The Challenge
Type : Fm, mf, 1st time, voyuer
The years had whizzed by for Valerie. She had just turned 16 and was a junior in high school. Her earlier years had not treated her kindly, but as she developed, she was being noticed more and more by the local boys in school. Valerie was not new to sex, that’s an entirely different story, but suffice it to say that she had some experience. Valerie was 5’4” tall, 104 lbs., 34B-25-35, longer blondish-brown hair, and trimmed her pubic hair, only because she was taught that trimming was okay.
Anyways…with that out of the way, Valerie was attending high school in a very small, rural community in an extreme southern state. If she were to travel 6 miles farther south from where she lived, she’d be knee deep in ocean water. The other teens that attended the school were all from relatively the same income level as her family. There was no competition for who had more of anything. The boys were all horny and trying to get laid any time the opportunity arose. Some of the boys made the opportunities when things got slow.
Val was part of a church group that a lot of the other teens belonged to and during the spring and summer months they would go to various camps around the area. For years nothing exciting ever happened at these campouts. The coming weekend would change the lives of a few of the teens forever. Virtually all of the teens that belonged to the church group had plans to attend the campout for the weekend coming up. The biggest reason all were attending was this camp site was the largest and most secluded of all the sites that they attend. The supervision was decreased to a level that the teens were treated as adults and expected to act as such. Trust was big in the community and everyone was expected to behave as adults or suffer the consequences from the entire community
The week leading to the campout drug out and each day seemed to take a month to pass. Finally, Friday afternoon had arrived and everyone going was excited and antsy to get classes over with. The final bell rang and there was a mad dash for the exits from the school. People fanned out toward the older busses that transported them home and little talk was exchanged between any of them. The roads and yards were quiet for a few hours as the kids completed homework assignments and chores, and then packed for the weekend. At around 5:30pm or so, as if a silent alarm had been tripped, children came out of their respective homes with their bags and walked the few blocks to the church. By 6:00pm there were roughly 75 teens gathered in the parking are of the church. An older, rickety bus with more rust than paint, rattled into the parking lot belching small puffs of smoke and loud enough to wake the dead. When the bus stopped, the door opened and out stepped the youth coordinator for the group. He yelled for everyone to grab their stuff and get on the bus. They wanted to be there before dark and the drive was roughly 30 minutes. This would give them almost an hour before darkness fell on the campsite. The bus was so overloaded with kids and camping gear that about 1/3 of the teens had to resort to standing in the aisle for the ½ trip. Val found herself standing in the aisle with her hips pressing against Jared, the local geek. Jared wasn’t a bad looking kid, 5’7” and growing, thin and lanky, blonde hair and brown eyes. Jared was 17 and desperate for his body to develop. Each bump or curve caused Val’s pelvis to rub against Jared’s shoulder.
Val couldn’t help but notice that her pussy was rubbing up against Jared’s shoulder and the rubbing was beginning to become quite pleasurable for her. She hoped that Jared wouldn’t notice. Her jeans provided enough of a fabric barrier that she felt okay with the Jared was too busy trying to read a comic book that he had brought along for the ride. It was an older comic book, worn almost to the point that some of the words were not readable. He kept the book close to his face so he could make the words out. The last part of the trip was the dirt, not gravel, road leading in to the camp. There were ruts and holes that caused the bus to lurch almost violently as the driver sped toward the parking area. Val kept bumping and rubbing her pussy against Jared’s shoulder. He finally had had enough of the annoying pushing and turned to look at Val. His head spun around and his face was right in line with her pussy. He grew red with embarrassment as he quickly looked back toward his book and kept silent. Finally, the bus came to a halt with a big lurch as the rear wheels dropped into a rut as it stopped. This action caused Val to fall on Jared. Jared tried to get Val off of him and pushed blindly on the body that was on top of him. His hand landed as if on cue, right on Val’s covered pussy. Jared started pushing and thought he heard a low almost perceivable moan coming from Val as he pushed. Finally Val was able to regain her balance and stood up. Her face was flushed as she stood there regaining her composure. The doors opened and people started grabbing gear and moving toward the door. Soon, the bus was empty and several of the teens had already separated into little groups.
Youth Group Coordinator Benjamin bailed off of the bus first and was busy getting all the names of the teens that were on the bus. He checked them off of his list, making sure that those that got on the bus were going to be the ones that were there until Sunday afternoon. After he had completed the list, he grabbed his gear and headed for the camp counselors cabin. He needed to make a call to find out how long it was going to be before the rest of the counselors made it there. A quick call confirmed that they had left and should be about 10 minutes behind the bus. There was a small problem, though. Seems like nothing ever goes off without some kind of a glitch. The counselors for the boys had not been able to make it as they were going to be held over at the college for the weekend. He had only 5 women to handle the entire group of 22 boys and 53 girls. This was going to be a problem but nothing that he couldn’t handle. With the help of one of the women, he could share the group of boys when he had other camp duties to attend to.
Ben made an announcement over the camp public address system and had all the kids come to the front of the counselors cabin. Once there he went outside to address the kids and let them know of the small change that had occurred. He announced that there would only be one male counselor, himself, that would be at camp this weekend, but that he was making arrangements for one of the female counselors to be available as needed when he was tied up with other things. The group of boys murmured their approval as there would be very little supervision for them. This was going to be an excellent weekend for pranks, misconduct, and all out free-for-all for them. The carload of female counselors pulled up and out came 5 college girls that looked like they should be swimwear models. The boys stared at them and some of the girls could be heard hissing as they saw them. Ben introduced the girls as they came toward him. Val paid little attention to what was going on as she was busy looking around for a spot that she would be able to pitch her tent. She found a spot close to the water and hidden from view by the undergrowth and trees. Ben released everyone to go and pick out their campsite and set up. Val made a bee line for her gear and headed off in the opposite direction from where she had selected. She wandered around for a few minutes until she was sure that everyone else was busy and she could go unnoticed to her secluded spot. Getting there proved to be a little more difficult than she had anticipated. She thought that it was a wise choice to wear jeans on the first night there. She was glad that she did. She found a spot that would be perfect, hidden completely from view of the rest of the camp, quiet and the undergrowth would serve as an excellent perimeter alarm in case someone came through the area. She had a great view of the water when she stood up outside her tent. She had her tent set up in short order complete with hanging lantern and battery operate fan. She made some checks of the area with the lantern in different locations and found that if the lantern was placed on the ground directly in front of her tent, it could not be seen from the counselors cabin or the rest of the area. Val could do as she pleased without fear of being seen by anyone.
Jared had found a favorite spot that he had used in the past. It was across the lake directly in line with Val’s site that she had picked out. Now, Jared may have been considered a geek and nerd in school, but, he knew his way around that camps and was very much the avid outdoorsman. His book worming had paid off and he had been able to apply a lot of what he had read about out here in the woods. He knew how to stalk prey, track, and remain undetected while walking through the wooded areas. He reached the opposite side of the lake and began the climb up the hill to his secluded spot that he could watch virtually anyone on the campground. Jared had saved money from the time he was 9 years old and used it wisely for things that he felt he would need. Along with the camping gear he had purchased, he found, quite by accident, a pair of night vision binoculars. They were the newest concept in night time searching. He spent all of his money to make the purchase and guarded them with his life. He allowed no one near his campsite, nor did he have a problem with anyone finding him. He finally made it to his site and quickly set up camp. He was careful not to light his lantern as this would give away his position. Once set up, he turned and sat in front of his tent. He could sit there for hours undetected as he had done many times before. The darkness of night provided excellent cover and by the time everyone was stirring in the mornings, the sun had already cast a shadow over his site. Jared was sitting there watching all the activity from the others when he noticed the light coming from Val’s site. He grabbed his binoculars and zeroed in on the site. He almost jumped out of his skin when he found that it was Val. He could see inside her tent and all around it. Her lantern gave excellent lighting for him. He watched as she moved the light here and there and walked away. He could tell that she was checking to see if her site could be detected from the counselors cabin. He was elated when she selected the spot directly in front of her tent. He could see everything. This was going to be a weekend to remember for Jared, only more than he had ever anticipated.
Ben made the announcement over the p.a. for everyone to come to the counselors cabin again and Jared left his site walking stealthily through the woods. He was about 50 feet behind Val when she emerged from her site, not knowing that Jared was there. She looked around, saw nothing and stepped out into the clearing. Jared saw her and had frozen as she looked around then when she started walking he walked behind her. He felt so confident that he was undetected that he unbuttoned his fly and pulled his cock out and walked that way behind Val, making offering gestures to her back as they walked. As he got closer to the site, he put his cock away and buttoned his pants. Val gave a little start as she saw Jared walk up behind her. She wondered if he had seen where she came from. Val dismissed her fears rather quickly; thinking of who it was that was behind her. Val had no dislikes for anyone. She felt that Jared had no interest in women at all, so she felt safe around him. Ben made his announcement about the mornings activities and the schedule of events. Hot chocolate was going to be offered at the mess cabin and a bonfire was being stoked in the pit far behind the counselors cabin. Almost everyone stayed for the companionship at the bonfire, along with the hot chocolate. Jared stayed long enough for his chocolate drink and quietly slipped off into the night. He made his way to his site and set up his tripods for his camera and his night vision binoculars. He checked his supplies. 20 rolls of film should be enough for the weekend.
Val was sitting around the bonfire with several other boys and girls. The
counselors were all there and stories were being traded among all of them about
just about everything. Val was wondering who was going to be sneaking off to
whose tent later. She could see some obvious pairings as she watched the girls
make their subtle advances towards the boys that they wanted to have visit them
later. Val looked around for someone that she might be interested in. The
pickings were slim as there weren’t a lot of boys there. Those that did prove to
be interesting enough were being grabbed up quickly. Val soon resigned herself
to the fact that tonight would be spent alone. She grew tired of the stories and
quietly excused herself and headed off toward her site. She was careful to walk
off in a different direction to keep everyone away from her site. Jared, sitting
at his site, watched intently through his binoculars as Val wandered aimlessly
before she made the trip to her site. Val lit her lantern and looked around to
be sure that nobody saw her. She walked out toward the water and stood there for
a few minutes contemplating whether she should strip and go nude or be more
conservative and leave her panties and bra on. She slowly stripped as she
wandered around her site, getting braver and braver with each piece of clothing
that she shed. Jared was getting a show and the slow movements gave Jared plenty
of opportunity to get the photos that he wanted. When Val got down to her
panties and bra, she waited a long time before deciding to lose the bra. Jared’s
cock jumped as she finally uncovered her firm, young breasts. He was silently
begging her to remove the panties and complete the show. Finally, after an
agonizingly long wait, Val stepped out of her panties and fluffed the pubic
hair. The slightly cool breeze felt invigorating on her pussy as she stood
there. She was certain that she was undetected by now and went back to her tent
and fumbled through her gear.
She found her blanket and spread it out in front of her tent and laid there. Val was feeling great so far and thought that she could top off the evening with something even better. She reached up above her head and twisted the knob to extinguish the light. Her hands slowly made their way down to her pussy. The longer they stayed there, the more excited she got. She started playing with her clit and finally slipped a finger inside of her pussy. Her hips were writhing slowly as she did this. Jared was busy snapping photos and monitoring the activity through his binoculars. He had pulled out his cock and had been stroking it slowly as he watched. He wondered more and more what it would be like to sink his cock inside of her. Visions of this had gotten his cock rock hard as he watched and wondered. He stopped shooting the photos as he became engrossed on what Val was doing to herself. Her hips were going up and down as she frigged her pussy and rubbed her clit. He saw her hips raise and hold there for a minute as her fingers were a blur. Jared was stroking his cock wildly as he watched and he finally stiffened. His hips moved forward as if he wanted to bury it inside the woman in his binoculars. His cock spewed a river of cum in front of him. Val’s pussy was spasming as her fingers slammed in and out of her pussy. She felt that warm feeling wash over her as her orgasm erupted. She slowed her frigging as her orgasm subsided. Jared pulled on his cock a few more times before he was done and began to lose interest in what Val was doing. He sensed that she was done and started to look around for more activity. Seeing that most of the others had already left the bonfire and the counselors were gone, he decided it was time to wander the grounds. Jared put his book learned skills to work and began wandering throughout the camp. He was able to move throughout the camp undetected. He was able to find all of the campsites and a few he stopped at, listening to the activities going on inside the tents. He was able to hear a few of the girls getting sexed up, but quickly found it boring to merely listen to them. He listened to the girls asking their partners to go down on them, guys that were obviously inside the girls and cumming too quickly for them. He would listen for awhile then wander off to see what other kinds of activities he could scout out.
Val laid in front of her tent for a long time basking in the warmth she felt from her orgasm. She thought of how great it would be to have a guy there with her to cuddle with. She sighed loudly as she sat up and dressed again. She checked her watch and saw that the time had come for the games to begin. She left her site and carefully emerged from her hiding place and over to the pit, as it was called by everyone that had been there. The pit was the secret place where the teens would meet late at night and hold games of different types that their parents would never allow at home. Val got to the pit and found that she was one of the last ones to arrive. She looked around and could barely make out some of the familiar faces. As usual, Jared wasn’t there, he never attended these and she doubted that he even knew about them. She found an opening in the circle and sat down on the ground. Marie, the group’s self chosen leader stood up and announced that they were ready to stat playing. The 1st game to play was “post office” and it went off with the kids getting quick jollies from each other. This game went on for about 15 minutes before everyone got bored with the limits of the game. Someone in the group asked if the could play “truth or dare” and everyone turned and agreed with the idea. They all regrouped in a circle and sat down. They started the game with Marie leading it off. She had Wayne ask her for truth or a dare. Wayne asked for a truth. Marie took a deep breath and told him to go ahead. Wayne asked her if she had ever sucked a guy off. Quickly Marie denied the question. The groans from the rest of the crowd indicated that they didn’t believe her. Some laughed and others told her that she had to tell the truth. Marie listened to them for a minute then told them the truth. She had gone down on a guy before and he did cum in her mouth but she refused to swallow it. Just as she finished her statement she stopped quickly and was looking over the group at the figure standing behind them watching. She wasn’t sure if it was Ben or someone else. She asked who was there and Jared walked forward. Marie sighed in relief as did some of the others. As long as it wasn’t one of the counselors, they were okay.
Marie asked Jared if he wanted to play. Jared was reluctant but then decided he would try it. Marie then asked Val if she wanted a truth or a dare. Val chose the dare. She had learned a long time ago, it was much safer to take a dare than it was to have to let out a secret. Marie then gave Val a dare.
“Val, I dare you to…french kiss Jared!” Marie said quickly.
“No! Why did you do that?!?” Val cried.
The rest of the group was waiting for her to take the dare. Val was not one to
back down from a challenge. She took in a deep breath and got up and walked over
to Jared. She sat down in front of him and leaned over to kiss him. Jared was
nothing but smiles not from happiness mind you he was scared to death! Jared had
never kissed a girl and the nervousness was showing. Val tried to kiss Jared and
her lips were met with teeth. She pulled back for a moment with a puzzled look,
then leaned forward and whispered in his ear.
“Have you ever kissed before?”
“Ummm…no.” Jared said quietly.
“Okay, I need you to relax your lips for me. You’re going to make us both look stupid!” Val said quickly.
“Okay, okay!” he retorted.
Jared stopped smiling and licked his lips. He drew in a deep breath and told Val to go ahead. Val quickly leaned forward again and planted her lips on Jared’s and snaked her tongue out and between Jared’s lips. Jared was caught off guard. He didn’t expect the tongue and started to pull away. When he felt her tongue touch his the charge of energy he felt was odd. He liked it. He stayed where he was as Val continued the kiss for another few seconds before she pulled away. Jared was thankful for the darkness as his cock strained against his pants. His cock was hard like a boulder teetering on the edge of a cliff. One little touch and over it would go. The group had laughed when they saw Val kissing Jared and then it was over. Val jumped up and asked the next participant what they wanted. Jared stood up and quietly slipped away from the group. Nobody was paying attention to Jared anymore but he didn’t care. He had gotten a kiss from Val and for the first time, he took a very keen interest in Val. He no longer wanted to watch in the shadows, he wanted more. He wandered around the camp for a while until he was at the counselors cabin. He stood under the windows where to sleeping rooms were and pondered his next move. Jared thought he heard sounds coming from inside one of the rooms and moved to investigate the noise. He crept up to the building and eased himself up to the window where the noise was coming from. He peaked in and saw Ben in bed with Claudia, one of the counselors.
She was a tall bust blonde that Jared had noticed would look good in anything she wore. Ben was in the process of fucking Claudia. His hips were bouncing up and down quickly as his hips met hers with loud “smacks”. Jared guessed that Ben wouldn’t last very long like that, and he was correct. He heard Ben groan and then stop moving. He laid down on Claudia and asked if it was good for her. Jared almost laughed out load when he heard Claudia say that Ben could’ve lasted longer but he was okay. The tone in her voice said that she was disappointed in Ben’s performance and was left unsatisfied. Ben rolled and sat on the edge of the bed and Jared quickly dropped down out of sight. He moved away from the building and started back towards his camp site. He checked his watch as he strolled towards his tent. He was shocked when he realized that 90 minutes had passed since he left the group. He made his way back to his tent and gave a quick check of the area through his binoculars. He saw that the group had disbanded and they were all gone. Justin checked Val’s site across the lake and saw that she was nude sitting inside her tent. Her light was off and she laid back as Jared watched her. Her position gave Jared a clear view of her pussy as she lay with her legs slightly spread. Jared had seen enough and wanted more. He moved from his tent down the hill and across the lake. He made his way through the brush and down to the lakes edge until he was directly in front of Val’s tent.
Dad get's a present from Mom and Alice... |
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