The Game Act 1
It was just past eight in the evening last Friday at the Casper Key Marina where four women were sitting at a table in the dining room. They were sitting there trying to think of something they could do that night that would be fun and not as boring as what they are doing right now. They were all very attractive white women in their thirties two blonds and two women with brown hair and it goes without saying in very good shape. They are Jennifer Antler, Crystal Ball, Melissa Jonner and Susan Gander. Everything is setup now so let me tell you what happened.
The women were drinking Martinis discussing what they could do when Crystal suggested playing a game. The other women all asked what kind of a game she said a sex game. They were intrigued so they listened further. She pointed to the man bussing the tables saying that is the dishwasher his name is Andy Savage he is at least fifty years old he’s single and he’s a very shy man. Here is my idea we call him over to the table introduce Susan to him because he has never met you then I will take a deck of cards from my purse inform him that each of us is going to cut the cards the one who gets the lowest numbered card will take him home with her after he gets off work and have sex with him in her own bed she will do anything he asks her do to as long as it’s only sexual not violent.
Two of the three women said I don’t know he’s not a very attractive man he’s worse than that he’s uglier than sin Melissa quipped! That’s my point girls he is plain looking and we are all pretty decent looking. Now whoever loses the game and takes him home only has to be with him this one night and he gets to have sex with an attractive woman who he never would be able to get on his own. After spending a few more minutes discussing the game they decide to call the man over to the table. Crystal introduces Susan to him she smiles saying hello.
His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw this lovely goddess sitting with the three other hot looking women. Crystal explained the game to him telling him the woman who cuts the lowest numbered card will take you home with her and you get to have sex with her all night then after breakfast she will drive you home. I don’t know that sounds a little creepy to me I don’t even know any of you except from when you come here to dine and I never saw this woman before in my life. I’m not sure it would be proper for me to just have sex with someone just because she lost at a game. Being intimate with a woman is suppose to be romantic and loving not just taking her home and banging her because she’s a prize in a game. Susan looks away trying to keep from laughing at this dinosaur.
Andy you can do whatever you want with whoever it is that takes you home if you want to make it romantic and wonderful you can do so. If you just want to bang her as you put it you can do that also. She will perform whatever sex acts you ask for on you and you can perform whatever sex acts on her you want with the following exceptions. No Rape real or simulated and no violence of any kind! I assume this goes for her also she cannot do anything violent to me or hurt me? Yes just sex but this doesn’t mean it can’t be a little kinky just not too kinky.
Andy agrees to the terms and watches along with the other three women as Crystal removes the deck of cards from her purse shuffles them asks Jenny to cut first she draws an ace of hearts one of the highest numbered cards. Next to draw was Melissa she drew a nine of clubs it was now Crystal’s turn she drew a three of diamonds and last to draw was Susan who drew a seven of hearts. It appears I lost Crystal said holding up her card. Andy just smiled saying I get off work at eleven where should I meet you? I will be here at eleven waiting outside the front door for you look for a silver Cadillac. This is my card if you’re going to cancel call me.
Andy was both happy and sad that Susan did not get the lowest card because she is so beautiful he’s not sure he would be up to the task of satisfying a woman who can be with any man a pauper or a king and he’s not sure he’ll be up to the task with Crystal but he’s going to give it his best shot. He’s not going to pass up the opportunity to have sex with Crystal even if it is for the wrong reasons. Once Andy returns to the kitchen they change the results of the game not telling him though they want it to be a surprise which he will learn about when he sits in Crystal’s car.
It only takes a few minutes for Crystal and the other three women to drive to her home because it’s a yacht here at the marina that she got from her ex husband during her divorce. It’s the first time Sue has been here and she is very impressed especially with the bedroom and the brass bed. You really have a nice place here she tells crystal running her hand across the satin bedspread. Do you think he will show up or chicken out Jenney asked Crystal sniffing from a bottle of perfume she picked up from the top of the dresser?
He won’t show I am certain that little man is as scared as can be there is no way he will walk out the front door. I don’t know Crystal he had that look in his eyes when you drew the low card Sue said admiring Crystal’s collection of vibrators and dildos on a small table located in the corner of the room. You mean that I can’t wait to fuck that pussy look Crystal replies? Yes that’s the look! Well if he shows we’ll just have to go through with it won’t we? I guess so but who knows he may turn out to be real good in bed Melissa says trying to add to the discussion.
I won’t get my hopes up Crystal chirps as the four women are now sitting in
chairs in the room. He was in the navy for twenty years you know Jenny barks!
Who was in the navy twenty years? Andy the man who you invited here tonight to
have sex with you and you know what they say about those navy guys a woman in
every port and all. Crystal takes a sip of wine saying I did not know he was in
the navy. That’s my point Jenny continues you don’t know anything about him. I
suppose you do? I know he was in the navy and that he writes short stories.
How do you know these things about him Susan asks? We went on a date last year?
The room grew quiet as the other three woman sat motionless stunned at hearing
this revelation. When did you and Andy go on a date? It wasn’t actually a date
he asked me to come with him here to the marina for the employee Christmas party
last year I did. We danced and talked he’s a very nice man. Did you have sex? I
gave him a blowjob out in the men’s locker room but we never did anything more
than that. You did what Crystal yelps standing abruptly? You did that the same
night at the Christmas party? You were still married!
Yes but I told him I was divorced because he would not have let me do it if he knew I was still married. Did you ask him if you could suck his dick Melissa asks? Yes! Why on Earth would you do such a thing Crystal wails? The same reason that you created the game tonight because I felt sorry for him. He lives all alone except for his cat he has never had a girfriend or a wife. I just feel bad for him because he’s a nice man and the only reason he can’t get dates is because he doesn’t look like a movie star and his job.
He also has a degree in business administration. Then why is he washing dishes for a living Sue asks? He is still taking his classes online now working on getting a bachelors degree he also earns money from his internet business. Seems like you two talked a lot during that Christmas party Crystal chirps. So what do I have to look forward to tonight? How big is his dick Crystal asks Jenny? It’s big enough for what you are going to use it for and I’m sure he’s up to the task Jenny yelps! You like him don’t you Sue asks? Yes I do and I don’t want to see him get hurt.
I’m not going to hurt him Jenny but I am glad to know he has been with at least one other woman and that he was in the navy. He might show up for his date tonight after all. I better get everything ready, I’ll help Susan says as the two women begin tidying up the room preparing it for an evening of sex with Andy. Meanwhile back at the resteraunt Andy is washing his dishes thinking about how much fun he is going to have later tonight with Crystal. He can’t help but wonder if there is something more to this than four bored women deciding to be chartable and throw an ugly dog a hot sexy bitch to bone so what’s going on?
He is washing his dishes when he happened to notice one of the waitresses standing in the center of the kitchen writing on her pad then placed the ticket on the wheel. It ‘s the lovely young Jennifer Bliss who is a very cute blond in her early twenties and as usual one of the hounds is accosting her hoping he can get her into his bed. This whole marina is full of scoundrels sex crazed whores and studs. None of these people seem to be interested in finding love or real intimacy they spend all their time and energy on just trying to find a playmate for the night.
I guess I’m going to become one of them tonight Andy mumbles to himself as he
watches Jenny run back into the dining room with Will the bartender in hot
pursuit. Andy returns to washing his dishes checking the time now and then to be
sure that he has all his work done in time for his date. I have always wanted to
see Crystal’s yacht he thinks to himself as he pushes more racks through the
dishwasher. It’s supposed to be one of the biggest and nicest boats here so he’s
looking forward to seeing it. Hi Andy he hears a female speaking turning to see
who it is, Hi Mindy how are you tonight he asks the petite married pantry cook.
How are things going in the pantry tonight he asks the woman? Everything is fine it’s very slow for a Friday night in Summer she says Andy agrees saying it’s just a week after fourth of July so I guess they all came on the forth to watch the fireworks? They spent too much money then so they need to take a break from paying twelve dollars for a hamburger for awhile. Mindy laughs saying I know who pays twelve dollars for a hamburger? Someone with more money than Brains dear! You’re right Mindy says spinning around on her way back to the pantry.
Now back at the yacht Melissa and Jenny prepare to depart but before they go they instruct Crystal to make sure to tell them every juicy detail of what happens with Andy she promises that she will they depart. What’s this for Susan asks holding up a tube of jelly? It’s for when I get fucked in my ass dear she says in a brusque tone of voice. Do you think this man is going to ask you if he can do that to you tonight? No but I believe in being prepared that’s why I have these she says showing her a package of blue pills. Male enhancement Pills what are you going to do with those Sue inquires? I’m going to slip a couple into his drink.
That’s not a good idea what if he has diabetes or high blood pressure you could kill him! Crystal stands quiet for a moment contemplating then says you’re right I won’t put them in his drink but they’ll be here in case he needs one. Now what on earth is this mid-evil looking device Sue asks holding up some weird contraption? It’s a chastity belt. OK I know this is going to be a stupid question but I’m going to ask it anyways, why do you have a chastity belt? I put it on and when my date wants to fuck me he has to search around the boat for clues leading to the location of the key. Once he finds it he can unlock the belt then fuck me.
Do you do that to a lot of men and are you planning on doing that tonight Sue snaps? I’m not just toss it under the bed Sue picks up the device tosses it under the bed then says I guess everything is ready. I’ll be on my way now have a good night Crystal. You to Sue! I want to hear all about it. Sue departs walking down the pier towards the parking lot and Crystal prepares for her big night. It is exactly 10:30pm when Will the bartender arrives at the yacht. Hi Crystal you ready to go he asks yes I am she replies grabbing her purse and departs for a night on the town with the handsome bartender? Andy has already completed his chores and is now in the men’s locker room where he showers and shaves preparing for his big date.
He dresses in a suit he keeps stored in his locker a bit peeved at seeing a few wrinkles still he looks and smells very good wearing his Giorgio Armani for Men and his three hundred dollar pair of Italian shoes. He gives himself the once over one last time in the mirror then walks through the kitchen towards the front door. The manager Carol Singer was waiting to let him out. Wow look at you she exclaims seeing Andy dressed to the nines asking if he has a date? Yes I do it’s with Crystal Ball he replies with a smile. You have a date with Crystal tonight?
Yes I do why do you ask it’s not important Andy you have a good night and if you feel the need to talk come to the office early before your shift starts tomorrow and we can talk. OK whatever dear good night. She watches him as he walks towards the parking lot knowing Will had a date with Crystal tonight so what is she up to then she remembers the game she smiles as she watches Andy walk towards the curb slowly his heart now beating a mile per minute as he gets closer and closer to the silver Cadillac parked at the curb.
Slowly the passenger side door opens he enters sitting closing the door
seeing a dark figure of a woman his mouth dry and his palms sweaty as he
anticipates seeing lovely Crystal. Suddenly the dome lights come on lighting the
interior of the car he is shocked by at what he sees. It is Susan Gander dressed
in a tight white cocktail dress that only comes down to just below her crotch.
Andy speaks not a word just sits there in silence frozen in place leering at the
gorgeous woman. So are you ready for our date dear she asks the terrified little
I’m not sure I’m confused why are you hear and not Crystal? We changed the
result of the game so you can have sex with me rather than her. Don’t worry
though you’ll still get to be with her just not tonight. So should we go now she
asks pulling the shift handle to the D position her foot still on the brake?
Where are we going Susan he inquires she replies to Crystal’s yacht she is
letting us use it for the whole night. That’s nice I’ve always wanted to see her
boat Andy mumbled. It’s nice I saw it for the first time earlier tonight we
should really enjoy ourselves there the bedroom is just beautiful! It was
beautiful because you were there and it appears it’s going to be beautiful again
very soon Andy remarks.
That’s one of the most wonderful things any man has ever said to me you’re a very nice man and very sharply dressed. Tell me do all dishwashers wear Armani suits and cologne? I don’t think so but they have many formal affairs here and sometimes I am used to wait tables so the marina provides me with this suit, I keep it in my locker in the men’s locker room. I showered there before leaving. I can tell you look very clean and handsome. Well I’m clean I don’t know about handsome but thanks for saying it. Why not say it I think you’re a fine looking man.
As she parks the car shutting the engine off near the boat she turns looking
directly into the eyes of the little man and says, Tonight you are the most
handsome man on the planet. You are the nicest most wonderful man and the
sexiest man alive if you choose to want to be these things you will be all of
them if you want to believe you are an ugly man unworthy of being with me we can
part company here and now. I’m just very frightened he said to her. There is
nothing to be afraid of I’m not going to hurt you or grade your performance.
I just want to give you what we promised you tonight when we cut the cards and I
know you want to make love to me I can see it in your eyes. I want to make love
to you more than any man has ever wanted to make love to any woman and that
includes you he replied boldly! So let’s get on with it then she says preparing
to open her door wait don’t open it stay still he says getting out of his side
running around the car opening her door for her. Thank you dear you’re a real
gentleman she says kissing his cheek taking him by the hand leading him to the
So where is the fancy boat of Crystal’s it’s right here she said pointing to the
yacht that they are now boarding? This is nice Andy says as they stand on the
stern together looking out at the Gulf of Mexico. It’s beautiful Crystal
laments! It’s a nice boat dear the little man says as they head below deck to
the living and sleeping area. Once in the bedroom Andy becomes more animated
saying now this is awesome absolutely fantastic then suddenly he gets a pit in
his stomach and a lump in his throat realizing he is way out of his league here.
Andy relax you don’t have to be nervous with me or the surroundings the woman
says moving to the bar. She asks him what kind of drink he would like he
answered I don’t drink alcohol. Really I never met a man that doesn’t drink in
fact most of the men I know can’t go five minutes without refilling their glass.
I’m sorry to hear that Andy replies. Why is that she says moving to stand in
front of him beside the bed holding a glass of scotch neat which means no ice?
How can they enjoy making love to one of the most beautiful woman in the world
and not be sober enough to remember it? You deserve a better man!
I think I found one she said with a smile lightly brushing his cheek with her hand. I was told by someone that you were in the navy she said sitting on the bed motioning for him to sit beside her. Yes I was in the navy for twenty years Andy replies now seated next to her. Did you make love to a lot of women in the navy? I think you already know the answer to that question dear? Why not? You already know the answer to that question also. Is it because you think you are unattractive? No it’s because I am unattractive and women don’t want to be with an ugly man.
Andy I don’t care if you are ugly on the outside I only care if you are ugly on the inside and you are not. You are a very nice, kind, loving man. Did somebody tell you that also? Yes Jenny told us today she said you’re her friend and that she did something very special for you the night of the Christmas party. Yes she did and I really must see if I can get her to allow me to do something just as nice for her. I hope you are going to do that to me Andy she says caressing his leg on the outside of his trousers. Yes indeed he says gazing into her lovely green eyes. It’s the one intimate thing I can do extremely well to a woman. There ‘s plenty of time for that right now I just want you to kiss me and hold me then move on from there. Exactly what I had in mind he said tenderly kissing her cherry red lips.
Andy asks the lovely lawyer one last time if she is sure she wants to do this
with him she says yes as she begins searching for his throat with her tongue.
Andy intercepts her probe with his own causing the two tongues to begin dueling
within their two open mouths. You’re very lovely Susan absolutely gorgeous the
little man sighs as he kisses her mouth neck and ears. He is licking her as a
child licks a lollipop but this is no children’s treat this is a phenomenal
woman who now has Andy so in heat he has forgotten that she ‘s too much woman
for him.
Nature has set the plane on autopilot he is no longer in control he is now going
where it takes him and right now it’s taking him to the south.
He lays her on her back then kneels on the floor beside the bed between Susan’s spread legs looking straight up her dress seeing nothing up there but another treat waiting its turn for his tongue. She doesn’t need to wait much longer he is beginning his slow journey up her legs heading straight for his lovely prize. He is now kissing and licking her legs his hands slowly moving up her legs he is reaching for an unattainable goal and only seconds from achieving it. Susan is sighing in anticipation of his fingers and tongue working on her rose and clit thinking I’m glad I’m here and not Crystal.
To be continued…
This isn't how I envisioned Saturday work, but I did meet someone I had wanted to meet for a long time... |
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