The Matriarch
The Morning sun had yet to break over the horizon. The clouds of last night’s
rain were slowly beginning to break apart to allow the glow of the dawn to
create shadows of the two men standing across the street from the house they
“Is it true?” the younger man spoke quietly. “Is today their wedding day?”
“Aye, Ladd.” The older man replied softly with a deep voice. “We shall have to
keep watch from a distance. They are to not know of our presence unless we have
no other choice.”
The two men drifted away from the area at a slow gate as the sun poked through
the clouds and shone down upon the open windows.
She regained her senses with the realization that she was feeling a warm pulse of manhood between her legs. She could feel his erection pumping sperm deep into her womanhood. She aimed her nipples toward him. They were aching for him to touch them. She glanced behind him and saw her bridal gown gently hanging next to a collection of Polaroid photographs of her nubile body. As he rolled onto his back, she rode his hips, determined to keep his erection firmly planted inside herself. She felt his warm tongue on her nipples as she reached for her bra hanging from the headboard above him. She caught herself thinking if she really needed her bra today, while she remained impaled on top of him.
“That settles it, just stay-ups today,” She spoke to herself. She was not going to wear any other undergarments today. Her breasts were plentiful enough to fill the bodice of her gown. She looked at her silk bridal suit and wondered if the material was heavy enough to hide her erect nipples from the gaze of others. Only she would know that beneath her waistline, her gown would be hiding her clean-shaven vulva. The silk panties she was going to wear would remain behind.
“If we’re going to the church we had better be getting dressed,” she stated. “There’ll be plenty of time for a quickie after the ceremony.” As she raised herself from his dwindling erection his sperm began running down the inside of her thigh.
“I’ll see you at the church in a couple of hours.” She remarked as she strutted towards the shower and began thinking of having his erection back inside of her. She showered herself quickly and paid attention to the swollen lips of her vulva, knowing how many times he had ejaculated inside of her. She was thinking how many hours it would be before she could be having intercourse again. She felt the need to have sex as often as 3 or 4 times in a single day. She knew masturbation never completely satisfied her nearly as much as having an orgasm while a man was ejaculating inside of her. She turned off the water and walked past the towel rack, towards the bedroom. He was already gone. Her wet hair began shedding droplets that ran down her back and between her breasts. The water seemed to be trying desperately to extinguish the fire between her legs.
“Dam him anyway!” she muttered to herself as she glanced at the clock.
“I’ll just have to give his cock another work-out later.” she continued to watch
the clock as she began brushing her long blonde hair. 20 minutes later her wet
hair was transformed into a virginal coiffure that ran half way down her back.
She quickly donned her gown and zipped up the back. No one, not even her parents
would suspect that she had been engaged in sexual activity. She felt vaguely
aware of a familiar feeling as she adjusted her breasts inside their silk
bodice. Her nipples instantly became erect when she realized what she felt on
her breasts.
“Oh! That bastard!” she exclaimed. He had wiped his sperm all over the inside of the top of her gown and it was now too late for her to do anything about it. She could feel his sperm as every time she moved, it spread across her nipples and caused them to remain completely erect. The first time she had ever noticed this phenomenon, she had discovered a used condom on the floor of her sister’s bedroom. Knowing that her sister would have been in deep trouble if their mother had discovered it, she had quickly hidden the sperm filled condom between her breasts. Their mother had entered the bedroom at the same moment as she had accidentally released the contents of the condom inside the confines of her bra.
“She’s nicking my stuff again, mom,” she had stated and she quickly scooped up the hairbrush her sister had borrowed with out asking and had departed for her room when she noticed her left breast had begun to gently ache. Upon arriving behind the closed door of her own room she examined her bra-encased mammaries more closely. The remaining sperm held within the used condom, she spread evenly upon her right breast and discovered her nipples quickly engorged themselves the same amount. It seemed logical to her to assume that male sperm excited her nipples but also caused her vagina discomfort. She found that she got horny with even one drop of sperm touched her ample cleavage.
So here she was now, dressed in her wedding gown, wearing just a pair of stay-ups underneath, her boobs clearly disclaiming that she was horny, and only one way for her to be satisfied. The latex encased vibrator in her bedside table was all she had on hand. Luck seemed to find her today, she had just managed to thrust the vibrator inside herself when her sister knocked on the door and entered her room.
“Ready to go Sis?” her sister asked as the hem of her gown cascaded to the
“Almost” she replied. “Help me with my veil?” Her sister reached over to help
her adjust her veil on top of her head when she noticed she’d left the bedside
table drawer open.
“Feeling a little excited are you?” her sister asked coyly.
“No, why?” she lied trying to hide her building orgasm.
“Because the last time your nipples were this big, it was before you’d spent a
few hours in the boy’s locker room after the big game.” Her sister stated as
“What am I going to do?” she asked. “You know full well that it’ll be a couple
of hours before they settle down again.”
“You can’t wear a bra with this gown because it’ll ruin the look,” her sister
stated. “How about just frigging yourself off, before you go downstairs?”
“A few more minutes and my vibrator will have me Cumming in buckets. Before he
left he wiped his cock inside my gown and now it’s all over my boobs!” she wept.
“You know it’ll be poetic justice, ‘cause when he sees how excited you are,
he’ll be running out of room in his trousers for sure.” Her sister joked. At
that same moment an orgasm flooded over her. Her sister helped her remain
standing while she began to regain control of her body. She quickly reached
between her thighs and switched the vibrator off. She decided to leave her dildo
inside herself for two reasons. The first was in case she needed it again. The
second was so that the moisture from within her sex didn’t spread too quickly
and stain the top of her stay-ups. The two of them departed her bedroom and
headed down the hall.
“You know something, sis? Walking with a dildo inside of you feels really
weird.” She stated.
“I know exactly what you mean, sis. Just think, you’ll have the real thing back
inside you before the day is finished.” Her sister scoffed.
“It just doesn’t seem fair, though.” She remarked as she tried hard not to think
about fucking her brains out again. ”Being a couple of nymphomaniacs isn’t easy
to hide from mom or dad.”
“Mom knows.” Her sister spat. “And dad pretends not to notice. Haven’t you ever
wondered why mom and dad always had really good carpet and insulated doors on
their room?”
“You mean Mom is the same as we are?” she asked shocked.
“Of course she is, she told me that the only time she wasn’t having dad fuck her
silly was when she has us growing inside of her.” Her sister stated. “If you
notice, mom’s not wearing any knickers today either, and I’m quite sure that
dad’s already noticed the same fact too.”
“Kewl!” she shrieked. “Planning on having your man fuck your brains out too?”
“Having a quickie in the pastor’s office is family tradition! What do you think
took us so long after signing our licence!” Her sister giggled.
“You’re joking?” she asked shocked.
“Never joke about that. You could say the pastor blessed our consummation.” Her
sister quipped”
It was from that point on that the day seemed to start spinning wildly out of
control. First, knowing how horny she was, and second knowing that her sister
and mother had no doubts she was horny. Thirdly her dad smirking, knowing that
he too knew exactly what she, her sister and mother already knew. The only
person who didn’t suspect anything was the groom, but he was going to find out
really soon. The ride to the church seemed to take forever and the three women
sat in the back of the car and giggled like a bunch of teenagers. As they neared
the church she deftly reached between her legs and handed the dildo to her
“I really don’t think I’ll need this anymore today.” She quipped.
“Since you’ve never wanted to share before, this a perfect time to find out if
he’s going to keep you happy, sis.” While her mother looked at them both, her
sister hid the dildo between her own thighs.
“Now girls,” their mother winked. “Keep it down and behave.”
“OK, mom.” They sang in unison. Her mom and sister left the car quickly as her
dad had opened the door. She glided out of the car door as though wings began to
carry her forward. Her dad held out his arm as they began walking up to the
“Your Gran is waiting off the hall to talk to you before I walk you down the
isle.” He said to her as he opened the door of the church.
“Oh?” she asked as she passed the door’s portal.
“She did the same for your sister on her day too.” He announced. “Better be off
to see her, I’ll wait right here for you.”
“Thanks, dad.” She replied as she shuffled over to the door off the hall.
“Come in my dear. I’ve been waiting for you.” Said her grandmother from behind
the door. She entered the small room and gave her grandmother a huge hug.
“Sit down my dear, I have much to tell you with so little time left.” Her
grandmother said with a knowing smile.
“Today was chosen specifically as your wedding day because today marks the
twenty seventh generation that the pastors office has been used by the women of
our family to consummate their marriage.” Her grandmother stated with glee. “All
your aunts and great aunts, myself, your mother, your cousins and your sister
have all done what you are about to do.”
“Gran?” she gulped.
“My dear, when I was your age, I didn’t even know they had a word for it. All
of us can control our bodies’ for a short while, but as women, we need our men
to keep us satisfied. Their sperm keeps us feeling young and vibrant. We are all
the same. It is time that you too know what we know and it is my pleasure to
inform you. I also tell you that your mother will do the same for your daughter
as you will do for your grand daughter. Just as my Gran did for me and my mom
did for your mom. I’ll let you in on a little secret. Let on nothing to your
man. Let him think that it is him and only him you do this for. Give him the
gift of yourself today and the soonest you can is as soon as you’ve both become
man and wife. Being highly aroused is nothing to be ashamed of, nor hide from
your man. Tomorrow, all of us women will meet in the great hall together and we
will share some of our experience with you so that you too will learn how not to
be a slave to your body. After the reception tonight, I expect you two will have
made it as far as a bedroom at the Hotel I recommended to you when you were
planning your wedding. It’s the same room your sister and mom had too.” She
“It’s our secret that only we women speak of and our daughters only know of on
their wedding day. Ever wondered why your mom seemed to know things about you
before you did?” Gran asked.
“It seemed a little weird, but yes, Gran.” She replied.
“She knew because I told her. We’ll talk more about it tomorrow. Today is your
wedding day. Time to go. I’ll leave you with your father. Off we go now.” Stated
her grandmother and they departed the small room. She quickly noticed that her
Grandmother was similarly attired as she was. Her Grandmother’s hips swayed
gently as she took her grandfather’s arm and headed down the isle to their
“I am so horny right now.” She muttered under her own breath. Her gown’s material shifting as she walked towards her father’s arm. She felt her breasts bouncing gently as she became even more aware of how wet her loins were becoming. She glanced at the mirror next to the door. She was greeted by a familiar vision, seeing her nipples straining against the soft material of her bodice. She remembered the bliss she had achieved a few hours ago, and smiled while thinking about doing the same thing again soon. She clutched her father’s arm, her mind racing as erotic sensations ran down her belly. The sleeve of her father’s suit brushed against her fully erect nipples, as the wedding march began to play. She felt as though she was completely nude, her womanhood on display for every one to see as she walked towards the altar and the man who was waiting there for her. The only thing she seemed to be able to think of at this moment was wrapping her legs around her man as her hips thrust against him.
“We are gathered here today to witness the union of matrimony. Who here speaks
for the bride and presents her?” The Pastor spoke to all in attendance.
“I do.” Her father stated proudly.
“And who here speaks for the Groom?”
“I do.” The best man announced. Her father ushered her forward and offered her
hand as the best man escorted the groom to accept his bride’s hand. The Pastor
wrapped a silken belt around their wrists ceremoniously binding them together.
The remainder of the ceremony seemed to take almost no time at all. The bride
and groom faced each other as they recited their vows to each other. She noticed
her groom seemed to be trying desperately to compose himself. She noticed his
growing hard-on straining against his trousers. A few minutes more she thought.
A few minutes more and she’d have his full length disappearing inside her body.
The Pastor loosened the silken belt for the placing of rings. Her groom placed
her ring gently on her finger. The simple band was unadorned except for a single
inscription on the inside of the band.
“Until the day we are reborn” she spoke to her groom in Latin. The same words
inscribed inside both their rings. The words she spoke completed her vows. Their
hands rejoined once again and the silken belt once more bound their wrists. His
other hand rested on top of her’s displaying his ring to her. The Family coat of
arms inscribed in the simple gold band was the same as every other husband’s
ring in the room, with the exception of her grooms. Their rings had been made
specially. The simple Latin scroll had been chosen as a symbol of her great
grandmother’s sanction of the union. She would later present herself and her
husband for a final blessing of their union in the great hall later this
afternoon. The ceremony was now complete. She took her new husband’s arm and
allowed herself to be led towards the pastor’s office. The pastor’s robes flowed
around him as he escorted the newly weds to the chamber ahead. She brushed her
breasts against her husband’s arm as they entered the chamber.
The sparsely furnished office held a high wing back chair and a simple wooden desk. On the desk lay their marriage licence, a bottle of ink, and a single quill. The pastor motioned to her to sit and she sank into the soft folds of the chair. Her husband opened the inkbottle, dipped the quill and offered it to her. As she leaned forward to sign the document, her breasts came to rest upon the top of the desk. She became acutely aware of how heavy her breasts were now that the strain of carrying them was taken by their position on the tabletop. The document held both their names and today’s date. At the bottom of the document, beside which she was to leave her signature, bore her Family Crest. She elegantly scrolled her name upon the paper and offered the quill back to her husband. Her husband dipped the quill once again and bent forward to sign his name underneath her’s. She wasted no time taking advantage of the situation with him bending forward slightly to run her hand, which was hidden from the pastor’s view, upon the crease of his trousers. She found his erection growing within her hand. Her husband shifted the paper across the desk to the pastor with out moving. The pastor examined the completed document briefly.
“I’ll be a few minutes while I file this with the church secretary.” He stated. The pastor quickly bowed to them both before exiting the chamber and closing the door behind him.
“For a moment, I thought he was going to stay and watch.” She giggled, as she freed her husband’s full erection from it’s prison and impaled her lips upon it. A groan of pleasure escaped his lips as her hands massaged his buttocks. Resting his hands upon her shoulders, she licked the entire length of his shaft with her tongue. A fire began to erupt between her thighs and she felt a familiar yearning to have him thrusting himself within her body. She stood up quickly, leaving his erection pointing directly at herself. To her complete surprise her gown sank to the floor. She had not noticed his experienced hands had unzipped her gown, and she now stood completely exposed to him. The two of them passionately embraced each other and she leaned back towards the desk.
“Time for your quickie, sweetheart.” She purred.
“It’s not going to be that quick,” he grunted, as his erection met little
resistance from her wet and swollen vagina. “I slipped the pastor a tip to take
a little longer downstairs. It’ll give us more time than we had together this
morning.” She continued returning his thrusts, meeting against one another in
unison. She knew he wouldn’t last long, and she was right. She felt a warm
sensation began to fill her womb, triggering her orgasm.
“Don’t stop darling.” She cooed. “ Keep going, pump me completely full of cum.”
As his orgasm continued, she felt every pulse of his cock filling her with his
sperm. She felt her own orgasm begin to subside as a small pool began to form on
top of the desk beneath her.
“I’m going to cum again, keep fucking me.“ She whispered. She didn’t hear the
door open, nor did she see the pastor and secretary standing in the doorway. She
only felt a monumental orgasm overtake her.
When she regained her senses, she realised a pair of lips was sucking on each of her nipples accompanied by a third pair of lips kissing her gently and blowing on her engorged clit. She looked past the heads of her husband and the pastor to see the secretary’s eyes gazing back at her. The secretary’s tongue was licking every drop of her husband’s cum from inside of her. The secretary stood up and shed her clothes. Both her and the secretary had completely clean-shaven bodies. The secretary’s breasts begged for her to touch them. She stood up and they kissed each other. The pastor sat down in the chair and her husband moved behind her and sat down on the desk. She felt his hands on her hips and felt the tip of his erection between her thighs.
“I want you to watch.” She spoke to the secretary and she guided her husband’s erection into herself, she could see the secretary watching her husband’s testicles drawing closer to the lips of her bald vulva. The secretary bent forward between her legs and licked her clit as she rose and fell on her husband’s full length.
“I want you to fuck me with your tongue.” She declared to the secretary.
“Fuck me while she licks your cum from my pussy.” She demanded from her husband.
He needed no further encouragement. She became blissfully aware of her husband’s
cum beginning to fill her again.
“YES! YES! YES!” she gasped. A flood of sperm and her own orgasm flowed from
within her. Her husband’s arms wrapped around her as the force of her orgasm
left her head spinning slightly. She had a feeling of complete refreshment and
satisfaction. She reached between her legs and gently squeezed her husband’s
“Very nice.” She quipped. “Gives all new meaning to bearing witness.”
“We’d better be off, before your guests wondered if you’ve skipped out the back
door on them.” Stated the pastor jokingly. As the pastor quickly turned she
noticed that the pastor had an erection and must be wearing nothing beneath his
robes. Her husband was tucking his shirt into his trousers as she noticed his
cock had been licked clean by the secretary. The secretary herself was standing
nude before her, holding her gown for her. She slipped her gown back on and the
secretary zipped her up. She turned and kissed the secretary passionately. She
felt the secretary’s hands on her breasts as she slipped her fingers between the
secretary’s thighs. The two of them broke apart and smiled sweetly at the two
men. She grabbed the secretary’s skirt off the floor and held it for her to slip
into. It turns out that neither woman had worn undergarments. She stepped back a
few paces and turned to all three of them.
“Let’s all do this again soon.” She giggled. Her breasts bounced against the confinement of her gown. The secretary was finishing buttoning her blouse when she noticed the huge cum stain on the top of the desk. Both of them seemed to be thinking the same thing at the same time. They both bent over and started licking sperm off the top of the highly polished desk.
“Tastes delicious.” The secretary grinned, “I bet there’s more where that came from.” As she turned and opened the door. The four of them quickly headed back towards the chapel. The Pastor opened the chapel door and she found the chapel deserted. She stopped briefly at the altar and passionately kissed her husband before she took his arm and they headed towards the outer doors.
“How long were we in there?” she whispered.”
“I haven’t the faintest idea.” He replied. “It can’t have been too long,
everyone’s waiting outside to pelt us with confetti.”
“Let’s be off then, we can continue where we left off later.” She whispered
sensually in his ear.
“What have you two been doing?” boomed her grandmother’s voice from behind her.
“We’ll talk later, Gran.” She winked. She felt like she’d just been caught
sneaking in after being out all night. She could feel a blushing heat radiating
from every part of her from the instant she’d heard her grandmother’s voice.
“A moment my dear before your guests receive you.” Her Grandmother’s calm voice
demanded. She slipped from her husband’s arm and hurried to the room she had
been with her grandmother before the ceremony had begun. She quietly turned the
lock on the door behind them.
“Gran, I know we took far too long but it’s not my fault and I’m really sorry if
I’ve disappointed you.” She blurted out in one breath.
“Relax, dear, relax.” Calmly replied her grandmother. “It seems you needed some
extra time to sign your licence. I sensed you might have been a little nervous,
and I was right. You seem much more relaxed now. Enjoyed yourself, did you?”
“Yes, I did, several times.” She winked. “How long were we gone, Gran?”
“Almost half an hour I daresay. The secretary informed me of your brief rest
after you finished signing your licence.”
“But Gran!” she whispered, “I fucked my brains out and the secretary, well, she
loved all that sperm dripping from me.”
“My dear, I do hope I will be able to teach you how to pass information with out
being quite so graphic. I know full well what transpired.” She stated with the
same calm voice. “Your sister will be furious that you not only took longer than
she did, but had more than one witness on hand. I daresay you managed to clean
the desk well. Nothing better for buffing a polished surface than a silk
stocking.” She felt her previous blush radiate once more.
“My dear, you really are a blushing bride!” her grandmother laughed.
“Something for you.” And her grandmother handed her a silk thong and garter.
“Better put this on now. You may not have a chance to later. Everybody doesn’t
need to see your bare bottom before your husband removes your garter.”
“Thanks Gran.” She replied as she hugged her grandmother. “Help me with my
“Of course my dear, but let’s hurry.” Her grandmother calmly commanded. “Your
husband is waiting.” She quickly ran the garter up her right leg. She trembled
slightly as the pure silk of the thong came to rest and covered the space
between her legs.
“This feels weird, Gran. It’s been ages since I’ve worn panties. I can’t even
stand to wear shorts or pants anymore.” She stated.
“We’ll talk more about the importance of your choice in knickers tomorrow. Your
husband is waiting, remember?” calmly reminded her grandmother.
“But Gran, wasn’t it you who said, be elegantly late?” she asked.
“The only day it is never fashionable to be late for anything, is today.” Her
grandmother replied. “He’s still waiting for you.”
She turned quickly and unlocked the door. At that precise moment the door
burst open and her sister pelted her with an entire bag of confetti.
“Gotcha! Thought I’d forgotten what you’d done to me, did you?” her sister spat.
“No I haven’t forgotten, and you can’t prove it was me anyway!” she laughed
back, as she sped toward the implied safety of her husband’s arm. “Let’s see how
much confetti this dress can hold.” She laughed. Sunlight flooded through the
doors, as they swung open and while holding her husband’s arm they walked the
gauntlet. Her friends and relatives all began throwing confetti at once. Most of
what ended up in her cleavage cascaded down the inside of her gown and landed on
the ground. The silk thong she was now wearing was soaking wet and some of the
confetti clung to it as though it had been coated in paste. The gauntlet ended a
few paces from the door of a waiting car. She admired her husband and was glad
she had decided on a silk gown. The confetti clung to almost every part of his
tuxedo while it appeared as though the gown had shed almost everything she had
been pelted with. Her hair though was another matter. Confetti rolled off as she
lifted the hem of her gown before entering the sanctuary of the car. A familiar
scent seemed to fill the confines of the car, as the driver left the curb. The
two of them found their cheeks pressed together as they viewed the scene out the
back window. She couldn’t seem to help herself, as her husband fondled her
breasts through their silk prison.
“If you hurry up and raise the partition, you can have me all to yourself.” she
whispered in his ear. The partition seemed to rise as though it had been
commanded. Her husband quickly freed her breasts from their silky prison. His
warm lips found her nipples as though a magnet had drawn him to them. She began
raising the hem of her gown above her waist exposing the silk thong and garter
she was wearing. She slowly began guiding his tongue lower.
“When did you put these on?” he exclaimed quietly. “You weren’t wearing these
when we left the pastors office.”
“I know. Did you think all Gran and I did was talk?“ She purred at him. ”After
all, I need to have something on my bottom when you take the garter off later.”
The thong and garter were both the same shade of pale blue. She pushed his
tongue closer to examine the silken thong.
“Make me cum again, sweetheart. Fuck me with your tongue.” She whispered. His
fingers gently pulled the small piece of fabric aside and she found her body
begin to quiver as he set himself to comply with her urgent request. His
moustache tickled her clit as his tongue probed deep inside of her.
“The secretary licked you clean, my dear.” He announced. Her pussy was in fact glistening with only his saliva. He lifted her bottom closer to him as her orgasm overtook her. A stain marked his sleeve where she discharged her orgasm. She raised his lips to hers and probed his mouth with her tongue. She tasted herself in his mouth as they continued to kiss. The car glided to the curb and the driver alighted from the car. The driver found them still locked in their passionate embrace as her driver gently knocked on the window.
“Zip me back up quickly, sweetheart.” She commanded. She found his expert hands
comply and her body was once again locked within a silky prison. She adjusted
her gown to cover the tops of her thighs as the door of the car swung open. Her
husband alighted from the car and held his hand out for her. She rose from the
interior of the car and noticed the driver was none other than her cousin. Her
driver’s crisply tailored uniform did little to hide the fact that her cousin
was definitely female. Her cousin dropped a subtle wink at her.
“Enjoy the ride?” stated the driver. “Gran will of course want to know
everything later.” Her cousin discreetly handed her a handkerchief. “You might
want to cover his sleeve before you take his arm. You might stain your gown.”
Whispered her driver. Holding the handkerchief in her hand she discreetly wiped
her husband’s sleeve before drawing herself closer to him. She glanced at the
clock tower and noticed the drive to the hall had taken a considerable amount of
time. The doorman greeted them and announced.
“Welcome. Your Party is inside to your right. Your Aunt will be escorting you to
the floors above.” And the doorman swung the heavy door open to allow them to
pass into the great hall.
“Almost like clockwork, though we are running a little behind.” She stated to
her husband with an innocent smile. Her husband started to reply but was cut
short by her aunt.
“There you both are!” she exclaimed, announcing the newlywed’s presence to the
remainder of their party. They all swung their eyes towards her and the wedding
party took up their positions.
“She’s not going to be happy if you tarry a moment longer.” Her aunt notified
her. “Best be off now.” The wedding party walked briskly down the main hall
towards the staircase and began ascending. She noticed her parents and
grandparents waiting for her at the top of the flight. Her grandmother shot her
a knowing look as she passed. The procession came to a halt on the landing of
the second floor. Her photographer rushed forward and made a few last minute
adjustments as they all stood before the alcove.
“Right now, head and eyes towards me, please.” The photographer announced.
“Smiles everyone.”
“And hold!” A flash of light exploded as the camera captured the image. The
photographer worked quickly, as everyone knew the presentation could not be held
back from it’s appointed time. As the final flash erupted, her grandmother
stepped towards her with a very stern look.
“It is time. She is waiting for you to present yourself and your new husband to
her.” She stated coldly. “You know what to do?”
“Yes, Gran. Just like we rehearsed.” She replied. Tears welling up in her eyes,
she knew the importance of the presentation she had to do. She held her husbands
arm and guided him towards the door across from the alcove. She pushed to door
open, and only the two of them entered to chamber beyond. She waited a moment as
her husband closed the door behind them and she looked to the large chair in the
centre of the room. Her Great grandmother sat in this gilded chair. She was in
fact the matriarch of the family and she awaited her to be presented with the
newest member of the family. She ushered her husband towards her matriarch, her
eyes daring not to look away from her matriarch’s stare.
“Ma’am.” She announced and she curtseyed before the gilded chair. “I present
to you for your approval, my husband, and I beg for you to bless our union.” She
did not raise herself from the end of her request. Her husband neither spoke nor
moved as they both waited for the matriarch to reply.
“Are you prepared to do as you have been instructed?” Her matriarch shattered
the silence with her clam voice.
“Yes, Ma’am. As those who have been here before me bear witness, I shall bring
no dishonour to the family.
“Then rise, my dear, and present your husband to me.” Her matriarch commanded.
“Ma’am.” She stated as she now stood beside her husband. “I present my best
friend and now my husband.” Her husband sensed the importance of the
presentation and bowed low before her matriarch. The tense wait vanquished all
other thoughts from her mind.
“Rise, my boy.” Her matriarch spoke coldly towards him. He did as she had
commanded him.
“Are you prepared to solemnly swear to uphold the Vow you have made to my great
granddaughter, today?” Her matriarch commanded quietly.
“Yyes, Mma’am,” he stuttered.
“I am glad you’ve chosen a man who shows not only good manners but humility.”
Her matriarch stated with a smile. “I hereby bless you both and wish you health
and happiness until death parts you from one another. May your marriage be
doubly blessed, as I will expect you to present your first child to me before
the year’s end?” She tried to hide the heat radiating from her skin, but was
failing to contain herself with each passing moment.
“Yes, Ma’am,” she wept. “I shall not disappoint you.”
“Then help me to rise, my boy, and we shall greet your guests together.” Her
matriarch announced to her. Her husband reached forward to take her matriarch’s
outstretched hand and her matriarch rose from the chair. She walked beside her
matriarch towards the closed chamber door.
“Yes indeed, my dear. A fine choice you’ve made. You’ll make us all proud I am
sure of it.” Her Matriarch whispered to her. They halted at the door and waited
for her husband to open the chamber door.
Applause erupted from the hall as they stepped from beyond the door’s portal.
She quickly scanned the faces and found her grandmother smiling with a knowing
look. Her mother and sister were clapping more loudly than all the others.
“I think your guests know something you don’t my dear.” Her matriarch said
“Ma’am?” she questioned.
“I think it is time for you to know what they do.” Her matriarch stated. “Let us
retire to the banquet hall. I think you will be pleased.” Her guests all
followed behind the newlyweds with her matriarch walking between them.
“I had it taken from its hiding place yesterday after you had left. I am sure
you will find the resemblance striking.” Her matriarch announced to her. They
halted before the banquet hall’s doors and allowed her guests to enter first.
What was this surprise her matriarch had hidden from her? She had planned every detail of the banquet hall and had supervised its creation herself. What had been done that could have been hidden from her? Her mind raced and she trembled as she took her husband’s arm.
“We had best not keep them all waiting.” Her husband stated.
“If I faint.” She started to say.
“I shall catch you, should you stumble.” He interrupted her. She passed the
hall’s great doors on her husband’s arm and her eyes immediately alighted to the
great portrait hanging behind the head table.
“Wow!” she gasped. The applause erupted from the hall was greater than it had
been from when she had emerged from the presentation. Above the head table hung,
what she thought at first glance was a huge mirror. The portrait staring back at
her looked almost exactly like her. The gown she was wearing bore an uncanny
resemblance to the one worn by the woman in the portrait. How was it possible?
She had personally supervised the seamstress responsible for the creation of her
gown. It was like she had sunk into a blissful dream. But there the portrait
hung. She couldn’t believe her eyes. As if in a trance, her husband guided her
to their seats at the head table. She sat in her chair and her guests began to
take their seats. The applause from her guests continued to ring in her ears.
Her matron of honour whispered to her.
“You never told me you’d sat for a portrait.”
“But I didn’t.” she replied. “I had no idea this portrait existed until today.”
The illusion of her dream shattered as her great grandfather passed in front of
her. Silence fell upon the hall.
“I would like you to meet your great ancestor.” Her great Grandfather announced
to the hall.
“Your resemblance to her is remarkable, my dear.” Her great grandfather stated
to her.
“Please rise and raise your glasses to The Grand Duchess of Brougham.” He
“Today marks the first time in more than five centuries that this portrait has
been displayed in this hall.” Her great grandfather announced to her guests.
“Please join me now, and toast our family’s newest bride.” The clinking of
glasses rang through out the hall “Long may she bless us and reign over us!”
“Reign? What was this? There must be some mistake.” She thought to herself. Had
she heard her great grandfather’s words correctly? She could not possibly be the
family matriarch. Her great grandmother was the family matriarch. Her mind was
spinning wildly as her thoughts began to tumble around in her head. She didn’t
notice her sister appear behind her and was placing a small jewelled tiara atop
her veil.
“Congratulations, sis.” Her sister wept. “Ma’am was so mad at me when I had
discovered the portrait, when we used to explore here. She made me swear never
to tell you it existed.”
“I never knew you could keep a secret.” She joked to her sister.
“Well, now you have to uphold the family honour, Duchess.” Her sister rebutted.
She became completely aware now of what it was she had better make sure takes
place. Her loins ached with the thought of making love to her husband several
times tonight. She had made a vow and was going to take every amount of pleasure
in fulfilling it.
“Duchess and Matriarch of the family?” She thought. “How was it possible?” She
had so many unanswered questions and knew she had to wait until tomorrow morning
to ask for the answers. She knew she’d be having a really long heart to heart
conversation with her grandmother tomorrow. She glanced around the great hall
and found her grandmother looking back at her with a wicked look behind her
knowing eyes. She remembered her grandmother’s words from earlier and what they
now meant. Of all days, today was indeed the day she could not be late. Her
destiny had begun to arrive.
The pastor stood, and blessed all in attendance. He also offered a blessing for
the dinner waiting to be served. It was several hours later that she had the
opportunity to sneak away from her guests. She found her grandmother, mother and
sister in the powder room. She locked the door behind her, trapping the four of
them in the room.
“Sneaky, very sneaky, the three of you.” She stated.
“I would have never thought either of you capable of hiding something as
important as this from me and all the time knowing it would happen.” She calmly
“It was better this way, my dear.” Stated her grandmother. “You would have not
believed it until you had seen the portrait yourself.”
“You’d have suspected something if the whole family had gathered and it wasn’t a
wedding or an anniversary.” Stated her mother.
“Besides, you were so busy supervising all the preparations, that it was
actually very easy to keep you from snooping too much.” Joked her sister.
“And tonight, your husband expects to have you all to himself.” Quipped her
“I know.” She smiled sweetly. They all burst into laughter.
“Tomorrow will be here soon enough.” Giggled her grandmother.
“In the mean time, let’s brush some of that confetti out of your hair.” Asked
her sister. It took hardly any time at all for the three of them to brush her
hair so that her previous hairstyle had vanished. Her long blonde locks cascaded
down her shoulders. She stood up and shook herself gently. More confetti fell
from within the folds of her gown. Her breasts strained the fabric of her gown
slightly. A passion seemed to begin to envelope her as she became fully
conscious of how sexy she felt.
”He’s going to be sorry tonight, that he wiped his cock on my gown.” she
whispered to her sister.
“Go get ‘em, sis.” Her sister remarked as her sister repositioned her veil for
her. The women left the powder room together. Her father noticed the four of
them alighting from the room and wondered what they had been discussing. Her
father nodded an approval of her new hairstyle as she headed towards her
husband, crowded by a group of her cousins.
“Ma’am.” her cousins addressed her. They all seemed to have shrunk in fear as
she appeared.
“I’m not going to get used to this too quick.” She replied to them. “I’m younger
than all of you.
“But we don’t look like the first duchess.” Stated one of her cousins.
“You do.” Stated another.
“We were just asking your husband if he was available for a dance.” Stated
another cousin.
“Is he?” several of them asked together.
“Not tonight cousins.” She stated.
“Perhaps later, if he’s behaved himself.” She winked.
“Behaved myself?” Her husband responded. “You almost make it sound like you have
plans for me.”
“I do have plans for you.” She winked to her cousins. They all burst into evil
At that moment, her Great Grandfather was calling for the throwing of the
bouquet. It also meant that her garter would be coming off shortly after that.
She would be able to hide herself and her husband in the back of the car once
again and continue where they had left off. She headed for the centre of the
floor, where her matron of honour, her bride’s maids and her cousins had
gathered for her to throw her bouquet and silently announce the family’s next
bride. Her husband stared at her a few paces away, armed with a chair for her to
sit for the next part. She remembered how high the garter was on her thigh and
wondered silently if she’d be able to show enough modesty when it was time for
him to snake the garter down her leg. She giggled quietly to herself and shot
her husband an evil smile as her Great Grandfather announced a countdown for her
to throw her bouquet over her head.
“3-2-1.” Her Great Grandfather counted down, and she released her bouquet behind
her. Closing her eyes as cheers and applause rang out. She turned to find her
cousin who had remarked about her resemblance to the first duchess had caught
her bouquet. She rushed over to congratulate her cousin.
“Thank you, Ma’am. I’ll have a letter tomorrow, with your choice of dates.” Her
cousin wept on her shoulder as they hugged. She realised that her cousin’s
request bore the same respect she had asked of her great grandmother hours
before, when she had asked for a blessing of her own marriage.
Her great grandfather had turned the attention to her great grandmother who now
addressed her guests.
“Gentlemen if you be so kind to bear witness and congregate for the throwing of
the garter.” Her great grandmother announced. The ladies quickly vacated the
floor and her husband stepped forward with the chair. She sat in a most ladylike
“The Garter, sweetheart.” Her husband requested. She slowly began raising the
hem of her gown and began exposing both her legs.
“Which leg, dear? And choose wisely.” She stated for all around to hear.
“Right?” her husband responded. She heard an uncertainty in his voice. She had
no doubt he remembered exactly which leg she wore the garter, as his eyes had
been inches from it when they had ridden to the hall. She continued to raise her
gown and coyly began exposing the top of her left thigh.
“You chose wisely.” She announced and began alternately lowering her gown over
her left thigh and exposing her right thigh.
“And how shall the groom remove my garter?” she asked her guests.
“NO HANDS!” Shouted the gentlemen gathered around. “Very well.” Her husband went
to reach forward but was raised into the air by two of her cousins standing
behind him.
“Not so fast, Lover.” The two men growled. And they pinned his arms with their
own cummerbunds and lowered his head into her lap.
“Better not let go or we’ll have to shake you.” Her gentlemen cousins announced.
“Begin!” announced her great grandmother from behind her. He nibbled the inside
of her thigh slightly, sending shivers though out her body. Her garter began
slowly descending her thigh towards the floor. She raised her foot slightly from
the floor and her shoe became tangled in her garter. Her gentlemen cousins
propped her husband back on his feet with her Garter and shoe tangled together.
She went to reach for her shoe when her sister’s voice rang out.
“NO HANDS… REMEMBER!” Her sister announced to the roaring laughter of her
guests. She wrapped her left arm around her husband’s waist and examined the
garter and shoe closely.
“This is going to smart, sweetheart.” She announced, and she swiftly raised her
knee. Her shoe fell into her hand and the garter fluttered to the floor. Her
gentlemen guests all seemed to groan in sympathy for her husband and the
remainder of her guests cheered and clapped. Her gentlemen cousins raised her
husband back to his feet and he looked around for the garter. She knew full well
she was standing on it. Her right hand was still cinching her gown, high up her
Two college studs find eachother at back yard pool... |
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