The Mad Stroking Beast On the Train

(Part 1 from 2)

My name is Annie and I am a 28 year old Night School teacher. I teach remedial English and enjoy my job. I am not very social really, as my job does not really alot me too much time to socialize, what with all those papers to grade and meetings to attend, so I usually stay in with a good movie and a big bowl of popcorn to chase away the blues. I am probably the last woman on earth who still enjoys wearing dresses to work. I suppose because it reminds me of my childhood, when Mother use to dress me and my little sister up for school in our crisp clean blue dresses, covered in pretty little purple flowers and white lace trim; and now I suppose I wear them to remind me of a less chaotic time in my life and so that I can feel as I did then, happy and beautiful and without a care in the world. Of course a closet full of pretty dresses, does not an exciting life make, now does it?

My Father use to say that I was a classic beauty and that I took after my Grandmother, God rest here soul. I once saw a picture of her and admired her carefully placed hair all wrapped up in a perfect bun, but she was also very young and beautiful then, with her elegant nose and beautifully shaped mouth, along with her beautifully large breasts and slender curves. I often wondered how many men wanted her and how many actually got to have her. It made me smile to think of Grandmother in that way and gave me hope that someday perhaps someone will look at my picture and wonder the same about me. Well, I can dream can't I?

I do have my Grandmother's slender figure, this is true and some of her finer features, but unfortunately I did not inherit my her bountiful breasts. I’m not very well endowed in the breast department, but you wouldn’t say that I am exactly flat chested either. I guess you could say that my breasts are small and perky and when inspired, stand at attention which is fine by me. I have my Father’s Espresso brown eyes, rich in color and depth, shoulder length dark brown wavy hair, lips that are almost as rosy pink as my little pink pussy (I like to think) and a bum that is as round and perky as my breasts.

I love my job as it surely keeps me busy, but my job is pretty much all I have and I fear sometimes, all that I am. I live alone in a modest 1 bedroom apartment on the East side and enjoy the quiet of the neighborhood where I live. Every evening at 5 o’ clock sharp, I have to trek a good 2 hours to get to work and every day the trip is always entertaining to say the least.

There are of course "your" uneventful evenings, where nobody bothers you and you are able to get to work in one piece and completely undisturbed and those times are nice, and then there are days when it seems as though no matter what you do, there is always someone ready to come between you and your peace of mind. Well, this story is about just such an evening only this time, I was deliciously grateful for the intrusion.

On this night, I had to stay at school a little later than usual to help a student who was having trouble with some of the home work that I had passed out the day before; and poor Mr. Lopez was as usual, having trouble with some of his grammar. I loved Raul, he was one of my hardest working students, but the evening had been long and I had been on my feet since 6 o' clock and the class was scheduled to end at 10 and it was now 11:00 o’ clock at night and by now, I was quite tired and all I wanted to do was to get home to my popcorn and Lauren Bacall telling Humphrey Bogart, to "Just whistle" if he needed her. If only my life could imitate art just once, then maybe I wouldn’t be spending my time picking stale popcorn kernels out of my teeth, at 1 in the morning.

Well, by the time I had said my goodbyes to Raul and officially closed up shop for the night, it was going on 11:15 and I only had 15 min to catch the last train home, leaving at 11:30. I caught the 304 bus and prayed that I would make it on time, as the next train out would not be arriving for another 30 min and I was in no mood to stand around in a dimly lit terminal waiting for the train, in hopes that I wouldn’t be accosted by some creep.

When I got there, the train had just pulled in and I had to run like the devil in order to catch it. I dropped my brown leather shoulder bag, which was full of papers needing to be graded and I cursed the night, as I quickly bent down to pick them up and make that train. When I finally got to the terminal, I was relieved to see that the train had waited an extra 5 minutes before departing. I jumped into the last car of the train and quickly tried to find a seat. It was late and so there were plenty of seats to choose from and very few people, minus a few midnight oil burners like myself that is.
As I was tired, I did not want to be disturbed by some chatty passenger coming down from a late night caffeine high and so I tried to find just the right sear, that was as isolated from the rest of the passengers as possible.

I finally found one way in the back of the train, but there was one other passenger in the car with me, but he did not appear to notice me anyway, which told me that he probably did not want to be bothered any more than I did and so satisfied, I took my seat and settled in for the two hour train ride home.

As there was no scenery to look at and I did have 2 long hours ahead of me, I decided to catch up on my paper grading. I shifted through my bag gathering up my papers and searching for my red grading pen and finally finding it, I was ready to begin. As I began scanning my first paper for mistakes, I happen to see something out of the corner of my eye. It was late and as I’ve said, I was very tired and so I couldn’t be sure that what I thought I saw, was actually what I did see. The man in the car with me who was sitting directly in the seat in front of me, appeared to be touching himself. His hand was tucked away in his pocket, but he wasn’t looking for lose change that’s for sure. He was quietly touching himself. I suddenly felt afraid and didn’t know what to do. I thought about getting up and finding another seat, but didn’t know what a man who would openly touch himself in a public place was capable of and so I opted not to make a scene like the good little catholic girl and stay where I was.

I continued on as I had before quietly grading my papers, but now I couldn’t concentrate. There he was rubbing what appeared to be a very large bulge in his pants and it didn’t seem as if he was going to stop any time soon. Only now, he was looking right at me with his legs spread slightly, as he continued kneading and dry stroking his now huge dong. "Oh God," I thought, "What do I do?" Although, I must admit that in spite of myself, I was becoming slightly aroused. "Nonsense," I waved my feelings off and again proceeded to grade my papers."

Just then, he proceeded to un-do his pants, as he reached his hand inside for a better hold. He was a very big man who looked like he would be about 6’1" standing and who was if I had to guess, in his mid to late 40’s. He had dark brown hair and very beautiful emerald green eyes. He was very clean shaven and wearing a dark gray 3 piece suite, that looked very expensive. He didn’t at all fit the stereotype of the lowly un-kept pervert, that you often see portrayed on The Late Show, in one of those old 70’s B grade movies. As a matter of fact, he was quite handsome. I found myself becoming moist between my legs, as he steadily stroked his big dick, moving his hand farther down to squeeze his heavy balls. I felt embarassed and excited at the same time; my body warm and tingly all over, as I fought the urge to put my papers down and watch the scene unfolding before my eyes.

My pussy was now sopping wet and fully dilated, pulsing with the beat of my heart, as I tried not to watch this man feverishly rub himself. His eyes were beckoning me to watch him, as his hand began to stroke his massive meat package with much more intensity than before. He then abruptly pushed his pants down, letting them fall and hit the floor, as he pulled out his aching cock out for me to see. Oh god, it was huge. I couldn’t believe how big it was. It must have been at least 10 inches long and almost as thick as my forearm and it appeared that he had not been circumcised. He lifted his hand to his mouth, liberally licking his fingers and using the spit to lubricate his mighty shaft and began jacking off no holds barred, right in front of me in plain view. I sat there in amazement, as his hand pushed his thick foreskin down, up and over his fat wet purple egg shaped cock head. He skillfully moved his hand up and down with piston speed, making my nipples just as hard as his donkey dick looked. My mouth began to almost overflow with saliva, as I watched in anticipation out of the corner of my eye, still pretending in vain, not to care what he was doing while inside, I could feel my will beginning to weaken.

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