The Little Cabin Part 4

(Part 1 from 1)

Note : This story is completely fictional!

"Ooo-oo-ooh," Natalie shook her finger, "naughty, naughty." Turning she crossed to the small icebox. "Hey, how about pizza?"
Glancing over her shoulder she saw their eager nods and added, "Good,
pizza it is then." Unwrapping it she opened the door of the two-burner stove. Bending over to put it in she spread her legs for
support. "Hey, Mark, be a sweetie and get me a match."

"Sure, mom, no problem," he answered and, as he approached her
back with it, he stopped. He couldn't pass up admiring her twat,
spread wide for his pleasure.

A bit perturbed, she glanced over her shoulder at him, "Hey, how about the match, huh?" Noticing him standing three feet away she came over to him. "Give me the damn match!" She reached for it. Her sudden snatching caused him to drop the match. She looked down.

"Well, pick it up, silly."
As he stooped to pick it up she stepped a bit closer. Afterall, she didn't want a repeat performance of the match dropping routine.
When Mark looked up he was looking right at his mother's full blonde bush. He stared at it, momentarily, and, as he stood up slowly, he slid his tongue on it.

As he regained his feet Natalie grabbed hastily for the match. In so doing she caused his hand to slam against her right breast squashing into its nipple. "Thank you," she said and stooped to lite the stove. "Should be done in about fifteen minutes." Returning to the table she plopped on a chair, sprawlingly. After a few minutes she quipped, "Well, what about plates?"

Kim acknowledged her mother's request and went to the cabinet.
Reaching into it she grabbed for a plate. "Hey, you little twerp, how about some help?"
As Mark came to his sister's aide he saw her stretched upward and stared at how her breasts were tightened causing her pouty nipples to jut outward. He grabbed the plates she handed him and set one in front of his mother and scattered the other two. He watched as Kim sat down.
"Ah, I think we need one more plate, honey," Natalie interjected.
"Oh, yeah, right," she replied and returned to the cabinet. 

Stretching she couldn't quite reach it. Turning to Mark, she wondered, "Hey, Mark, care to exercise your muscles and hoist me up?"
Coming to her aide a second time he grabbed her waist and lifted her up. As her hand retrieved the plate she realized a minor problem. Glancing at her mother she said, "Houston, we have a problem."

Though a bit perturbed at having to get up Natalie took the plate from her daughter and set it on the counter next to the stove. Without hesitation she returned quickly to her chair, sprawling nonchalantly, no-holds-barred, more openly than before. Watching them she became apprehensive as she noticed how high Kim was. "Oh god, Mark, don't drop her."

Mark eased his sister down. Caught off balance she shot a hand toward his shoulder causing him to stumble. She slid down against him. In catching her his erect penis slid against her fuzz. 

After awhile Natalie admitted, "Pizza's done." She watched as Mark went to the stove. "Be careful, honey, don't burn your weiner."
Mark was way ahead of her grabbing a hotpad and removed the pizza pan from the oven. As he slid it on the plate his sister came over with the pizza cutter. "Hey," he yelled, "give me that."

"No, I want to cut it." She barged in.
"No, I'm gonna do it," he argued and grabbed for it. In doing so
his hand probbed against a breast, flattening itself against a nipple,
and he took the pizza cutter away from her. "Now sit down. I'm the
waiter tonight." After cutting it he served one slice to his sister
and came over behind his mother. Carefully he slipped the spatula
under the pizza slice and plopped it on her plate. That was the
scripted scene but it didn't go quite as well as it was scripted.

"Ow," Natalie cried as the hot pizza slice landed in her lap.
With tears dripping from her eyes she screamed, "Get it off!" She
noticed that he was hesitant and crying, "Mark, get it off."
Mark stood motionless and, realizing his sister wouldn't do it, and, that his mother was in a state of histerical shock, he reached
down and grabbed the slice. Retrieving it he happened to slide his
fingers against her bush and put it on the plate.

"Oh, my god, that hurts," Natalie cried, tears pooling in her eyes as she got up and went to lay down on the double bed. Plopping down
on it she cast her feet over the sides. "Can someone see if I got burned?"

They both turned, simultaneously, and saw how she was laying on the bed. With arms cradling her head they saw their mother's breasts tightened and flatter, nipples poking out. Looking downward Kim was a bit embarrassed at what she saw. There was their mother, her legs spread-eagle, displaying her sexuality openly. They could hear her weeping softly.

"Kim," Mark pleaded, "go and check mom."
"Not me," she shot back.
"Hey, come on you two," Natalie looked over at them, "I'm hot down there. Someone please check to see if I got burned." Noting that neither moved, she pleaded, "Damn it, I don't care who."

Kim prodded her brother towards the bed. Reluctantly Mark bent down and, carefuly, slipped his fingers against his mother's crotch.
Slowly he manipulated his fingers around the area. He was surprized that she was allowing him to touch her so intimately. With his eyes nearly on top of it he examined every inch of her blond pubic area, feeling every fold and crevice. "You seem okay, mom," he said as he removed his fingers.

"You sure, Mark?" Natalie inquired as she glanced towards Kim and smiled. "You better look inside just to be sure."

Mark couldn't believe what he had heard. Was she serious? He looked, a puzzled look in his eye, towards Kim who had moved toward
the head of the bed. He watched as she bent over, massaging her hands into their mother's breasts, and mouthed inaudibly, "Make her come."

Cautiously he bent down, slid his tongue against her bush and slowly slipped a few fingers into her. With her legs spread out wide
he plainly saw into her cavity. As his fingers probbed deeper his tongue licked against her clitoris which was beginning to peek out from under its protective hood. They both heard her sigh.

Suddenly she turned sideways, retreating her body from their grasp,
and slipped off the bed. "Oh no, you don't." She retreated to a 
neutral corner of the room. "Naughty, naughty," she added. Opening
the door she turned to them, "Hey, you guys take a bath while I look
for the cot."

"But, mom," Kim protested, "where's the bathtub?"
"Right there," she pointed at the sink, "just take a washcloth, wet
it and soap it and, wahla, a bath." Just before exiting the cabin,
she quipped, a whimsical look in her eye, "Why don't yu wash each 

"Oh wow, mom," Kim giggled, "that sounds like fun. I wash him, he
washes me, and."

Natalie cut her off quickly. "And I wash myself, hah." She exited the cabin.
Hearing their mother rummage through the pile of junk outside the cabin they washed each other enjoying the co-ed bath time. As Mark
was washing his sister she spoke up. "We got to figure out a way for you to wash mom."
"Yeah, well," he answered, "I don't think we could finagle her into that."
"Shit, Mark, we got to try. Afterall," Kim rebuked, "we have to
make her come."
"We tried that and she caught on," he replied.
"Well, we got." Kim cut herself off as Natalie entered.

Entering, with teh folded cot in front of her, she dropped it in the center of the room. "Now let's see if I can figure this thing
out." She bent over trying to open it.

Mark came up behind her and, considering her spread legs, accidently slid his hard shaft against her exposed twat. "Let me try, mom."
"Yeah, go ahead," she replied. Turning to face him caused his erection to glance harder against her vaginal mound and, as she confronted him face to face, it slid sideways against her blonde bush. "I sure can't figure the damn thing out." Without warning she hugged him tightly, much to his surprize, and deliberately squashed
his hard erection against her bush. Kissing him on the cheek she repied, "Thanks sweetie." She joined Kim at the table.

Within five minutes he had the cot unfolded and set up. Turning towards them, he replied, "I sure as fucking hell ain't gonna sleep
on that rickety old thing."

"Well, sweetie," Natalie remarked, "you really don't have a choice. You see there's only the one bed."
"Well, screw that shit," he protested. Then changing the script he commented, "Well, mom, gonna take your bath?"
Natalie soaped the washcloth and began to wash herself. She was aware of their eyes, their penetrating eyes, but it didn't bother her. "Somebody want to do my back?"

As Mark got up from the chair Kim stopped him. Pulling him down
she whispered, "Hey, offer to rinse her off."
"Yeah, okay," he whispered back and stood up.
Yanking him down a second time, this time his hand slid against
her fuzzy bush, she added, "Do it sneaky and make her come."

Mark smiled at her and slid his hand upward as he stood up glancing it against her breasts. Washing his mother's back was easy. As he approached her posterior she spread her legs to accomodate the washcloth. He still couldn't believe she was actually allowing him to touch her like that. He couldn't help but wonder if
she was teasing him. Egging him on. Wondering he thought, in the back of her mind, if he'd try anything. He couldn't help what he was thinking and, without thinking, casually remarked, as he rinsed her front with the washcloth, "You're kind of real sexy, mom."
"Oh, you think so?"
"Yeah, mom," Kim answered as she came up behind her and grabbed her. Fondling her hands into her mother's breasts, groping against them and the hardening nipples, she smiled at Mark. "Do it, Mark."

Mark smiled up at his mother, who was trying to get away from her daughter's grasp, and began to slowly massage his hands against her bush.
Natalie squirmed as his hands massaged deeper, probbed deeper, and a finger rimmed against her vaginal lips. She sighed as his fingers nudged against her clitoris, which was now fully exposed, and sighed,
"Oh god, Mark, rub my pussy."
"You serious, mom," he questioned her in jest.
"Oh god, yes," she sighed in a sexual tone. And as Kim gropingly massaged her breasts and hardening nipples, Natalie cried out, "Oh god, oh god, Mark, make me come."

As he rimmed a finger against her lips, slowly sliding it into her, he bent down flicking his tongue against his mother's clit. Both could feel her twitching, her anticipated sexually-fulfilled twitching, as they continued to play the game 'Make mommy come'.

Natalie, in sexual ecstasy, didn't bulk at what they were attempting to do. Kim manipulated her hands softly on her breasts making her nipples swell up to full hardness as Mark probbed ever deeper into her cavity. Sliding his finger in and out, laping his tongue against her clit, he could feel moisture lubricating his invading finger.

Suddenly, without warning, Natalie Evans convulsed in fitted throws and yanked him upward, kissing him, probing her tongue against his,
as she pulled Kim alongside. Grabbing both their hands she shoved them downwards, allowing them to touch her pussy, as she came in a violent fit of ecstatic sexual pleasure.

Both were flabbergasted at what they saw and had felt. They were amazed how her blonde-haired pussy seemed to pulsate as she sprayed forth vaginal cum. Kim spoke up, "Geez, mom, I thought I put on a show."

"Yeah, mom," Mark echoed as he heard his mother hyperventilate trying to calm down her excitement. "That was something else."
Calming down, from her sexual high, she grabbed the washcloth.
"I got to clean up." She had no qualms about doing it and didn't object to their eyes watching her. She wiped off her blonde pubic hair and, as they watched intently, stuck the washcloth right into her vagina washing its interior.

After cleaning herself up she sat down on the bed. "Oh, wow, I never thought you guys'd pull it off."

"Yeah, mom," Kim answered, "we did have some doubts." Thinking a minute, she had to question, "Mom, did you really want that to happen?"
"Honestly, honey, I hadn't thought much about it. I just figured not to let you see me come." Pausing a few moments she continued,
"But I thought to myself, what the fuck, I'd try and give you a decent show." Looking at both of them she inquired, "Did I?"

Kim smiled at her. "Mom, we never thought you could be so sexy."
"Yeah, mom," Mark echoed, "you seemed to come forever."
"Yeah, well," Natalie defended herself, "I was so turned on, so
excited." Flipping back the covers she crawled underneath. "Well,
it's late and we have a busy day tomorrow. So it's beddy-by-time."
Kim crawled beneath the blanket next to her mother. "Night, Mark."
"Hey, what just a cotton-picking minute," he protested, "I ain't
sleeping on that fucking cot."

Natalie laughed and, nudging Kim with a glancing finger against
the fuzzy mound, replied, "Oh no? Well then, silly, climb in between us then."

"You serious, mom?"
"Yeah, you little twerp," Kim shot back, looking right at the erect member sticking out in front and his tight balls, "we're be like three bugs in a rug."
As he crawled over her his penis grazed against her vaginal fuzz.

He was surprized when she grabbed him, squashing his body against hers, and planted a kiss on his lips. He felt her tongue penetrate his lips and assault his tongue. He relished her passionate kiss and ground his penis against her pussy savoring the feeling of its fuzz.

"Hey, give me a kiss good night, too, sweetie," Natalie rebuked as she grabbed him towards herself. She had seen how Kim had kissed him, how she had mashed her body against his, and felt she had to do much better.

Though Mark had enjoyed his sister's kiss, enjoyed her body against his, he wondered if his mother could be much better. Afterall, Kim really mashed herself against him, even rubbed herself on his hard member, squashing it against her vaginal mound. 

Natalie yanked his hands upwards as she pulled him in tight, allowing them to crush against her breasts and hard nipples, and jammed her full blonde bush against his fully hard dick. As she kissed him, her tongue vigorously assaulting his tongue, she ground her still damp blonde bush against him crushing herself against it
and sliding against his tightening balls.

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Katelyn just sat there, dumbstruck. What HAD she been doing? "I don't know," she answered honestly, perhaps the first honest thing she had said. "I guess I--I got carried away." What she had done both repulsed and attracted her. She had never in her short life even considered having sex with another woman.