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The Game ... First Time Sex: Part 3 : Thanksgiving reviews

Posted by Andre
Great story please keep the seris going im really enjoying these
Posted by David
i liked the story you need to make a part 4 over all i like the story
Posted by Galaxy
Thanks a million Andre and David. There are a couple of incidents after Thanksgiving that may be interesting to tell. I hope to convey the excitement that Tonya has added to my days and how much we mean to each other. That developed a lot after Thanksgiving. Thanks for the encouragement to continue!
Posted by The penetrator
Ohh, got off to this four times while reading, I called me Girlfriend and had her read this story then we re-enacted it with a spin, me and her and her sister went to our cousins house and had raging hot anal sex and I banged her mouth while her sister making out with me and eating out my girlfriend, it was AMAZING!! keep these stories cummin plzzz
Posted by Galaxy
Hello Penetrator. Maybe I should have provided a disclaimer. "Try at your own risk." Glad you enjoyed our story. It was sure new for me too. Hope you have read Parts 1 and 2. Thanks for the feedback!
Posted by The penetrator
Hey galaxy it's penetrator ya I read pt 1 and 2 they were both great, you should definitely keep them going.
Posted by Galaxy
Penetrator, I hope you aren't wearing the sisters out! As I told cumdumpster above, I will try to write the next part before finals so there isn't a long gap between the stories. I seriously am on cloud nine knowing others are enjoying the stories so much. I wished I had written more about Donna and me the first year, ie, between parts 1 and 2. Gawd that was exciting.
Posted by Coralee
Hey, you're the goto epxret. Thanks for hanging out here.
Posted by Galaxy
Heya Coralee! Thanks. No sure I'm an expert, but I like hanging out for sure. I appreciate your feedback.
Posted by Galaxy
Hello Tarun, Hope you can read all 23 chapters! Thanks for leaving feedback.
Posted by Richard
fuckina0kid from Weymouth! a0Tonight, Kyle elaborated upon a story him and Jason tohuced on in his Podcast with Jason Marcus. a0I don't wanna even give it away which story it was, if ya wanna know,
Posted by Jorge
rashed alawadi / 3ala fekra, hatha la7am 5nzeer tawa nazel mny eb amcria, ma adry etha ra7 ynazlon mnna la7am bogar aw shay 7g elkuwait bs 7abait anaweh 7g elly 3ayesh barrah. 0 0
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He pulled his cock out of her mouth and shoved it deep into her pussy. He heard her cry out (whether or not in pleasure, he didn't know or care) and thurst harder. He shoved his 10-inch cock into her tight pussy, stretching it farther and farther.