I fucking hate cliffhangers! Do you plan to get to the present time soon? And how do you remember that far back? Also, when i read Donna's reply to if he can come I almost peed myself haha. Btw are all the names real?
Posted by M
And by "he" I mean Marcus
Posted by Will Thomas
Hey man this is great you are a great writer and you really should keep this series going its great hope all is well and please keep writing you have so much talent
Posted by Galaxy
Hey Hey Will, I'm trying to keep the stories interesting so they don't catch up to the present. It's easy writing about real events. The praise should go to fiction writers who really must have some imagination. I'm just a reporter, hehe. I have to keep my autobiography going for many reasons, but one is that I wouldn't know what else to write about. Please stay in touch and write often! It really makes my day to know people are enjoying this time in my life.
Posted by Galaxy
I get lots of personal emails about the story. Feel free to email me = just clik on Galaxy in this review. I insist on remaining anonymous for obvious and multiple reasons. Of course, I would like you to leave a note in the review sections too. Thanks all!
Posted by David
it was good i liked it
Posted by jake
gosh dude these stories are terrific - keep them coming because I read them over and over. I like the music too and laugh a lot at some of the funny things
Posted by Galaxy
Hello David, Thanks for leaving a note once again. As I've said many times, it's great to know someone is reading. I get a lot of emails too, but anyway someone wants to respond is OK with me. Keep in touch! More is cumming for sure.
Posted by Galaxy
Hi again Jake! I appreciate your feedback. After the first couple of stories, I thought it might get monotonous if I didn't insert some other aspects of the story, so I'm glad you see some of the humor. Marcus is really a funny guy and Tonya is too, but I don't seem to be able to get Tonya's humor across as much as Marcus. A sincere thanks again for the feedback!!!
Posted by Galaxy
Geezus EVERYWON, I can't keep this until the story catches up to it, but we are at High Sierra Msic Festival having an absolute fucking great time. Wait 'til I write about this We've been up all night Cheers
Posted by Galaxy
Marlie, btw, luv the name. Very unique and not overused.
Posted by Ildiko
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