled off his spurting prick, her pink lips soaked with
thick cum. Now both girls knelt beside Mr. Towson. Nancy licked one
side of his fat prickstalk and Chris slurped the other.
Hot goops of jizz spit into the air. A goop came down and hit
Chris on her forehead. Nancy slicked her tongue fast up and down. Cum
flew. A hot blop came down on top of her head.
"Cripes!" Chris exclaimed. "His dick is squirtin' all over us!"
"I know, I know!" Nancy gulped.
"Girls, this lewd display, this foul oral business must stop!" Mr.
Towson howled.
His whole body trembled. He reached down and cupped each girl's
plum-tight ass.
The girls stood up now, almost as if they had rehearsed it. Mr.
Towson rubbed their asscheeks.
"My, my what pulchritude," he whined. "What delightful rumps,
girls. You must not wag them in front of me so bodaciously."
Chris bent over and licked a goop of cum from his prick-tip. Nancy
followed her, caught a squirting hunk of goo right on the lips. Cum
dripped down her chin.
Chrissie reached down and got hold of his prick with both hands and
started flogging, pumping, whacking his hard-on faster and faster.
Nancy couldn't stand the heat. Her hand slid to the crotch of her
jeans and she did a fast hand-shuffle on her pussy. The sight of
Chrissie's hands clutching the big super-prick -- her pink fingernails
blurring, the bubbling red cockhead, the hot jack-stroke -- made Nancy
shudder all over with a delicious tingle.
Chrissie pounded the huge cock. She hammered up and down. Her
face was intent upon her chore, her eyes wide, her mouth open.
Mr. Towson's hands gripped their butts.
"You must stop this strumpet activity, girls!" he huffed, his big
balls jiggling on the edge of the chair, his cock oozing cum as Chris
whipped it.
He came.
His hands squeezed the girls' asses. He stiffened. His prick
pulsed, the big cockhead bulged. A stream of thick cream spewed
straight up. Chris beat his meat until the top half of his prick was
like a spurting, wiggling hose.
She let go of his prick.
The big thick stalk throbbed, then the head of his cock pissed a
long spray of cream.
"Cripes, shit!" Chris cried. "Looka that! He's shootin' all over!
Holy ... sheeeit!"
Nancy rubbed the crotch of her jeans and watched the gigantic prick
"Yeah, squirtin' all over the desk and stuff!" she whimpered as the
sweet simmer of satisfaction slicked through her.
A burning hot climax stiffened her, pulled her forward at the
waist. She looked down at the goop spurting from Mr. Towson's cock,
then she held her mouth open, and took a splash on the tongue.
"Oh, ohhhhhh, girls!" Mr. Towson yelped.
"Shit! Shitttt!" Nancy sighed.
"Cripes!" Chris gasped, her eyes bugging at the spitting prick.
Mr. Towson fell back spent on the chair, huffing, puffing, little
gobs of cum squishing out of the tip of his prick, dribbling down the
slick stalk. His hands still clutched the girls' asses.
"He musta shot a quart of that stuff," Chris said.
"I know, I know," Nancy said, leaning on the desk with one hand,
recovering her balance.
"I'm so hot," Chris said.
"Please, girls!" Mr. Towson choked.
"I wanna cum," Chris whispered.
"Take your jeans down, girls," Mr. Towson suggested.
The lovely lassies were quick to obey their teacher, both doffing
their blues, pushing them down their gorgeous legs until they gathered
around their ankles. Nancy's little nylon panties, snazzy and snatchy,
were snuggled tightly into her crotch. Chrissie's bright-blue panties
curved high on her amazing ass, leaving juicy slices of chunky asscheeks
rippling below. They carved into her crotch in a dark-shaded V.
"I'd like to take your panties down, girls, since you insist on
this wicked plan of yours to seduce me."
"What us?" Chris said, laughing.
A motorcycle break down leads to love... |
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