The Lund Family Cabin
100% fiction!
Mark pulled his car up into the driveway and found the minivan already packed and ready to go. It always surprised him how much stuff seemed to be required for his family's monthly vacation up the cabin. He wondered how much of all the stuff in those bags would ever get unpacked. He walked inside the front door and was greeted by a voice from the kitchen.
"I've already packed for the trip. Let's eat a quick dinner and get on the road. I can hardly wait to get up there." The excitement in his wife's voice was obvious and brought a smirk to Mark's face.
Mark's wife poked her head out of the dining room and beckoned him in. Mark's teenage daughter and son were already seated at the table patiently waiting and Mark took his place at the head of the table and spoke quietly.
"Son, would please say grace tonight?"
His son Michael closed his eyes and obediently bowed his head and began giving thanks.
"Heavenly Father, thank you for this beautiful day and this wonderful bounty which lay before us. Bless that it will nourish our bodies and minds. Bless us as we drive up to Grandpa's cabin and keep us safe during our journey. We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."
"Thank for that prayer Michael." Mark looked lovingly at his family and felt that all was right with the world. As a member of the Bishopric in his LDS Ward, he had to listen to many of his church member's difficulties day after day. But today he could forget those responsibilities and instead revel in the great joy that his family gave him. His family had none of the problems that he was often asked to deal with. His lovely daughter Maddy was in her junior year of high school. She was warm hearted, very open, although she had a penchant for theatrics which she inherited from her mother who was a drama teacher at the local community college. But aside from acting in most of the school plays, most of her theatrics were kept within the confines of their house and she was content to spend a great deal of time with the family and to stay out of trouble. Unlike so many of the youth that Mark met with, Maddy seemed confident and happy. His son Michael, one year older than Maddy, was also a fine young man. He was a robust and strong. He was also compassionate and quite spiritual. Everyone felt that Michael was like his father in so many ways it was uncanny. Finally Mark smiled at his lovely wife. No man could have been happier with a woman than Mark was with Evelyn. They were indeed soul mates. Mark felt joy in his heart and it swelled with pride as they quickly raced through their supper, cleared the dishes and then piled into the van for a much needed weekend away from Ward duties.
It was a long 3 hour drive up into the distant Uintas outside of Salt Lake. Evelyn's father whom everyone affectionately called "Grandpa", had a cozy old cabin on 70 acres which butted up to National Forest land. The family made an effort to visit at least once a month because the privacy it provided was cherished. After an hour had elapsed winding up the canyon roads, Mark looked in his rear view mirror. Maddy and Michael each had their iPod headsets in place and were apparently dozing while listening to music. Evelyn seated next to him, had likewise lain her head against a pillow and was napping for the rather long drive. Mark looked at Evelyn and began to feel aroused. This was not unusual. The stiffness in his crotch was common place and he liked to think of himself as blessed that his sexual inclinations were so strong, although, they often occurred at moments when he was not able to act on them. Mark looked again in the mirror to insure that his children were still asleep and cast a quick glace at his dozing wife. And then he nimbly unzipped his pants and freed his swollen cock from its confines and began to stroke it. The sheer naughtiness of his marginally discreet actions added to his excitement.
Evelyn stirred and opened her eyes and looked over at her husband's hand bouncing in his lap and smiled. As mentioned earlier, Mark had married well. He and Evelyn were alike in so many ways and they both shared an enormous appetite for the flesh. She looked over her shoulder at the children and when she was assured that they were both quietly self absorbed, she removed her husband's hand from he cock and leaned over and quietly took his manhood into her mouth.
In spite of their best efforts to be silent, the activities in the front seat did not go unnoticed and after some time, Michael opened his eyes in the back seat and noticed his mother's head was missing from view and he located it spanning the opening between the captains chairs where it was bobbing in his father's lap. A subtle smile crossed his lips and he sat back to enjoy the show. He thought briefly to himself how few parents would dare such behavior in front of their kids and also considered how many children would be reviled by such behavior in their parents. But neither was the case in the Lund family. Michael instead began to feel his own cock swelling as he enjoyed his parents little show, for he, like his father, had grown to have an equally ravenous sexual energy. He likewise removed his swollen cock from his pants and began to stroke himself and finally he nudged his sister Maddy and pointed at the front seat after she opened her eyes. He then pointed at his own swollen cock. Maddy broke the silence.
"For crying out loud. We aren't even up the cabin yet. Can't anyone keep their pants on for more than an hour around here?"
Michael laughed at his sister. "Oops. I am sorry to have disturbed you. I saw that mom and dad were a little excited for the weekend and obviously I am looking forward to it and I just thought you might want be be part of it too."
Maddy huffed. "I'm sorry, I was just beginning to doze off I guess. Oh here, let me help you with that."
Maddy replaced her brother's hand with her's and continued the steady stroking while Michael began to unbutton his sister's shirt.
The car raced down the lonely two lane road. The traffic was very light, but Mark was none the less thankful for the tinted windows in his mini-van. He glanced in the rear view mirror to watch as Maddy mounted her brother and skillfully guided his cock into her pussy and then lowered herself down onto her brother's lap. The erotic sight heightened his own excitement and before long, he was spurting his cum within Evelyn's mouth which she swallowed obligingly until every last drop was removed.
As Mark's erection subsided, for a brief moment his head cleared as was often the case following his orgasm. He looked again in the rear view mirror and felt a tiny pang of guilt as he watched his own son fuck his daughter. He knew it was not normal. He knew the church forbade such behavior. But the pang was short lived as he saw his daughter open her blouse wider so Michael could suck the small nipples on her firm, young breasts and with that erotic image in his mind, the guilt left as quickly as it came.
Evelyn was less inclined toward any feelings of guilt. As her daughter began to huff loudly and grimace with joy each time her hips dropped onto her brother's cock, Evelyn smiled as she recalled her children's feelings towards sex only a couple of years ago. it was remarkable how things had changed. Mark had just finished cumming, her daughter and son were in the back seat fucking and by the sounds of things were fast approaching their own climax. Evelyn had yet to get her own release, but she settled back and decided to be patient. They were not far from the cabin. That magical cabin where all this began only a couple of years ago.
The Lund's did not come from money, but they were lucky by way of providence to have a lovely small cabin sitting on 70 acres of land which had been in the Lund family for nearly 80 years. The cabin actually belonged to Evelyn's father or "Grandpa" as he was affectionately called. But it was now shared between Evelyn and her brother Bob due to Grandma and Grandpa's untimely passing.
An hour later Maddy and Michael were asleep in the car as it pulled up to gate which barred the primitive road. Mark unlocked the padlock on the gate and pushed it back and drove the car in and closed the gate and locked it behind him. The late evening Utah shadows streamed through the thick pine trees as they drove down 1/4 mile road to the cabin. The brakes on the van squeeked slightly as it came to a stop in front of the old homestead.
"We're home!" Mark announced and his family slowly emerged from the van and admired the large wrap around porch which was probably the cabin's most impressive feature. The porch was almost as large as the cabin itself and was covered giving the impression that the cabin was much larger than it really was. Most of the porch was open with a large split rail at its edge. Part of the porch was partially enclosed and screened in and in that portion were many chairs and even a bed which was used often on warm nights. Michael, perhaps more than anyone else in his family, felt particularly at home there. The wrap around porch with views down the hillside into the national forest that abutted, never grew old to him. Of course, the privacy the place afforded was something special as well.
"I hope you're not tired." Evelyn winked suggestively at her husband. "Everyone has been taken care of but me and Mommy wants some attention."
Mark unlocked the door and looked in at the small but charming interior. The log cabin was very rustic but had been updated over the years. It had a single modest room which had a kitchen, dining space and living area. Attached to this space were 2 bedrooms separated by a bathroom. The appointments were those one would expect to find in such a rustic structure. A leather couch and two chairs faced a table which had a fairly new TV set on top. Besides the DVD player, there also was an old VCR which was probably 20 years old. Next to the table was an old style VCR camera on a tripod which had been used to document all the special family occasions and a pile of old video tapes lay on the table containing the recorded history of Michael and Maddy's life and that of his Uncle's family as well.
The family walked in the door and before it was even closed, Evelyn began to unbutton her blouse. Little had changed about the cabin in the last year. But what went on in the cabin, however, was very, very different.
Only a year previously on a during a late summer week much like this one, the family spent one of their typical extended weekends at the cabin. The first morning was like many in the past. Michael awoke to the sun filtering through the bedroom window onto his lower bunk bed and the sounds of his parents fumbling around in the kitchen. He lifted his foot and put it onto the mattress of the bunk bed above him and gave the mattress a little thrust to awaken his slumbering sister.
"Hey, you want to go fishing?"
Before Maddy could answer, Evelyn poked her head into the bedroom. "It is a beautiful day outside. Dad and I are going for a hike. Are you interested in coming?"
Maddy pulled back the covers and sat up on her bunk. "No, Michael and I are going fishing."
"Well OK, but please don't let me come back and find you two in front of that TV playing video games. It is too beautiful out there." She turned and left the room. "It is just you and me honey. Hopefully the kids are going to catch us some fish for dinner."
The kids could hear Mark laughing in the distance and then he raised his voice so all could hear. "Good thing we don't have to count on that. Hey, have you guys every tried using bait? I have had marvelous success with that." Mark and Evelyn were heard chuckling as front door closed.
Maddy shuffled over to the ladder and began her descent. Michael watched as his sister navigated the each step bringing more and more of her body into full view. First were her slightly thick ankles, followed by the knee length and almost threadbare flannel nightgown which which she constantly wore, which was followed by her rather long and very wild jet black hair. Michael laughed. "Which magazine gave you the idea for that marvelous hair style you are sporting today?"
Maddy was not too amused and stared at her brother's close cropped blond hair and tried to come up with a witty retort, but none came immediately. "Well I'm sorry that I can't be as good looking as you first thing in the morning, but I think if I cut all my hair off like yours, I would probably look just as silly."
She grabbed her shorts and t-shirt and made her way into the bathroom which separated their bedroom from their parent's. She closed the door, lifted her favorite nightgown over her hips and sat on the stool. She sat with her head in her hands until Michael began knocking at the door.
"Hey, hurry up in there. I have to go!"
"Jesus Michael. I'm not done. Just pee off the porch or something. Give a girl some time."
She heard the front door open and the squeak of the spring on screen door as it elongated and then the familiar slap of the wood door against the frame as it rebounded. Maddy stood and flushed and moved to the mirror and examined her wild hair. It was indeed even worse than normal today. Maddy had been cursed with her father's features, including his thick curly black hair. She had often thought to herself that she would probably be quite good looking - if she had been a boy. Although she didn't think that she was unattractive - at least when her hair was brushed, she did think that there wasn't much about her that was particularly attractive or unique. Her build was average for a girl of her age, her face plain, her ankles too thick. But at least she wasn't ugly she reassured herself.
She looked for a brush to tame her wild mane but could not find one in the bathroom. She went back into her room and hunted in her bag and realized that she had forgot to bring one so she wandered into her parent's bedroom and found her mother's purse on the antique chest of drawers. As the peered in, she was relieved as the first thing the saw was indeed her mother's brush, but something else caught her eye. Right next to brush was a package of cigarettes. Maddy's heart skipped a beat. Her mother was perhaps the most adamant person she had ever met in preaching the evils of smoking. This was the last thing she ever would have expected to find in her purse. Maddy quickly took the brush and made her hair look presentable and then took a single cigarette from the opened package and returned to purse to the top of the chest. She then raced to bathroom and put on her shorts and t-shirt and raced into the family room where she found her tackle box where she hid her purloined item. She was in the kitchen grabbing a package of matches from the bowl by the wood stove when Michael finally reappeared in the front door.
"It is already getting warm out there, we should get going. How about we just grab and quick snack head out?"
It was a glorious day as the late summer days in Utah often are. Muddy Creek ran through the National Forest which abutted the Lund property and although there was no formal trail, the family had made this 10 minute trek so often to the creek, that a path was easy to follow.
"You are kind of quiet this morning?" Michael observed. "Are you OK? I was just kidding about your hair you know."
"We can't all be an an Adonis like you Michael. All blond and beautiful." Maddy shot back.
Michael smiled. This was not the first comment of this kind that Maddy had made about him and while he enjoyed sister's compliments, he knew that he was certainly not an Adonis. The only thing which Michael felt set him apart from his peers was his thick blond hair which he had inherited from his mother. But for some strange and rebellious reason he had decided to crop it short recently in the hopes that somehow it would make him look more masculine. It didn't. And now he was just waiting for his thick blond hair to grow back.
"Well if I am an Adonis, then you are my Athena. I love your mousy hair Athena."
"Yeah right!" Maddy humphed.
They wound through the forest to their favorite fishing hole and set their tackle boxes near the old downed tree that had served as a bench since their childhood. Michael grabbed his pole and opened his tackle and prepared his gear. Maddy, just sat and stared off into the distance.
"Hey are you OK?" Michael asked.
Maddy sat for a moment thinking before she reached for her tackle box. "Guess what I found in Mom's purse this morning when I was looking for a hair brush?" She opened her tackle box and fumbled through the contents until she found the cigarette. She picked up the cigarette and placed it between the first and second fingers of her right hand and examined the cigarette closely. "It looks like Mom has picked up a new habit."
Michael's eyes grew to the size of frying pans as he stared at the cigarette which rest in his sister's fingers. "There is no way you found that in Mom's purse. Mom would the be last person on the planet to smoke. I can't tell you the number of times she has told me she would kill me if she ever found out I smoked."
Maddy brought the unlit cigarette up to her lips and held it there waiting for a reaction from her brother. "So do I look sexy? Do I look like Amber Williams?" She put the fag in her lips and pretended to take a long draw and then exhale slowly. The name Amber Williams immediately brought a smile to Michael's lips which did not go unnoticed by Maddy. "All the boys want her don't they Michael? What about you Michael? Do you want her?"
"Geez Maddy, I don't think that the reason that the boys want Amber is because she smokes. I think it is probably something else."
Maddy was frustrated at Michael's response. "It's her big fucking titties isn't Michael? Why do you guys all want big fucking titties? I sure wish I had been given Mom's chest." Maddy sighed and looked at the ground. "I sure wish I was better looking."
Michael looked at his sister. Her wild, curly hair was barely contained by her
baseball cap, and her oversized t-shirt which fell below her shorts was far from
the sexy attire that Amber chose to wear each day. Amber rarely chose an outfit
where at least some amount of cleavage was visible and the opposite was turn
with Maddy.
"Maddy, I'm going to let you in on a little secret that not too many women know. Yes, I like Amber's tits. But that isn't the secret. The secret that most girls don't know is that guys like tits and by that I mean that guys like just about all tits. You may not have tits as big as Amber's, but you have tits. Tits Maddy. Why do you think a guy wouldn't love your tits? Your problem is that you just don't show them to anybody."
Maddy was only slightly consoled. "Well I still wish I had Mom's tits. And now I want to try smoking Michael and I want you to try it with me?"
"What!? Why do you want to do that? Mom would kill us?"
"Well, we will just have to not get caught then huh? You can keep a secret can't you Michael?" She reached in the tackle box and pulled out the pack of matches. "C'mon Michael, let's just try it." She put the cigarette to her lips, opened the pack of matches, lit one and brought the flare to the end of the cigarette. She looked at Michael defiantly as she took shallow puffs on the cigarette to help it take flame. Michael ogled and she drew the tobacco into her mouth and then blew a fairly thick cloud of smoke out. The taste was horrible. The heat was atrocious, but the wide eyed expression on her brother's face was worth all the discomfort.
"Here you go Michael. Your turn." She thrust the cigarette at him. "It's nice. I think you will like it." she lied.
"Geez Maddy. Why are you always bossing me around. I told you that smoking doesn't make you look like Amber. I don't really want to smoke. Why do you want me to smoke?"
"Oh, I just do Michael." was Maddy's curt response. "And since I don't look like Amber when I smoke, I'll make a deal with you. If you smoke, then I'll show you my tits." Maddy looked at Michael for a reaction. "C'mon Michael, you said that boys like all tits. Even mine. Prove it."
Michael was having difficulty navigating the number of confusing thoughts he was suddenly processing. He actually had never seen his sister's tits. In fact he had never had anything more than the mildest curiosity about his sister's body before that moment. He stared at her t-shirt. Maybe his sister's smoking was having a sexier effect on him than he thought. Not so much the smoking itself, more the fact that it was naughty. It was about as naughty a thing as he could imagine around their household. And while Maddy had never really seemed like a goody two shoes to Michael, this was a side of her that he had never really seen before. Michael knew that what made Amber sexy was the simple fact that she was slutty and for the first time, he could feel a slutty side to his sister. And much to his surprise, he found that side very exciting. The wickedness of the moment grabbed him. He reached for the cigarette which was being offered from his sister's extended hand.
Michael held it the cigarette between his fingers and stared at his sister. "OK, let me see your titties first."
Maddy smiled. She had always been good at getting Michael to do things for her, but this was the first time that she had ever even considered that her body might also have some influence on him. She liked that thought. "OK, but you promised that guys like all tits and if you don't have anything nice to say about mine I'll kill you in your sleep. And don't think that I won't."
Maddy cocked her head to one side seductively. "Bra on or bra off?"
"Duh!" Michael huffed.
Maddy then reached beneath her baggy t-shirt and found the clasp to her bra and unhooked the garment. She slid her arms from the straps and wiggled free of her bra and with effort, finally shoved the empty article of clothing out the sleeve of her t-shirt. Michael's stare was intense. He was staring at her with a look that she had never seen before. She looked down at her shirt and could see the unmistakable impressions that her nipples were making against the soft fabric. Michael's stare was making her warm. She could not remember Michael ever staring at her in quite this way and his stare made her feel desirable and sexy. Michael really did want to see her and suddenly she found herself a little short of breath and her heart was beginning to race. She reached down and grabbed the bottom of the t-shirt.
"Are you sure you want to see them Michael? Are you sure you want to see my titties Michael?"
Michael nodded dumbly.
"Then take a smoke Michael."
Michael could not quit staring at Maddy's t-shirt. He slowly brought the cigarette to his lips and took a deep draw. He had been so lost in his thoughts and so excited at the treasures he was so close to seeing that the heat and taste of the smoke caught him totally by surprise. The smoke invaded his lungs and they revolted. He coughed and hacked for several moments while trying to breathe some fresh air into his offended lungs.
Michael gasped for air. "Jesus Christ! That is awful!" Michael sat on the old dead tree and took several deep breaths. He was bent over trying to get some air. "Jesus Maddy, what did you make me to do that for?"
"I'm so sorry Michael." Maddy pouted. "I just wanted to try it and I didn't want to do it alone."
"I can't believe the shit I do for you!"
Michael stood up. The excitement that was palpable only a moment ago was now lost as Michael tried to control his frustration.
"I'm so sorry Michael ... please forgive me." Maddy was caught someplace between tears the laughter at the quick change of atmosphere. "Sometimes I just do stupid things. Come here." Maddy spread her arms inviting her brother to her embrace and after another moment Michael shook his head and relented.
"I swear, if you didn't love to fish, I'm not sure you would be worth it."
Maddy took her brother in her arms. "Do you forgive me?" she pouted.
"Yes." Michael humphed. "I forgive you." Michael felt his sister hug him tight and he could feel the unmistakable pressure of her soft breasts pressing against his chest.
"And your tits, which I never saw, feel wonderful."
Maddy froze for a second, pulled her head back and looked her brother. She had been totally unaware that she was pressed so closely against him and for a moment that sexual tension she had felt earlier returned. She looked into her brother's eyes. "Oh Michael. You are so sweet. That is such a nice thing to say and I would kiss you except that Momma would kill me if I kissed a boy who smoked."
Of the many days in one's life, few are probably remembered. But this day was one that Maddy and Michael would never forget. They settled into fishing, each not far from the other and each experiencing the unmistakeable sexual awareness that had suddenly emerged. Maddy did not replace her bra and after each cast she would stand up straight and make sure that her nipples poked through the fabric of her shirt. She could feel her brother's stare, and his penetrating eyes were causing fireworks to shoot off in her head. She had never had this kind of effect on a boy before. She had never felt so desirable in her life.
"Oh Michael." she chirped. "You didn't bring the sunscreen did you? It is so hot out here I would be tempted to fish topless if we had some sunscreen since you promised you would like see my titties."
"Sorry, no sunscreen." Michael smirked. "But you can still go topless anyway and if they get sunburned I will rub lotion on them later."
Maddy was having so much fun teasing her brother that she had to continue. "Well as much as I would enjoy you rubbing my tits, I just don't think I want to get sunburned. Here maybe if I just pour some water on my shirt that would help cool me off." Maddy scooped a handful of water out of the creek and poured it over her breasts. The fabric now clung to her nipples and Michael continued to smile at her. "Ooo that water feels good. Look at how hard my nipples are Michael. It's almost like I am not wearing a shirt isn't it? Don't they look hard Michael?"
Michael smirked. "Are you enjoying this?" he asked in a tone that was a little too serious and for a split second Maddy was concerned that she was enjoying this far more than Michael.
"What Michael? Am I enjoying what?" But Michael was having just as much fun playing with his sister as she was playing with him. He never had any idea that his sister had such a tempting and naughty side. He was having too much fun to ruin it now. "You know. This. Fishing. Isn't it great. I swear you are the best fishing partner a guy could ever want." He smiled at her and continued. "Sure is funny how the fish aren't biting out here though. I mean after all, I've had two poles out here most of the morning. This one here in my hand -" he waved his fishing pole back and forth, "and this other pole that I only use when I am thinking about a pretty girl's titties." and the tapped his crotch.
Maddy stared at her brother's bulge and her heart fluttered. "Well, I've only got one pole over here Michael, so if you need a hand with your other pole you be sure to let me know. Although I have to admit that I don't have a lot of experience with that kind of equipment."
"I may take you up on that sometime. I use it all the time, but I have to admit that sometimes it would be awful nice to let someone else use it. I'm the only one who has used it so far, but I am pretty good with it."
The innuendo was absolutely intoxicating. Maddy's cunt was literally dripping as she continued their indirect conversation. "Hey Michael, I know you love fishing here in our favorite spot, but would you ever want to try fishing in a different hole sometime? You know, someplace where your other rod might really be more appropriate for the conditions?"
Michael raised his eyebrows. "Mmmm, I might. Do you know of such a hole?"
"Why as a matter of fact I do. It is a real private hole and pretty well hidden, and actually no one other than me has ever fished in it. But I promise you it is wet and I will tell you that even though I don't have equipment as good as yours, when I've tried my own hand at it, I've met with pretty good success."
"Really?" Michael intoned. "I wish I had known that about you before now. I am learning all kinds of great fishing secrets today. I think we should go fishing more often. But it is a pretty big decision to share one's favorite fishing hole with someone else, even if it's her brother. Or in this case maybe I should say especially if its her brother. Are you sure that you would want to show me where your favorite hole is hidden?" Michael's cock was rock hard now.
Maddy didn't even hesitate. "Of course Michael. I have always loved fishing with you. But I have to warn you, you have to make your way through some pretty thick underbrush to find my little hole. Would you like me to show you?" Maddy tilted her head and tugged at the waistband of her shorts. "I hope you don't mind that you have to navigate through a little bush."
Michael was now forced to put his own hand down his shorts and readjust his cock which was now beginning to ache. "Sorry Maddy, I have to move my dick ... I mean my pole, but please go on. I would love to see your little private fishing spot." Michael fixed his gaze at Maddy's midsection as she slowly set her pole aside and unbuttoned the single button on her shorts. She hooked her thumbs on each side of her tight pants and slowly inched them down, wiggling and making it look like the effort was far more of a herculean than it really could have been. Michael's stare was frozen as his sister tantalized him with the slow appearance of her jet black public hair which was very neatly trimmed in contrast to the wild hair on her head. She pulled at a few of the hairs.
"What do you think Michael? Are you still interested in my little hole?" Maddy could barely hear Michael muttering "Fucking A" under his breath while she continued her little show. "And you know if you don't want to go this way to my little hole, you can also go this way." Maddy turned around and pulled her shorts below her alabaster ass. "You see these two mounds?" She grabbed one of her ass cheeks with her hand and wobbled the flesh. "And do you see this crack between the mounds?" She slid her finger down the crack of her ass. "Well you can find my little hole at the end of this crack Michael. My dark, wet hole." Maddy wiggled her fanny while the fingers of her hand slowly tracked the path down her crack until they disappeared from sight between her legs.
Michael's cock had never ached to be free more than that moment. He didn't know how much longer he could play this game. "Jesus Christ Maddy. I'm going to tell you another secret. You are so fucking hot I can't believe it. How come you've never acted like this before? Amber is nothing compared to you!"
Maddy stopped rubbing her mound and stood to face her brother. She pulled the waistband on her shorts back up and Michael caught the last glimpses of her black bush as it disappeared. Her expression changed from that of seductress to one more contemplative. "Michael, you are the sweetest brother ever. You make me feel so good, and since we are sharing so many secrets, I have a little secret for you too. I actually feel sorry for Amber. Michael, you should hear what the girls at school say about her. They are brutal. They all hate her and they all call her a slut and I suspect that she is a slut. It is actually horrible. Michael I couldn't go through that. I could not handle people saying those things about me. And the reason that I feel sorry for Amber is not because Amber is a slut which I am sure she is, it is because what Amber probably needed was a brother like you so she could be a slut and not have anyone else know. A brother that would let his sister do anything he wants with her. Anything Michael. But she would need a brother that would never tell anyone. No one Michael. No one!" Maddy stared at Michael with threatening eyes to reinforce the seriousness of her comment. "Can you do that Michael? Can you keep a secret?"
Michael's heart was racing now and he said the only thing that he could think to say. "Maddy, a good fisherman never tells anyone where the good holes are."
Maddy's face relaxed and she smiled. "Good. I hoped you would say something like that. And speaking of fishing, I think I would like to learn how to handle that rod of yours. I don't have much experience. Would you teach me Michael?" Michael nodded his head at his unbelievable good fortune and quickly undid his own pants and with great effort, released his hardon. As it sprung free, it bounced only once and then assumed its more comfortable position as it pointed toward the sky at a 45 degree angle. The shaft had a beautiful upward arc and Maddy gulped as she saw her brother's manhood.
"Oh Michael. It's gorgeous. Oh my God. Can I touch it?"
Michael took her hand and she obediently wrapped his cock with her fingers and then Michael began moving her hand up and down his cock at a fairly vigorous pace. "Maddy, I have been hard for like 45 minutes. I'm afraid this is going to be a kind of short lesson." Michael grunted and began thrusting his hips slightly as she stroked faster and faster and then he inhaled deeply as the first of many ropes of cum shot several feet from cock and with each spurt, the smile on Maddy's face grew larger and larger.
"Wow, that is amazing Michael." and Maddy snickered as Michael continued to gyrate and thrust as even more spunk erupted from his balls. "Geez Michael, I had no idea that there was this much!" Maddy giggled until finally Michael ceased to move and he stood still looking at his smiling sister with her cute hand still clutching his deflating rod.
Maddy fondled her brother's shrinking dick. She rolled his balls gently hands and ran her fingers through his dirty blond pubic hair. "God Michael. I wish we would have started doing this years ago." She looked at a stray droplet of cum which was still oozing from the end of Michael's cock and then gently kissed the head of his member. She tasted the cum on her tongue and sucked gently as all the drops that remained in his shaft were finally depositing in her mouth.
"I feel so sorry for Amber." she cooed.
--- More to come. Comments appreciated.
Rick "The Brick" Johnson's mom finds out why he got the nickname... |
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