The Little Cabin Part 6
Note : This story is completely fictional!
"If you don't mind my asking, Mister Tucker," Natalie asked as she shoved a cup of hot coffee at him, "it seems you guys are awfully
young. And this place has been closed for twenty-five years?"
"Gosh no, sweetie," he laughed, barrelling his bib overalls, "wife
don't get nothing right most of the time." He sipped the coffee.
"Not bad brew for a blond."
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"
"Hey now, dearie, don't get your shorts in a knot."
"I'm not wearing shorts, silly."
"Yeah, right," Charlie Tucker laughed as he almost choked on the coffee. "Like I was saying, little woman here gets it wrong more times than most. Place only been closed about ten year or so."
Setting his empty cup on the counter he added, "Great, thanks."
He came over to Natalie, who had returned to her chair, and kissed her lightly on the cheek. Stooping by the chair he asked, "Hey, cutie, what's your name anyway?"
"Natalie Evans," she replied, "and Kimberly and Mark."
His stoopping put him directly in line with her breasts. Quite
suddenly, before she could react, he grazed his hand against her breast, sliding it off a nipple, and brushed it against her blond bush. "Know something, Natalie," he commented, "you're kinda cute."
Meanwhile Joyce had been watching the whole scene and, as his hand swept against her breast and vaginal forest, admonished him.
"Oh, pooh," Natalie joshed, "that's okay."
"Sorry about that, Natalie," Joyce apologized profusely, "but he's
always been a flirt."
Natalie looked at her as she poured herself another cup. "Don't apologize, Joyce. I really don't care one way or the other about it." Just for spite she slapped his behind, adding deliberately,
with a giggling tone, "Besides, dearie, he ain't half bad himself."
Charlie enjoyed the slap, and with a smile, winked at Natalie.
"Ain't bad in the sack either, cutie." He pushed a hand toward her
Just for the hell of it Natalie advanced herself into it, allowing him a generous feel of her sexuality, and joshed with a hand slap on
his shoulder, "Oh, I bet you're a casanova you are." As she said that she groped a hand against his overalls. "Ooo-oo-ooh," she cooed,
and, realizing she didn't feel underpants, pulled the bib away and peeked. Giggling she couldn't help but wonder. "You really know how to use that thing?"
Joyce couldn't help but laugh at Natalie's question. "Gosh sakes, Natalie, he's screwed half the women in town."
"And that doesn't bother you, Joyce?" Natalie looked at her with a puzzling look.
"Hell no," Joyce answered. "Shit, dearie, I watched."
"Oh?" Natalie inquired, now really confused but curious.
"Oh yeah, dearie. Even joined in sometimes."
"You mean you guys are swingers?" Mark asked stepping forward towards Joyce Tucker.
"For god's sake, sonny," she shot back, "where'd you hear that
"Yeah, Markie," Natalie added quickly, "care to explain yourself?"
"Gee, mom," he smiled at her, trying to relieve her anger, "I read about it in a book, somewhere."
"Well," Natalie argued back sternly, "it was very rude. Now you
apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Tucker."
"Oh forget it, Natalie." Joyce laughed as did her husband. Scoping him out, she replied, "You might say we are. Afterall, if
Charlie here had half the women I've had pretty much half the men."
Kim couldn't help but blush. "You mean?"
Joyce anticipated her question. "Sure at the same time. You didn't think I'd let him fuck the babes and leave me out? Did you?"
"Hey," Mark butted in, obligingly moving forward against her open
hand, "can I ask something here?"
"Sure, sweetie," Joyce replied as she generously fondled him,
"How come you're still dressed?"
"Mark!" Natalie screamed at him, grabbing his arm yanking him away with a jerk. "How dare you ask that."
"Well, honestly, Mark," Joyce countered with a side glance at Natalie, "I never really thought much about it, actually."
"Woman's right," Charlie echoed. "Besides, we didn't want to seem
pushey, if you know what I mean?"
Natalie couldn't help but giggle, letting them see her breasts jiggle, and prodded, "Well then, what the hell you waiting on?"
"Surely you're not saying we should strip?" Joyce countered, with a side wink towards her husband, with a puzzled look.
Kim stepped forward boldly, flaunting herself openly. She was even teasingly promiscuous as she brushed up against Mr. Tucker.
Brazenly she said, quite bluntly at that, "You bet your sweet pussy and," pulling away the waistband of his overalls smiling when she peeked, "dick we are!"
"Yeah," Mark echoed, "let's see just what you got."
Natalie was shocked at what she had heard but didn't say anthing as she leaned against the stove. Just for the hell of it, she proddingly provoked, "Like they said."
Charlie was the first to drop his pants. He wasn't the least bit embarrassed about it either openly letting them see his equipment.
Taking a ganderingly, long, look at Kimberly she admired, "Damn, but you sure are a sexy little thing, aren't you?"
"You think so?" She countered as she carefully groped into his genitals, "You're not bad either." As her hand fondled itself, she couldn't help but comment, feeling it begin to erect, "Wow, it's a lot bigger than Mark's."
Joyce couldn't help but laugh at her comment. "Yeah, dearie, it's
a big one alright," she said as she removed her bra.
"Yeah," Charlie chuckled as his hand just happened to touch Kim's
fuzzy haired crotch. Barrell laughing allowed her hand to slide against his huge hanging sack as he continued, "much too big for the
likes of you, sweetie."
Natalie was roaring with laughter as she watched, and listened to,
the scene that was unfolding. She had seen how his penis had grown
when her daughter held it and was a little shocked at its size as well. She also couldn't help but glance at Joyce Tucker as she was
removing her bra. She smiled, licking her lips, as she beheld her
huge breasts. She watched, curiously, as Joyce slipped off her
panties. Natalie couldn't help but wonder what she'd see.
Joyce caught her roving eye and asked as she removed her panties,
"Well, Natalie, does my body excite you that much?"
Natalie averted her eyes but sideglanced them at the shaved vaginal mound overshadowed by a big tummy. "No, not really," she stammered quite ashamed of herself for even looking.
Quite unashamedly Joyce walked over to Natalie. Shoving her breasts into Natalie's and goosing her crotch against the blonde
pubic hair she commented with a smile, "Hey, sweetie, it's okay." Openly she groped a hand towards the blond bush. "Yep sweetie, you got a really nice pussy there."
The way her hand groped against the forested bush caused Natalie's
hand to rub against the smooth vaginal mound. As Joyce Tucker's hand fondled her she was surprized at the fact that she enjoyed the sensation and, boldly, probed her own hand, feeling the smoothness of the shaved mound.
As Natalie's fingers probbed inside, Joyce stepped back. "Now, now, dearie, let's not get too frisky." Rejoining her husband she
smiled with a wink at Natalie, adding with a giggling grin, "Not just yet anyway."
"Hey," Charlie butted in, "what say we all go swimming?"
Joyce smiled gleefully. "Yeah, lets. We can have a ball in the
Natalie laughed at her comment. "A ball in the water?" Pausing
a second to let her hastened comment sink in, she continued with a
smirk, "Well, maybe."
Frolicking in the water provided a lot of fun. The beach ball had been left there and they tossed it around. Natalie was beginning to enjoy the company of her newfound friends though still a bit hesitant to let herself get too comfortable with them.
Mark tossed the ball to his sister who attempted to toss it towards Joyce. However, Mark was not about to relinquish control that quickly and scrambled as it flew into the air. He may have scrambled a bit too hastily because instead of deflecting the ball his hand deflected her breast instead. His fast movement caused him to fall into her which glanced his penis against the shaved mound.
"My, my, sweetie," she commented as he fell against her, "nice move."
"Yeah, lady," he countered a reply, "how's this?" He quickly groped a hand into the bare crotch.
Feeling it touch she advanced into it letting him savor the wares. "Go ahead, Mark, check it out." Giggling, she continued hastily, "Bet you ain't never touched one like mine before."
Mark smiled at her. "Shit, until yesterday, I've never seen a girl naked."
As his hand continued to probe she laughed, allowing a finger to glance against her smooth lips, "I find that hard to believe." She swam away in an attempt to retrieve the errant ball before someone else did.
Kim, too, was moving towards the ball as was Charlie. Natalie and Mark stood in the water watching the scene unfold. Both wondered if this could be an accident waiting to happen. Their fears were recognized when the three collided. Each had been unable to grab the ball which was, due to the sudden onrush of sloshing water, breaking free and floating away, out of reach of any of them.
The only thing each encountered was a banging of bodies. Charlie, being more aggressive then they were, having reached the area first, happened to be surprized by Kim who fell against him just as his wife banged into both of them. As Joyce fell against Kim she squashed her into her husband allowing both to feel their individual sexuality against each other. It was a deliberate move, though, since she had had plenty of time to sidestep her advancement. But she figured that surely wouldn't be any fun. Afterall, weren't they out there to have fun? Just on a whim, she wondered, "Anybody for a group hug?"
Natalie, who had joined Mark, looked at him. "Sure," she said pulling her son along with her.
Charlie was surprized that his wife would suggest such a thing. Though, considering the possibilities, he didn't object. He had, ever since seeing her for the first time, wanted to have a close encounter with that cute blond pussy. Now could be the chance to wipe his penis against it.
For me, this was a dream job come true... |
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