The Interview pt. 3
“Oh once a year we have professional cabinet finishers come in and refinish all the wood; the paneling, drawer fronts and cupboard doors, as well as all of the doors to the rooms. All you have to do is wipe them once a month with a dust rag.” Dave assured as they topped the stairs and added, “We have window washers, gardeners, that work outside and security guards that drive by at all hours and they check the alarms regularly.”
“Alarms? I suppose you have a panic room too.” Rachel added half jokingly.
“Yes all of downstairs is a panic room and there three others; the pantry for one and it has a ladder to the downstairs, the master bedroom with the bathroom for two, and the room at the end of this hall for three. If your pager goes off flashing 999 drop what you are doing and get to the nearest one of the four, and wait till Carol or I let you out, or if we are gone till the security team calls you and tells you it is all clear, they will unlock the door. I don’t mean to scare you but we were broken into once a long while back, and the good thing is they are still in jail.” Dave replied as a mater factly.
“I’m not worried there is going to be someone here at least most of the time.” Rachel said.
“Well Carol might be gone a lot during the day and maybe as long as a few days, and I will be gone for months at a time. When you are the only one here the curtains are to be closed they will close automatically in the late afternoon if they are open any way but keep them closed when we are not around. If you need to look out a window there is one upstairs, you do reali…”
“It’s okay. I know” Rachel interrupted Dave and then added, “I will be sequestered while I am here, that you two are the only people that I will be with.”
“Our guests will talk and you can be polite, but yes as far as contact with other people and the outside world… is a no, no.” Dave explained.
“Limited calls home and my letters will be read,” again Rachel recited and then asked, “Do you have a rule book that I can read with the dos and don’ts?”
“Yes in your office we are going there now. You will find what you need to know on your computer; from what we like to eat and when to what we like to wear. The house maintenance schedules are there as well as what you can do with any time you have to your self.” He paused for a moment then continued, “There is a lot you need to know that isn’t written so the more intuitive you are the more the blank spaces will be filled and just a bit of sincere obedience will go a long way in filling in the other gaps. Carol and I are both eager to see how well and how fast you learn.” He opened the door and turned the lights on picked up the calendar sized booklet on the desk handed it to Rachel shut the lights and door saying, “this has your pass words and introduction to your desktop as well as the schedules for the up and coming house functions. You will find them on your computer too.”
“This is ‘my…’ study?” Rachel asked noting quizzically, “I have my own desk and computer? Will I really have the time to use them?”
“Yes, yes, and as far as having the time to use the computer well that will depend on how well you perform your duties.” Dave authoritatively explained and after a deep breath continued, “For now while Carol is away and after I leave you will find in the desktop short cuts to each of the books you need to read. You can’t e-mail or visit chat rooms, but anything and everything else is okay. Your PC will be monitored you have no privacy” Dave explained and somberly added, and looked at Rachel as he pointed at the door across the hall, “That is my office and den. You only go in there when I am here and ask you to. I am not hiding anything in there I just don’t want anyone in there not even my wife, unless I say it is okay.”
“There is so much to know and learn.” Rachel said her voice sounding overwhelmed.
They walked down the hall and reached the next door Dave stopped and said, “This is Carol’s study.” Opened the door flicked the lights on and paused then said, “Rachel you ‘will!’ write your Mom and brother regularly then hand the letters to me or Carol for posting. We don’t want your mom to worry and writing a letter home will help when you get home sick.” Dave ordered warmly but assertively.
“Home sick?” She paused then her lower lip quivered slightly, “Oh… home sick…” Rachel’s voice trailed off and her eyes filled with tears. Her face flared red and her lips grew thin as she strained to keep from sobbing. Rachel’s fingers clawed at the tears welling in her eyes. The professional façade was swept away as reality flooded in.
Rachel’s new reality exploded in her mind; she wasn’t going home at the end of her shift, that she wasn’t going to see her mother for eighteen months unless she was deathly ill, or see her new girlfriend, or her brother. He was going to have to study without her help; she began to miss the squabbling over nothing with her brother, and mom’s close-minded arguments. She felt an achy trembling deep in her groin as she thought of this stranger mounting her or ordering her to perform some sexual act. Her mind flashed to the set with Starr and Greg and how she passed out, and then to the first time, she had sex and how quickly it ended. Her boyfriend Michael came as soon as the head of his penis touched her pubic hairs. His hot sperm squirted all over her belly and thighs as he jumped back from surprise then before it turned soft he thrust it inside tearing her hymen and then he went limp. She remembered how her mind filled with disappointment then anger at how unsatisfied she was “Is that all there is?” she remembered thinking.
Rachel’s musings were interrupted as Dave’s voice echoed into her ears, “Rachel?
Rachel are you okay?” He asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice and
remarked, “You looked like you were about to pass out, your eyes rolled back for
a second.”
“Huh! Oh! Do all of the girls you get from Leon get this scared?” She asked pensively as the room spun.
“Yes they do if they didn’t we wouldn’t want them.” Dave warmly answered.
“I didn’t pass out?” Rachel queried, puzzled at how much thinking she did in the wink of an eye.
“No. So you are okay?” Dave pressed and then sincerely added, “We are both hoping that you are the good study Leon said you are.”
“Yea I’m fine this is all so new to me and I do want to work. I am starting to feel a little tired.” Rachel exasperatedly expressed.
“It is late. I want a bath before we hit the sack.” Dave anounced then ordered, “Go upstairs, start the water running in the tub, and set the temperature of the water to one hundred ten and the room temperature to one hundred fifteen. By the door to the bath you will see a LCD panel it is easy to use. Then in the bedroom the big chest of drawers in the far right top drawer you’ll find some pantaloons, they are all the same put on a pair and wait for me in the bathroom I will be up in a short while. Remember first the water, then the room, then find and put on the pantaloons. I know it sounds strange but there is something sensual about a woman dressed only in pantaloons.” Dave calmly directed then disappeared into his den.
Rachel’s heart was throbbing in her ears and her groin felt as though an electric wire was inside her prickling her clitoris causing it to tighten and ache. As she breathlessly climbed the stairs, her legs felt weak and rubbery. She was being overwhelmed by the desires to run a way and at the same time to obey his every whim. She felt her groin turning warm and opening, and her panties began to cling to her moistening vaginal lips as her sateen juices escaped onto her white panties and beads of sweat formed on her brow. Rachel was stunned again by the size of the bathroom and the floor to ceiling tile work. One whole wall had brightly colored washcloths, towels, and robes only, another wall had three sinks and yet another had two toilets, and next to them was a glass door to a huge shower with four showerheads. She discovered just like Dave said the LCD panel was by the door and clearly labeled; tub fill and temp. room temp. sauna temp. and timers for each. Rachel pushed the tub fill button and water started running right away and the temp. button started to blink so she pushed the up arrow till the screen read one hundred and ten then she set the room temp.
As Rachel entered the bedroom her name sounded out on her phone, “Rachel just drop all your cloths on the bed and throw your shoes down the laundry chute.”
She talked into it, “Okay. I see it.” And hesitantly she stripped throwing her shoes down the chute, piling her clothing on the bed, and walked to the top drawer on the right and opened it. Right away, she was overwhelmed by the sweet earthy scent of another woman; the scent of her sweat as well as her vaginal juices saturated the drawer. These were Carol’s… Rachel thought as she pulled a pair of white pantaloons out and started to put them on but instead she held them up and looked inside she could see circular stains radiating out from the crotch and stretching down the leggings then wrinkled them around her nose inhaling deeply the alluring scent. Rachel was shocked at her thoughts and remembered Starr’s cautioning, “A play toy is fun to play with and it is easy to play with,” she knew that this is how she must think. Rachel felt her own wetness sliding down the inside of her thighs as she thrilled to another woman’s scent and the images of suckling at her breasts and kissing her vaginal folds or being mounted by her in some way. Rachel drew a sharp breath and gripped her clitoris as she clearly remembered Greg’s orgasm while she manipulated his penis inside Starr while she suckled on Starr’s clitoris and how Greg’s penis surged and pushed against her chin, and then passing out briefly from the exhilaration as his semen oozed out over her fingers.
She slipped the pantaloons on and pulled them up tight and her genitals started tingling as she pressed the cloth to her loin. Rachel fought the urge to finger herself, as she smelled her own sexual heat mingling with Carol’s. Sweat started to run from her armpits and the beads grew on her forehead, Rachel’s nipples turned so hard they ached. The elastic waistband hung low on Rachel’s hips because the panties were two sizes too big. She marveled at the bathroom with its two toilets, the huge sunken tubs, sauna, and what looked like a massage table with its own water faucets, and hand held shower nozzle. The humid heat from the hot water filling the tub, and the heater was almost stifling. Rachel thought how daunting the task was to clean this place. Her heart leapt into her throat as a knock sounded on the door.
“Rachel, come out here.” Dave called through the door.
Shyly she stepped into the room; the chilly air made her nipples hard again and she kept them covered first with one hand then another. Again, an ache grew in her belly as she looked at Dave, but her self-consciousness tempered her arousal. Rachel’s skin was beet red from the heat in the bathroom and began to prickle with goose flesh from the chilly air.
He smiled as he stood in the door way and took a long look at Rachel’s partially clad body then rebuffed, “You left your phone on the bed.”
“Oh I’m sorry I thought…” She was cut short.
“You keep it with you every where and all ways.” Dave admonished sternly and then reminded, “Dressed or not wet or dry with you or on you.”
“Okay I will no matter what I am doing.” Rachel assured avoiding eye contact, as she felt uncomfortable. She knew he could smell her arousal and her fresh sweat even through his wife’s overpowering scent. She walked to the bed and picked up the phone thinking that he might attack her at any instant but no, he just stood by the foot of the bed watching just staring at her, she could feel his gaze burning through her.
“Okay, get me ready for my bath.” Dave directed softly an impish smile beamed from his face.
Rachel stood dazed and dizzy, heart pounding as she fixed the elastic band with the phone to her upper arm with a shaky hand then stumbled as she started to walk toward Dave.
“Shoes and socks first then the shirt. You do know… how to get undressed don’t you?” He asked in a sarcastic tone and smiled.
“Yes.” She piped coyly as the humor relieved her tension. As she knelt, down to untie his shoes Rachel glanced at his crotch and again as she pulled them off, and again as she took his shirt off looking for a hint as to his size. Dace’s pecs and abs were well defined, as were the muscles on his arms. Rachel felt her heart start to race as she surveyed his upper body. A little relief came over her when she thought he must be small because she couldn’t see, not even the briefest outlines of his penis just what looked like his scrotum. Dave hadn’t even started to get a hard on when she pushed her hand against the soft bulge of his scrotum when she untied the rope that held up his sweat pants. She was so surprised to see him wearing a very tight fitting speedo then it dawned on her that this was why she couldn’t catch an idea of the size of his penis.
Dave just watched Rachel intently after she pulled his pants down. Noting how
surprised she looked to see him wearing a tight fitting speedo for underpants,
and how she was gawking at the outline of his still flaccid penis. Rachel
thought she saw is scrotum become larger; she could clearly see three outlines,
Dave’s two testicles and the head of his bulging penis inside the speedo. Dave’s
testicles were much bigger than any she had seen pictures of even bigger than
He stepped out of his pants then directed, “Rachel just pile my cloths on the chair you can take them to the laundry later.” he watched her gather them up then smiled broadly and added licentiously, “You forgot to take my speedo off.”
Rachel stopped for a short moment as her heart started pounding in her throat then slid his shoes under the chair laying his clothes on the chair and walked back. She slid her thumbs under the waistband and slid them down. Dave’s musky sweat scented smell overpowered Rachel as she exposed his long thick black pubic hairs causing her knees to shake briefly, and her eyes to half close, saliva gushed into her mouth, and her jaws to ached as if she had bitten a sour grape. As she pulled it past, his knees Rachel caught the scent of his pubic hairs and could see the fleshy gland at the end of the fat soft penis. The room spun as she started breathing in deeply; drinking in his manly scent with each breath. Rachel felt her warm cream melting into her hairs, and her womb expanding as if it were breathing. When she started to suck Dave’s penis into her mouth; the fingers of one hand entwined in her hair while the other swept his penis to the side.
“That’s my girl take deep breaths.” Dave purred as he held her face against his thigh keeping her nose buried in his pubic hairs adding, “We don’t use perfumes or deodorants. I love the smell of an aroused woman; the smell her panties after her juices have soaked into them and the smell of her sweat on her clothing.”
“Oh…! God…! You smell good!” Rachel gasped between breaths, and then looked up after several seconds a sated blissful smile on her face. “I don’t think I have ever smelled a man’s scent as arousing as you’res. I want to taste you, and feel your penis inside my mouth.” Rachel purred, as she looked up through her half closed eyes hugging Dave’s thighs and caressing his buttocks with her hands.
“Find your panties and hand them to me.” Dave asked softly adding, “I want to look at them and smell them and I want you to look at my penis and watch it grow.”
Rachel walked on her knees to the pile of clothing and rummaged through it till she found her panties and handed them to Dave her face turned a bright red, as she looked right at his penis. She was fixated on it; it seemed small except for the flared head and the thick, wide band of flesh that hugged the flared gland. It had already changed color to a darkening red and was swelling. Her whole body started to tingle as she listened to Dave’s deep breaths as he drank in her scent. Rachel’s mouth gaped as she watched his penis move as it started to grow. She slurped back a drool that slipped passed her lips. Her breath quickened as she watched watery drips start fall to the floor from his opening; and she felt her own creamy juices weeping down to her thighs.
“Oh Rachel you have a wonderfully fruity scent. I love the smell that an aroused woman gives her panties. Tell me what does it feel like when you get wet.” Dave playfully asked.
“I… ‘i…it’ felt like. This is hard to say.” Rachel stammered trying to find the words.
“Oh come on tell me please.” Dave prodded.
“Oh it feels like I am melting in side…” Her voice trailed off.
“What else do you feel when you get hot?” He impatiently pressed.
“Oh! God It feels like my womb is breathing… and my ie…I can feel my heart beating in my clitoris.” Rachel disclosed and a quick shiver raced through her body as she watched Dave holding her white panties to his nose and smelling at them loudly.
“Like now?” Dave asked in a dreamy tone.
“Yes! God yes!” Rachel answered gasping with her eyes still fixed on his nearly erect penis. The both of them sat quietly Dave drinking in Rachel’s scent and Rachel watching Dave’s penis swelling and starting to bob, as it turned harder. Dave’s penis was jutting away from his thighs much longer and bigger around now yet still arced down ward and had turned a deep reddish purple. Rachel was starting to tremble from excitement and fear, as Dave’s penis turned into a huge cock, a much bigger than she had thought and still growing. His precum had changed from watery drips to a thick creamy texture, and hung from the opening before falling to the floor.
“I love white cotton panties and oh…! You’ve made them so wet, your juices are thick and silky and smell so very sweet.” He passionately noted as he broke the silence.
“My…! God…! When I first looked at your penis I didn’t think it would get this big, it so hard.” Rachel said breathlessly and in a shaky voice added, “I think you will have to push it hard to put that thing inside me! It might even hurt me.” Rachel paused to catch her breath and then in a panicky voice asked, “You won’t hurt me with it will you?”
“No I won’t hurt you with him. You can take more than you think.” Dave assured softly and then playfully added, “I’ve seen how wet and open you get. At the right time I will just sliiide… him innnn.”
“When Michael and I had sex it really hurt when he entered me and his penis was a lot smaller than you’res is.” Rachel’s voice crackled with anxiety as her mind was stilled filled with uncertainty.
“He just entered you before you were ready. That is the main cause for a lot of women’s long term discomfort with sex.” Dave warmly explained his mild demeanor was easing Rachel’s anxiety. He was silent as he combed Rachel’s hair with his fingers and gently held her cheek to one thigh and pressed his penis to the other.
“What?” Rachel asked looking up when Dave broke the silence with a quiet chuckle her forehead had beads of sweat forming, “What is it that tickled you?”
“I want to hear you say cock go ahead call it a cock.” Dave asked softly and waited for an answer then teasingly prodded, “come on say it.”
“Caw… cu… Cock…!” Rachel stuttered surprised at how hard she found it to say the word when told to.
“Use it in a sentence.” Dave teased.
“I…I didn’t think your cu…cock would get this big.” Rachel said pensively as a bead of sweat ran from her forehead she could feel it sliding down her sides from her armpits.
“Say it again only louder.” Dave coaxed.
“Your cockah…! Has gotten bigger than I thought it could.” Rachel said with a fever in her voice ending with a slurp as she sucked back a drool.
“Take it into your mouth.” Dave directed in a whisper adding in a soft low voice, “Take my cock into your mouth and milk it with both of your hands.” He let out a loud moan as Rachel closed her mouth over his gland and milked his shaft with long slow strokes. Dave then added slowly assuringly, “We are going to make love into the morning hours. He won’t hurt you going in I will open you.” Dave paused as he stroked her long black hair then tenderly sang, “You’ll feel it as he slowly slips into you like a door opening inside you.”
She made quiet gurgling noises as she suckled swallowing his juices. Dave’s voice put her completely at ease. Rachel moaned as more and more of his creamy fluid filled her mouth coating her throat. Rachel lowered her head pushing Dave’s penis deep into the back of her throat causing her to retch and gag her head bobbed up with a twisted grimace on her face as she dry-heaved and coughed.
Then Dave pulled her back, as she went down for more, and calmly cautioned, “Take little bites at first so to speak.” And then he whispered. “Bathe me first.” as he bent down and kissed Rachel on the forehead he lifted her to her feet. As Rachel stood he pulled her pantaloons down and put his nose into her soaked shiny black pubic hairs breathing deeply as he quaffed her scent. Rachel trembled and bowled over and clenched her fists in Dave’s hair as he blew his hot breath across her clitoral hood.
“Oh that feels heavenly.” Rachel purred in a trembley voice.
“Oh Rachel your scent is so earthly yet fruity at the same time.” Dave warmly described as he marveled at her scent adding, “and you have some of the meatiest labia I’ve ever seen on a young woman. They are so red and so puffy and open and so very ready to be eaten I am going to feed on your juices tonight.” Rachel trembled as he spoke softly blowing his breath across her labia and taking slow deep breaths drinking in all of her scent he could.
Rachel spoke in a shaky voice, “You make that feel so wonderful it is making me have to pee!”
“Lets go get cleaned up; a nice hot bath in a hot bathroom.” Dave sang alluringly as he stood. He pulled Rachel’s body tightly to his with an arm around her waist and his free hand clutching her hair turning her face to his, leaned down, and kissed Rachel parting her lips with his fingertip. Soft cooing noises emanated from her throat as she closed her eyes and melted into his arms. She moaned from the long lingering kiss as Dave’s tongue slowly rolled around sensing every hidden corner of her mouth.
In a flash Rachel pulled away, “What have you done? I am burning up, and if I don’t get to the toilet quickly I will ruin your carpet!” Rachel declared loudly as she started for the bathroom with Dave on her heels.
“No wait I won’t be able to go with you in here!” Rachel’s voice crackled with discomfort but made a beeline for the pot.
“They did tell you that you couldn’t be potty shy didn’t they?” Dave asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice and staying right on her heels.
Rachel sat down and stared at the floor knowing that Dave was looking at her, “I won’t be able to go with you looking at me like that!” Rachel strongly affirmed.
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