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The Making Of A Bottom reviews

Posted by Saon
It's generally good to wait two days or so after meentig a girl to recontact her.But it's not generally good to wait that long or longer after first banging her. In fact it's good to do it an hour or two after you or she leaves if the hour is reasonable, and then the next day also. Gives her warm and fuzzies. Keep it short though. Texts work well.
Posted by yungboyz
love the idea of fucking a yung schoolboy and watching my cum drip from his pussy
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"Who all did you invite?" "Earnie and his sister, Nellie, and her boyfriend, Sal." "OW WOW! Nellie's some hot number! Do you think she's fucking her brother?" "I wouldn't doubt it. Nellie gets it on with everybody. I don't think she makes any exceptions with relatives...