Hot im so worked up frm your storie that girl sounds like a nice lil pet that needs 2 be between my legs aaahhh just thinking of your story is getting me wet going to read it again pls write a second part i will keep eye out on this site yum more pls
Posted by tara
i am lovin it ummmmmmmmmmah, lovely stories
Posted by BiPussyLover
Made me wet. I wanna rub my pussy now.
Posted by Juvenimss
"We can safely perdict that some women will decide that it is easier, all things considered, to team up with a girlfriend for parenting purposes..."Hahahahahaha, really? I mean, there have been some ridiculous arguments presented already, but this one really tops them all. So in a system where plenty of platonic relationships could already take advantage of the benefits of marriage, the biggest danger is that somehow straight women are all going to decide to raise babies with their bff?I mean, first of all, I don't know how "safely" you can say that, since there's absolutely no evidence or logical reasoning behind the statement. But my biggest problem with this argument is that you're implying that straight people entering into a SSM marriage when they're not gay is somehow wrong, misleading, and fraudulent, but you have no problem telling us that we already have to right to get married, just to someone of the opposite sex. So what's the difference? Because it sounds to me like you're saying, "People entering into a marriage that doesn't match their sexuality is wrong, unless they're entering a marriage as I would like it defined, then it's fine." Pretty weak argument, if you ask me.
This is my story about how a school project allowed me to taste my first cock and get fucked in the ass...