The Duchess
“Ma’am. Why do you not rise with the other heads of house?” she asked.
Everyone heard her and waited for an answer from her great grandmother.
“For I know it is written in the great book as commanded by the First Grand
Duchess herself. The great book appeared in front of her sister, resting on its
stand. Her sister unlocked the great book, and the book instantly flew open to
the page upon which these same words were written.
“ In the year of our lord, Fourteen hundred and eight. I do hereby proclaim that on the occasion of the breaking of the curse, the gentlemen shall rejoin our number and learn that which we know. They shall learn of the family history and how they had come to be banished from our midst. This I command by my own hand, and shall be done.” Her sister announced.
“Do you stand against this proclamation?” she spoke softly. Those who stood,
quickly sat. For to stand against an ancient proclamation would surely mean
banishment. With the seating of the standing women, a swirling mist began to
blanket the room. The portrait hanging above them, began to shimmer. Suddenly
the portrait seemed to come to life.
“Welcome My Daughters. I have waited long for you to solve the puzzle of the
curse and for one among you to have the strength to resist he who had cast it
upon us all. You have done well.” The image of the woman in the portrait stared
directly at her. It was as though she was indeed looking into a mirror.
“Until we are reborn.” She spoke. She squeezed her hand and felt her ring on her
“And today, we are.” The shimmering image of the Grand Duchess spoke to them.
“You have chosen well, who now leads the family. You are wise beyond your years,
my daughter.”
“I thank you, Ma’am.” She curtseyed low.
“Rise my daughter, for it is you who have proven yourself most worthy.” The
image of the Grand Duchess spoke.
“You have also chosen well, those who stand with you. Heed their counsel,
they will have knowledge for you to decide wisely. To those who stand as the
heads of house, give your counsel to your daughter in white, for she is your
station to your Matriarch. Be the eyes and ears of each of your houses and teach
the daughters within your houses well, for they will hold the keys to your
futures.” The portrait of the Grand Duchess made a last final shimmer and before
them all the portrait now contained a gentleman. A softly fading glow emanated
from the bands of gold upon each of their hands. Her own ring glowed, matching
her husband’s ring, the same as the rings in the portrait.
“You are forever bound together by the vow you have made to each other.” The
voice of the Grand Duchess spoke to them.
“The daughter growing inside of you is testament to your bond and everlasting
love. You have the sanction of having chosen each other. May your love be reborn
within your heir.” The voice of the Grand Duchess faded. She looked upon the
portrait once more. The gentleman standing with the Grand Duchess must be none
other than the man who’s forbidden love had allowed the Grand Duchess to break
free of her jealous husband’s imprisonment. That gentleman resembled her own
husband. She smiled sweetly and blew him a kiss. The two of them regarded each
other from across the room.
“Teach our daughters well, and so we shall, for we have much to learn ourselves
which has been hidden and forgotten. The mistakes of the past shall be
remembered and never repeated.” Her sister announced.
“Heads of house are to meet in the Library this afternoon. We shall renew our
lessons and learn new ones. There is much to be done.” Her driver spoke softly
so that all heard her.
“By my own hand…” she began speaking. The great book leapt forward to an empty
page. An invisible quill began writing. “In the year of our lord, two thousand
and two, I hereby proclaim that the gentlemen of our family shall be tasked to
protect our daughters from a reincarnation of the evil which cursed our family.
Theirs will be the honour of ensuring our daughters do not give their hearts and
love to a gentleman who’s intentions are less than honourable. Theirs will also
be the task to observe that no gentleman within the family breaks his own vows.
Punishment to those who prove themselves to be deceitful shall be banishment.
This I command and shall be done.” The page of the great book shimmered and the
ink set itself into the page. The rings of every gentleman glowed dimly.
“It is done. You have the power within you, that when it is needed, you shall
be able to see our daughter’s future suitor as he would truly be. You risk the
same fate as one who would be disloyal if you know of the deception of a suitor
and do not disclose it.” Her driver announced. Her sister closed the great book
and locked it. Her sister waved her hand over the great book. The great book
“The great book has returned to its proper place.” Announced her sister. Her
great Grandmother stood, wishing to speak.
“May I suggest that a new book be created and a place chosen for it to rest.
This book shall contain tests to prove the worthiness of future suitors. The
keeper of it’s key shall be the our eldest gentleman.” Her great grandmother
“Do I have a motion for this idea?” her driver stated.
“I do,” Her own husband spoke.
“I second the motion.” Her sister’s husband spoke.
“I concur.” Her driver’s husband spoke.
“Gentleman, All in Favour of the motion for the creation of a new book.” She
announced. All the gentlemen rose, indicating their approval.
“As this motion is unanimous among the Gentlemen, is there anyone against the
motion.” She spoke. No one indicated their disapproval.
“It is done.” Her sister spoke. A book the size of a small brief appeared. A
single key and chain appeared beside it.
“Does Our Gentleman accept this as his new station. As Guardian of the book?”
she asked. Her great grandfather stood.
“I accept, but may I also suggest that the book have two locks. Both keys
required to open the book, and the newest gentleman shall hold the second key. I
suggest this so that each keeper of a key shall be able to observe the other,
thus ensuring deceit is not possible.” Her great grandfather asked. She looked
at her sister and driver, who nodded to her.
“Does anyone oppose this second key?” She announced. No one rose or signalled an
“It is done.” Her sister spoke. A second key appeared and both keys disappeared
simultaneously. A key chain appeared around each of the men’s necks. Across the
room, she saw her cousin stand.
“As I am the next to be married, I ask that my fiancé be the first to be
tested.” Her cousin spoke.
“I accept your request.” Her great grandfather replied.
“I also accept your request.” Her husband replied. “He shall be presented to us
in the north tower one week from today.”
“Have you informed him of the chosen date for your wedding?” Her great
grandfather asked her cousin.
“He has.” Her cousin replied.
“And?” She asked her cousin.
“He was not entirely pleased, but he accepted the date.” Her cousin stated. “He
also asked when I will bring him to the hall and meet my family.
“He will be here to meet the gentlemen before he meets the rest of the family.”
Her husband stated.
“And not to worry, my dear, we shall not hang and quarter him.” Her great
grandfather spoke. Laughter burst from everyone.
“Well, we have had a busy day so far. I must ask everyone to keep silent what is
family business from those who would do us harm. Let us retire for today and
enjoy ourselves.” Her great grandmother spoke.
“Lunch will be served on the patio today.” She spoke. Everyone slowly began
leaving the hall. She noticed her newly engaged cousin approach.
“Something troubles you?” she asked.
“Ma’am, I do not know how to ask…” Her cousin began. She reached out with her
“Look into your heart and ask yourself if your fiancé is true, or bereft of
intentions.” She spoke to her cousin.
“How do you know?” Her cousin asked her.
“I know more than you think I might know.” She spoke. “Keep your true self
hidden from him until he completely reveals himself. By doing so, the gentlemen
will have an easier time finding if his intentions are virtuous. Please walk
with me cousin.”
They headed for the lunch tables being arranged on the patio. Everyone did
their part to ensure the midday meal was a success, after being hastily
prepared. After they sat down to enjoy the delights set before them, she thought
a very private thought to her newly engaged cousin.
“Hear my thoughts, cousin.” She concentrated. “Yes, you are hearing me. You are
not imagining my voice. Seek me out after lunch. Do so discreetly. I know you
have doubts and questions you are seeking answers for. Perhaps I can help you
find these answers this afternoon.” Her cousin looked directly at her. She
winked to her cousin. Her cousin’s eyes opened wide as though she could not
believe that she had spoken to her, but it was true.
“I heard your thoughts as well, sis.” Her sister whispered beside her cheek.
“I think we might do well to learn how to keep our thoughts private.” She
whispered back.
“I don’t think anyone else heard you, ma’am.” Her driver spoke.
“I think I need to practice this more.” She spoke to both of them. They quickly
looked at each other.
“Perhaps we all need to.” She heard her three other cousins. “Maybe it is a
lingering after effect from our scars.”
“Or perhaps it’s just my cousins being themselves. Remember the trouble we used
to get into together? How about listening to gossip from those who did not
realise we were hidden in the passages?” she thought to the others.
“Wow, this is neat.” Her sister projected back to her. “I am going to have to
master this.”
“As are we all.” Her driver and cousins projected as well.
“Yes indeed, we will need to learn this skill well.” She thought to only
herself. Lunch was soon finished. Again, everyone did their part and help to
clear the tables and quickly reset them for tea before the heads of the houses
departed for the Library. The gentlemen departed for the sanctuary of the north
tower. She thought to herself about the task they would need to set forth to
test one who could possibly join their midst. She walked back into the hall with
her driver. She noticed her sister had already departed, no doubt meeting the
heads of house in the Library.
“Something troubles you, Ma’am?” her driver spoke quietly.
“I fear the evil that was banished from our midst has not entirely left us. I
feel safety within the hall, but I also feel a presence trying to find us. I
cannot tell if they are the same.” She whispered.
“I feel it too, but know not what it is. But I must tell you that I feel an
answer may be hidden in the armoury.” Her driver whispered.
“I think we need to investigate this. I know we should trust our feelings on
this.” She spoke quietly.
“Do we do this discreetly or with the knowledge of others?” Her driver
“We shall need to do this task together.” She stated. “I think it best if we not
inform the others unless we need their help. Agreed?”
“Agreed.” Her driver whispered. “Shall we use the Ferrari?
“Definitely. What’s a road trip with out a little fun?” she spoke. They looked
directly at each other before watching each other begin to grin.
“In the garage. About ten minutes?” her driver asked. She nodded to her
driver and they quickly went in separate directions. She headed for her room and
upon entering found that her clothes were already laid out for her. It was as
though someone had already known what she had been thinking. She hung her robe
on a hangar and placed it in the wardrobe. The next instant she found herself
wearing the simple dress that had been lying on the bed. She casually walked
over to the mirror and regarded her reflection. The simple white dress hid none
of her curves, yet concealed her modesty. Except for the dress, she wore nothing
else. Her bare legs seemed longer than she remembered. The dress completely
flattered her figure. The next instant, simple white pumps appeared on her feet.
She thought of the child growing inside of her. She ran her hands over her flat
belly and thought of how long it would be before her daughter’s growth would
begin rounding her belly. She remembered how she and her husband had made love
and had created the child growing inside of her.
“Tonight, my darling, I shall have you all to myself and lose myself in your
arms.” She thought to herself. She quickly departed the bedchamber through the
hidden passage. She exited the passage on the main floor next to the Library.
Her newly engaged cousin stood waiting for her.
“Walk with me, cousin.” She spoke. “I notice you’ve taken some time to change
out of robes as well.”
“I thought it might be more appropriate than robes to meet my fiancé this
afternoon.” Her cousin spoke.
“A wise choice. Do you plan on speaking with him about his invitation to the
hall for next week?” she asked.
“Yes, Will there be a formal dinner arranged?” her cousin asked.
“Most definitely. How else are we to greet him? Arrive with him before tea. He
shall accompany the gentlemen for the remainder of the afternoon.” She quietly
“It shall be done.” Her cousin replied. She noticed they had neared the entrance
doors. Her cousin departed to a waiting car and was gone. She headed for the
alcove next to the banquet hall and opened the hidden panel. The panel slid
closed behind her as she quickly began travelling the passage towards the
garage. As she entered the garage, she noticed her driver attired the same as
she was except her driver’s dress was a soft grey.
“Ready?” her driver asked. Her driver tossed the keys to the Ferrari toward her.
“I’m not driving.” She spoke.
“Yes you are.” Her driver giggled, as her driver opened the door to the garage.
“After all, it is your car.” She began to protest, but stopped. She slid into
the driver’s seat and sparked the engine to life. She rolled the car gently
forward as though urging a team of wild horses. Her driver slid into the
passenger seat and she pushed the accelerator pedal to the floor. The rear gates
of the estate drew quickly towards them.
“We might even beat one of the cars into town.” She spoke.
“Who’s in it?” her driver asked.
“Our newly engaged cousin is meeting her fiancé this afternoon.” She stated.
“Want to have some fun with the two of them?
“Perhaps if our paths cross.” Her driver giggled. They noticed their trip to the
main road’s intersection was upon them. The Ferrari sat at idle while the car
containing her cousin gently rolled past.
The Ferrari’s engine responded with a roar as she let out the clutch, the
Ferrari gained speed and quickly overtook the other car. The two women looked
over at their cousin and winked before speeding past. The look of complete shock
on her cousin’s face told her all she needed to know, That no one knew she was
away from the great hall and had no idea what she was presently doing. The
Ferrari came to an abrupt halt a short distance from the hotel. She thought
about it for a moment then slipped the clutch out and sped past the hotel’s
front doors and turned the corner into the parking lot. She skidded the car
backwards into a parking space near the rear of the lot.
“Where did you ever learn how to do that?” her driver asked.
“I don’t know, we must be related to Mario Andreti.” She giggled. But handling
the Ferrari the way she did actually scared her. She had noticed that she seemed
to possess skills she never knew she had.
“The formula one circuit will never be the same again.” Her driver giggled as
well. “Why are we here, anyway?”
“There’s something here that we need to find. I don’t know what it is, or
where it is, but it’s here, and it must be important or I wouldn’t feel this
strong about it.” She spoke quietly.
“As do I, I could feel something the moment we left the Estate.” Her driver
said. “But where to start?”
“Get us into the servant passages, I think what we are looking for is hidden
there.” She spoke. They approached the hotel servant entrance together, and
slipped discreetly inside.
"And what else is there, dear," the nurse asked gently!?! "I-I'm always aroused," Nicki replied in a hushed voice, "I mean sexually that is!!!" "Really," Meg asked, "like right now even!?!"... |
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