The Incest Makers Part 1
Note : This story is completely fictional!
A super story coming from your favourite writer Incester read and conveys your thoughts.
Rooth was a beautiful African-American woman in her mid-forties with two beautiful boy and girl: a 19-year-old son Lijin and a 21-year-old daughter Isabel. She was recently divorced from her husband George whom she had been married to since she was eighteen who left her without an explanation why. She was left alone... and extremely horny. She honestly felt like the only two people in the world who cared at all about her were her two beloved children who stuck by her through her messy divorce from their father George. And she intended to repay them in a big way for their love and devotion!
Lijin stopped by one afternoon to pay his mother a visit to see how she was holding up. Lijin was surprised to see his mom sitting on the love seat clad only in this skimpy nightie that Lijin had never seen his mom wear before. He tried not to act so surprised by his mom's flimsy--and sexy--attire as he walked in the door and said in his usual cheery voice, "Hi, Mom! How are you doing today?"
"Oh, about as well as can be expected," Rooth replied to her son flippantly.
"That's good," Lijin said, trying to mask his concern for his mother.
He shut the front door behind him and sat down next to his mom on the love seat. He looked at his mom and smiled and she smiled back. Purely by accident, he happened to gaze down and catch a glimpse of his mom's pitch black pubic hair that just happened to be sticking out the bottom of her skimpy nightie really it is feels his cock even it is wrong. He, as quick as he could, turned his head away and immediately felt himself flustered by what he just saw. Rooth smiled broader when she noticed how embarrassed her son was at the discovery that his mother didn't have on any underwear.
"What's the matter, Lijin?" she asked her son in an usually sexy tone. "Haven't you ever seen a woman's pussy before?"
"Mom!" Lijin shouted at his mother shockingly as he gazed back at her in disbelief to hear her use such nasty language, especially in front of her own son.
Rooth said nothing else to her son as she slowly leaned back in the love seat, causing her nightie to raise up even more. Lijin knew he shouldn't, but he just had to look down and have another peek at his mother's naked pussy that was uncovered even more. If he didn't know any better, he would've thought she was teasing him like this on purpose.
"Tell me, Lijin," Rooth said in a rather lustful tone as her only son was staring between her legs, "do you love me?"do you love your mom!!!?
That unexpected question caused Lijin to abruptly stop staring at his mother's privates and stare directly at her. "Yes, mom, of course I do. You know that I love you how much!"
"Good," she said with a satisfied nod. "Then tell me something else, son: would you do anything I tell you to do?"
Lijin shrugged his husky shoulders as he glanced away from his mom's rather lusty gaze. "Well, that depends." He looked back at her. "What is it that you want me to do?"
Rooth reached down with both hands as she grabbed the bottom of her nightie and lifted it up, fully exposing her pussy to her son. "Would you eat your mother's pussy... Lijin?"
Lijin was speechless rwealy his jaw opened what the wrong words he heard from his own mother as he was staring at his mom's naked vagina much less subtly than before. His mouth was agape as he tried to respond, somehow, to his mother's highly abnormal, and highly shocking, request. "I... I..." he stuttered and stammered, shaking his head.
"It's okay, Lijin," Rooth said soothingly to her shocked son, spreading her legs further apart and parting her labia with her fingers. "I know you want to do it."I know you want to taste your mom∙s pussy!!!!
Lijin looked back at his mother. She was right; he did want to eat her pussy. The trouble was, he had never done anything like this before. Even though Lijin was a handsomely strapping lad at nineteen, he was still a virgin. Rooth, being the perceptive woman that she was, quickly figured out what was really bothering her son.
"You're still a virgin, aren't you, Lijin?" she asked her son who was still gaping at her and reeling in shock.
Lijin averted his eyes away from his mother's loving, lustful gaze as he slowly nodded his head. Rooth reached over and gently stroked her son's beautiful black hair.
"It's okay, Lijin," she said soothingly to him once again. "We're all virgins at one time or another." She took her hand away and leaned back again in the love seat. "Besides, who better to teach you how to make love to a woman than your own mother?"
Lijin slowly nodded his head in agreement with what his mother said. She did have a point, he reasoned to himself. Lijin started to slowly get off the love seat. Rooth, being the considerate mother that she was, kept coaxing him as she said to him, "Come on, Lijin. That's right. Sit in front of me so you can eat your mom's pussy."I assure that taste would like you ever and never tasted.
Lijin was finally sitting on his knees on the floor right between his mother's parted legs. He stared anxiously at his mom's beautiful pink pussy Its lips are really big and slilty wet on its inner side. He was so nervous that his hands started trembling. Rooth, sensing his nervousness, reached out to her son with one hand and wrapped her fingers around the back of his head and began stroking his head to calm him down like she did before. It seemed to help as his hands stopped trembling less and less. Finally, when Rooth felt her son was calmed down enough, she grabbed the back of his head and shoved his face right into her pussy. Before Lijin even realized what he was doing, he was lapping away at his mother's wet quim with his tongue.
"That's it," Rooth moaned as she bucked her hips back and forth on her son's long, pink tongue. "That's it, Lijin. Eat your mother's pussy. Yeah, that's it! You're doing good! You're doing real good! Much better than your father!"
Lijin, feeling an ego boost, briefly took his mouth away from his mom's cunt as he looked up at her and exclaimed, "You really think so, mom?"
Rooth impatiently shoved her son's face back into her pussy where Lijin immediately started eating her out again. He pulled at her lips with his mouth and nibbled a little on her erect clit, which sent Rooth reeling into a screaming fit of ecstasy. Lijin took his mouth away from her twat a second time as he glanced up at his mother, genuinely concerned that he was causing her pain, as he asked her, "Mom, are you all right?"
"Yes, Lijin," she moaned at her son, "I'm doing just fine! Better than I've been in a long, long time thanks to you."
Rooth smiled sweetly at her son. Lijin smiled back at his mom then she shoved his face back into her pussy one more time. This time she held his head between her legs with one hand so there would be no more interruptions. Although Lijin was certainly no expert at pussy eating, he was, like she had told him, a hell of a lot better than his father ever was! Rooth kept her son's head between her thighs and eating her enflamed cunt for the next several minutes. She felt the intense sensations building in her loins, and she knew she was close to coming. She told Lijin to fuck her faster with his tongue. Obeying his mother as always, Lijin thrust his tongue in and out of his mom's pussy faster and faster. He could feel her nails digging deeper and deeper into his scalp. Rooth, after a few more thrusts from her son's tongue, threw her head back and let out a long, drawn-out wail as she came all over her son's handsome face. When his mother finally loosened her grip on his head, Lijin slowly lifted his head once and for all away from his mother's cunny, her hot, sweet-tasting come dripping from his mouth and chin.
"Did I do good, mom?" Lijin asked his mother with an innocence she had not seen since he was a child.
Rooth smiled once more at her beloved son as she told him in all honesty, "Yes, son, you were excellent!"
Lijin grinned broadly, showing his pearly-white teeth, like any son would do who was just paid a compliment from their mother. Rooth sat up on the love seat and informed her son, "Now it's my turn to please you."
Lijin gazed at his mother, perplexed by what she had just said to him. Not paying any attention to the confused look on her son's face, Rooth grabbed Lijin by his muscular arms and led him back onto the love seat. He sat back and waited, wondering what his mother was going to do, or, rather, was going to make him do, next. Rooth sat on her knees on the floor in front of him just like he had done as she began unzipping his pants. Lijin instintively started to try to make his mom stop what she was doing, but then he stopped himself as he remembered what he just got through doing to his own mother. Instead, he leaned back in the love seat and smiled as his mother pulled down his pants and boxers all the way to his ankles, exposing his bulging erection that had been hiding in his pants from the moment he first gazed upon his mother's naked, hairy pussy. Rooth, impressed by the size and girth of her son's beautiful penis, wrapped her fingers around the shaft and fondled his two big testicles with the fingers of her other hand. She gazed up lustfully at her son and cooed to her only son, "You've grown up to be quite a young man, haven't you, son?"
"Yes ma'am," Lijin replied as his mother was holding his erection in her soft, warm hand.
Rooth gave her son a quick, lusty smile before leaning forward and engulfing her entire mouth around the bulbous, engorged head of his long and beautiful black penis. She went down on her son and gave him his very first blowjob. Lijin, feeling sensations that he had never felt before, leaned his head back and moaned pleasurably as his mother picked up the pace of her sucking. Rooth had full lips, even for a black woman, and Lijin watched with amazement as his mom's big, beautiful lips seemed to slide effortlessly up and down the entire length of her son's massive cock. She briefly took his cock out of her mouth and sucked on his big and hairy black balls while she stroked his cock with her hand. Lijin felt a brief jolt of pain as his mother bit into his scrotum, but he enjoyed it nevertheless.
"Mmmm, Lijin," Rooth moaned, holding her son's penis up to her face. "You're so much bigger than your father!"
Before Lijin could respond to the immense compliment his mom had just paid him, Rooth took his cock back into her mouth and started sucking her son off again. Lijin began thrusting himself in and out of his mother's mouth and fucked her mouth as he would her pussy. Within minutes, Lijin felt those familiar sensations begin to build up in the back of his legs like they did whenever he masturbated, only these sensations were way more intense than they ever were before. He figured it was probably because it was someone else other than himself who was working him over, even if that someone else was his very own mother! Lijin opened his mouth and groaned out loudly as his mother, as if she knew what was about to happen, was sucking him off faster and faster. Lijin soon felt the sperm that was filling his testicles shoot up from his nutsack through his penis and out the tiny opening of the head of his cock. Rooth quickly removed her mouth from off her son's cock and jerked him off as he shot a huge white load of his hot, sticky semen on his mom's chocolate-colored face. She held her opened mouth over the purplish head of his cock as streams of his come shot out of his penis and splashed onto her face. Rooth kept fisting her son's prick until there was nothing coming out of him but air. Rooth then took her hand away from his dick and looked over at her son. Lijin was still breathing heavy as he was trying to recuperate from his very first blowjob given to him by his very own mom. Lijin couldn't help but smile at the sight of the lines of his own come that had streaked across his mom's face, which contrasted with her ebony skin. Rooth didn't take her eyes off her son's smiling face as she wiped her son's semen off her face, especially around her mouth, with her fingers and licked it off her fingertips. Lijin thought his incestuous experience with his mother was over, but, once his mom had finished licking herself clean, she stood up and announced, "Now, son, it's time for you to fuck your mommy."
Lijin quickly sat up as he protested, "But... but... I can't, mom! Not now anyway!"
Rooth smiled once again at her son's innocence and naivety as she patted him on the shoulder and said, "Bend over." Lijin relunctantly did as his mother told him to do and bent over the love seat. Rooth licked the first two fingers of her right hand and started inserting them into her son's rectum. "This used to get your father going," she told him.
She plunged her two digits all the way into her son's anus, causing him to jerk upright as his whole body tensed up from the feeling of his own mother's fingers buried all the way inside his tight, virgin asshole. Lijin loosened up when he felt Rooth's fingers begin to massage his prostate. Suddenly, as if a switch had been turned on inside his penis, his dick, which had become flaccid after his mom had finished blowing him, stiffened up again even harder than before. Once his cock had regained its full erectness, Rooth slipped her fingers out of her son's ass and told him to stand up. Lijin got up from the love seat and stood next to his mom. With her back turned to her son, Rooth sat on her knees on the love seat as she raised up her nightie, exposing her still-firm ass, and looked back at her son.
"I want you to fuck me from behind, Lijin," she told her son.
Lijin was stunned by his mom's request. Not even in his wildest dreams did he ever imagine getting the chance to fuck his own mother, the woman who gave him life and whom he loved very dearly and would do practically anything for, including fucking her brains out if she so requested like she was doing now. Lijin, like the obedient son he was, took off his clothes and positioned himself behind his mother. Being a virgin, he didn't know what he was doing. After a few unsuccessful attempts to penetrate his mom, Rooth reached behind her and slowly, gently, guided her son's throbbing cock into her wet, waiting pussy. Lijin groaned as he felt the moist, silky walls of his mom's vagina enclosing around his virgin member. He had always heard others, mostly his friends, talk about how great it was to be inside a woman. Now he understood totally what they were talking about. He began to thrust his penis in and out of her, slowly at first, then he picked up the pace until he was virtually banging the shit out of his mom's hot, drenched cunt. Rooth moaned louder and louder as she felt her son's engorged testicles slapping wildly against her clit, which was, by now, just as erect as her son's dick. Lijin gripped his mom's hips and fucked her with harder and faster thrusts as he felt himself on the verge of the biggest orgasm of his young, inexperienced life...
That's when the door flew open and in walked Isabel!
Cindy and Jackie have a smother fight for five thousand dollars. The fight ends when all struggles are over and one fighter is left unconscious... |
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