The Moment

(Part 1 from 1)

My names Kristy, im 20 years old, blonde hair up to the middle of my back and hazel eyes surrounded by thick black eyelashes. I have a good figure, never complained about my body. have C-cup tits, tight round ass and a slender waist.
to the story;

It was two years ago, i was 18 years old and George was 18. I'd known him since we were in primary. We grew up together and were best friends until we got to highschool and fell in love with eachother when i was 14 and he 15. Things were going well, we had been going out for about 3 years and he thought he'd better introduce me to his parents because we were going out for so long.

Anyways, so i met his parents Dianne and Alex and they were really nice. I felt like i was with my own family when i was with them. I used to stay over at his house occassionally, after school or sometimes just stay the night. whenever i was there i'd always walk past a closed door and wonder what was inside. but whenever i tried to ask George he wouldnt tell me, said it was family issues so i left it.

i went over to their house after school another time and before i walked in i saw a black mercedes parked outside and thought they had guests. i waited for a bit thinking if i should go in or just leave, until i heard shouting. i ran in only to see George and his dad staring at me. I asked George what happened and before he could answer i heard "I HATE THIS FUCKING FAMILY" and then George turned to me and said "brother's home.." he never told me he had a brother, now i knew why.

I slept over at his for the night but i couldn't sleep because i was wondering what they were arguing about before i walked in. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face when I heard the t.v on downstairs. I went down to see who it was, thinking it might have been Dianne or Alex. When I got down the end of the stairs and looked to see who it was, I saw the most AMAZING man sitting on the couch. i was checking him out from head to toe, he had short caramel coloured spiky hair, gorgeous blue eyes, nice jawline - very masculine, he wasnt wearing a shirt so i could see his muscly arms and his abs. And he was wearing black trackpants and socks. Me on the other hand, one of George's shirts and some short shorts.

I looked like such an idiot. I mean i was practically drooling ver the man and he didn't even notice i was there. But i wanted him to, so i walked over to the kitchen and poured some cereal into a bowl. When i came out he was staring at me;
"Who are you?"
"Kirsty, George's must be his brother?"
"yeah Chris..has he talked bout me or something?"
"nah just today i walked in and he told me you were here."
"are you a recent girlfriend or?"
I was too busy staring at his blue eyes to notice he asked a question.
"um.. so like..what are you recent or..are you just gonna avoid the question?"
"oh shit sorry, um we've been going out for three years .. i think. sorry again, must be tired"
"then go to bed."
"k night."
Okay he was the sexiest man i had ever laid eyes on, but his personality was crap. i can kind of see his resemblence with George. They both had the same hair cut, except George's is a chocolate brown colour. He has grey eyes instead of blue and he isn't as built up as Chris but George has everything a girl would want.

The next day i had work, so after i finished i went over to George's house only to find Chris stepping out for a bit.
"Hey Kristy"
"sorry for last night. i was pissed off from before hope you didn't take it personally"
"no no it's okay"
"George is talking with mum and dad, something serious. So im gonna take a walk. You want to join?"
i was so taken by his presence i couldn't resist.
"yeah sure, just need to change first"
I went inside and chose to wear my shorts and my white tee which showed enough cleavage and then i threw on my blue converse shoes. i brushed my hair and fixed my makeup and then checked myself out in the mirror, not too bad.

I walked out and then saw Chris sitting on the front step with his back toward me and his head down. i tapped him on the shoulder and said "come on lazy ass". he looked at me up and down and sarcasticly whistled.

We started walking through the park just talking about his life and mine. I found out he was studying law, played soccer and is 19. He found out i was studying nursing, also played socccer and was 17. as we kept walking we started talking about relationships and our sex lives. i guess you could say he was shocked when i told him i was a virgin.
"i guess I'm just waiting for the right time"

Then i completely embaressed myself. i fell right on my ass, i was so embaressed i put my head in my knees because i couldnt bare to look at him. He bent down and picked me up because he thought i was hurt and crying, even when i was laughing about it, but i never complained. There was something about him that made me fall head over heels in love with him more than i have ever felt with George.

"Can i ask you something?"
"yeah sure Kristy"
"What's it with you and your family? i mean your fight with them the other day...what was it about?"
"Basically, my parents never wanted me, even from the day i was born. then George comes along and they love him. Now look at me. I have a degree in law, going to the best college, traveled around the world, got 97% in my HSC the top of my year and they still dont care."
He was looking straight into my eyes, still carrying me. "They always say that they had nothing against me blah blah but it's bullshit."
"Hey, family is family.we all have our differences" i said, trying to comfort him.

"Yeah i guess so, it's just hard." He looked down at me smiling with those pearly white teeth and dimples on either side of his mouth. "Thanks for listening Kristy" he said as he put me down. "Anytime Chris. I'm always here when you need someone to talk to." i kept walking until he grabbed my left arm and turned my around, hugging me tightly. i felt to safe,i could have died right there and then and i wouldn't have cared. when we pulled away from the hug, he was still holding my waist and staring into my eyes. He took a step forward, then another until we were about an inch from eachothers lips. I stopped him and said sorry, as I was with George and i wouldn't cheat on him.

I kept walking and then heard Chris say
"Do you know a girl named Annie?"
I turned around "You mean my bestfriend Annie?"
"About this tall, big tits, and long black hair that goes below her flat ass?"
"yeah thats her. How do you know her?"
"I don't, George does."
"Yeah i know that, i introduced them the 2nd week we dated"
"Did you know that he's not a virgin?"
"yeah i knew that."
"do you ever wonder who the girl was?"
"well yeah but-"
"it was Annie"

"No it couldn't have been her because they didn't even know eachother until i came along"
"i know."
He was staring at the ground now.
"wait.. wait w-what are you saying Chris that he cheated on me?"
He nodded
He paused

"The last time i heard about this affair of theirs was last month. He said that they fucked twice a week for 3 months."
"Has it stopped?"
"Listen Krist-"
"Tell me!"
He sighed and looked at me "no, it hasn't."
i collapsed to the ground with tears pouring down my face. He came down and lifted me again, holding me tighter than ever. I cried into his chest as he carried me home. He told me he was free to sleep in his room for the night a he had a spare matress in his room that he could lay out for me. I accepted his offer. When we got home again George wasn't there, probably with Annie. i moved all my clothes from his room to Chris' room and left a note saying 'I'm going back to my place. Talk to me when you're done screwing Annie. No actually just don't bother. - Kristy.' Chris knocked on the door and asked if everything was fine, i nodded, left the note on his bed and followed chris to his room. When i walked into Chris' room i felt as if i were in a different house. He had a big bed, cream walls with a flat screen on one wall, and a soccer jersey on the other. Some photo's of him and his family on a bookshelf full of books. a walk in wardrobe, balcony and he had his own bathoom.

i went to go have a shower in his bathroom when i noticed there was no door separating the bathroom from the bedroom. He said he would leave, go get something to eat and be back, thinking I'd be finished by then. I agreed and he left.

After i had my shower i wrapped a towel around me and went to find some clothes to wear to bed and then went to change into them infront of the wardrobe mirror. just as i finished putting my bra and panties on Chris opened the door and walked in not noticing i was half naked. i ran into the wardrobe hoping he didn't see me. But he did.

"Kristy it's okay you can come out. I wont bite"
"I'm always embarrasing myself in front of you. Sorry bout that"
"don't be" he said with a wink at the end.

i put the remainder of my clothes on and watched t.v. He went downstairs to get some snacks for us, and returned with 2 bowls of ice-cream for us. we sat down and watched The Simpsons together and for the first time that day i felt like i was at home. All of a sudden he started laughing. i asked why and he said "you got ice cream on your face, don't worry i got it" he got some tissues and water, and wiped it off my face. We had our eyes locked on to each other, not speaking. He stroked my face and said "you deserve better."

As he said that i started crying, he rested his chin on my head so that i cried against his chest again. when i looked up he kissed me on the cheek and hugged me tight. i never wanted to let go until i heard George's voice i quickly hid in his closet, behind all his jackets and clothes.
"WHERE THE FUCK DID SHE GO?" i heard George screaming.
"Your fault" said Chris calmly.
"No shit."

"Well why not huh? you go cheat on your girl. tell her you love her while you go off in the middle of the nights to fuck some other girl, tell her you love her when you dont. you don't love either of them."
"No dickhead you don't. if you loved your girlriend you wouldn't have cheated on her with her best friend. She doesn't deserve that."
"Well... where is she?"
"I don't know. she cried her eyes out, packed her shit and left."
"For Gods sake i have to find her."

"Why? so you can just cheat on her again. Tell her some bullshit like you love her or want her back? Give it a break man. She needs space. Let her think."
i waited and waited, worried about Chris more than myself, would they have a bash up over it or what would happen next?
"Listen to me, tomorrow you and me, we're going to go out for a bit okay? when he's gone out we'll go out too but do our own thing okay?"
"Sounds good. Thanks Chris, but where would we go?"
"Wherever you want"
we slept in the same bed that night. He said it would be to much effort to put the other matress back tomorrow.

The next day we went out as planned, he took my to a hotel so we could stay there as long as i needed to and then we went to the beach. He was swimming already but i didn want to get in the water. so he grabbed me, carried me and then put me down in the water.The day was nice the night was cold. he gave me his jacket and we had dinner and then made it back to the hotel room for the night. We both had showers and slept in the same bed again. I couldn't sleep, I didn't want the day to end. i had my back turned to Chris and he was facing my direction. Soon he had his arm around me and was pressed up against my back, but he wasn't hard.

i woke up the next morning with my arm around him and my head resting on his chest. He started waking up so i turned around to make it as if he woke me up. i had my back facing him so he put his arm around me and was pressed up against me again. i pressed my body further into him so that there was hardly any room between us. We stayed like that for a while until i looked at the time "1:00, holy shit" i said out loud, and then decided to have a shower. When i came out Chris was gone but his stuff was still there and he left a note saying 'Gone out for food, I'll be back soon.'

He was gone for a while, what kind of food is he getting? i thought to myself. i dried my hair and straightened it and then threw on my black denim shorts and a light blue singlet with a cardigan over it and watched t.v while i waited for him to come back.

When he came in he had 2 bags of food with him and went to put it on the table. I was starving so i rushed over to the table and quickly un packed the food and stuffed my face. i heard him call my name from the other room so i went to see what was wrong.

When i got to the other room i saw him holding up a silver neclace with a purple pendant.
"Got something for you, hope you like it" he said to me.
"Are you kidding, it's beautiful! but you didn't need to get me something"
"i didn't need to, i wanted to. Come here i'll put it on you."
i sat infront of him while he slowly put the neclace on me.
"Kristy, i have to tell you something. Please don't take this the wrong way."
"um.. okay yeah sure what's up?"
"I'm in love with you."

At that moment i stopped everything and just stared at him thinking he was bullshitting me.
"wait..are you serious?" i asked him hoping the answer was a no.
"i don't lie. Especially not to you."
"When did you decide this? i mean why?"
"I fell in love with you the first time i saw you."

Finally, he said the words that i always wanted to hear. I straddled his lap and kissed him gently at first, our passion for eachother growing more and more. I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me harder, our tongues overlapping eachother. He slowly lay down on his back with me still on top of him not breaking the kiss. He moved his hands over my back and took my cardigan off. i took his shirt off and he said "Thank god it's finally happening." and kissed me again but more passionately as before. I moved my hands all over the top half of his body, feeling his hard stomach and toned arms. He slowly took my singlet off and unclipped the hooks of my bra. My body was now pressed against his as he kissed. He broke the kiss and turned me on my back so that he was on top.

He slowly moved down my body, kissing me everywhere and leaving red spots on my neck. he finally got down to my breasts, caressing them. He squeezed them ever so gently, i couldn't help but moan. He pulled and tugged at my nipples and slowly took one into his mouth as he plahyed with the other one. He looked me in the eyes when he was doing this. My pussy was becoming so wet, I could feel the juices in between my legs.

He moved down my torso, kissing down my stomach until he got to my shorts. He slowly took them off and fiddled with my pussy through my panties, which were now soaked. He took my panties off and looked at my bald pussy, smiling. He looked up at me and said "whenever you want me to stop, I will."

He kissed my inner thighs, just teasing me until i begged him to make me cum. "i'm going to do much more than that" he told me calmly. He slowly parted my pussy lips and licked everywhere. I was moaning and squirming, pressing my hips into his face more. He spent alot of time on my clit, rolling his tongue around it and pulling it with his lips. "AH FUCK YES!" I screamed out as he stuck his tongue deep in my pussy, licking up all my juices and making me have the most powerful orgasm I've ever had. He kissed me again, passionately with our tongues overlapping eachother as he stuck two fingers into my dripping pussy. His thumb was playing with my clit and i was moaning into his mouth as we kissed. He stuck a third finger in my pussy and started fingering me faster as i came again.

He took his fingers out of my pussy and licked them. Then he kissed me again and i could taste my own juices from his mouth. He took his pants and boxers off and i gasped as i saw his cock. About 10 inches or more, very thick with a nice pink head. I was on my knees in no time licking his head first then slowly taking just his head into my mouth. I licked up and down his shaft and took half of it in my mouth. I relaxed my throat and tried deep throating him, but i couldn't fit all of him in. i bobbed my head up and down quickening my pace. "oh yes baby fuck I'm cumming" he said as he blew a shot of cum into my mouth. i swallowed it quickly and got on the bed spreading my legs. "Are you sure Kristy?" he asked before he got ontop of me. "Just fuck me now. I want you in me" i said resurringly. he went to the bathroom and got a towel. He laid it under me and said that it would hurt a bit at first and he would stop if i wanted him to.

He slowly put the head of his cock into my pussy so that i could adjust to the feeling of it. He presssed more in and when he felt a wall he pressed further and popped my cherry. i gasped and started crying as it hurt so bad and i looked down to see blood all over the towel. He quickly took his cock out and wiped it. he waited for the blood to stop flowing before he started again. "You okay baby?" he asked. "mmmm fuck me." I begged. He put the head of his cock in and slowly put the rest of his cock in until i was full. He waited for a bit and then started to fuck me slowly. "FASTER!" i screamed and he obliged and pounded my pussy with his thick cock. "AH YESSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSS IM CUMMING!" I screamed out at the top of my lungs as i squirted everywhere. He kept fucking me hard until i heard him say "oh fuck. fuck im cumming!" he was pulling out but i said "cum in me baby." he pushed in hard four more times and then he came in me. I could feel his hot gooey cum deep in me.

We had a shower together and fucked three more times that night. It was a moment that neither of us would ever forget. George was with Annie, but they broke up and they are both single now. As for Chris and I, we're still together and we are expecting a little boy soon.

Hope you like the story. Don't be too harsh on me, it's my first story so eyah. More to come soon. -Kristy.

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