The Girl of His Dreams
100% fiction!
Mike paced the living room of his parent’s suburban
home. His eyes were glued to the clock hanging by the
door. It was ten past eleven. Briana’s curfew was 11
pm. What the hell was she doing out this late?
Mike knew the answer but he refused to believe it.
Briana was a sweet, innocent angel. She would never let
some boy coax her into sex on the third date. As the
minutes ticked by, Mike became more doubtful of his
How could she? Mike thought. How could his perfect
little sister let that sleaze touch her? Mike had hated
Scott from the beginning. It was more than just
jealousy; Scott was an asshole.
When 18-year-old Briana had told her parent’s she
wanted to date a high school boy they nearly had
simultaneous heart attacks. When she explained that
Scott was only a year older they calmed down a little.
They eventually agreed to let Briana invite him over
for dinner as a kind of interview.
Scott had been a perfect gentleman throughout the
entire ordeal. He charmed Briana’s mother and won the
approval of her father. By the end of the night they
were practically throwing Briana into Scott’s arms.
Mike, however, had seen through the bullshit. Whenever
Mike and Briana’s parents had been distracted Scott
would take the opportunity to subtly grope Briana’s
chest or legs. Everything he said was so sugar sweet
and sycophantic that Mike knew he was hiding his true
self. When Mike heard his parent’s give Scott
permission to date his sister he felt like someone had
kicked him in the gut.
Mike hated the idea of Briana dating. He couldn’t stand
the thought of some pig putting his hands on her
angelic body or having her sensual lips pressed against
some boy’s. The fact was Mike was the one who wanted to
kiss Briana, to feel her naked body beneath his hands
and ram his cock into her virginal pussy. Yes, Mike was
in love with his sister.
It had started when Briana hit puberty. Mike, then a
horny 18-year-old, watched his sister change from a spindly little girl into
curvaceous woman. He began sneaking peeks at Briana’s
nude body and even attempted to take a picture of her
once. He fantasized about her day and night. By the
time he was 18 Mike knew that no one would ever
take Briana’s place in his dreams.
That’s why Mike hid in his room every time Scott came
to pick Briana up. That’s why when Mike saw Scott in
the hallways at school he had to fight the urge to
punch him in the face. That’s why, at 11:15 on a Friday
night, Mike was pacing the floor praying for Briana to
come home.
Mike and Briana’s parents had left that morning to
spend the weekend at a Bed and Breakfast in Vermont.
Briana had been forbidden to date while they were gone.
Mike had attempted to enforce this rule, but when
Briana gave him her doe-eyed stare and pleaded with him
to please, please let her have some fun his resolve
melted. He had extracted a promise of punctuality and
sobriety from Briana before letting her go. She was
obviously breaking that promise.
It was now 11:20 and Mike was prepared to jump in his
car and scour the city for his wayward sister. Just as
he was about to grab his coat, Briana burst through the
front door in tears. Mike caught a glimpse of her as
she dashed up the stairs to her bedroom. He heard the
screeching of tires and assumed it was Scott beating a
hasty retreat.
Concerned for his sister, Mike followed her. He could
hear her sobbing through the door to her room. He
gently rapped on her door.
"Bree," he called, "can I come in?"
"Go away Michael!" she yelled through the door.
Mike waited two breaths and entered Briana’s room. He
found her lying face down on the bed. Her body was
convulsing with each muted sob. Mike sat down on the
bed and put his hand on Briana’s shoulder. Briana
turned toward her brother and wound her arms around
him. She cried into his chest as he gently stroked her
Mike waited until she calmed down a little and then
asked, "Tell me what happened Bree."
"Oh Mike, it was so horrible," Briana began, "Scott
took me to this party with all these kids from high
school. He tried to get me to drink, but I told him I
promised you. He said that was stupid and he kept
telling me to, but I wouldn’t. He got mad and walked
away and started hanging out. I tried to talk to him
but he kept ignoring me so I went outside.
"He came out and said he was sorry and he wanted to
show me something special. I followed him and he took
me to this bedroom. I looked around and said ‘What’s so
special’ and he said…he said ‘this’ and I turned around
and, and he had, he had his dick out! I told him
‘That’s not funny’ and he said ‘It’s not supposed to
be’ and he grabbed me and… and… oh God!"
Fresh tears welled up from Briana’s eyes and she began
sobbing again. Mike held her tight and rocked her back
and forth. All that kept going through his mind was
please don’t tell me he raped you, please don’t tell me
he raped you.
After a while Briana calmed down again. She wiped her
tears on Mike’s already soaked shirt and began again:
"He grabbed me by the shoulders and he started kissing
me and rubbing his, his… thing on my leg. I told him to
stop but he kept doing it so I tried to push him. He
got really mad and grabbed my arms and called me a
bitch. He started dragging me to the bed and I got
scared. I told him to let me go or I’ll scream but he
didn’t so I started screaming. He threw me on the bed
and told me to shut up and I kicked him and kept
screaming. He grabbed my legs and tried to pull them
apart but this girl came in and told him to get the
fuck out of her house.
"I ran out and I was crying and then Scott came out.
This guy asked what was going on and Scott said
‘Nothing, she’s just a cocktease’. Then I got mad and
told him to take me home or I’ll call the cops. He said
fine and we went to his car.
"I got in the backseat and he started driving. He kept
calling me names like bitch and whore and slut and I
started crying again. He said it didn’t matter that I
didn’t fuck him ‘cause he’s gonna tell everyone that I
did. He said when I got to high school everyone would
know I’m a slut and the only guys that would date me
we’re ones looking for an easy piece of ass."
Briana gulped down air to regain her breath, "Oh Mike,
I can’t believe Scott is such an asshole! I thought he
really liked me. I didn’t know he was just trying to
get in my pants." She dropped her head as fresh tears
ran down her face.
Mike kissed Briana’s forehead and rubbed her back in an
attempt to soothe her. So many emotions were playing in
his heart. Anger at Scott and himself for allowing the
date, sorrow over Briana’s plight, fear that Scott’s
plan to destroy her reputation would succeed, but most
of all Mike felt a deep and passionate love for his
"It’s okay Briana," he cooed sympathetically, "He won’t
hurt you any more. That piece of shit is going to get
his ass kicked in so many ways. I promise I won’t let
him start rumors about you. He won’t be able to with
his jaw wired shut."
For the first time that night, Briana smiled, "Thank
you Mike. You’re the most wonderful brother in the
whole world. I love you so much."
Mike looked down at Briana’s face and was awestruck.
Even with messy hair and burning red cheeks caked in
rivulets of mascara she was the most beautiful girl
Mike had ever laid eyes on. Before he realized what he
was doing, Mike leaned over and kissed Briana full on
the lips. This was not the innocent peck shared between
family members, but the passionate kiss of lovers that
is full of sexual heat.
Briana pulled away from her brother. Her arms went limp
at her sides. Her face was a mask of pure astonishment
and she stared at Mike with vacant eyes.
Mike was mortified beyond belief. His heart was in his
throat as he rose from the bed and backed away from
Briana. His breath was coming in deep rasps as he
attempted to speak:
"I… I… I’m… s-sorry," he managed to squeak out before
he bolted from the room. He ran straight to his own
bedroom across the hall. Shutting the door behind him,
Mike collapsed in a heap on the floor.
What the hell had he just done? He couldn’t believe the
absolute stupidity of the act he had committed. Not
only had he revealed his twisted infatuation to Briana,
he had tried to take advantage of her fragile emotional
Her boyfriend had almost raped her. She was scared, sad
and in desperate need of a loving protector to keep her
safe. Instead the brother who was supposed to make the
hurt go away had tried to put the moves on her. Briana
must have felt doubly betrayed.
Time passed as Mike lay on the floor contemplating his
sin. Eventually Mike got up. He stripped of his clothes
and held the shirt that was still moist from Briana’s
tears. He dropped the shirt, turned out the lights,
climbed into bed and sought the oblivion of sleep. He
prayed Briana would not invade his dreams as she had so
many nights before.
After awhile he heard water running. He realized that
Briana must have been drawing a bath. He allowed the
subdued noise to lull him to sleep. As Mike fell into
unconsciousness the image of his beautiful sister
played in his head.
An unidentified disturbance woke Mike from his slumber.
He looked up with sleep filled eyes and almost jumped
out of bed when he saw Briana. She was sitting at the
foot of his bed. Her hair flowed down and around her
neck and shoulders like a golden nimbus. She wore a
sheer white nightgown that exposed her milky breasts
and pink nipples. Moonlight flooded the room giving her
a ghostly surreal beauty. Mike had an eerie feeling
that this must be a dream.
For a long time Briana just stared at Mike. Her face
held no trace of emotion. Mike was afraid to speak or
move. The tension mounted until Mike thought he would
Finally Briana spoke, "Mike, do you love me?"
"Of course… of course I do Bree," Mike stammered a
"Do you love me as more than your sister?" she asked.
Mike wasn’t sure how to answer that. Briana might have
been baiting him in order to accuse him of molesting
her. She might have also simply wanted the truth.
Looking into her misty blue eyes, Mike felt compelled
to be honest, "Yes Briana. I do love you as more than
my sister."
Briana looked away for a moment. She returned her gaze
to Mike and smiled. "You know Mike," she said, "you’re
the only man I’ll ever believe truly loves me. I can’t
trust other men, not after what Scott did, but I can
trust you."
She began crawling toward her brother. It was cat-like
and seductive. She sat back and straddled his thighs
through the sheets. "When you kissed me," Briana said,
"I was startled. I felt something, here," she pointed
to her chest, "and… lower."
"Briana," Mike started, "I don’t know why I kissed you,
but…" She hushed him by putting her finger on his lips,
"Kiss me again Mike. Kiss me like before."
It was all the encouragement Mike needed. He sat up and
took Briana in his arms. He kissed her deeply, pouring
all the love and lust he felt for her into it. As the
two siblings drew out their lip lock, Mike felt his
cock grow hard. He gently coaxed Briana’s mouth open
with his tongue. Their tongues gently wrestled with
each other for what seemed like hours. Finally they
came up for air and Briana looked down at the tent that
had formed between her legs.
"Mike," Briana said as she gazed into his eyes, "I want
you to be my first."
Mike was shocked, "Briana! Are you… are you absolutely
She nodded, "Yes Mike. I don’t want to be some man’s
conquest. I don’t want to give it up to some guy who
sees me as nothing more than a good time. I want the
person who takes my virginity to love me
unconditionally. That’s you Mike."
"But Bree, it’s wrong. We’re brother and sister. It’s
incest, not to mention statutory rape."
"I don’t care. I’m not going to tell anyone. Besides,
you being my brother is why I want you. You’ll always
love me and I’ll always love you," she stroked his
chest and shoulders, "Please Mike, I know you want to."
The last bit of Mike’s resistance melted away. He
kissed Briana again as he hiked her gown around her
waist. His hands caressed her thighs and buttocks while
his lips trailed down her neck. At last he lifted the
nightgown off of her body and tossed it to the floor.
He took a moment to admire the gorgeous body that had
inspired so many dreams and fantasies before this. His
eyes followed his hands as they slowly moved from her
knees and up her thighs to hold her tight round butt
cheeks. They then traced her hips to her tapering waist
and along her smooth, flat stomach to finally stop at
her perfect breasts.
Mike gently massaged his sister’s globes and teased her
nipples with his thumbs. Briana leaned into her
brother’s grasp. She began pulling away the covers that
concealed Mike’s magnificent cock. Once exposed to air,
his shaft seemed to grow even bigger and began leaking
Briana touched it out of curiosity and Mike shuttered.
She slowly stroked his penis and played with his balls.
Mike dropped his hands, unable to continue
administering to Briana’s breasts. "Oh Bree," he
whispered, "that feels so good."
Briana’s eyes widened as she felt Mike’s rod quiver in
her hand. "Mike," she said, "do you want me to give you
a… a blow job?"
"Only if you want to, Bree."
"I do, but I’ve never… never done one before."
"It’s not hard. Just watch your teeth and only take
what you can handle."
"Okay. Tell me when you’re ready to, um, to blow," she
said with a smirk.
Briana leaned down and held Mike’s cock in both hands.
She swallowed and moved her mouth over the hot shaft.
Just watching his sister’s tiny mouth and sensuous lips
stretch over his cockhead caused Mike to almost lose
it. He braced his arms behind his back and closed his
eyes, enjoying the sensations Briana was causing.
Briana’s head bobbed slowly up and down her brother’s
pulsating member. With each motion she took in a little
more of Mike’s rod. He groaned in ecstasy and Briana
became more confident. She increased her tempo. Mike
began to hump his sister’s face.
Now Briana began to gently suck on the upstroke and
tease his hole with her tongue. Mike was now moaning
and calling her name, "Bree, Bree, Oh my God Bree, It
feels… so good," he felt his balls tightening, "Oh God
I’m gonna shoot!"
Briana released him just in time to catch a blast of
jiz in the face. She sat up and watched four hot white
geysers explode from her brother’s penis. Mike’s cock
went flaccid and he lay back on the bed.
"Eww Mike, that was messy," she said as she wiped her
face of with the bedspread, "I thought that stuff just
leaked out. I didn’t know you could shoot it straight
up in the air."
"Well what do you expect?" he retorted as he sat up,
"You just gave me the greatest orgasm of my life!" He
embraced her and kissed her lips. He added some tongue
action and tasted his pre-cum in her mouth.
Mike bent Briana backwards and kissed his way toward
her breasts. He used his tongue to trace the edges of
her aureoles. As her breath quickened, he took an erect
nipple in his mouth and suckled. Briana grasped the
back of his head and pressed him closer, "I like that,"
she whispered.
Mike spent several minutes ministering to her nipple
then quickly moved to the other. As he sucked he teased
each nipple with his tongue. When he switched he
lightly tweaked them with his teeth.
He slowly lowered Briana unto her back. Now that his
hands were free, he used one to knead her breast while
he suckled the opposite one. Briana’s heart was beating
faster and she was whimpering from the pleasure.
Eventually Mike released her breasts and began kissing
his way down her torso. When he reached her crotch, he
propped her legs on his shoulders. He took a deep whiff
of her moist pussy and began kissing her outer lips.
She only had a soft down of pubic hair that tickled his
Briana wriggled her hips and tried to push Mike’s face
into her labia. Mike responded by licking her slit. The
unexpected pleasure shocked Briana into stillness. Mike
thrust his tongue inside his little sister’s cunt and
swirled it around. "Oh Jesus!" Briana screamed, "Don’t
stop! Don’t stop!"
Mike obediently continued. As he licked the inner folds
of her vagina, he found her clit with his thumb. He
gently stroked it and Briana lifted her hips, trying to
bury Mike’s face in her cunt.
The pleasurable feelings built up and spread throughout
Briana’s body. She was moaning loudly and digging her
fingers into Mike’s hair. Without warning, a sudden
wave of unadulterated ecstasy jolted through Briana.
She let out a shriek that threatened to shatter the
windows as her pussy muscles clenched involuntarily. As
the wonderful feeling subsided, Briana lay their
panting like an animal.
"Damn Briana, I’m glad mom and dad aren’t home, " Mike
said with a wide grin on his face.
"Michael, do you realize that that was my first
orgasm?" Briana looked at her brother with an
expression of awe and gratitude.
"Really Bree?" he asked as he sat up, "are you sure?"
"Hell yeah I’m sure! I would’ve remembered something
like that." Briana jumped up and grabbed Mike. She
covered his face and chest with kisses. "Thank you…
thank you… thank you," she said between each kiss, "You
made me feel so good."
She stopped to catch her breath. Mike’s cock was once
again hard and it was pressed between the siblings’
stomachs. Briana reached down and took hold of Mike’s
penis. "Now Michael," she whispered, "I want you now."
Without a word Mike grabbed Briana’s buttocks and
lifted her above his cockhead. As he lowered her,
Briana positioned the rod at her entrance. As Mike
slipped inside both let out a gasp. Gravity took over
and inch-by-inch Mike’s cock made it’s way inside
Briana’s love tunnel.
Briana gave a little yelp as her hymen tore away
without resistance. Mike was now buried to the hilt
inside his sister. He looked into her eyes and held her
close, "Does it hurt?"
"A little bit, but it feels good too."
He kissed her and began thrusting upwards. After a
moment, Briana began rolling her hips to meet her
brother’s thrusts. They soon found a steady rhythm and
were fucking like old lovers. As they fucked, Mike
kissed Briana all over her face, neck and breasts.
Mike was in heaven. The sensations Briana was causing
in his cock were beyond anything he had words to
describe. This was a moment of perfect bliss and Mike
planned to enjoy every millisecond of it.
They’re humping grew fiercer. Briana was moaning now.
The tiny pain of her lost maidenhead was completely
forgotten. The delightful friction inside her pussy was
the only thing in existence. Soon the pleasant feelings
were building inside her again. She began squeezing
Mike’s cock in anticipation.
It was too much for Mike. He grabbed Briana’s hips and
pushed his cock up against her cervix. Rope after rope
of thick semen spurted from his loins. The sensation
put Briana over the edge. She squealed as her pussy
convulsed, milking Mike’s penis for every last drop of
precious sperm.
As they came down from their mutual climax, they
collapsed on the bed. Mike slipped his shrinking cock
out of Briana’s pussy. They cuddled for a while,
basking in the afterglow.
Finally, Briana kissed Mike and whispered in his ear,
"I love you, big brother."
"I love you, baby sis," he replied. Then Mike closed
his eyes and fell asleep.
When Mike woke up, he expected to find Briana lying
next to him. Groggily he felt around for her. He sat up
when he realized she was absent. Sunlight poured
through his window. The sheets were bunched up at the
foot of the bed and he could see cum stains on the
As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes it finally dawned
on him. It was all a dream. It had been so vivid and
intense that Mike had actually believed it happened. In
retrospect, the entire situation was absurd. In what
reality would a fifteen-year-old girl walk into her
brother’s room and ask him to take her virginity? It
couldn’t have happened, but it seemed so real.
Mike didn’t know how he was going to face Briana. After
the kiss he gave her, he would be lucky if she ever
spoke to him again. He decided to just get up and face
the music.
He got out of bed and started searching for his
clothes. When he turned back toward the bed, he froze
in wonderment. There in the center of the mattress was
a spot of dried blood.
Hank and Am came for a visit, the outcome was not what we expected... |
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