The Interview pt. 1

(Part 3 from 4)

“I hate to interrupt but I’m hungry, so let her read, while we all eat up.” Leon interjected and then added, “I will confirm that an auction will happen in two hours.” He paused and looked quizzically at Rachel and asked, “Or should I e-mail a cancellation… Rachel?”

“No! Yes! No!” Rachel excitedly exclaimed as she stuttered, “I mean I am going to go for it! All the way! You ‘have…’ an auction!” Rachel quickly and enthusiastically confirmed.

“That’s the spirit.” Leon chimed and shoveled some food into his mouth.

“You have to act like ‘a-more-than-willing’ participant.” Starr pointed out, and asked, “Leon have you actually pointed out that Rachel will be catering more towards the wives and how the time schedules work? What she is expected to do? And most of all how we will be looking out for her?”

“Yes, yes, and yes. I thought you could explain the different ‘bonus’ programs.” Leon mumbled around a mouth full of food.

Rachel gulped her bite down and asked, “Yea. One, five, six, and six months the manual said but I am not sure if I got it right.”

With a swallow and slurp from her drink Starr replied, “If you only go one month or less you won’t be called back, you failed, and you may owe Leon money. I’m going to make sure your headed in the right direction so you can avoid that.” Starr pointed out then filled her mouth with rice again.

“One, five, six, and six months. That is eighteen months with no problems nets an automatic $1,800.00 bonus. The very least you’ll earn is $162,000.00 with no other bonuses and no deductions. With no rent, utilities, or food to pay for. You’ll be covered by your owners medical insurance, and your family will be covered by your insurance.” Garbled Leon and with a chuckle added, “That is good beginner’s pay.”

“That is more than a life time pay compared to what I’ve been earning.” Rachel observed with an uneasy grin. Then hungrily took a mouth full of pork followed it with rice and exaggeratedly chewed.

Leon reminded her between gobbles. “You must realize that you are selling, at the very least, six months of your life into ‘servitude…’ becoming a slave with what could be a very demanding pair of masters.”

“You are only allowed one day off every two weeks.” Starr pointed out, garbling around a mouth full. She swallowed and went on, “You get a full two days pay extra, for every day-off not taken as an extra bonus at the end of the full contract. So by going the full eighteen months that will be seventy-two days of extra pay. Hey Leon help me out with the math.”

Leon looked up from the food; a wet smile beamed from his face, and while tweaking his nipple looked right at Rachel saying, “No days off says you ‘want’ to be there. Depending on the bids, it could net you at least $21,600.00 less my pittance. I pay an extra $1800.00 bonus out of the interest I earn for not having problems with the contract. So, say for arguments’ sake you get $300.00 a-day. To keep the math simple for now I take my fees fifty a-day. That leaves $250.00 a-day or $7500.00 a-month or $90,000.00, a-year or $135,000.00 for eighteen months no bonuses no interest and no deductions. I say from experience that that is the very least you will get.”

“That is a lot of money.” Rachel remarked with puzzlement in her voice and skeptically asked, “The interest you earn?”

“Of course I make money off your work and more the better you work out.” Leon cynically remarked.

Starr interjected explaining, “Oh yes; the clients pay six months in advance at the beginning of each term. Depending on the reason the contract is terminated early, Leon either refunds the full amount and you get stuck with a bill, or he pays you off, giving you the contract option to continue or stop. The full contract is eighteen months, in six-month increments, with an exit clause at the end of each of the six-month terms.”

“What is the most I will pay Leon?” Rachel inquired in a skeptical tone.

“If you get $300.00 a-day I take $50.00 a-day. If you get $400.00 a-day then I take $75.00 a-day.” Leon assured in a business like tone adding, “No less than fifty, and no more than one-fifty a-day so it would behoove you to work for the higher bids.”

“Except for what you’ll be sending your family you will be leaving the money in the bank because you won’t need it.” Starr explained her voice sounding like a business woman and with a laugh added, “Hell by the time you satisfy the first contract you’ll have Ol’ Leon paid off and taking care of your family with your own money.”

Rachel cut Starr short asking, “What is this pregnancy bonus about?”

“Leon?” Starr looked at him.

“No. That’s your department.” Leon said as he fumbled through the empty boxes of food grunting, “Shit I’m still hungry.”

“I call them conception abortion bonuses. To get them you have to announce, to your owners, that you are pregnant and ask them to terminate it. The safe time is six to eight weeks, and you have to terminate or you will violate the contract. You get $3000.00 upon confirmation, and it goes straight into your account. I conceived six times in eighteen months, that comes to $18,000.00.” Starr stated proudly and added, “It starts earning interest right away too.”

“Didn’t it hurt you?” Rachel queried in a distressed tone, “Didn’t you get sick?”

“Not at all. I put on weight twice, but as you can see, I took most of it off.” Starr assured and then added, “In six months, I go back on the auction block. This time I will be a surrogate mother. The minimum bids will open at three hundred per day and double for the last four weeks, then fifty percent a-week till weaning. Sex and house work will be optional at that tim...”

“This all sounds to good to be true. I’m puzzled. Why only three contracts?” Rachel interrupted.

“Leon that’s your department.” Cooed Starr.

“You are right, as I said earlier the bidders become your owner. You sell your freedom. The first month gives the couple a chance to see what they bought. The five-month term gives you an opportunity to see if you want to go for another year, in six-month increments or back out and take some money. During the contract, you will not be allowed to go anywhere that you are not taken to by the owner. They will go places and not take you must stay home. You will be eating, bathing, and sleeping, with them, and you cannot be potty shy. Keeping up appearances is very important. Your day off is spent in a private room ‘in’ their home. Well by the end of the third contract, four and a half years, I’m afraid you will have lost your appeal to those long term clients.” Leon explained and added, “Remember it is your youth and innocents that is of value. There are other lucrative contracts available, but that’s for another time. Any way I suspect that if you stay and complete all three contracts you won’t need to work.”

“So I cook, clean house, and have sex with my ‘owners…’ as you call them. I submit to their every whim and nothing else.” Rachel commented dryly.

“You won’t get past the first month with that attitude.” Starr jumped in. “Hun your going to act fun and be fun. You must be seductive and seduce them and be seduced by them. Think of them as your mates your lovers. You’ll need to melt in their hands, and you will need to make them melt in your hands.” She paused as she mused over a memory and remarked, “What makes a toy popular is that it is fun and easy to play with.”

“Starr, here is a partial list of bidders.” Leon pointed out, “There are a couple of first timers. They seemed okay, I mean they passed my detective and he is thoroughgoing, but lets drop them anyway.” Leon rubbed his hands together and then declared, “I have all of my clients thoroughly investigated. You were thoroughly investigated.” He cast a warm look at Rachel and firmly said, “I have never lost a mate to a bad client. Pimps beet their girls and the hookers get stiffed or killed all the time. There are none of those risks with my service. My clients pay me a lot of money and expect to get what they paid for.”

“Hey. These two sound fun.” Starr sang out with enthusiasm after gulping her food down and then read from the bio, “Wife likes to work her husband over with the help of a second woman, but for one on one prefers a woman’s touch.” With a little laugh remarked, “If you play the part you could have a lot of fun. When husband is away mate will provide sexual release in a variety of ways hell I’m getting wet reading this.” Starr said with a laugh her voice trailed off as she continued, “She must keep up with the household chores, will accompany wife shopping to the gym, bike rides anywhere she wants her to go. Shit reads like a want ad in the personals. Okay lets skip to some of the rules when out of the house she will talk to no one, respond to medical emergencies only, and walk arm and arm or at least stay close, and be very attentive. Well it still sounds fun if you go along.” Starr said as she lingered at the words on the page.

“So we have an ‘auction!’” Leon crowed with satisfaction. “I have to get set up.” And Leon headed for the hall.

“Who is the guy that’s going to fuck me Leon?” Starr yelled as he started down the hall.

“If it matters there are Greg, or Jerome they have been saving up for the last eight days. Which one do you want?” Leon yelled back.

surprise me Leon.” Starr shouted and started talking to Rachel again, “So this is how it will go first you just sit by the bed in front of the cameras.” Starr explained in a friendly tone.

“’Cameras!?’ Oh yes the cameras.” Rachel interrupted and asked, “What did I just start?” her voice crackling with surprise.

“You didn’t think they were going to bid and buy sight unseen?” Starr sarcastically asked.

“No I guess not Starr.” Rachel conceded.

Starr continued, “The first round happens with you in the chair, next to me sitting on the bed. The group gets to ask you five questions. The way you answer them the tone of voice, your body language will determine how the bidding goes. You remember when you were in school writing essay answers the more informative your essay the higher the grade, well it is the same here.” Starr remarked and warmly looked at Rachel.

“Starr. Is this like a conference call everyone hears everyone?” Rachel distressfully asked.

“Yes Rachel everyone hears everything questions, answers, and the bids offered. The second cycle starts with us. We will be kissing and petting. They will be using you… so they are going to want to see if you are a good seducer and easy to be seduced. You are being bought for the wife’s benefit mainly, but the husbands are there some of the time, some more than others and you do belong to them as well. So you must satisfy their whims, fancies and orders too.”

Starr paused a few moments to muse and then continued, “Just to give you an idea. One afternoon I was with the wife naked on our bed. She had blindfolded me and we were into some serious petting. Well we were both getting hot when she rolled on top. She started frenching me and playing with my clitoris, while the husband snuck into the room and mounted her from behind. I nearly jumped out of my skin when he bumped my legs and knew exactly when he slid his dick into her, because her saliva started cascading into my mouth around her tongue. They had been having sex for almost thirty minutes; when with out any warning, he stuffed his cock deep inside me and gave a few long quick thrusts, and his sperm surged into me. I was so startled I screamed and bucked trying to shake his dick out of me but the wife let out an impish giggle and held me tight until he pulled out. That is one of the times I conceived.” As she became quiet, Starr smiled amorously reminiscing.

“Am I going to fuck Jerome or Greg, Starr?” Rachel shyly asked.

“No. You will have to strip the male we do use and handle his dick, but I’ll ‘get…!’ to do the fucking.” Starr explained as she rubbed her genitals and dreamily added, “I prefer sex with men because I love the feeling of a hard cock moving inside me. The feeling of sperm gushing, soaking my cheeks, and running down the crack of my ass really thrill me still. Just thinking of it gets me wet.” she paused and took a few deep breaths and added, “Dildos and strap-ons are okay but little more than pacifiers. When I am with a woman I would rather she use her tongue and or fingers to get me off, and I ‘dooo…!’ love to exchange fluids with women!” Starr dreamily stared at the floor as she diddled her nipple.

With a loud sigh, Starr continued explaining the bidding process, “The third cycle starts with individual bidders asking more questions and deciding weather you do me or I do you first. Think of these questions as essays too but requiring only short essay answers. So depending on the out come of this Q and A I will be exposing, and touching different parts of your privates and you will be handling mine in turn. We will take different poses, lying down, bending over or standing up with a leg propped on a chair or something. We will be spreading our legs wide so they can see every little thing.” Starr stopped and watched Rachel turn away in embarrassment and knew her embarrassment was from being turned on. In a deep alluring voice she continued, “We will be fingering each other’s vaginal folds and anuses suckling each other’s breasts. The bidders are going to be watching your responses as we take turns with our ministrations to each other. You must look like an eager and happy participant. The more aroused you look the wetter the wives will get, the harder their dicks are going to get, and the higher the bids are going to go. If you know what I mean?”

“Yes. I knoooww…what you mean!” Rachel smiled quipped and then assured, “I will try to arouse you, and let you arouse me, and look good doing it.”

“Rachel you look really good you have the face and body these people really want. The; I’m young, fertile, and full of cum, and I’m easy, look see how easy I get hot.” Starr consoled and cupped Rachel’s cheek. Rachel’s eyes closed and her knees warbled. Starr quaffed deeply at the air and closed her eyes and in a voice near whisper warmly warned, “We will continue this later!” Coolly Starr continued Rachel’s orientation, “When the forth-round starts we will both be making love; the two of us, having sex together. We will be going from French kissing to down on each other, you know sucking tongues, lips, nipples and clitorises. You will have your fingers in me and I’m going to have my fingers in you. Don’t worry about cumming on my face I like it, but even if you don’t like my cumming in your face you must look like you do. And yes the cameras will be running, catching the action from all angles, ‘all…!’ of the action from ‘all…!’ of the angles.”

“Starr I’m not sure but I don’t think I have ever had an orgasm.” She grimaced casting glances around the room as her face flashed deep red, and in a shaky assured, “I know I will like you juices on my face.”

“Not even when you masturbated?” Starr asked puzzled.

Rachel grimaced as she admitted, “I never masturbated.”

“Never?” Starr gave a deep husky sigh and combing Rachel’s hair with her fingers warmly assured, “Well I am going to be looking forward to giving you your first orgasm. Don’t worry it doesn’t hurt, I promise!” Starr smiled impishly her upper cheeks reddening and continued. “When the fifth-round starts I say I want ‘my man go get my man.’ You go get him and walk into the room hand and hand this is where you first handle him; you kiss him, take his clothes off, you rub your naked body on his, you rub his cock with your hands, legs and buttocks, you turn him on and tell him that your mama wants you. As saucily as you can and still sound real.”

“I don’t think can I rub his penis in front of the camera.” She nervously admitted as she danced from foot to foot as if she had to pee.

“Rachel you have too. It won’t squirt on you or bite you.” Starr teasingly quipped and then warmly added, “They need to know you will handle their every little thing.”

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