The Game Act 4
Andy stands kissing her reaching behind her trying to remove her teddy but he cannot figure out how to undo the straps in the back so Crystal does it for him he pulls it off her tossing it aside then begins doing something he has dreamed of doing for a very long time. He begins licking Crystal’s hot moist pussy. Thank you Andy the lovely woman sighs as he began licking her rose. I really need this baby! I really need it! I haven’t had an orgasim in weeks I really need to cum! Please make me cum Andy the lovely woman pleads as if he really needed any encouragement he had already begun to get her juices flowing.
It seems as though Crystal is real hot to trot like a boiler with steam building up inside. All she needs is a little time and some good tongue and finger action from Andy to make the boiler explode! This boiler is on a steam locomotive which has just started from the first station passing several on its way to that shining city on the hill the same place the plane took Susan! This is an express train so it will pass through many stations on its way down the line but it will only stop once at the very last station. All aboard this is the last call for the express to Orgasim City!
Andy is licking her rose with his tongue also her clitoris now using his fingers to rub her cunt lips. He is on his way to doing what is needed to get her to the end of the line. He is steering the train and stoking the furnace creating flames of passion in the furnace heating the water in the boiler generating steam that is running the engine pulling her car down the line to orgasim city. Crystal is now moaning like she hasn’t moaned in months the last time she got any good tongue and finger action down her between her legs. Crystal is sighing as the little man works on her wet pussy with his hot tongue and probing fingers.
She is laying here more hot and aroused than she has ever been wondering how this can be happening with this man! How can a man who is fifty years old that only did this for the first time two days ago have her so turned on! She is feeling so alive and vibrant her heart is racing and she is feeling something that she has never felt before only once when she first met her ex-husband 16 years ago! Oh no she screams! I can’t let that happen! Please not that she screams in her head hoping that this will stop her from making this mistake again but it’s too late!
Crystal Ball is at this very moment falling madly in Love with Andy Savage a man twenty years her senior and uglier than any other man on the planet who works as a dishwasher earning minimum wage! How can this be happening to me I have been with more men than the population of a small city and always managed not to allow this to happen! Oh God help me please don’t let this happen to me she pleads within herself! Andy is now rubbing her clit feverishly with one finger on one hand and with another rapidly stroking her pussy hitting her G-spot each time it enters her! She is heaving and moaning and screaming don’t stop, don’t stop!
The train is now flying down the tracks at record breaking speed faster than any other engineer that has ever driven her! Steam is shooting out the vents on the side of the engine! The stations are flying by so fast they are a blur the whistle is blowing the car is shacking on the bed so violently now she fears it’s going to derail! She is zooming down the tracks racing down them to orgasim city! The lightning flashes outside her window thunder roaring in her heart it’s the wildest ride she has ever known and she never wants it to end as she screams at the top of her lungs Andy I love you! I love you! Don’t stop! Please don’t ever stop!
Now Andy is oblivious to what Crystal is screaming he’s too busy making sure he is doing everything correctly down between her legs unaware that she screamed three words that will change both of their lives forever. This is only the second time he has done this not counting the countless simulations of it he has done in his head over the years so he wants to make sure he gets her to where she needs to be the city of orgasim! He is really stroking her clit and G-spot now! Crystal is bouncing around the bed like she’s doing the Saint Vitus Dance so he knows the train is very close to its destination the boiler is about to explode very soon.
Andy is taking time to admire his handy work as he progresses amazed at how good he is at this oral and manual stimulation of the vagina. I guess reading all of those books and watching porn movies over the years is paying off he thinks while performing a masterful piece of manual stimulation on this sexy bitch! He remembers after their short chat earlier outside behind the kitchen when he watched her walking away thinking I can’t wait to eat out that pussy and now he is doing that and more driving Crystal insane with passion and desire! She is just about to her destination after a seventeen minute commute having traveled a distance that with other men even on the express train would take twice as long!
I’m going to cum! Oh God I’m going to cum the lovely blond lawyer screams as the train reaches its destination the boiler exploding upon arriving causing a gusher of love juice to pour out of her like lava spewing out of a volcano. Andy wastes no time burying his face down there to lap up as much of the yummy goo as possible just as he did when Susan had her orgasim. Oh God I love the taste of a woman’s cum he is thinking as he bathes all of her virginal area with his tongue. Crystal stops levitating above the bed and collapses back on it exhausted but gratified. Oh Andy that was good the lovely blond wails lying still on the bed.
Knock! Knock! Knock! This is the police open the door now they hear a loud male voice shout from outside the door of the cabin. Andy immediately grabs the key to the paddle lock from the night table unlocks the lock opening the door. The officers enter saying we got a report of a woman getting raped on this boat! I was not getting ra-ped
I was having sex. You’re having sex with him a female officer asks trying not to laugh? Yes honey and don’t laugh I just had the most powerful orgasim I’ve ever had in my life! We heard the female officer replies given Andy a wink! The officers then depart leaving Andy feeling quite pleased with himself!
Andy replaces the paddle lock on the door tosses the key onto the night table saying I guess I’m pretty good at this oral and manual stimulation thing. Shut up and wipe that stupid grin off your face and let me have this cock she exclaims falling on her knees in front of Andy pulling down his pajama bottom.
What the hell is this she yells looking at a completely flaccid cock no more than three inches long. You did all of that to me and never got an erection while you were doing it she asks? I was starting to get one when the officers were here but then they left! I didn’t think he was your type Crystal barked? Not him the woman she was pretty hot! Yes well how are we going to get you hard and stiff she asks? Do I need to be hard and stiff? I thought you would want me to repay you for what you did for me she says joining him sitting on the side of the bed. I do but my guy isn’t very big didn’t Susan tell you that? She said she sucked it and you fucked her with it and she enjoyed both so it has to get bigger than this she says trying not to laugh! It does he’s just not ready to come out to play yet Andy barks.
OK now we have to talk about something dear the woman exclaims putting her arm
around his pulling him towards her hot body. What do you want to talk about dear
he asks looking down at his feet? I want to talk about us she says grabbing his
head so he is facing her. I don’t understand what about us? How would you like
it if we were a couple? A couple of what he asks grinning? There is a brief
moment of silence as Crystal glares at him! Oh you’re serious the little man
chirps I thought this was part of the game dear! Go on with what you were saying
about us being a couple. I want to be your girlfriend and I want you to be my
boyfriend. Why? What do you mean why? Why do you want to be my girlfriend?
I like you Andy and I hope you like me also so why not be together giving to each other instead of trying to sleep around hoping to find it! I can’t be your boyfriend? Why not? Look at me do you really want people to see you with me they’d be laughing at you every time they see you with me. Andy will you please stop thinking you are a homely looking man? You are not a bad looking man and even if you were what do you care if people don’t like you because of what you look like or what you don’t look like? These people are shallow and heartless they don’t love you or even like you. I love you! I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone this is the truth dear it’s not me playing the game! The game is over!
There is a moment of silence no more than thirty seconds long that seems like an eternity to both of them and then Andy speaks saying I think you are one of the most beautiful women in the world! You are successful sexy and really hot in the bedroom so how could you fall in love with me? You’re right how could I fall in love with the most wonderful man in the world? That’s a silly thing to do! Andy begins turning his head in different directions looking for a hidden video camera. This is a joke you’re recording this on video? Show the tape to your girlfriends you all get a good laugh at my expense! I get it it’s a joke, very funny dear!
Get off my boat! What? You heard me I said get off my boat she says holding
her head in her hands crying. Andy puts his arm around her pulling her close to
him saying I’m sorry dear no woman has ever said I love you to me before I
didn’t mean to make you feel sad? What do I do now the little man asks wiping
tears from her eyes she grabs him and begins tenderly kissing him saying love me
as I love you! They fall together on the bed holding each other kissing for one
Andy is confused not sure what to do about this whole love thing but one thing
he is certain of is that his cock is now hard and stiff it’s time to fuck
Crystal! He whispers into her ear I want to fuck you she immediately spins
around on the bed spreading her legs sticking her knees up in the air. Andy
wastes no time kneeling between her legs stroking his stiff prick. That’s much
better dear, now that’s the dick I was waiting to see she exclaims with a big
beaming smile on her face.
Andy Savage is about to live out another dream he is going to fuck another gorgeous woman the second in two days! This has to be a dream he thinks it cannot be real as he rubs the head of his meat up and down Crystals pink rose petals as pre-cum drips onto it from the head of his tool. Do you know how many times I’ve fantasized about doing this he asks her still running the head of his prick up and down her cunt lips. I’ve beat my meat hundreds of time fantasizing about fucking you baby! I don’t know if I should be flattered or sad hearing that she replies. You will never have to only fantasize about it again I’m yours always!
Upon hearing this piece of good news he slowly slides his meat into Crystal’s hot waiting pussy enjoying the feel of every inch of his tiny dick sliding into the beautiful blond slut who now claims to be his girlfriend. If this is the case I’m a very lucky man he thinks as he buries his dick all the way into her! Oh this feels good he sighs remaining still for a few seconds enjoying the feel of his cock in her cunt then slowly begins grinding it around inside her hot cunt. Crystal moans oh Andy that feels so good she sighs responding to the feel of his cock now filling her vagina wondering when he is going to begin fucking the shit out of her which is what he told Susan he was going to do tonight.
She is still waiting for the little man to begin pounding her when she hears him say, I going to give you a nice slow romantic fuck baby as he begins slowly moving up and down on her grinding her with his meat and certainly not pounding her! This feels wonderful she thinks to herself as she lays back enjoying him slowly fucking her realizing now that Susan Gander was right he is a very good lay! Up and down! He strokes up and down slowly drilling her using just enough speed to maintain an erection ensuring the head of his cock swipes her G-spot with each inward thrust Crystal’s heart has convinced her now that she must have this man!
Crystal is in paradise she is with a man she loves and adores who just a few hours ago she thought of as a very creepy guy. She still thinks that he is creepy but has decided now that it is charming and exciting. Add to this he just performed oral sex on her better than any man she has ever been with so falling in love with this ugly little man was inevitable. Now he is slowly fucking her and it feels so good she wants to scream for him to never stop but instead she lays back moaning loudly crying out fuck me, fuck me baby, oh baby fuck me as Andy slowly screws her hot inviting pussy thinking about only one thing this hot piece of ass he’s got!
He can’t believe he is with this woman who every male employee at the marina
has tried to bag but few have succeeded. It may only be out of charity and part
of a game but he’s still doing what most here have not done including the great
and wonderful Will Weststove! Add to this if she is telling the truth and really
does want to be his girlfriend he’s done better than all of these other men
combined. He’ll be able to fuck this pussy almost any time! Not bad for a
So what happened to the nice sweet guy the shy man who was so terrified when he
first saw Crystal tonight that he almost turned and fled? Where did the timid
little man go who was so dazzled by her beauty that he forgot he was holding the
flowers he brought to her? Where is the man who sits alone only writing about
the things he is doing tonight! I don’t know where he is but I do know one thing
he is not the man with this woman this is a bolder more confident man! It’s
amazing what finding a woman that wants to be with him can do for a man!
As opposed to spending 18 years of his life pining for a woman that never thought of him once in all those years while he thought of nothing else but wanting her with him every day for each of those 18 years! This should be Susan and it should have been for all these years, she destroyed him with no remorse how on Earth could he ever fall in love with such a woman? This one is much better! Yes she also is a first class whore but she says that she loves him can Andy really not take a chance with her and at least hope she is not still just playing the game.
He decides now that he will take a chance toss the dice hoping he doesn’t lose and if it is all just still part of the game he still got something he did not get with Sue. He got to screw this smoking hot looking bitch creating a pleasant memory that will be with him for the remainder of his days! Even if he dies right now he will die a happy man and he won’t be thinking about Susan but beautiful Crystal! Oh Crystal, fuck me baby! Fuck me the ugly little man screams as he prepares for that special moment that only comes at the end of the ride! He can feel his cum boiling in his balls aching to burst out of his cock into Crystal’s cum soaked pussy!
His eyes are bulging as he strokes her faster now trying to release his hot wad into this lovely woman! Sweat is pouring off him like the mighty falls that like Sue make their home in New York! Lightning flashes before his eyes Crystal’s passionate screams echo in his ears! The train is once more rolling down the tracks but this time it’s going to transform into a phoenix helping Andy’s broken heart to rise from the ashes and soar like a bird with Crystal’s! Gone is the pain and sorrow he has known every day for 18 years! He is on his way to paradise and if it tosses him back to Earth it does not matter he has got to fuck Crystal Ball!
I can’t hold back any longer Andy screams now rearing back gritting his teeth bracing himself for the magic moment that is now just seconds away from occurring Crystal is lost in another galaxy now nowhere near the Milky Way! She is soaring faster than the speed of light past millions of worlds like Earth seen for mere seconds by their inhabitants passing by through their telescopes. She has now passed the end of the universe beginning her journey home it will only take a few more seconds to make it all the way back to Earth in fact here she is now! I’m cumming! I’m cumming the little man screams as he ejaculates into Crystal’s cum soaked pussy both of them shooting off together at the same moment!
Suddenly they hear the crack of lightning as the room fills with light and they are knocked off the bed by the shockwave! The mast of her yacht was struck by lightning at the precise moment they both climaxed! Now on the floor they roll around together kissing each other passionately this is all too incredible to be real and sadly it is not! Ring! Ring! Ring! Sounds Andy’s alarm clock waking him from a sound sleep and another erotic dream! He did not have sex with Susan Gander he did not have sex with Crystal Ball except here in this fictional story.
A younger buddy teaches his farmer friend how to play in the woods... |
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