The Making of a Monster
About a week later again my parents were away. I went in to take a shower and
wrapped a towel around myself as I went into my bedroom .I was standing there,drying my hair with the towel,
stark naked when I saw Ronnie sitting almost out of sight watching me. “Hi,
Janie, “ he said sweetly. “I got bored so I thought I would come up and visit
you. “
"Ronnie you shouldn’t come in here when I’m dressing. Now get out and stop gawking at me."
“I’m sorry, “he said sweetly."I was just lonely. I’ll go if that’s what you want.”
He seemed so contrite, so abashed . He got up , hung his head. As he started to leave I pulled him over to me and
gave him a kiss on the cheek."I didn't mean to scold you," I said. I felt sorry for him.He seemed so sad. As he stood next to me he put his hand on one of my tits. “It’s so
soft,” he said. pushing it in and out. “Do you have milk in there?" he
“Not now, “I laughed .”Maybe someday.”
“Can I suck on it?
"Ronnie, you're getting too fresh. Of course you can't." But I remembered how it had felt when Danny had played with them and I longed for that feeling again.I was about to push him away but he looked up at me with soulful loving eyes ans took his head in my
hands and drew it to my chest. He licked and sucked as if he would devour them.
Then he looked into my eyes, shyly, lovingly and he said very softly, “ Would
you do me again, Janie? Please.”
He had taken his cock out and slowly pulled my hand down and put it on his erection.I smiled at him> He was so loving, so vulnerable. I just couldn’t hurt him , reject him.Besides what harm would it do to just give him a little preasure. I really loved this little kid. "Ok, Ronnie. Just this once." With his cock in my hand I teased him by just dancing my
fingers on the head and sides , barely touching it. He sighed and groaned and
his face flushed and then I finally took several long rapid strokes and his cum
burst out. I caught it in the towel. When he returned to normalcy he said,”I
love you Janie. You’re so good to me.”
A few nights later as I was sitting at my desk doing home work he came over and stood by me."Hi,Ronnie, I said.
"Hi, Sis." He took my hand a put it on his erect cock. "Will you do me again, please, please." The way he looked at me just melted my heart. "Ok, Ronnie. But this is the last time. We can't keep doing this."
As time went on his visits to my bedroom became more frequent and his pleading more intense.No matter what arguments i used he still persisted in his demands. What am I doing , I wondered jerking off this scrawy little kid who looked more like a nine year old than a boy of 12. My parents being home didn’t deter him.He and I had bedrooms on the top floor along with a bathroom and a small TV room. Our parents pretty much left us alone up there. Ronnie would walk into my room , take out his penis and ask in
his shy appealing way, “Will you do me, Janie. Please” I would stop whatever I
was doing , get something to catch his semen in, and jerk him off. Sometimes I
would take my time and enjoy it but other times I just wanted to get it over
with and continue my homework.
Now he seemed to get an erection whenever he saw me, like his prick had been
conditioned to spring into action at the sight of me. One night I heard my mother
say to dad “You’re going to have to have a talk with Ronnie. He seems to be
sexually aroused most of the time. Haven‘t you noticed the erections under his
clothes?”. Later in the week she said to me, ”Jane, I noticed that Ronnie gets aroused every time you're around him. You have to be more careful
about what you wear around the house. Ronnie is maturing and he is becoming
aware of the female body."
Mom was right. Ronnie had taken to coming up behind me and grabbing my boobs from behind. Sometimes when we watched TV together he would try to put his hand up under my skirt or nightgown..I always stopped him but he was getting to be a pest.I started wearing pants all the time and a bra to try to discourage him.
Danny came home every holiday and each vacation we would have passionate sexual
sessions. I toyed with the idea of telling Danny about Ronnie but feared Danny
might think I was a pervert for jacking off my own brother. I brought Danny home
and one time Ronnie caught us fondling each other. I knew from his actions
afterwards that he was jealous of Danny.
Ronnie was 13 now and he still showed up a couple times a week for me to service
him.I got into violent arguments with him about it, telling him I couldn't keep doing it. " You can do that yourself. You don't need me to jack you off," But he was insistant,"I can't do it my self. It's not the same. You make me feel so good, Janie and you know how I love you"
No matter what I said, he was adament that I continue. When I absolutely refused he would throw a fit and keep it up until I took his prick in my hand and played with it.
One day he walked into my bedroom with his cock out as he often did, and as
I reached down to start jerking him off he said, “No, I want something else. I
want a blow job. That’s what the guys at school say they get from their girl friends and I want to see what it's like."
“No, Ronnie. I don’t do that . If you want that get another girl. “
”I want you , Janie.“ He moved to put it in my mouth.
“I said no . I’m no going to suck your cock and that’s that." “
“If you don’t I’m going to tell mom and dad what we’ve been doing.”
“Go ahead, little wimp. They wouldn’t believe you.”
“They will when they see the tape.”
“What tape?” I asked, startled.
“The one I made of you jacking me off. Want to see it?”
”I don’t believe you . You couldn’t have made a tape without my knowing it.”
“Come on, “he said. We went into the TV room and he slipped a VCR into the
player. I sat there watching him play with my boobs and me with his cock in my
hand playing with it until he came. ”The guys at school would love to see this,
I was irate, felt trapped. This was going too far. I thought about my options and couldn't come up with any.There was no way I could let my parents know what was going on.They would probably disown me and it would absolutely devastate them. “Ok, you little creep,“ I said . “You win. But if I do it you have to give me
the tape.”
“No way“, he said” That’s my insurance policy.”
The first time was an ordeal for me.First I made him go in and wash his cock. Since I had never done it I didn't know exactly how to go about it. When he put it in it felt so big it filled my mouth and when he pushed it in further I thought I would choke. When he didn't come right away I massaged the part not in my mouth with my hand and finally it was over. I ran to the bathroom and spit his cum into the sink and then washed out my mouth.
oral sex now became our ritual every two or three days. At first I hated it but as I got
into it I began to enjoy it.Initially,the taste in my mouth was repulsive
but I even got used to that.If I had to do it, I decided to try to develop expertise so that I could suprise Danny someday.I found a sex advice site in the internet that gave explicit instructions for giving a blow job and I put it to good use.
But I continued to try to get Ronnie to stop what we were doing. I even offered to give him money to go to a prostitute but he insisted he only wanted me. With that tape hanging over my head I had no choice but to continue. I had long ago ceased going to confession. I couldn't imagine myself confessing to Father Foley that I was giving my little brother a blow job a couple times a week.
One night as I was sleeping I felt something inside my vagina. I woke up ad found Ronnie standing over me with his cock out fingering me. Oh God, I thought . I hope he's not going to try to put his cock in there. I quickly grabbed his cock and jerked him off and then told him to get out.
I was so desparate to discontinue what we were doing and to keep him from sneaking in while I was sleeping and try to fuck me that I bought a lock and put it on my bedroom door. At first Ronnie was enraged that he couldn't get into my room but he finally solved that problem. He waited until I went to use the bathroom to sneak into my room and wait for me to come back. Then he would smile slyly and say as he grabbed his cock. "Come on, sister,it's time for your medicine." and I would fall to my knees and oblige him.
I also discovered that he had sneaked into my room while I was at the college and found letters Danny had sent me. Some were explicit about his memories of our love making and I realized these had probably made Ronnie more aggressive and intensely jealous.
By the time Ronnie turned 14 he had changed into a huge muscular boy - man. He
had lots of pubic hair now and facial hair as well. His voice had changed but
not his appetite for the sexual favors I provided . Now he had new demands.
“Janie dear," he said after coming to my room one night.“Let’s try someting new. Let’s
“No Ronnie, That’s absolutely one thing brothers and sisters can’t do.”
"Why not? We both have the equipment I got the cock and you've got the cunt. That's all it takes.I want to push my big one into your long canal. Oh, by the way, I have another tape. This one shows you giving me a blow job. Want to see it?”
“Ronnie how could you after all I’ve done for you ? No , I don’t want to see
"Well I showed it to a couple of my friends the other night and they were really impressed. They want you to give them blow jobs to and I said I could arrange it but it would cost them each $25. Then I thought maybe I could send a copy to Danny. He would probably love to see it."
I was aghast. "You bastard. You worm. I loved you and you're trying to destroy me. Why, Ronnie , why? I went into a rage and started beating him on the chest. He just laughed and grabbed my wrists. He was now so strong I couldn't fight him off.
"Let's get to it, little sister. "You don't want Mom and Dad or Danny boy to see that tape, do you? Take your clothes off and hop into bed. I looked around for an escape and there was none. Slowly, hesitently I took off my blouse, my pants and stood there in my bra and panties. "Please, Ronnie. I don't want to do this. I'll give you money. You can go to a whore, but don't make me do this." Tears were streaming down my cheeks.
"But Janie. I already have a whore. You. I bought you with a tape. You're the cheapest piece of ass in history."
Now i was weeping profusely. Ronnie came over to me and put his arms around me. I thought it was to give me a hug but he just wanted to reach around to undo my bra. "Don't cry , "he said. You're going to love me inside you. Just like you like that guy Danny sticking his prick in you. If you let him do it why not me?"
"You're my brother,Danny.This is incest. We can't do it."
My bra fell to the floor and he took my nipple between his fingers and squeezed until I almost screamed."Is that what that jerk Danny boy does to you ,Janie?
Does he play with your titties like this?"
He dropped to his knees and pulled down my panties. "There it is. That's what I've been looking for. My stray pussy." He kissed my crotch and stood up. "Get on the bed, sister dear. You can pretend it's that wimp Danny boy if you want to." He gave me a shove and I landed on the bed. "Spread your legs, Janie, here comes the express.
With no foreplay I was dry. He rammed his thick dick into me and it hurt so much I
almost screamed.Thankfully it was over in about ten seconds. I went to take a shower and think about what I could do.
In bed that night I was overcome with guilt, and a wave of regret overwhelmed me. For
two years I had been unfaithful to Danny and commiting acts of incest. I knew
Ronnie would become ever more demanding, wanting me to fuck him continually.He would probably want anal sex next and make me suck off his friends, and with those tapes I was trapped. I
thought of all the options to get out of this situation and finally concluded
that I had to get away, to get out of town, The next day I told my parents that
something had come up, that I had to go to Danny because he was ill. My parents
were reluctant to have me go but finally relented and bought my plane ticket. I
didn’t tell Ronnie where I was going and asked my parents not to for some lame
reason I made up. Finally, at last ,I was free of Ronnie.
Danny was delighted to see me. We found an apartment and I got a job while he
continued with his classes.We made passionately love as soon as we were alone and after two days of that we decided I should get a device to keep me from getting pragnent. We wanted children but not until Danny finished college.I went to the college physician the next day and was fitted for a device.I surprised hjim one day when he came home from school. As he came over to lwhere I was sitting to give me a kiss, I reached out and unzipped his fly. As soon as I touched his cock it grew and hardened in my hand. I slid down to my knees and put all the expertise I had develop with Ron . Danny was delighted. It was the first blow job he had ever had.
Little Danny is two years old now. I scrinize him every day hoping I can see Danny in him and not my brother. Is little Danny the child of a rape or the issue of a loving sexual encounter. Will I ever know for sure just whose child he is?
As for Ronnie, after I had been gone from home for about two months , I heard the news, Ronnie had been arrested.One night he had taken out a girl from school and when she had refused to have sex with him he had ripped off her clothes,
beaten her and raped her over and over again. He was now in jail awaiting trial
on several counts including first degree rape, sodomy and assault. When I heard about it I sat down
and cried realizing that I had taken an innocent little boy and made him think
that he could have sex on demand from any female any time he wanted. I knew that
if I hadn’t started him down this path that none of this would ever have
happened. I wept for him and for myself, knowing that I would have to carry this
burden of guilt silently, alone for the rest of my life.
Wife forces masculine hubby to become a bisexual toy for his buddies and her use... |
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