The Experiment
"Or at very least, our 'Party Underclothes'." Continued Rachel, as seductively as she could.
"Well… I suppose that we could see if there's anything that we all like the look of you in." I replied in a loud voice. Making sure that the other men in the store heard me clearly. "But there are no changing rooms in here so, you'll both have to try them on right here, in the open. I think that I'd like that, actually. You wouldn't mind, would you girls?"
They looked at each other briefly, weighing up the consequences of their words and then, they both cracked cheeky grins and said, "If that would please you, Philip. We're both game, as long as you're footing the bill!"
Most of the other men in the shop were throwing me surreptitious glances by now and, a few even winked or gave me the thumbs up.
We went to the sexy adult clothing corner of the shop and Rachel piped up, "Since these will be your gift to us, Phil… I think it only fair that you choose the outfits that we should try on."
"Yes, that would make it much more exciting!" commented Claire, in response.
"Very well then my young models." I replied cheerily, "You can start by trying on some underwear for me. We'll work on the top layers once I've chosen that, okay?"
I rifled through the sexiest, skimpiest lingerie that I could find; finally handing each of them similar garments. The only real difference was the colour. I gave Rachel a set in brilliant white and, for Claire, I chose Ferrari red.
"I think that you'd better start by stripping off what you're currently wearing, don't you?"
No sooner had my request been made, than the two of them started peeling off the clothes that they were wearing.
The other men in the shop had ceased to be in the slightest bit cautious with their glances and, they were now ogling blatantly at the denuding female forms before them. In fact, some of them were coming closer and, we seemed to be drawing a crowd of onlookers.
"You can look but, you can't touch Gentlemen." I told the growing crowd forcefully. "Anyone breaks that rule and, I'll take the girls elsewhere. Okay with everyone?"
There was a chorus of affirmation as the two beauties finally stood in front of us all, completely and utterly naked as the day they were born.
They gratefully accepted the outfits that I handed them and began to dress.
The outfits consisted of lacy half cup bras with matching g-string panties; a waist reducing whale-bone corset with its own suspenders, lace topped hold up stockings with rear seam and Cuban heel and sheer lacy French knickers to finish.
The girls received some wolf whistles as they each helped to tie the other into the corsets. This was a necessity as, the garment laced up from behind.
When the layer of underwear was successfully attiring them, I decided to look for an outer layer.
"I think that you should follow me around a while as, I'm going to need you to try some things on for me."
Obediently, the two sisters followed my steps, each remaining at opposing sides of my body. I randomly picked some clothes for them to try on, making them dress and then, undress in front of their audience.
Once I began to tire of this little game, I chose the outfits that I had decided I would be purchasing for them.
Rachel, I dressed in a sexy and very short French maids outfit. The black and white going very well with the skimpy white undergarments that she wore.
Claire, I decided would look superb in leather so, I chose the most sluttish combination that I could.
A micro-mini skirt that just allowed her stocking tops to be seen, a sheer sleeveless top that showed her waist-clincher and bra, a half-body leather jacket and, to set it all off, a studded collar with a ring on it so that, should I wish to, I could attach a leash to her!
The final items that I bought them were the shoes I had chosen.
6" stiletto heeled ankle boots that stretched their calf muscles, beautifully enhancing the shape of their legs.
I paid, asking the cashier to pack up the clothes that the girls had arrived in.
"You're going to wear your new outfits for the rest of the evening, girls. We're going clubbing and, I think that you look wonderful, just the way you are!"
The girls looked a little surprised so, I enforced my hold on them by saying, "Or we could always play poker with the guys in the shop!"
Again, the girls immediately relaxed and giggling, followed me out of the shop.
It was still too early for us to head directly to the clubs so, deciding to show
off my lovely escorts, I decided that we'd go for drinks first.
We headed for the tube, our destination being the chic and frequently busy Covent Garden bars.
The Tube is London's busy underground Metro system and, I'd deliberately chosen this method of transport to get to our destination as, I wanted to expose my two 'Guinea-Pigs' to the largest crowds possible.
Dressed as they were, in their new and very sexy garb, they attracted many
stares and not a few wolf whistles.
We climbed aboard the Piccadilly line tube train which was, as usual, packed solid with shoppers, commuters and, it was headed to Covent Garden Station.
As we descended onto the platform, I noticed several of the male passengers, coping a sly feel of the girls thighs, bums and even a few daring strokes of their breasts. The girls remained impervious to the attention though, remaining quite firmly in position, either side of me.
We rose to street level in the lift and, we were thrust rapidly into the early evening throng of tourists and locals, all of whom seemed intent on starting their evenings jollities early.
The girls and I were still turning a lot of heads and, I smiled to myself, enjoying the attention that we were getting. Proud to be in the company of such beauty.
Choosing to go to a pub/bar that would be busy, we pushed toward the centre of the covered part of Covent Garden Market.
It's beautiful architecture is quite imposing and, it's filled with a variety of small shops, each selling items ranging from expensive art to gimmicky, if unusual gifts and mementoes. In the vast alleyways and in the central courtyard, there are market stalls and street vendors. However, most interestingly of all, there are a variety of street entertainers playing to the milling crowds.
We went to the pub first of all, my plan being to have a couple of drinks and, to decide how to proceed from there. Claire was instructed to buy our drinks and, handing her some money, Rachel and I chose a prominent table, in the centre of the floor space.
I had asked Claire to buy me a pint of lager but, had told her to buy both Rachel and herself, the Zombie Cocktails that I'd noticed were sold here. Zombies are extremely potent alcoholic cocktails made from seven different varieties of rum, including Jamaican overproof rum and orange juice.
It couldn't hurt matters, I thought to myself, if the girls became a little tipsy!
We finished our drinks and, once again, drawing looks from the crowd, made our way back upstairs to the busy covered market.
Without it being planned, I had brought along a copy of my Dance-Mix tape and had it in my jacket pocket. It was the tape that hid the subliminal messages that reinforced total obeisance to my commands.
It was also a very catchy compilation, a mixture of the most up to date club 'dance' tracks, even if I do say so myself.
An idea was forcing itself into my mind and, the more I considered it, the more I began to like it!
We wandered around until I found a store that sold battery operated ghetto blasters. I went in and bought the loudest one that was available, charging it to my credit card. Now I could play my tape and, what's more I could play it good and loud!
Browsing the market stalls, I also found and bought a few 'novelty' items. They consisted of, two pairs of handcuffs, some ankle cuffs connected to a leg spreader bar, a ball gag and, a cat-o'-nine tails whip made of leather.
All that was required now to allow me to action my fiendish plan was, a length of mesh wire fencing or, a wrought iron gate of some description.
I found what I was looking for at the extreme edge of Covent Garden, at the edge that leads up into the exotic bar area. Fortunately for me, this is an area which, whilst little known to the average Londoner, is very broadminded and, it contains a large number of Lesbian and Transsexual bars and cafés.
The 'accessory' that I'd been seeking was, as I've previously mentioned, a mesh wire or, a gothic or medieval styled wrought iron gate of some description.
The reason this was so important to my little plan was that, I was in need of something to which I could fasten the handcuffs that I had purchased earlier, in the market.
I smiled broadly as we approached a large, black, iron gate that fronted a large, Edwardian house, on the very final street corner, that was still considered to be within Covent Garden's boundaries.
It was perfect!
Thick, black and made of eerily founded cast iron, it had a presence that would have suited a Hammer House of Horror film. Not wanting any trouble with the local 'law enforcement', I quickly gathered my wits about me and, thinking up an outrageous, yet plausible story, I approached the door and rang.
Quite the most unexpected sight greeted me as the door opened in response. What was, quite obviously a man, though quite a femininely shaped one, stood before me in the doorway, dressed entirely as a French Maid.
"Good afternoon, Sir. How may I be of service?" He asked politely.
I was a little taken aback but, recovering my composure, I asked if I might be permitted to speak with the chief resident of this fine abode.
Leaving the girls outside, I followed the maid to the 'Library'. Sitting there, in a large Chippendale leather armchair, was a most beautiful woman.
She was demurely dressed, a strictness pervaded the air around her, a presence, inescapable and virtually palpable. She dismissed her maid with a nod of her head, saying: "That will be all thank you, Davinia. I'll ring when I need you."
Without pause, the transgender servant turned and left the room, closing the door as 'she' left.
Introducing myself as respectfully as I could, I began to weave together, the strings of my rapidly formed 'story', the aim of which was, to obtain permission for my use of the house's front railings. The use of which would allow, my implementation of the plan, that I had cooked up for my two willing, subliminally controlled test subjects.
I explained that, I was a new, young, film producer, hoping to explore the public's reaction to unusual situations and exotic visual stimuli. I explained that I was hoping that, she would allow me to have my performers enact a few scenes, at the front of her house. Adding quickly, that they might possibly do so, using her cast iron frontage as a prop.
The lady seemed fascinated at the prospect but, asked that I might introduce
them to her, before she made her final decision. I agreed at once, realising
that here lay some potential.
… The lady seemed fascinated at the prospect but, asked that I might introduce
them to her, before she made her final decision. I agreed at once, realising
that here lay some potential.
I had sex with my friend's boss so that he could get a promotion. All this while my hubby was out of town... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting