Home : Incest Stories : total 9 reviews.

The Long Ride Home reviews

Posted by scott
the story was extremely hot and so am i
Posted by LucOuarm
Good work.
Posted by brian
really good at least a 9
Posted by tash
Really greath story I really enjoyed it. I hope to hear mroe of it soon.
Posted by Paul
It was really good. but i think you should have put in a little more build up to them fucking. and i agree you should deffinetly have it continue. It would be really good if you go the mom involved with it like three some or they have to hide it from her. And a word of advice in the next one if there is a next one make it more like they think its still taboo but they do it any way
Posted by Kc4lks
Good work. It's all about turning on the reader. Which you did.
Christie's right, let the whole family in on the fun- don't exclude either parent.
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I always wanted to turn my gorgeous wife into a cock loving whore. I had such a hot looking wife that my male friends were not shy, they all wanted to fuck her...