The Little Cabin Part 7
Charlie made sure he was close to Natalie. She was one of the cutest blondes he'd seen in a long time. He was surprized when his wife made a wacky suggestion. He was shocked by what she had said and
countered a comment. "You sure, hon?"
"Land sakes alive, Charlie," she joshed, "give her a big hug." As
she watched him reach for Natalie she giggled, adding, "And for heaven's sake wipe the dick of yours on her." Without much thought she turned to Mark. "Hey, you gonna give your auntie Joyce a big hug?"
As he came over to her he was surprized that she grabbed him so quickly. She pulled him in tightly grinding her bald mound against his dick. "Gee, mam," he sputtered amazement, "you're kinda bold."
Meanwhile Charlie hugged Natalie making sure his fat dick ground
against her wet pubic hair. "Oh my, baby," he whispered in her ear,
"you're a real horny blonde ain't ya?"
Natalie was grinding herself against him, letting him feel every
inch of her, and she whispered back, "Whatever do you mean, mister
Tucker?" Pushing him away she continued, "Now go give Kimberly a really super big hug, you big lug."
Charlie turned toward her daughter. "Hey, blondie," he said,
treading water, "give me a hug." As she approached him he reached out and cupped his hand on a breast, tweeked its nipple, and drove his hand against her crotch. Groping her mound, savoring every inch of the young vagina, he quipped, "Gee, missy, you're just as sexy as your mom, you is." Rimming her lips with his finger he penetrated her a little. "Quite a tighty, aren't we?"
"Yeah, I guess," she replied as a hand began to stroke his penis.
"Hey, Dad," came a yell from the hill top, "telephone."
"Shit," he blurted out and let go of Kim. He swam over to the
water edge. Still submerged to his waist he called back, "Who is it?"
Looking up at her he noticed she was standing on the balcony wearing very tight white shorts and halter top. Hoping for some excitement he
yelled back when he heard her voice, "What, who'd you say?" He feigned not hearing a second time and called back, "Still can't hear you. Get your ass down here and tell me."
She went back into the house and returned to the overhanging balcony a few seconds later. Glancing down at her father and mother,
and the others in the water, she could plainly see into the clear spring-fed lake. She thought to herself and agreed she had to get a closer look, a more detailed look. So, without hestitation, she ran
down to the beach. She stood on the sand, looking at her father, and
said, "I told Harry you'd call him back later."
He smiled up at her then came out of the water. Giving his daughter a hug, he kissed her on the cheek, "Thanks, Brit, you're a
"Yeah, well," she pushed him away, "I know. Geez, daddy, you got
me all wet."
Mark looked over at them standing on the beach. Looking at Charlie's daughter made his head swim. She was a pretty girl with
light brown hair and that tight outfit made her seem sexy. As she was facing sideways to him he could see she was rather on the skinny side. Deciding to talk to her he splashed toward the beach and stepped out. "Hi, I'm Mark."
"Hi, Mark," she smiled extending her hand, "I'm Brittany Tucker."
She noticed he was staring at the halter top, his eyes diverted towards the low v-cut front. "Why are you staring at my boobs? They're nothing great."
Mark averted his eyes slightly. Though he continued to look at
her, admire her figure, he did notice that she was quite small on top, not much bigger than his sister was. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."
"Oh, that's okay," she shoved a hand against him, "I don't care."
"Hey, Brit," Charlie interjected with a slap against her shoulder, "go ahead and give him a hug." Noticing her hestitation he shoved her forward against Mark. "Give him a hug."
Mark had his hands up to avoid a severe collision and what happened surprized not only him but her as well. With his hands trying to stop her fall they missed her shoulders completely and drove themselves against the halter top. Though it was tightly fit he managed to slip a few fingers beneath the hem. As his fingers glanced against her small breast they bumped against her nipple. He had noticed that her nipples were pressing against the halter top and could feel how tight and hard they were. "nice tits," he blurted out.
"Hey," she said pulling backward, "what the hell?" As she pulled back he glanced a hand, a groping hand, off her crotch. "Hey, you little weasel! What the fuck you trying anyway?"
Since her father had hugged her he had made her quite wet. That wetness made the outfit cling quite nicely to her and allowed him a
very generous feel. It also proved to him, as he looked down at her crotch, that she wasn't wearing underwear. "Sorry," he apologized.
"Yeah, sure you are." She looked at him standing a few feet away. "How'd you like it if I did this?" She advanced her right hand quickly and grabbed onto his penis. "Huh? You like that?" Tensing her hand against his balls she asked, "Or how about this?"
Mark giggled allowing her hand to get a good feel. "I like it fine, Brittany," he said. Advancing toward her he patted her exposed stomach. "Gee, Brittany, you got a real cute looking little inny," he remarked as his finger poked into her belly button. Curious he ventured a question as her hand hung onto his genitals. "What ya' got down here?" Before she could react he drove the hand past the waistband of her shorts and submerged it downward.
She grabbed his hand with her right hand and yanked it out.
Damn, you got some nerve going that." Maintaining a stance of indignance she questioned, "What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Ah, nothing much," Mark grinned at her, "except to say you got a nice pussy."
"Well, I never," she shot back, seemingly annoyed.
"Well, ya do." Smiling at her, trying to make her smile, he added, "A real nice and hairy one, too."
She couldn't help but laugh at his comment. "Oh, you think so?"
"Sure do." Going to her side he put a hand around her waist and
whispered, "Hey, I bet you've got more than my mom does."
"I do not," she giggled with a smile toward him. "Anyway, I still got more than you got," she added with a casual finger against his wet pubic hair taking liberty to glance it off his penis.
"Yeah, I bet you do," Mark commented. "Hey, mom."
"What, honey?"
"Come over here, huh?"
"Geez, Mark," she commented, "I was having fun. Oh well," she said as she trudged out of the water. "Now what's so important?"
Glancing over at Brittany, she said, "Hi, sweetie, I'm Natalie." Thinking a minute, she pointed toward the water, "And that girl over there's his sister, Kim." She saw her nod acknowledgement and turned to Mark. "Now, Mark, what is so darn important anyway?"
"Well, mom," he blushed, "it's kinda like this. I touched her thing and, well, I think she's got more hair than you got."
Natalie was a bit perturbed in her answer. "I wouldn't know about that, honey. Besides, I don't care if she does or doesn't, personally."
Brittany couldn't help but look at her standing just a few feet away. Admiring the cute blonde she simply said, blushingly, "You're kinda really sexy, Natalie." She saw Natalie smile in her direction and pondering her thoughts she wondered, "Well, do you?"
"Do I what, sweetie?" Natalie couldn't help but ask as she looked at the other woman with a questioning, body-admiring, smile.
"Have more hair on your vagina than I do."
Natalie glared at Mark. "See what you started, Markie." Turning back to Brittany, she answered, "Look, Brittany, I really don't care." Staring at the nipple pushed halter top she added, "Really I don't."
Noticing Natalie was looking at her breasts she smiled. "Mine aren't as nice as yours are." Friskingly she wiped her hands on Natalie's breasts. "Gee, you got really nice ones, Natalie." Stepping closer, a lot closer, allowed her a generous feel of her nipples as well. Feeling really bold, and out of curiosity, she quickly fondled a hand against her crotch, adding, "And a really nice bush, too."
Not the least bit shocked, and rather enjoying the probbing hand, Natalie advanced a curiosity. "What about you, sweetie? How much you actually got?" Natalie pointed a finger toward her crotch, touching the shorts, and continued, "Care to show it?"
"Not in front of my dad," she blurted out. "I mean I could never, well, you know."
Joyce, followed by Kim, came out of the water. Hugging her husband's waist she said, "Why don't we all just go into that little cabin."
"Yeah," Kim chimed in, "I'm getting hungry."
"That's a good idea," Brittany commented, "and we can all get dressed nice and proper."
Charlie slapped her back as he passed by. "You're a kidder you are."
"I'm not kidding, dad," she answered. "Besides, I don't care to look at your weiner all night."
"Why not? It's a nice weiner." Flopping it at her, he wondered, "What's the matter, Brittany, don't you like it?"
"Dad!" She screamed at him. She ran to the cabin, quite embarrassed. Standing on the porch she watched them approach. She couldn't help but stare at the guys, their penises swaying. Her curiosity also was tweeked by the gals as well and she admired their bouncing breasts.
Upon entering the cabin, Joyce took command. "Y'all just relax. Joyce here'll fix dinner." Rummaging through the icebox she added a comment, "Oh, never mind what Brit said. Just stay comfy."
"We plan to, honey," Charlie said as he slapped his wife's butt.
"Hey, Charlie," she smiled at him, "not in front of them, you sexy dog, you."
"Hey, mom," Kim inquired, "where's the bathroom? I gotta go."
"Ain't got one, missy," Charlie answered, "ceppin for that thing over there."
Kim looked at where he was pointing. "Where's the wall?"
"Gosh sakes, Kimberly," Joyce giggled, "we burned that long ago."
"Mom, I can't go there," she blushed. "I mean I couldn't. Not in front of everybody."
Natalie came over to her daughter. "Kim, nobodys going to care."
"But, mom," she protested, "what if they look while I'm, you know, pissing?"
"Honey," Natalie reassured, "they won't care. Besides, Kim, what if they do. Just go and don't worry about it." As Kim squatted over the very exposed toilet Natalie couldn't help but watch even calling the others attention to it.
Mark was fascinated seeing his sister tinkling. He had never seen a girl do that before and was intriqued at seeing the yellow liquid run down her blonde fuzz. He applauded her courage with a comment,
"Hey, sis, thanks for the show."
Embarrassed, she answered back, "Oh, you." Looking around she didn't see any paper. "Got any tp?"
"Sorry, honey," Joyce answered with a wink at Natalie, "Fresh out."
Standing up she inquired, quite embarrassed by what had just transpired, and even more so by her next question, "How am I supposed to wipe myself then?"
"Brit's good at that," Joyce said. "Aren't you, honey?"
"But, mother," she shot back, "I don't have."
Joyce cut her off. "Sure you, Brittany. What about that top you
got on?"
Brittany understood what her mother was implying. She understood
quite plainly what her mother's intentions were. Jesting the mere idea of letting them see, she blushed, "Mom, I couldn't."
"Oh, go ahead, Brit," Charlie prodded. "Besides, your tits are nice enough."
Brittany smiled at her father's admiration of her and then looked at Kim standing by the toilet. "Oh, I guess I could." She walked toward her and, showing her back to the others, removed her halter top. Bending down she wiped it against Kimberly. "My my, Kim, but you got a nice one." After finishing with the halter top she probbed a hand against the blonde fuzz. "Oh yeah, Kimberly, a real nice one." Before turning around she began to put back on the top.
"You're not going to wear that thing?" Natalie questioned as she watched the woman fasten it. Laughing, she continued, "Shit, dearie, you'll smell like peepee all night."
"Yeah, maybe you're right," she replied as she threw it down beside the toilet.
As she turned around, letting the others see her breasts, Mark
couldn't help but stare at them. Though they were not as big as her mother's, or even his mom's, they were were somewhat bigger, though not by much, than his sister's. Jut on a whim, he asked, "Want to wipe them for you?"
"Okay," she didn't believe she said that, "go ahead." She came over to him. She couldn't believe she was allowing him to do that.
She couldn't believe she was actually enjoying his hands sliding on her breasts, glancing against her nipples.
"Hey, Brittany," Mark said as his hands fondled her breasts, "you
never did prove it you know."
Natalie advanced. "That's true you didn't." Stroking her chin,
she pondered, "Let's see now. Does she or doesn't she?" Smiling at Brittany, she flustered her with, "Well, young lady, do you have more
hair on your pussy than I do?"
"I think she does, mom," Mark giggled at his mother.
Charlie was getting excited by the conversation and what had previously transpired in the room. He could feel his penis becoming erect which surprized him since he would never have thought that that
could cause it to harden. He entered his thoughts on the matter.
"I don't think she does, personally." Winking at Natalie, he added,
"Course she could prove it very easily."
"Oh, dad," she sighed.
"Oh come on now, Brittany," he commented with a barrel laugh,
"don't be that way."
"Dad," she blushed, watching his penis erect itself as it flopped about, "I couldn't."
"Oh now you got me curious," Natalie cooed. "I got to know," grabbing her crotch, fondling it, spreading her lips, she continued,
"if you got more than this."
A father & son share their lust for crossdressing sex... |
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