The Foursome
18 year old Sarah woke slowly from her passion induced sleep. For a moment she was unsure of what had woken her, then she realised that someone was knocking insistently on the bedroom door. It took another moment for her to realise that it was Mandy's bedroom door and that she was still in Mandy's bed. Being an early riser she had been confident that she would be back in her own room before the twins woke up, but for once it appeared that they had beaten her and Mandy to it. "Mandy! Mandy!" Becky (or was it Amy?) was calling, "It's time to get up, remember we're going shopping!" "Oh shit!" Sarah thought; what do we do now?" and turned to Mandy who was raised on one elbow, a startled look on her face. She looked ravishing, one firm breast exposed, her auburn locks cascading down over one eye which she now flung back in a characteristic flick of her hand. "Coming!" she called. "Quickly!" she said to Sarah; "Put on your nightie, we'll pretend we were just chatting!" she whispered as she slipped out of bed and drew the oversize T-shirt over her head. As she walked to the door Sarah looked approvingly at the half moons of the older girl's firm buttocks peeping from below the shirt. Even in her moment of panic she couldn't suppress her lusty thoughts towards the older girl. "Hey! Your panties!" she whispered fiercely, pointing in the direction of Mandy's naked bottom. In her haste, however, Mandy was already opening the door, ineffectively trying to cover her pussy by pulling down the front of her T-shirt.
"Come on!" Amy (or was it Becky?) exclaimed; "We have to get ready to...." her voice trailed away slowly as she took in Mandy's near naked state, her half-sister Sarah sitting on the bed trying to look casual. "We were just discussing it" Sarah said lamely, her eyes still flicking towards Mandy's naked legs and fanny. "What's to discuss? We did that yesterday!" The second of the twins said as she entered. Suddenly everything became quiet, and for a long moment the twins stared at Mandy, who was ineffectively trying to retrieve her panties from somewhere beneath the bed sheets. "Hey! You're not wearing panties!" Becky breathed with a catch in her voice. "Um, yeah, I was just, ah...going to put on another one" Mandy chuckled self-consciously. It was the first time the twins had seen her undressed, and both stared unashamedly at the voluptuous curves of her exposed legs and butt, and the dark heart-shaped thatch between her thighs. The twins were fresh from their own night of passion after having explored their mother's stash of love toys, magazines and photographs. Now, the sight of the half-naked older girl of whom they had become extremely fond, caused renewed passions to rise in their young bodies. Both were also acutely aware of Sarah's presence, together with a vague understanding that something more than just a casual morning chat had been going on behind the locked door. "Ok, won't be long!" Mandy said as she ushered all three girls from her room; "As soon as Sarah and I are ready we can go".
Thirty minutes later the four girls were being chauffeured into the city in their father's official limousine. Their father had flown back to South Africa the previous day to attend a meeting with Government Officials and was not due back for several days. As usual, he had left with only a cursory greeting, leaving Mandy in charge of the three young girls. The twins had managed to arrange for their father's personal chauffeur to drive them around during his absence. "Amazing what a guilty conscious could allow" Mandy had thought when he had given her the details.
The twins' and Sarah's excitement at being allowed to go shopping was infectious, and soon Mandy's earlier embarrassment was forgotten. From time to time, Mandy studied the girls as they chattered with one another. Sarah, as usual, looked absolutely stunning in a short tartan skirt and snow white blouse. Her long white socks only served to emphasise rather than hide her shapely young legs. A tartan cap perched jauntily on her rusty coloured curls. She wore no bra and her pert little nipples could sometimes be seen jutting out against her blouse. In her mind's eye Mandy could see the girl's furry little mound, with the cheeky pout of her vagina's open lips, glistening with her moisture. She shivered with the memory, and she felt the sensual pressure of arousal deep within her body. The twins both wore shorts which stretched snugly around their rounded butts. Their smooth, boyishly rounded legs were bare, with open sandals on their perfectly shaped little feet. Tight T-shirts moulded their chests, small nipples with areolas faintly visible. Dark hair framed their rounded faces, their full, pouting lips looking immanently kissable . "Oh boy!" Mandy thought; "How beautiful they are, they're going to break hearts, not very long from now!"
In the shops the girls wanted to try on every garment their eyes fell upon, and numerous trips were made into fitting rooms. Now they were in an expensive lingerie shop, beautiful underwear garments all around them, assailing their animated eyes. "Mandy!" Becky called; "We've got something for you to try on. Amy's got it in the fitting room!" Curious, Mandy allowed the girl to pull her towards the curtained cubicle. "Come in" Amy said, drawing Mandy in through the curtain. "Look!" she said; "Isn't it lovely?!" She was holding up the smallest thong Mandy had ever seen, white with small red sequined hearts all over the material. "Oh, no" Mandy laughed; "I would never fit into that!" "Come on Mandy; please don't be a dork, just try it on, please!" Becky begged. "You've got the perfect body for it!" "Yes! Pleeeeeaase!!" Amy exclaimed; "You really must!" The twins were raising their voices animatedly, which prompted Sarah to come and investigate. Suddenly, all four were crammed into the stall, the three girls all imploring Mandy to try on the skimpy garment. "It looks small enough for YOU to wear" Mandy said to Amy, eying the small scrap of material dubiously. "No, I've got one for myself" she said, holding up an even smaller one.
Quickly, she pulled down her shorts and stepped out of them. Her panty had come off together with the shorts, leaving her completely naked from the waist down. Mandy had of course seen the twins naked before, but somehow the cramped cubicle, situated as it was in a crowded shop, had brought about an intimacy which all four girls immediately became aware of. Amy drew on the small thong and swung to face the others, thrusting her hips to one side and swinging her foot sideways, striking a voluptuous pose. The small strip of cloth was pulled up tightly against her crotch, clearly displaying her slit and cunt lips. "Oh wow, Ames!" Becky whispered, "You're ....fucking hot!" The expletive coming from the young girl's lips was as much a turn on to the little throng in the stall as Amy's sensual pose. "Now you" Amy whispered, anxiously waiting to see if Mandy will comply.
Mandy was suddenly swept along a tide of sexual arousal, the fact that strangers were moving around outside the curtained doorway heightening the thrill of the moment. "What am I doing?" she asked herself even as she slipped off her shoes and reached for the button of her jeans. "I am supposed to care for these children and already I have seduced one, and now I'm corrupting the twins!" For a moment she hesitated, then, seeing the three expectant faces, she unbuttoned her jeans and stepped out of them, taking her panties off at the same time. All three girls openly stared at Mandy's sex, and for a moment she stood so that they had an unimpeded view, displaying herself unashamedly, enjoying their rapt gazes. "Wow!" Becky breathed, "You've shaped it into a heart!" she said, pointing to the small thatch of Mandy's pussy hair. Before Mandy could react, Becky reached out and slipped her fingers through the curls, lightly brushing the pouty lips underneath. There was a collective gasp from throats of all the girls, throats constricted with lust and arousal, of the feeling that they were all perched on the edge of a cliff, threatening to be swept over into a schism of decadence. Breaking the spell for the moment, Mandy stepped into the tiny thong, pulling it up over her hips so that the rear disappeared into the deep crevice of her buttocks. The minute crotch of the garment was too small to cover her thatch, and pussy-hair stuck out on either side of the strip of cloth. Somehow this served only to heighten her sexual allure, as she pivoted in the small stall, her arms held up over her head. "How does it look?" she asked, swinging her hips from side to side. "Fucking c-o-o-o-l!" Becky exclaimed. "Hot!" Amy said, clapping her hands together excitedly. "Sarah?" Mandy asked, lifting an inquiring eyebrow.
Sarah was trying to hide the deep thrill of her arousal as she looked at Mandy's
voluptuous body, having seen, tasted and drunk from the love-nest of the
beautiful older girl in front of her, she felt elevated to place above the other
two other girls, a special realm where she and Mandy connected in mind and body.
She new Mandy was aroused, simply by the way her eyes had become slightly
unfocused, her tongue flicking out to moisten her parted lips. Underneath her T-
shirt, Mandy's nipples had puckered and swollen, clearly visible to the lustful
eyes of the others. Suddenly, all three knew that it was time to go, away from
the crowded surroundings, to somewhere quiet and intimate, where emotions could
be given free reign, where fingers and hands and lips and tongues could be
allowed to explore secret places. The atmosphere in the car on the way home was
electric, each girl wrestling with thoughts and feelings bursting to be
expressed. Sarah was sitting next to Mandy in the limousine; the twins opposite,
facing them. She had slumped sideways, her head resting on Mandy's shoulder.
Without a word she turned her face towards Mandy and, stretching up, she kissed
her, slowly and sensuously moving her mouth so that their lips parted. For a
brief moment Mandy hesitated, then gave in and returned the kiss. Opposite them
the twins watched, unsurprised at what was taking place, mesmerised by the
erotic picture of two beautiful girls kissing passionately. Then, Amy placed her
arm around Becky and drew her into a fierce embrace. Their mouths sought out one
another and they kissed, hungrily thrusting their tongues together.
Mandy, having flicked a glance across to little isle to see the twin's reaction to her and Sarah's kiss, stared in wonder at the two eleven-year olds as they kissed deeply, soft moans of passion escaping from their throats. Sarah was stunned, for a moment not comprehending the sight of the twins' passionate actions. "They obviously need no teaching!" she thought in wonder. Next to her Mandy had scooted forward onto her knees, and reaching out she pulled both twins into her arms. Overcome by emotion, she kissed each in turn, mashing her mouth against theirs and whispering endearments into their ears. For a brief moment Sarah felt a stab of jealousy, then her affection for the twins rose up to transcend that and she too moved across to join the other three in a passionate tangle of bodies.
The car drew up in front of the large mansion and everyone tumbled out. "Just as well the partition between us and Max were closed!" Sarah giggled as she hooked her arm through Mandy's. The twins were already through the front door and were running up the stairs to the bedrooms on the top floor. As if by agreement they all headed for Mandy's room at the end of the corridor. Mandy entered last and closed the door behind her. Then, silently, she leaned her back against the door and looked at the three pre-teen girls who were all looking at her expectantly. "I just want to say something before we do anything further" she said. "I don't want us to do anything which is against your wishes. You guys are minors, and I can get into serious trouble if anyone finds out what we are doing". "We haven't done anything yet!" Becky teased as she pulled her T-shirt over her head and stepped out of her shorts. "No one will know" Amy said as she followed Becky's lead by taking off her own clothes, "We all love each other, don't we? So who's gonna snitch?" she said. "Ta daa!" Becky shouted as she flung her arms wide and struck a sexy pose. She and Amy were now completely naked and both jumped onto Mandy's bed, where they looked up at Sarah and Mandy expectantly.
Sarah now stepped to the middle of the room and started unbuttoning her blouse. The moment was hers, and three pairs of eyes turned to watch as she slowly started to strip. Soft sighs escaped the twins as Sarah's small budding breasts came into view. Although they had since babyhood lived in close proximity to one another, all except the twins had up to now shied away from exposing their bodies to one another. Sarah's milky, flawless body was breathtakingly beautiful, and the others watched transfixed as she first stepped out of her short skirt and panties, then, balancing first on her one foot, then the other, pulled off her long white socks. For a brief moment her shyness overcame her and she folded her hands across her pussy, shielding it from the rapturous gaze of the twins. The moment passed though, and her nipples tightened and puckered in response to her nakedness body on display. As a warm blush crept up from her abdomen over her breasts, she took her hands away and turned in a slow, achingly erotic circle to show off her body. "Oh Sarah!" Amy whispered, "You're so beautiful". "Yeah! Fucking hot!" Becky breathed, causing nervous chuckles around the room.
All eyes now turned expectantly to Mandy. She was the only one still dressed, conflicting emotions churning through her mind. She could almost see the headlines screaming out in bold letters: "AU PAIR CAUGHT IN SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH PRE-TEENS!"
However, the blissful experiences with Sarah had already liberated her to an extent from the guilt she first felt of entering into an illicit relationship with a minor. Now her body was aching to take it a step further and she could not ignore the deep thrill of lust which spiralled up from her loins, causing a delicious wetness in her panties and a blush of arousal to rise up over her breasts. Still she hesitated, although the nakedness of the girls before her and their innocent eagerness was consuming her with desire. Sarah stepped toward Mandy. "It's OK" she said, as though reading the older girl's thoughts. "Come, let's do this together" and she motioned to the twins to join her. Eagerly the girls now crowded around Mandy. As the twins lifted the hem of Mandy's T-shirt, Sarah reached to unbutton her jeans. Mandy allowed them to strip her, letting the moment sweep her along in a headlong rush of passion and emotion.
Slowly her lush body was exposed as Sarah knelt in front of her, first slipping of Mandy's sandals and then her jeans and panties. "Come" Sarah said, drawing her to the double bed, the twins each holding one of Mandy's hands and following. Mandy lay down, allowing young hands to explore her body. Softly, one breast was caressed, fingers sliding across the engorged nipple, while another hand was sliding up from her ankles, over her thighs towards her pussy. She felt the soft caress of a breath over her navel, moving down toward her dripping mound. Becky was crouched between Mandy's splayed legs, fascinated with Mandy's pussy, the soft curls which partially hid the glistening slit, the musky aroma of arousal rising up to her young nostrils. Sarah was kneeling next to the bed, her head next to Becky and smiling at her half-sister's rapturous gaze on the treasure between Mandy's smooth thighs. "Like this" she said and reaching over, she spread Mandy's cunt lips open, revealing the swollen clitoris. "Kiss it" she instructed. Becky didn't waste any time and she leaned down, placing her mouth over Mandy's pussy and dragging her tongue over the sensitive bud.
Above them, Amy leaned over and started sucking on an engorged nipple, her fingers twirling the other on the opposite breast. Mandy had descended into blaze of lust, and she could feel the onrush of her orgasm like a train pounding down a track of lust. As Becky sucked the distended clitoris into her little mouth, Sarah slipped her hand beneath Mandy's raised buttocks, searching then finding the puckered rose of her anus. Firmly, she pressed against the opening, the juices flowing down from Becky's mouth and the pulsating folds of Mandy's pussy lubricating the opening, allowing the girl to slip her finger in to the hilt. At that moment Mandy came, and with a protracted moan she thrust her pelvis up into Becky's face, her hands convulsively clutching and mashing the quilt on which she lay. For a moment Becky's mouth was dislodged by the violence of Mandy's spasm, and grabbing the girl's head in both hands, she lodged it again firmly onto her wide open cunt lips, mashing it against the young girl's mouth, chin and teeth.
The orgasm seemed to go on forever, wave after wave of pleasure engulfing her, shaking her to the very core of her being. Amy was kissing her wide open mouth, sucking the older girl's tongue into her own mouth, allowing Mandy to groan her pleasure into her mouth. In the throes of her passion, she wanted to devour the young bodies around her, wishing she could do them all simultaneously. Her heart beating like drum, she tried to control the ragged breaths caused by her exertion. As her passion abated, she sat up and drew Becky up towards her, and kissing the juice-drenched face of the young girl, tasting her own musk on the glistening mouth. "You're all going to suffer for that!" she warned playfully. "Well, what you waiting for"?!" The girls chorused. Another journey, more discoveries waited to be experienced.
David goes to his pal Steve's house. Steve's not there but his wife Sue sure is... |
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