The Game ... First Time Sex: Part - 19 Seconds
I didn't have to go through that with Tonya since we both have a clean credit record and have no emotional baggage at our age, but if Tonya had problems, I would love her anyway. That's the problem with love, or that's the magic of love. It's just not logical, but it is magical. It was never meant to be logical. Love is based on emotion and passion. Humans are programmed genetically to keep fucking their lover even as they are getting fucked when their mates are a financial, biological, or legal disaster.
Do you recall my earlier reflections on Adam and Eve? They gave up utopia to fuck, and we inherited their fucking DNA. We've been fucked since the beginning. Oh, and Eve had no problem choosing her wedding dress. She simply dressed using environmentally convenient fig leaves. The following is the real conversation in the Garden of Eden that was not recorded in the beginning.
After being persuaded to stick his pink dick into Eve's tender, but hot virgin pussy, Adam is exhausted as he rolls off Eve and lies beside her. He looks for a cigarette to smoke, but none have been invented yet, so he sighs heavily. Eve starts the first conversation after sex.
"Adam, would you still love me even if I weren't the only woman on Earth?" asks Eve while stroking Adam's hard dick that continues pulsing and jumping after his first encounter with a pussy.
"Yes, of course," says Adam with cum still dripping out his dick as Eve continues pumping it gently.
"Even if we had to live in the desert without all of this bliss?" asks Eve.
Eve rests her head on his chest looking down intently at his enormous cock while feeling her pussy throbbing from being ripped apart from Adam's virgin, awkward thrusts.
"I would love you anywhere. I would follow you anywhere no matter what happens," says Adam.
Doesn't that sound just like two teenagers pledging their first love to each other after they fuck the first time?
"You're just saying that because I'm the only one," says Eve trying to elicit more commitment to satisfy her need for security.
"There is nothing that could happen to keep me from loving you," pledges Adam.
"That's good to hear since you ate the apple from my fucking tree," says God.
Oh come on. Grow up. It wasn't the tree of knowledge, but rather, it was called "The Fucking Tree." The Fucking Tree was an aphrodisiac. After eating the apple, Adams dick got hard, and Eve's nipples got erect and her pussy started throbbing making her crave to be fucked.
"We're fucked," says Adam somewhat remorsefully.
"That's obvious," says Eve looking down at her pussy and then covering herself with fig leaves.
"I told you that it was my fucking tree, and you weren't supposed to eat my fucking apples," God sighs.
"So what's the big fucking deal?" asks Adam as he scrambles to gather fig leaves but has a hard time covering his enormously hard dick.
"Why are you covering your big dick, Adam?" asks God.
"You know everything, and you can't see that I'm fucking naked? Are you blind?" asks Adam.
"You are fucking naked for sure, and you were fucking naked. I told you not to fuck with my fucking tree, and you fucked up," admonishes God.
"I'm confused," says Adam.
"No. You're fucked," says God.
"I blame it on the fucking schools," says Adam.
"There are no fucking schools yet," says God.
"Then blame it on the snake," says Eve.
"Where's that fucking snake?" asks God.
"Hey, I'm not a fucking snake. I didn't eat your fucking apples," says the snake defensively.
"Get the fuck out of my garden, but leave your fucking arms and legs," says God.
"Well, gawd damn," says the snake at he starts to slither away.
"OK. For saying that, I'm making your dick tiny," says God.
"What the fuck?" says the snake looking down at his tiny dick.
"What do you have to say now, Adam?" asks God.
"God is great?" says Adam looking at the snake's tiny dick.
"Good answer. You get to keep your big, fucking dick," says God.
"Thanks," says Eve looking at Adam's bulging cock barely covered by the fig leaves.
"You're welcome, but both of you get the fuck out of my garden," commands God.
"Well, gawd damn," says Eve.
"Easy for you to say. You don't have a dick," says Adam.
"I don't need one. I have yours," laughs Eve.
Suddenly God says, "Well, you have a problem."
"What's a problem?" asks Eve
"You're pregnant. I forgot to create protection," laughs God.
"What's pregnant mean?" asks Adam.
"Yeah. What's that mean?" asks Eve.
God whispers into Eve's ear.
"Oh fuck," says Eve.
"What? Tell me what the fuck is means," demands Adam.
Eve whispers the meaning of pregnant in Adam's ear.
Adam's dick goes limp, "You mean it comes out where I fucked you?"
"Yep. Out of my pussy," says Eve amused at Adam's limp dick.
"Well, gawd damn," says Adam disgustingly.
"I warned you," says God as he zaps Adam's dick making it smaller.
"Oh fuck. Adam, Why'd you have to say that? Look at your dick or what's left of it. Is that all I have to work with now?" asks Eve and looking very disgusted with her arms folded.
"We can make this work. I mean, I only have to hold it with one hand instead of two now," says Adam trying to put a good spin on his shortened dick.
Eve sighs as she looks at a horse near them. Adam looks down at his dick and then at the horse.
"Look, I left you plenty to work with," says God consoling Eve.
"Yeah, but the horse's dick is bigger than Adam's now," says Eve in tears.
"But the horse can't talk," says God.
"But God..." whines Adam holding his limp dick with one hand.
"Shut up, Adam," says Eve as she holds her hand over Adam's mouth so he doesn't say anything to make God madder.
"God, I have a question," says Adam removing Eve's hand from his mouth.
"What?" asks God.
"Why did you give me a dick and Eve a pussy if you didn't want us to use them?" asks Adam trying to make sense of it all.
"You see those angels over there?" asks God as he points out a heavenly host of angels watching over the Garden with their arms folded in disgust.
"I see them. Why?" asks Adam.
"Well, let's just say they are pretty pissed off at the moment," explains God.
"You mean I could have an angel pussy?" asks Adam.
"And I could have angel dick?" asks Eve.
"Yes, Adam. You could have had angel pussy for eternity, and Eve could have had angel dick forever, and angel dick would make a horse blush. Now, I'm gonna catch hell from the angels in the next council meeting for not putting a fence around that fucking tree," says God.
"I'm gonna kill that gawd damn snake," says Eve.
Time passed for Adam and Eve. After several more pregnancies Eve taught Adam oral sex and anal entry, and they lived happily ever after. The angels continued watching over them, disgusted as they were that they didn't get to have human pussy and dick. The snake is still pissed off.
Well, humans shouldn't feel guilty about fucking their way out of the Garden of Eden. I've said it before. Giving up the Garden of Eden seems cheap compared to what I experience with Tonya. Everything has a price. We all have our limits of temptation, but with love, limits are easily discarded and humans have no fucking resistance. If fucking is a disease, we don't want any resistance to it. I mean, no wants vaccine to limit their need to fuck.
It is unusual after having such good sex only about a couple of hours ago, but all of the talk and romantic thoughts have made me flushed with new urges. Yes, it's only been a little over two hours since we all fucked in the basement and I usually need a day to recharge my desires, but somehow tonight, I can't get enough of Tonya. All of this stimulation and excitement looking at clothes and thinking about Eve in the Garden of Eden gets me aroused again.
I can't hold off getting aroused by the dresses, shoes, stockings, fantasizing about Trish's pussy, and the real story about Adam and Eve, and I feel a bit of pre-cum seeping through my pants.
"Tonya, come with me," I announce without any hesitation.
"Where?" asks Marcus.
"Did I invite you?" I ask.
"Seconds?" asks Donna a bit incredulously figuring out my mood.
"Yes," I blurt out without further explanation.
"Seconds?" asks Marcus repeating Donna's words.
"Yes. If it's OK with Tonya," I say focusing on her.
"I thought you'd never ask," says Tonya.
"Come on Marcus. I know you can do it twice too," laughs Donna.
"I thought you'd never ask," says Marcus mocking Tonya and grabbing Donna around the waist.
"I was going to take Tonya into my bath, but if you guys are going to do it too, we'll just stay out here," I state my plan smiling.
"Sounds good. There's more room out here for you guys," says Donna.
Oh gosh. I've never done seconds with Tonya. Donna and I did it twice in one day on two occasions last year, but I've never done it with Tonya twice in one day. Since we cleaned up in the basement after our quickie before dinner, we are ready to go. My parents are downstairs, and they think we are looking at clothes on the internet. So, I'm a bit relaxed and don't worry about them walking upstairs and into my room. Besides, walking upstairs is slower and walking downstairs, so I will have plenty of notice if I hear them coming.
Tonya doesn't hesitate, and pulls my dick out through my button fly for the second time tonight and starts sucking it. Once again, we shorten the foreplay, but sucking provides an essential warm-up especially since it's the second time tonight. I see Marcus is getting the same treatment. Donna has him pinned on the floor and going down his shaft slowly and thoroughly. Tonya sucks me an extra long period of time, and I am increasingly aroused as I lie back on the bed caressing her hair with my fingers. I switch places with her and lean her back on my bed with her feet dangling over the side. My fingers run up her skirt, and I pull her panties down from under her skirt.
Similar to what we did in the basement before dinner, I leave her skirt hiked up since my parents are in the house. It may be a remote chance, but they could come walk up the stairs to look in on us. I lick my way up her thighs and stick my lips on her pussy and then thrust my tongue in as far as I can. Like she did for me, I continue this for a longer time than usual to get her warmed up. It's our second time tonight, and it will take a little more effort this time. I don't want to cum in her pussy without her cumming too, so I keep sucking and licking to get her more and more excited. It excites me too.
Donna is still sucking Marcus and hasn't changed positions. This is a first for us for sure. Not only is it my first time for seconds with Tonya, it is the first time that all of us have done it twice a night with each other. I don't know why I ever worried about if I could do it twice with Tonya because I am absolutely flushed with desire for her at the moment. I think the extended time that she spent sucking me put me over the top. I mean, thinking about fucking Trish and looking at all of those beautiful models on the internet wearing those erotic dresses got me hot for sure, but Tonya's delicate tongue on my dick got me up to the final level of full pursuit mode.
As I continue sucking her pussy, I feel her gently gripping my temples and nudging me upward. She wants me in her now. She is close, and I am ready to fuck her. As she backwards with her legs bent over the side of my bed with her feet barely touching the floor, I ease up to her while I'm on my knees. I pull my pants down to my knees and insert my dick into her pussy. She is warm and soft. She sits up slightly in order to reach around and pull my pelvis toward her with her hands. Then she relaxes and lies back as I move in and out of her. I can see her pussy easily and watch my dick slide in and out.
I'm not paying attention to Marcus and Donna that much, but I can see that they still haven't changed positions. Marcus is still on his back and Donna is alternately licking his balls and sucking his dick. Then I see Donna tug his pants all the way to his ankles and pull his hoodie is up to his hairless chest exposing his nipples. Donna licks his balls, stomach, neck, and nipples, and then goes back to sucking his dick. She hasn't even pulled her panties off to squat her pussy down on him yet.
Tonya starts gripping my sides wanting me to cum with her, so I increase my thrusts to accommodate her, but I think she is farther along than I am. I haven't directed her in this way before, but now is as good a time as any. I pull out and nudge her down between my legs, and she gets the hint that I want to be sucked again. I need a little more of her mouth. We know each other so well by now that she doesn't hesitate and holds my dick with one hand as she moves her mouth up and down my shaft. Geezus, when she holds my dick and pumps it while sucking me makes me melt.
It only takes a few more minutes before I am ready to cum, and I lift her head off my dick. I drape her backwards once again over the side of my bed with her feet barely touching the floor. I lie on top of her and kiss her deeply as I thrust hard into her. My thrusts are even and steady. I sit up and hold the sides of her pelvis as I rock in and out. The tingling starts creeping up my buttocks and from the backs of my thighs. My temples and face grow numb as I continue thrusting in and out. I hear her moan and feel her grip my sides.
Oh gosh, it feels so wonderful. Without warning her, I feel my body elevate with sensations of floating and the cool numbing effect seeps in from the tips of my ears down to my ankles for the second time tonight. As she grips and moans somewhat loudly, I shoot cum into her pussy for the second time tonight, and my knees paralyze as tingles rush from my stomach to my balls. The sounds in my bedroom won't be heard downstairs, so this time I don't mind hearing her moan.
I know she is cumming too, so I continue easing and out and followed by hard thrusts as I shoot the last shot of cum. She reaches under me and grips my balls. A minute or more pass and she relaxes. I finally ease my way out, pull my pants up, and get her a towel and warm washcloth. I clean her up while she continues relaxing with her eyes closed. This is a mellow and tender moment. We are quiet as we come down from an incredibly high erotic state for the second time in one evening. She appreciates the gesture of my bathing her with the warm wash cloth, but after I finish, she goes to my bathroom to finish tidying up. I know I didn't shoot as much cum into her the second time, but it can ooze out if not taken care of.
We try not to disturb the moment for Donna and Marcus, but as Tonya goes to the bathroom, I see that Donna is lying next to Marcus. Her head is lying on his stomach, and he is caressing her hair. Uncharacteristically, his dick half hard, and it is lying on his stomach like a balloon that lost its air. I conclude that Donna sucked him off because she didn't take off her panties. She didn't want to fuck again.
I could suck Tonya off if she wanted it even if I didn't want to fuck twice in one night. Tonya has never asked, but maybe I should offer from now on. I mean she does suck me when she is on her period. I mean, if it's a long night and if she would like to cum twice, I should offer from now on. I wouldn't mind doing it for her even if my desire to fuck wasn't recharged.
The atmosphere continues to be tender and soothing in the room as we enjoy the peace that follows the climax of emotions. I give Donna a warm, wet wash cloth to clean Marcus up. She gently lifts his dick up and caresses it. I'm sure she pumped him dry, but in case anything is left over, she can attend to it. It's a nice cool-down ritual. After Tonya cleans up, I help her put her panties back on.
Gosh, what a night. This is a big surprise for a school night or any night for that matter. My dick is limp, and if given a million dollars, I don't think I could do it again even if Trish walked in the room. Well, for a million dollars, I would try if Trish insisted. I mean, I'm still loyal to Tonya in every way, but if I were needed, I would do it. I think I could do it again for a million dollars with Tonya or Trish. Geezus, I could do it with Donna, Tonya, or Trish for a million dollars.
Well, damn. What am I saying? At least I know I could do it a third time if I had the incentive. What the fuck am I thinking like this for? I think that I just feel accomplished that I did it twice in one night, and it was equally good both times, and that I could actually do it a third time if given enough motivation. The ability is there, it depends on the motivation. Wow, I never thought about doing it three times in one night. Geezus, I have to stop trying to analyze every new situation that I experience.
So that I don't break the tender moment that we are all experiencing I ask politely, "Do you guys want to continue looking at stuff on the internet now?"
"Sure. Break time is over," laughs Donna signaling that we need to get back to business after we did our business, twice.
"OK. Look at this," I say as everyone looks at the screen.
After pages of clothes and lots of choices, Marcus and I find what we want to wear. I choose a black John Varvatos woven trim blazer with a gray gunmetal S/S V-neck Tee shirt underneath, charcoal washed herringbone slim trousers, and black, Cerbero high-top dress shoes.
Marcus chooses a Jack Spade Geoff coat, Ben Sherman Shoreditch button up shirt, Jack Spade twill trousers, and Cole Hann air Everett Slip-on dress shoes.
"You will look great," says Tonya supporting our choices.
"It's what's underneath that really counts," nods Marcus.
"There was a lot to count tonight," smiles Donna.
"Are you sure you don't want seconds?" Marcus asks Donna.
"Are you offering?" I ask looking at Donna.
"I think you guys have had enough tonight," laughs Tonya.
"Maybe Donna is waiting for dessert?" I ask.
"I had enough earlier, but I didn't mind serving seconds," Donna says as she kisses Marcus on the cheek.
So after our clothes for the Las Vegas wedding are chosen and we kiss and pledge
our love to each other once again, Donna and Tonya drive home. It's always hard
to see them drive off. Marcus stays with me for a while and leaves later. Please
read chapter 20 as we travel to Las Vegas. Donna has another game for us to play
in the entertainment capital of the world. I sincerely appreciate everyone
leaving a quick note in the reviews. Thanks for reading.
Trapped and fucked my ex teachers nicely... |
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